Wicked Ties Chapter 6

He was fucked.

Wrapped in his arms, sleeping peacefully, was the most annoyingly infuriating girl he had ever made the mistake of sleeping with. And it felt weird. And comfortable. Laura yawned, burrowing her head deeper into the crook of his neck, as if it belonged there. He scowled.

Sex was simple. Only what they were doing wasn’t sex anymore, it was a prolonged session of cuddling. He didn’t do cuddling, especially with someone like her. Desperate to get her off him, he did the only thing he could think of. Bringing his foot back, Derek kicked her in the shin.

“Ow!” Laura groaned, looking frazzled as she raised her head. “Did you just kick me?”

He smiled, trying to feign innocence. “Of course not.”

She glared daggers at him. “You really do know how to treat a lady right, don’t you?”

“Baby, there was nothing ladylike about you last night.” Derek grinned at her.

Laura rolled her eyes, and pushed herself up. “Well this has been lovely.”

She looked for her pants and underwear, finding them in the corner. She felt disgusting and in desperate need of a shower, but getting out of his room was priority numero uno. To hell with anyone seeing her.

Derek crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back on his bed. She was surprisingly calm, which was the one thing that got to him the most. It was as if she didn’t care. He rolled his eyes, remembering that he was the one that didn’t care. Not at all.

“So, that’s it? You’re not going to cry, beg for a few more minutes with this body?” He smirked.

Laura went to his bag of clothes, fishing out a random t-shirt. She grinned as she saw the band pictured on it. Metallica. It was fitting, to say the least. She pulled it on and flipped out her hair.

“Stop that.” Laura chided with a smile. “I’m not angry. I’m not even annoyed.”

“What?” Had she gone completely insane?

She sighed, already exhausted by talking to him. “We had sex. What’s the big deal? It’s over. Now we move on, until the next time one of us gets an itch.”

It wasn’t the exact truth, but he didn’t need to know that. She was affected by him, greatly so, but he was the last person she’d ever confess that to.

He furrowed his brows. It was as if he’d been sucked into a foreign dimension where she talked like he did. Well, like he used to. “I don’t follow.”

Laura grinned, walking over to his bed. She straddled him and pinched his cheeks. He slapped her hand away, causing her to laugh at him.

“You’re so cute.” She cooed mockingly. “Look, I don’t like you. I probably never will. But you were right. Sex is just sex. As far as I’m concerned, you giving me that recorder evened out the playing field. Everything you’re doing to annoy me…it’s irrelevant. I don’t
care. And I gotta say, I feel fantastic.”

Derek glared at her. “Well look who finally decided to join the winning team.”

Laura smirked, lowering her head and sucked his bottom lip. “I really gotta run now. Thanks for the sex, sweetie.”

His jaw dropped open as she jumped off him and walked out of his room. He felt cheated, and strangely used. He shrugged. At least she was a good fuck, not that he’d ever inflate her ego by telling her that. She already had way too much power over him, he
refused to give her more ammo.

Derek sighed and let his head drop against his pillow. It was maddening, the way he craved her even when he’d just had her. He rolled his eyes. It didn’t matter. She was different from all the rest, and falling for her would be much too dangerous to even consider.
Not that he was considering it. Not at all. Nope.

On the other side of the door, Laura let out a sigh of relief as she looked over the deserted bus. She’d gotten her groove back last night, but she wasn’t quite willing to make a reputation for himself just yet. Just as she was pondering the implications of her and
Derek’s sexcapades, the door opposite Derek’s, Daniel’s to be exact, opened up in haste. Laura’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.

“Caroline?” she asked, unable to resist the smile creeping across her face.

Caroline looked like a deer caught in headlights. Her previous cat burglar outfit from the other night had magically transformed into an oversized men’s t-shirt that came all the way down to her thighs.

Caroline plastered a big smile on her face. “Laura! I didn’t know you’d be up this early.”

Laura quirked an eyebrow. “Uhuh. Have you seen Daniel by any chance?”

Caroline’s eyes bugged out comically, as she sputtered and tried to come up with the right words. “I, uh, haven’t seen him. I was just borrowing something from him.”

