the way I dreamed it part 1 chapter 5

The Way I Dreamed It
Part 1
Chapter 5
“YOU’RE WHAT!!” said Hiashi.
“Father!!!!” said Hinata terrified that her father now knew and worried what her was going to do.
“What kind of whore are you to get pregnant when you’re seventeen!!!!!!” yelled Hiashi right in her face.
“I’m not a who-” Before she finished Hiashi slapped Hinata hard in the face with enough force to knock her on the floor.
“Don’t talk back to me!!! Stupid girl, you should know your place by now” he yelled as he stood above her ready to hit her again to put her in her place again.
“DON”T HIT HER!!!!!! AND SHE”S NOT A WHORE” yelled Hanabi defending her sister; she tried to stop her father from hitting her again. Hinata was already sobbing and crying due to the manner her father was treating her, although it really wasn’t that surprising; he always treated her like she was trash.
“You shut your mouth!!!” said Hiashi as he slap Hanabi like he did Hinata but more severe.
“HANABI!!!” yelled Hinata as she continued to cry and sob, she tried to rush to her but was stopped by Hiashi.
“You don’t even love me or care about me!!! So why do you care!!! Just leave me alone!!!” yelled Hinata from the floor.
“You are my blood, it doesn’t matter how much I ignore you other people won’t. You’ve already disgraced me with your weakness, I can’t let people see that my own blood is nothing but a little weak whore” said Hiashi with such anger that Hinata could see it in his face.
“W-W . . . . . . . . WHY!!!!” Hinata yelled wanting to know how he could be so cruel and why.
“I guess that’s why only person a weak whore like you can turn to, to a low life good for nothing demon” said Hiashi.
“NARUTO-KUN IS NOT A DEMON!!!!” yelled Hinata still sobbing.
“I said not to talk back to me!!!” said Hiashi as he slapped Hinata again.
‘It’s you . . . . . . . you’re the real monster’ thought Hinata.
“DON’T HIT HER!!” yelled Hanabi; she too already had tears running down her cheeks.
Hiashi grabbed Hinata by the wrist and began to drag her out of her room.
“Where are you taking me?” she said sobbing as she tried to pull away.
“We’re going to get rid of that THING! Before the council finds out” said Hiashi.
“NO!!!!!!” she yelled then with all her strength she yanked her hand from his grip, “You’re not taking my baby!!!” she said holding her belly and stepping away from him.
“THAT’S WHAT YOU THINK!!” yelled Hiashi as he stepped towards her.
“I’m not ganna let you hurt them!!!!” yelled Hanabi as she ran and tackled her father to the ground.
“Quick Hinata . . . run” she yelled to Hinata.
“No . . . I’m not ganna leaving you!!!” she said too worried about what could happen if her sister stayed behind by herself.
‘Think about the baby!!!. . . . . . Go!!!” Hinata turned and ran to get away from her father.
“Hinata come back here!!!!” Hiashi got up grabbed Hanabi slamming her to the wall and knocked her unconscious; then he went after Hinata.
20 minutes later
Tsunade was in her office talking with Sakura, Ino, and Tenten, when door slammed opened. Everyone turned around to Hinata with a red and very swollen cheek, tears running down her cheeks, and her hair a mess.
“Hinata what in the hell happened to you?” asked Tsunade worried by the way she looked.
“Hinata!!! Are you ok?” asked Tenten.
“Hokage-sama help me . . . . . . . he’s trying to get me to get rid of her” said Hinata.
“Hinata what are you talking about?” asked Tsunade.
“My . . . my f-father . . . . . . Is trying to get rid of her” said Hinata.
“Who is her and why would you father want to get rid of her” said Tsunade.
“Hinata you shouldn’t disturb the Hokage . . . come” said Hiashi in a cool and calm manner as he arrived and stood by the door and play the Hokage. Hinata quickly hid behind Tsunade.
“Hiashi what is going on?” asked Tsunade.
“Oh . . . . . . nothing, Hinata is just tired mentally and physically after a hard day of training, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she just needs some rest, I’ll just take her home” said Hiashi.
Tsunade looked at Hinata then at Hiashi, “And what would be the reason for the red mark on her face, the mark on her face looks like an open palm” she said not believing what he said.
“He hit . . . . . . Everyone turned to look at Hinata,” . . . . . . He hit me because I didn’t let him get rid of her”
“Hinata what are you talking about?” said Tsunade.
“I . . . . . . I’m . . . . . . I’m pregnant and he wants to get rid of my baby so that the council wont find out” this wasn’t the way she wanted them to find out but she to tell.
Tsunade and the girls all were surprised at what she said.
“You surely don’t believe her, Hinata is very responsible young girl she wouldn’t get pregnant, she’s just seventeen” said Hiashi still trying to play the Hokage.
“Of course I do” said Tsunade, what Hiashi said was true but she also knew that Hinata would never lie to her.
“The choice to keep the baby is only up to the mother and that is Hinata. Hinata will not return to the Hyuga compound, and if you come anywhere near her I’ll kill you and that is a promise” