The Destruction of Jennifer – Chapter 02

In Chapter 2, Jennifer struggles with the aftermath of the day’s events. Yesterday she was an up and coming executive and trader at a top tier Wall Street firm. Today, framed for crimes she did not commit, she has a choice. If she does nothing her fate is sealed; it will mean hard time. But … Read more

Captured in Ajikistan

Captured in Ajikistan Arianna, Layla, Mira, and Sandy had embarked on their risky adventure with the best of intentions. Working for an NGO aid group called ‘Hearts Healing Conflict,’ they had volunteered to help bring in humanitarian supplies to the tiny, struggling third world nation of Ajikistan, which was in the midst of a civil … Read more

A desperate Charmeleon

A fire-type Pokemon can feel quite powerful while walking through the forest, and it is for this reason that Pokemon of this stature are expected to show a humility and kindness.. This, however, was NOT in the nature of this particular Charmeleon, for each of her boastful steps through the heavily wooded area was a … Read more

Fem Dom with Wife’s bitch friend.Chapter 2

I hadn’t seen Julie, my wife’s best friend, since her last visit to our house. Now all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since. I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie. On her last visit, Julie … Read more

A Long Night’s Journey into Cuckoldry

She was by every measure an innocent beauty AND a simpering whore; her body both the holy temple of her soul and an open sewer of repressed sexual depravity. This was all apparent to the discerning eye; it aroused anxiety and confusion in the chaste but the compulsion to defile, flog and torture in more … Read more

blame the internet for me being a sissy slut

I suppose I should blame the internet. If there was ever a case of too much choice then the internet is that case. As a famous TV show once said if they took the porn off the internet there would only be one site left on the internet ‘’ After about 5 years of just … Read more

Seven Year Itch

I had a nine o clock meeting with a customer four hours drive away, so my boss had let me drive down on the Thursday afternoon and because the meeting could easily run into five or six hours, he said he wasn’t expecting me back on the Friday. I wasn’t away from home much and … Read more

The Organic Belt

My wife is an organic scientist, a damm fine one. She has always made me proud with many groundbreaking discoveries. She was raking the money in since shortly after we married and it was a no brainer for me to take to the house dad role. I raised the kids, pursued my hobbies, we traveled, … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 28) – Fertile

Chapter 28 FERTILE Laura didn’t remember when she had stopped trying to resist the Mayim Clinic treatment. It must have been after they adjusted her collar to help her keep wet all the time. It had been a month now since her cunt had last been dry. She found it hard to think straight now, … Read more

White Picket Fence, Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Across the Lawn I wasn’t even supposed to be home that night. I was supposed to be half a country away. In hindsight, I suppose it was fate that brought me to my bedroom balcony. But at the time, fate felt a lot more like, I don’t know… insecurity? I had a four … Read more

Making a better world

We were just about ready for our guest to arrive; dinner was just requiring the last-minute touches and Leanne was had just finished her makeup. The guest we were awaiting was someone I met through a work friend and was fascinating. We’d had a great conversation in a pub, so I had invited him to … Read more