Training Samantha Part 2

Training Samantha part 2.

The bathroom was quite exquisite and absolutely huge.

Every surface gleamed white except some fittings cast in crystal clear high strength acrylic material.

One wall was just a huge mirror.

The floor shone with polished tiles, shower heads protruded from the ceiling seemingly randomly, bidets and lavatories and even a crystal clear bathtub littered the room in seeming disarray.

Sammy was visibly shocked at the sight. She expected privacy, there was none.

“Where do I get cleaned up?” she asked.

“Why right here,” Lenny replied, “Coffee?” he asked.

“What?” Sammy asked.

“Enema, coffee or water, we have strawberry sometimes,” he suggested.

“No way!” Sammy protested, “My ass is an exit!”

“Not any more,” Mike chuckled. He grasped Sammy by her wrists and made her bend forward. Lenny took a hose from a cabinet, lubed the end and firmly pressed it against Sammy’s ass bud.

“Look no, I said no,” Sammy protested, “I said nooooooo.”

She was too late Lenny had the end of the tube easing up inside her.

“Please!” she protested. Lenny ignored her and when he was satisfied he turned on the flow of luke warm coffee.

“Don’t worry its de caff,” he laughed.

“Oh gosh,” Sammy gulped as her belly began to swell, it was actually quite pleasant. Something nudged between her legs, she couldn’t see. The flow continued, she started to cramp. She had to go. Suddenly Lenny withdrew the tube.

Sammy just had to go, she tried not to but to her extreme embarrasment she started to shoot coffee and mess out of her back passage.

Lenny had already placed a collector behind her. It sucked everything into its catch tank and as soon as the flow stopped Lenny replaced the nozzle and filled her up again.

By the fourth time the flow was clear. “Please I want to go home now,” Sammy whined.

“Not so quick, you will really enjoy this next game,” Mike assured her.

Lenny dried Sammy’s backside with a cool air dryer and then he lubed up a thin butt plug and eased it up Sammy’s back passage.

“Its too big,” she protested but it eased all the way in.

Lenny was pleased, he knew if the butt plug fitted so did his cock.

He gave her a minute and then lubed his cock and rammed it firmly up Sammy’s ass.

“Ohhhh,” she gasped as her back passage was stretched as never before.

“Mike,” she protested, “Help me.”

“Sure Honey,” Mike agreed. He released Sammy’s hands allowing her to stand, but then with a grin he dropped his Levis and shorts to stand before her.

He took a condom and slid it over his erect cock. “Say please!” he whispered and bending his knees he eased his cock into Sammy’s sopping pussy.

“You bastard!” Sammy sighed as the sensations of two meaty cocks filling her raced through her brain. Her first orgasm came almost immediately.

“Sammy you cum beautifully,” Mike assured her, “You really like this don’t you?”

“No!” Sammy lied.

Mike kissed her ear, “This is real raw sex, no nonsense about love, just you getting what you need, Ok?”

“No, its horrible, oh god I’m cunming again,” Sammy protested.

She saw herself in the mirror, sandwiched between the big black janitor and the slim white businessman.

Her feet were barely touching the floor anyway so she wrapped her legs around Mike unconsciously pulling him even further into her.

Her mind was completely overloaded with pleasure and then quite suddenly Lenny grunted and started to shoot his load inside her, and that prompted Mike to cum as well.

They carefully lowered Sammy to her feet. Mike peeled off the condom and slipped it into a bin. “You better learn how to clean cocks,” he suggested.

“How?” Sammy asked.

“Why with your mouth of course,” he laughed, “Go on.”

He pushed her head gently down towards his shrinking cock. “Suck,” he ordered.

“No!” she protested, but he forced her mouth open and eased his cum covered cock between her lips.

She tried to back away but eventually had to relent. His cock tasted funny. She flicked her tongue over it and to her horror it started to swell again filling her mouth easing towards her throat.

“Oh that’s good, suck me baby,” Mike said soothingly.

Sammy sucked. She liked the idea she was pleasing Mike. She was almost choking but didn’t want to disappoint him. Her holes felt horribly empty. She wanted them filled again.