“His Yale t-shirt?” Laura asked, amused. “Did you lose your pants too?”

“Look, I was just…” Caroline sighed, before narrowing her eyes at her friend. “Wait! Why are you coming out of Derek’s room? And why are you wearing his shirt?”

She cringed. She really was a hypocrite. “Let’s not discuss this.”

“Ever again.” Caroline added.

Laura nodded, before sprinting for the shower.

“Laura! I need to go first.” Caroline whined as she chased after her.

Laura slammed the door shut, locking it firmly, before slumping down to the floor. As she heard Caroline pounding on the door, calling her several different names, she simply couldn’t help it. She laughed harder than she’d ever laughed in her life.

(An hour later.)

“We weren’t supposed to talk about it.” Laura nursed her drink.

Caroline glared at her. “You took up all the hot water this morning, I’m hung-over, and only some good gossip will make me feel better.”

“Just yesterday you had feelings for this guy, and now you want me to tell you about our sex life?” Laura raised her eyebrows.

Caroline picked up the umbrella from her drink and tossed it at her. “I’m way too depressed to be focusing on something as trivial as a crush on Derek.”

“You’re depressed?” Laura grinned, wanting to change the subject. “It didn’t seem like it this morning.”

Caroline moaned, letting her head fall against the bar counter. “I am never drinking again, or taking part in one of your stupid plans!”

“My stupid plan? You were the one who came up with it!” She chose to remind the blonde.

“Remind me never to make plans. Ever again.” Caroline muttered.

Laura rolled her eyes. “Was it really that bad?”

Caroline huffed, before lifting her head in a flurry of blonde curls. “Bad? Oh no, that doesn’t even begin to cover.”

“Okay, so Daniel isn’t as experienced as Derek in that matter, but it can’t be that…” Laura tried comforting her, only for the blonde to cut her off.

“He was supposed to be gay!” Caroline yelled obscenely loud, getting a few nasty glances from fellow customers. Laura shot them apologetic looks.

“Why couldn’t he just be gay?” Caroline whined. “This is just awful.”

“So you had sex.” Laura gave her a tight smile. This level of girl talk was new to her, what with Audrey’s young age. “Isn’t that kind of your thing? No offense.”

Caroline gasped with horror, before shaking her head rapidly. “We didn’t have sex!”

“What?” Laura asked, genuinely confused now.

Caroline sighed, taking a big gulp of her drink. “We just slept together. Ugh, we were spooning! Okay, so there might be a chance that he’s still gay.”

“Because he didn’t take advantage of you?” Laura smiled. “And what the hell happened to your clothes?”

“Don’t remind me.” Caroline groaned. “I think I was a little bummed out being so unwanted, that I had a little too much to drink, and…”

“And what?” Propriety aside, Laura couldn’t help but feel engrossed in her story. After all, she had been watching Ken and Barbie’s love story develop for the past few weeks, it was only fitting for her to see it get resolved.

Caroline groaned again, covering her eyes with her hands. “I think I took them off and threw them at him. If memory serves, he had to carry me kicking and screaming from the club to the bus. And I asked him to stay with me! Oh gosh, this is awful, he’s just so…”

“Chivalrous? Nice? Respectful?” Laura offered.

“No!” Caroline pouted. “Well, okay, it was kind of nice of him to not ignore me even though I mocked his clothes and his hair, but I just can’t. I can’t handle someone like him. He’s too chivalrous, nice and respectful. Yuck.”

Laura rolled her eyes. “Maybe that’s exactly what you need. You know, after Derek and all…I’m just saying, if I need to let loose, you might as well try something a little more serious.”

“You know.” Caroline giggled, “I never knew you’d turn out to be such a slut.”

Laura glowered at her and she immediately raised her hands in defense. “Oh no, I didn’t mean it as an insult.”

“Really? Because it sounded like a compliment.” Laura replied sarcastically.

Caroline shrugged. “I’m glad you’re having fun. And I’m happy that I’m focused on his idiot of a brother to think about that jerk you’re sleeping with.”

Getting a little uncomfortable at the way the conversation was going. “Speaking of,” Laura tried changing the subject. “When are they supposed to go on?”

