Valhalla – Part 1_(2)

Mary couldn’t believe the position she was in. The 18 year old knew her father had owed money, a lot of it, but when she and her mother had confronted him about it he agreed to go to meetings for his gambling addiction, and he had promised them he was taking care of his debts.
Of course, the bastard had taken care of his debts by selling Mary and her mother to a group of slavers. He had gotten a hold of a group of professionals, criminals who had plenty of experience snatching men and women of all ages for assorted buyers all over the world.
The men had come in the middle of the night. Mary had woken to a hand over mouth and more hands tying her hands and feet. They carried her down the hallway of their house, and Mary heard screaming from the stairs, and more men carried her mother downstairs, similarly bound.
As they carried the two women out of the building, she watched her father take an envelope of money from the only man not carrying a thrashing, panicked woman. He held the door open for them, avoiding the gazes of his wife and daughter.
As Mary and her mother were thrown into the back of a van, the man picked up the phone inside his now nearly empty house and dialed 911. His daughter and wife would be reported missing, and after a while the search would be abandoned. He could pay off his debts, and maybe even find a new wife that was less of a bitch.
Mary sobbed against her gag, a rag that had been roughly tied around her head. She, and the other women in the back of the van, were thrown back and forth as the driver of the van took them to their destination – a small airstrip outside of the city, where a plane would take the latest shipments of slaves to the home of the slavers in the middle of the Canadian wilderness.
She tried to worm her way over to her mother, but there at least a dozen captives in the vehicle, and she had no way of knowing who was who in the mess. She continued her quiet sobbing, as were most of the other women, until the vehicle came to a jarring halt.
The back doors were opened and hands reached in and started pulling the women out into the night air. Mary was the second one pulled towards the door and thrown out. She managed to land on her feet, but she stumbled forward into one of the men. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and ordered her to stand still unless she wanted to spend the rest of her trip without the tshirt she wore, the one she had stolen from her boyfriend to sleep in.
The last woman was pulled from the van and out in the line of captives. One of the men walked down the line with a clipboard, checking them each off. Satisfied with his check, he stepped back and addressed the group.
“OK, ladies. 8 of you are taking this plane to Brazil, where you’re gonna be worked as sex slaves. 2 of you are being shipped down to Mexico. A cartel needs a couple of whores to cart some drugs across the border. And the last two of you are gonna be going to a private buyer. She requested a mother-daughter deal, so Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Clinton, please step forward.”
Mary shivered as the man so callously dealt them their roles. She took a step forward, and her mother did the same a few women down the line.
The man nodded and continued. “Ok, the Clintons go with you Jake. Matt, take the two on the end to their crate. And remember food for them this time!” he called as the two men he spoke to jumped into action upon hearing their names. Mary and her mother were led back to the van they had arrived in. The two women on the end were dragged, screaming, to a box that waited to carry them through a network of illegal shipments. The rest of the women were herded towards a small cargo plane that was prepared to take off.
As the van doors shut behind them, cutting off the noise of the outside, she let out a small sob, which seemed much louder than before now that the van was nearly empty. Her mother scooted over to her daughter and held her as best as she could with her hands tied. They huddled together as the van took off, and they managed to get some sleep.

When they woke up a few hours later, they realized the van had stopped moving. The doors were opened, and Mary and her mother were pulled out of the van. They stood in the middle of a driveway that led up to an expensive looking mansion. The men who had delivered them left them standing there, and got in the van and left.
Mary considered making a run for it, but she realized there were nothing but trees around. She glanced back and saw that the road they were brought in on was miles long, through nothing but trees.
A group of figures was already making their way towards them from the house.
The first thing Mary noticed was that all the people that approached them were women. The second thing was that nearly all of them were naked. Mary was freezing in nothing but her shirt and her panties, and her mother wore only a sheer blue gown that revealed her lack of a bra or underwear. But these women stood there, unaffected by the cold. They weren’t completely naked, she realized, now that they were up close.
Each woman wore a belt around her bare waist. Attached to the belts were identical looking hunting knives, pistols, and tasers. They each had nipple piercings, a little heart charm through their left nipple, and a tag through their right.