She pulled away, “Fuck me Mike please!” she pleaded.

“One thing at a time hon,” he said, “Oh fuck!” His cock was pulsing shooting cum all over Sammy’s neck sending it dripping down between her breasts, “You filthy girl!” he laughed, “Its time we took you home.”

“No I need a proper fuck,” she insisted.

“You will be sore as hell in the morning,” Lenny advised, “You want to build up gradually girl, you get cleaned up and have a feed then you can decide whether you need some more action.”

Club goers were starting to arrive now, a couple of girls, regulars at the club came into the bathroom,

both wore masks, one with a corset and fishnet stockings, the other in a latex nurse outfit around three sizes too small.

“Hi,” they greeted Sammy, “I’m Leila.”

“I’m Claudia,” the other girl announced, “Are you new?”

“She’s just leaving,” Lenny said firmly.

“Aw, don’t you want to play? Don’t you like girls?” Claudia asked.

“Maybe next time,” Lenny said, “Go home, eat and rest girl, you had enough fucking for now.”

“Oh at least let us fix your make up hon,” Leila suggested, “Lets go out back where the punters can’t see.”

“What do you mean?” Sammy demanded.

“Why that’s a two way mirror, the folks in the club can see everything,” Claudia explained,

“And its filmed on a live feed to the pornweb, didn’t you know?”

Sammy shook her head.

“It’s a good thing you have a mask then!” Leila laughed.

“I guess,” Sammy agreed.

The private area bathroom out back was much more ordinary. There were cubicles and showers

. Make up mirrors with lipstick, blusher eye liner virtually everything required available.

The floor was tiled like a wet room sloping slightly with drains along one side.

Sammy’s clothes were piled neatly on a table, she went to get dressed.

“Hey not so fast, you need to get cleaned up,” Claudia advised, “Sit down a minute.”

Sammy sat in a swivel chair with plastic imitation black leather upholstery.

“You look sore,” Leila observed, “I guess Lenny fucked your ass?”

“First time,” Sammy agreed.

“They spunk in you?” Claudia enquired. She continued

“It’s always safest to suck them of the last bit, not so messy as getting it on your boobies or in your hair.”

“And your puss,” Leila added, “Lets see if we can get that nasty spunk out of your pubes, you really ought to shave like the rest of us.”

Sammy had not realised there was spunk in the pubic hair. She let Claudia sponge it for her.

It felt nice. Claudia moved to sponging Sammy’s pussy and then eased her thumb inside Sammy while tickling her clit with her forefinger.

Sammy gasped and Claudia kissed her full on the lips, “See you do like girls,” she laughed, “We will play properly next time you come!”

Leila called Claudia away, “We are on in ten minutes, best have a practice.”

“Practice?” Sammy asked.

“Doing a show for Seven Thirty, Watersports, the guys love it” Leila explained, “It takes weeks of training though, maybe you’re into it?”

“No I don’t swim,” Sammy confessed.

“Not that sort of water sports!” Claudia laughed, “I think you need an education girl!”

“I ought to get home,” Sammy replied, “But thanks.”

Sammy finished dressing and went to leave for home.

Mike was waiting for her.

“I’ll walk you,” he suggested.

The street was deserted. They walked together, “Did that help?” he asked.

“Uh, I don’t know,” Sammy confessed, “I’m sore.”

“But you are hinking about your experiences, being fucked?” he asked.

“Of course!” Sammy insisted, “I have been violated in all my, my, my, everywhere!”

“Do you want to fuck again?” he asked, “There’s a back alley between stores, we could do it in there.”

“Do you want to?” Sammy asked, “Only Mom and Dad will wonder where I am.

“Good answer, only asking, I’m Ok unless you really want to?” he replied.

“Its awkward, I guess should wear a skirt not Levis,” Sammy observed.

“Sure, Levis send a message, skirts send a message,” Mike agreed, “Tomorrow maybe?”

“Tomorrow,” Sammy agreed as they arrived back at Mike’s office,

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sammy promised, “Bye!”