“In about 15 minutes.” Caroline stated. “But I was promised gossip and I intend to get it.”

“I don’t know what to tell you.” She replied honestly. “We had sex, but it’s nothing serious.”

Caroline grinned, before looking down. “Sure.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Laura narrowed her eyes.

“Nothing.” Caroline kept smiling. “I just still don’t think you’re that girl.”

Laura pulled out the recorder from her purse, dangling it in front of the other girl. Caroline squealed and clapped her hands together excitedly. “You got it!”

“Yup” Laura said smugly. “And to answer your non-question, I’m not that girl. But I’m also not that headcase you all think I am. I don’t know who I am, but I’m having fun finding out.”

Caroline smiled widely. “I’m happy for you.”

Laura smiled back at her. She was happy for herself. Her career was intact, her writing had never been more inspired, and she was having fun. What more could she ask for? Granted, sleeping with Derek was a big mistake just waiting to explode on her face, but
it felt good. She was playing with fire, and she’d never felt more like a woman in her life.

Laura and Caroline finished their drinks in silence, before Caroline pointed at the stage. “Oh look, they’re starting!”

Laura looked over to the stage. Caroline was right, the rest of that band were already in position, with only Derek missing. Soon enough, he walked on to the stage, and was met with loud shrieks and screams. Laura rolled her eyes. The bastard was shirtless
again, letting everyone get a glimpse of his toned body.

“Ugh, they’re so pathetic.” Caroline sneered.

“Weren’t you one of them until yesterday?” Laura teased her.

“I was never one of those lame, clingy ones.” Caroline said flippantly. “Why else would I be on the same bus with him?”

Laura grimaced, wondering whether or not she should tell her the truth, only for Caroline to get there on her own.

“Oh God…” Caroline gasped with horror. “This is just awful. I mean it’s Daniel…Eww.”

Laura let out a silent prayer as Derek’s voice cut off Caroline’s rant.

“Hey, everyone,” He smirked at the girls in the audience. “We have a great set for you tonight. Guys, grab a girl, girls, feel free to proposition me afterwards.”

She rolled her eyes as he smirked directly at her, and waved at her. Caroline nudged her playfully.

“Come on, you’ve got to be at least a little pleased with yourself. He’s weird around you.” She giggled girlishly.

“Like Daniel is with you?” Laura retorted.

Caroline nodded. “Point taken. Let’s just stop talking.”

She focused her attention back to the stage, as Derek began to sing softly. His voice soothed her, and she could once again feel herself slip under his hypnotic trance.

You build me up

You knock me down

Provoke a smile

And make me frown

You are the queen of runaround

You know it’s true

And chew me up

And spit me out

Enjoy the taste

I leave in your mouth

You look at me

I look at you

Neither of us know what to do

Laura’s eyes sparkled with amusement as he kept looking at her. At least his song choice showed a sense of humor. He was good, she had to give him that. There was something magnetic about him, as much as it pained her to admit that. His voice seemed to
pierce her, making her crave him once more.

So come to bed it’s getting late

there’s no more time for us to waste.

Remember how my body tastes

you feel your heart begin to race.

Her heart was racing. This was new and exciting territory for her, and the rush was addicting. Derek finished the song to thunderous cheers, taking a dramatic bow. He looked right at her, blowing her a kiss, eliciting laughter from several audience members.

Laura blushed under everyone’s scrutiny. He had no tact! Yet she was incredibly turned on and wanted to go up on the stage and…it wasn’t going to happen. She looked at Caroline and noticed the blonde smirking at her with an ‘I told you so’ written across her
face. Laura ordered another drink from the bartender, suddenly feeling parched.

For the rest of the night, she focused her attention solely on the music, trying her best to disregard Derek’s attempts to rattle her. One time, he even dedicated a song to “Lauren”, which made her want to strangle him with his own mic. She’d remind him of his
name later, and judging by the grin he was sporting, he was counting on it.

After spotting Daniel lurking in the shadows, Caroline had bolted nearly an hour ago, leaving Laura all alone. She didn’t mind. Everything had been progressing so quickly, she did need some time to herself. Suddenly, someone smoothly slid on to the stool next
to her.

