Aunt’s Chance

Aunt’s Chance CD was staying with his aunt after being discharged from the Army. Honorably. He didn’t have a lot of money so staying with her made perfect sense. At least until he could get some money together. The Corona Virus had changed his original plans and he spent the last two years working with … Read more

Down The Road part 2

As we started out of the driveway, began to tell me which mall we were heading to before Jake interrupted. “Turn at the next light,” he laughed. “Sir I thought I was picking the mall?” Karen protested. Bob was laughing now. “Yeah right. you thought wrong!” I made the turn and started towards downtown, before … Read more

Fiona the office whore…..Her first month

The following weeks for Fiona where totally different to her normal working life. After she became the office whore with my help and encouragement, in a humiliating and degrading way which I’ve previously written about, her working life was never to be the same at this company. This instalment from the family of whores describes … Read more

Voyages of Kes

Terms: Star Trek Voyager was a Sci-Fi TV show in the 90’s about a space ship trapped in unfamiliar part of space far from Earth and struggling to get home. Kes was an alien from a species called Ocampa. She had large pointy ears and a blonde pixie hair cut. She had very large breasts … Read more

S.O.L. Games: What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? part 1 of 2

DON’T START AT THIS CHAPTER How to read S.O.L. Games (pronounced ‘soul’) : Start with the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order. (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order. (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) Then read … Read more


BadBoys They roadblocked us in the alley. We were returning home on a cheerful winter evening. I’ve seen both around here before. Hoodlums of the neighborhood. I don’t know the other two. They call themselves BadBoys. Four ugly bastards. “Whatever is in pockets!” someone hissed. I pulled my sister behind me and protected her with … Read more

Visiting the Doctor

I hated going to the doctor. I never trusted those guys. They think they know everything but more often than not they don’t! I had avoided our family doctor’s surgery for years. However this chest infection was not going away by itself and I realised I was going to need some prescription medicine. “Miss Jones, … Read more

New Jock Tales Chptr 3 Shphomore Year–13″ and a Ducati

New Jock Tales—Sophomore Year—CH 3—13” and a Ducati About 10:30 there was a knock at the door. “What the fuck” It was Mark Mattox, and he said he had a new deal for me, if I was interested. I said sure, but this deal had nothing to do with sex. He said I would be … Read more


42 GEL AT HOTEL DEL “Sean, it’s amazing how many friends and family say they plan to make our wedding! Lot’s willing to fly in. Some even canceled Labor Day weekend plans.” “Sounds like we’ll fill that banquet hall after all.” “I think they just want to gel at Hotel del. I’m thankful that your … Read more

Getting my ultimate revenge on my bitch ex-girlfriend

Oh, by the way, sorry if words are starred, but i originally wrote this for another site that banned swears Here it is: I found a long standing girlfriend of mine, that I had had in school and now (during this, I’m older now) in college, had been having a longstanding affair through my friends … Read more

Salt – Part 1

When I was a teenager there were much fewer things to occupy my mind in a much simpler and docile world. Like my contemporaries and the countless generations that preceded us, there was quite a significant focus on the opposite sex – oh the stupidity that we would subject ourselves to in order to get … Read more

Terror After the prom

Ling Hui (44) and her daughter Jenny (18) driving home after the prom saw flashing lights ahead. The police directed them down a detour to avoid the accident site. As they detoured through an old industrial area, Ling Hui thought how pleased she was about the prom. She had remained by Jenny’s side throughout just … Read more

College Sex Chronicles: Sister Hazing

None of the seasoned sorority sisters thought the shy, mousy pledge girl would have the guts to get through the intensive period of hazing. Jenny, the pledge, had a very quiet, timid voice. She was petite with a very slender frame standing no more than 5ft tall. All the sisters thought her clothes to be … Read more