One woman stepped forwards and smiled at them. “Welcome ladies, to Valhalla. I going to have your gags and restraints removed, but let me be clear. If you run, or scream, or fight, we will shoot your legs out and leave you tied up outside overnight. There are some wild animals out here, and they love nothing than some fresh meat. Understood?”
Mary nodded frantically, the tears starting up again. Her mother also nodded, and two of the women drew their knives and cut them free.
The woman spoke again. “Before I lead you inside ladies, You’ll need to remove your clothing. We forbid anything that hides your body from us..” Before Mary or her mother could object, she continued. “If you don’t willingly strip, we will hold you down and cut them off your bodies. And we aren’t always careful enough to avoid cutting the skin.”
Mary stood there, unwilling to let this woman humiliate her, but when her mother untied her gown and let it drop to the ground, she realized that she had no other choice but to obey. She pulled the shirt over her head, exposing the D-Cup tits she had inherited from her mother to the cold air. She blushed as her nipples instantly hardened in the cold weather, but she continued to slide her pantied down and stepped out of them.
Her tits were exposed, and her pussy was open to the stares of the women. She realized she had forgotten to shave the morning before, so her ginger colored bush was exposed to everybody. The woman who spoke to them stepped forward.
She grabbed one of Mary’s breasts and examined it, squeezing and pinching her stiff nipple. She let out a small moan, and instantly blushed again. The woman smiled and continued her assault on Mary’s tits.
“Are you a virgin, honey?” she asked Mary,leaning forward and nipping at Mary’s ear. In that instant, Mary realized that they had been delivered to some sort of lesbian group. Mary nodded, and the woman slapped her across the face.
Mary screamed, and her mother was held back by two of the other women. Mary’s attacker grabbed her hair and pulled her towards her.
“If I ask you a question, I want an answer, bitch.” the woman snarled, all traces of friendliness gone.
Tears ran down Mary’s face as she shook.
“Y-Yes, maam, I’m a virgin. My boyfriends taken my ass, but that’s as far as we went.”
The woman sighed, and let go of Mary’s hair. She swung a leg out and knocked Mary’s legs out from under her. The girl crashed to the ground with a yelp, and remained there. The woman knelt beside the sobbing girl.
“Get on your hands and knees girl. My mistress prefers her entertainment to be somewhat experienced, so we’ll start you out right now.”
Mary obeyed the woman, not understanding what she meant. The woman unclipped something from her belt that none of the other women wore, and stepped towards Mary’s mother. Her eyes widened as she saw the object, which she had thought was a baton, had an extended handle that curved outwards. The tool was covered in ridges and bumps.
Mary’s mother realized the tool was some sort of dildo, and the women holding her had to renew their grip on the struggling women.
“Mrs. Clinton, you’re going to use this dildo to take your daughter’s virginity. If you don’t, then I will. And when I’m done, I’ll let four other women here have a turn with her. And for every women that fucks her, I will cut off one of her fingers.”
Mary’s mother froze, and the woman took the chance to reach down and hook the toy into the woman’s shaved pussy and she rammed it upwards and slightly out, lodging it in there as the woman screamed in surprise and guilty pleasure.
Mary’s mother stood there, and eventually, with a defeated sob, she walked behind her daughter and got on her knees, lining the fake cock up with her daughter’s pussy. Mary was crying, begging her mother not to do this, begging the woman to stop this torture.
Mary screamed as the dildo rammed into her pussy, ripping through her hymen. Her mother told herself to stop, that it was done, but her body wouldn’t let her. She continued ramming her daughter from behind, enjoying the feelings she hadn’t experienced from her husband for almost a year.
Mary screamed for her mother to stop, but she just couldn’t. The woman fucked her daughter right there, in the middle of a driveway with a group of strangers watching them. Her back arched as her orgasm flooded through her. Some distant part of her mind realized that Mary was screaming from her own orgasm.
Mary’s mother collapsed on top of her, and they lay there panting like dogs. The women surrounding them were laughing, and their leader smiled at them.
“Well, it looks like the new recruits show some promise. Somebody carry them inside. Let’s start their real training.”