As he refused to speak, Laura looked at him amusedly. “Did you want something or…?”

Jensen smiled. “I was just marveling at your beauty.”

“Wow.” Laura laughed, her cheeks tinted from blushing. “That was so incredibly…I want to say ‘cheesy’, but the word doesn’t seem to do you justice.”

“Nor does ‘beauty’ to you.” He quipped confidently.

Laura smiled. “Why aren’t you up there with your merry band of hooligans and misfits?”

He shrugged, with more elegance than she thought possible. “This is Derek’s show no, in case you haven’t noticed. He gets to croon acoustically into the mic, I’m not needed to achieve that chain reaction of panties dropping. Not that I mind, I’d much rather be
here talking to you.”

She smiled, shaking her head. He was attractive, in a very old-fashioned way, and she couldn’t help but feel flattered. He was the first person to treat her with some amount of dignity, and she found it a welcome change.

She spared a glance at the stage and stifled a gasp. Derek was looking at her and Jensen with ice in his eyes. He sang softly into the mic, not breaking eye contact with her.

I know I don’t know you

But I want you so bad

everyone has a secret

but can they keep it

Oh no they can’t

Laura bit her lip. He just had to be singing the song he’d been singing when they’d first met. The one he’d dedicated to her. She hated herself for it, but she wanted to believe in his lyrics. Even when she knew that not even the man singing them to her believed in
them. She tried desperately to rid herself of the thoughts running rampant in her head. He was a lot fun, but she couldn’t afford to get attached to someone like him.

“He’s getting to you, isn’t he?” Jensen asked, smiling at her knowingly.

She shrugged, pretending to inspect her cuticles. “I wouldn’t know about that.”

“Really?” He looked amused. “Because he looks as though he wants to smack me with that guitar.”

Laura laughed dryly. “Sometimes it doesn’t matter what people look like, or what they’re thinking. What matters is their actions, and when it comes to him, my expectations couldn’t be lower.”

Jensen nodded. “That’s a good thing. You seem like a nice girl, don’t let him take that from you.”

With that, he stood up and stalked off. Laura sighed. He’d given her valid advice, and she knew she should probably take it. She picked up her Gin Tonic and finished it quickly. It was very good advice, only she was sick of always being the good girl.

Later that night, as she entered her room, she dropped down to her bed. She was exhausted, having spent half the night listening to Derek. She could type everything down the following day, now she just wanted to get some well-earned sleep.

Suddenly, she felt someone join her on the bed. She resisted the urge to once again roll her eyes, instead opting to turn around.

“Can’t you just knock?” She asked, smiling drunkenly.

Derek shrugged, “Where’s the fun in that?”

He snaked his arms around her waist, bringing his head to the crook of her neck. Laura sighed happily, enjoying the contact, before crashing down to reality. Swiftly, she kicked him hard. Derek yelped in pain, looking at her with his best puppy eyes.

“What was that for?” He asked, pouting.

Laura tilted her head, exasperated. “That was for kicking me this morning.”

Derek snickered. “You should’ve seen your face.”

“Very funny.” She smacked his chest.

“Poor little girl.” He purred in her ear. “Do you want me to kiss it better?”

He slid his hand up her thigh, past her leather skirt. “Of course…I can think of better places to kiss.”

“And I can think of a better use for your mouth than speaking.” She breathed out.

“Likewise.” He murmured.

Derek kissed the inside of her thigh, causing her to shiver. He was so close to where she wanted him. He trailed a path up to her panties with his tongue, causing her wriggle. He gripped her hips firmly.

“Though I do think I should get something in return…” He raised his head and looked at her seriously.

Laura’s chest heaved as she worked to maintain her control on the situation. “What?”

“Don’t go out with Jensen.” He stated seriously.

Laura started laughing hysterically, even as he glared at her. “What!”

“I mean it.” Derek lowered his voice.

Laura had to wipe a few stray of tears from her eyes, finding endless amounts of humor in his behavior.

“So let me get this straight.” Laura continued giggling. “You don’t want me, but no one else is allowed to have me.”

“Correction.” Derek raised his eyebrows, moving up her body until they were only inches apart. “No one else is allowed to have you, BUT me. You’re mine, and I’d wager that’s how you like it.”

She started feeling homicidal again. She pushed him off her. “I’m sorry to disappoint, but I’m not yours, nor will I ever be. What we have is sex. That’s all, remember? You don’t get to tell me who I can or can’t spend time with, or act as if you have some claim on

Derek huffed from the floor. “I never took you for that kind of a girl, you know. I always knew you were kind of a bitch, but I didn’t think you’d just hop from one bed to another.”

Laura gasped, outraged. “You’re a pig. I’m not planning on sleeping with Jensen, and frankly, you really should shut up before that statement starts applying to you again as well.”

He chuckled at her softly. “Wait, so you’re not kicking me out?”

She sighed, rolling her eyes yet again. “Didn’t I tell you to stop talking?”

Derek got up and straddled her once more. “You did, but I was never really one to follow the rules.”

He kissed her roughly, making a fist with some of her hair. He breathed in her scent. Laura moaned as he slid down her body, placing kisses on her as he went. He zipped down her skirt, leaving her in only her white panties.

Derek chuckled as he felt the wet material between his fingers. “You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say fighting gets you hot.”

“You know what else gets me hot?” Laura growled, agitated. “Complete and utter silence.”

He shook his head, grinning widely. “Really? See I happen to think you’re a very verbal person, seeing as you’re a reporter and all that. Want to test that theory?”

Laura furrowed her brows. All of a sudden, she gasped as she felt him slid her panties smoothly down her thighs. He trailed a finger up to her molten core, sliding it between her wet folds.

“Luckily for you…” Derek smirked. “I’m very good with words.”

She whimpered as he thrust his index finger into her roughly. He chuckled, feeling her inner walls squeeze him.

“Have I told you how much I love this body?” he whispered, moving his finger inside of her.

“I think you might’ve mentioned it before.” Laura sighed.

Derek chuckled. “Mmhm, I don’t think you realize just how much I love your breasts, and the way they fit perfectly in my hands. So lovely.”

To demonstrate, he palmed her through her tank top, before she helped him and threw it off her body completely. He lowered his head with a wink, spreading her legs further.

He swiped his tongue between her center, kissing her. “I love the way whenever I touch you right here…” He sucked on her nub, before biting down on it gently. “And you taste so good.”

Laura shivered, trying to stay still, yet failing miserably. If he would only keep touching her…Derek plunged another finger into her heated core, causing her to scream out. God, she could only hope that no one would hear her.

Derek started drawing circles on her, enjoying the way her hips shook. “I love the way your tight little hole feels around me. Can you feel my fingers, pumping inside of you? Just imagine it’s me, pounding your wet slit. Can you do that?”

Laura nodded, as it was she could do. “Derek…”

He curled his fingers inside of her, hitting that spot inside of her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

He laughed wryly. “You know what else I fucking adore? The way you fight, there’s such fire in you. It’s delicious.”

Derek continued moving his fingers inside of her, thumbing her clit at the same time. Her hips were nearly bouncing off the bed, as she dangled on the precipice of her orgasm.

“And most of all…” He whispered, licking her center between words. “I love the way you look when you cum for me.”

Derek raised his head, simultaneously pinching her clit. Laura came out with a loud whimper, as he held on to her hips to steady her. He bent down to lick her again slowly, before coming back up to pet her hair. Laura looked at him for a moment, before slapping
his hand away.

She tugged on his pants, whining as she couldn’t get the zipper down. He chuckled, before aiding her. With the added effort, she was able to push his pants down straddling him immediately.

Her brown curls enveloped them as she bent down to kiss him, moaning as she tasted herself on his lips. It was positively sinful, and she loved it. She bit on his lower lip, tugging at it with her teeth. She grinned as he groaned, grinding himself against her lips.

Laura slid her hand between their bodies, until she felt his hard length between her fingers. She curled her fingers around him, sliding her hand up and down his skin. She laughed lightly as he thrust into her palm.

She straddled him, positioning the tip of his cock at her entrance. With one last look, she sank down on to him, maddeningly slow. As he was finally seated inside of her, she began to move on him. Slowly, she rode him, caressing the planes of his chest with her

With a growl, he flipped them over so that he was on top. He grinned at her as he saw her pouting. “Sorry, princess. I think it’s my turn to be on top.”

Derek slid into her hard, and they both groaned in unison at the chance of angle. Laura squeezed her inner muscles around him, wrapping a leg around his waist for added support. He grabbed both of her wrists in his hands, trapping her underneath his body,
as he began moving at a brutal pace.

He moved on top of her, grinding his hips against hers with every trust. She sank her hands into his hair, feeling the texture between her fingers. He entered her, over and over, sinking deeper and harder into her. Laura bit her lip to keep from crying out, feeling beyond full.

Derek buried his face near her neck, licking her earlobe, before nibbling on it gently. She shivered, feeling his teeth and cock worship her, the mixed sensations causing her heart to flutter. She couldn’t help herself, kissing his cheek softly.

He looked at her strangely, before impaling her on him once more, and swallowing down her scream in a scorching kiss. She couldn’t focus on it, as he made sure to hit her tiny bundle of nerves with every punishing move he did.

She raised her hips, meeting him halfway every time. She couldn’t get enough of this, of him. She was in heaven. Just as she could feel her muscles tense, she felt him pulsate inside of her, and she let herself go. She brought his face to hers, kissing him, as they
came simultaneously, locked together.

Laura kissed him gently for a few more minute. She would never be able to get enough of him. And finally she released a yawn when she pulled back from the kiss and Derek smirked at her.

“Did I wear you out?” He asked happily, snaking his hands around her waist.
Laura snuggled into him, before remembering the situation, and shrugging his hands off her. She turned around to meet his dejected face with a glowing smile.

“I’m just tired.” She smiled. “Was this it or did you want something more?”

With Jensen’s words ringing in her head, she steeled herself. Sex was sex, but that only meant that she needed to work harder to keep her own emotions at bay. True, she wanted him to admit that there was…something more there, but she knew giving into his
every whim wasn’t the way to get there.

Derek looked at her blankly, before nodding and picking up his pants. Slipping into them, he zipped them up and looked down at her. Laura worked to keep her face serene. He bent down and kissed her on the lips, pulling on her upper lip lightly.

As he came up for air, he gave her a half-smile that made her want to invite him back to bed and forget everything she’d just planned. There was a spark between them. An undeniable, unbelievable spark. That would burn her if she’d let it, she reminded herself
one last time.

“Thanks for the sex, sweetie.” He mimicked her earlier words and left the room.

As Derek leaned against her closed door, he sighed heavily. He really was screwed. Right then and there, he’d wanted to stay and hold her. He didn’t do that. Or get jealous over Jensen fucking Anderson. She was messing with his head, more than anyone else
ever had.

He wanted her, yet whenever he tried telling her, something else entirely came out. He cursed himself to the depths of hell. No wonder she wanted nothing to do with him, he was a mess. Not even Freud could crack his account.

Did he want her though? He wasn’t sure. He only knew that he wanted her to want him, though he was failing spectacularly at that. He shook his head, feeling a migraine coming on. He wouldn’t compromise himself just to win her approval that was for sure.

Just as he was beginning to cool down, the door opposite hers, Caroline’s door to be exact, opened up, Derek rolled his eyes.

“Seriously, Danny? I know you’re comfortable with your sexuality, but I don’t think Blondie’s lipstick is going to help with the rumors.” He remarked dryly, looking at his disheveled brother.

Daniel smiled at him goofily, holding up his t-shirt in his hands victoriously. I’m chivalrous, did you know that?”

Daniel skipped off happily towards his own room, and Derek rolled his eyes. Caroline finally had someone who cared about her. Daniel had replaced his blue balls with red lips. And Laura, Laura was happier than ever. And him?

He was fucked.

Author’s note;

Whew! I am so, so sorry. I just couldn’t find the time to continue the story but now that my schedules’ a little loose, i can update chapters every few days. So, you can expect more from me and thank you so much for your kind comments on the fifth chapter. It felt really good to read them. Do vote this story, positively or negatively, that depends on whether you liked the story or not. And feel free to point out my mistakes. Have a good day or night!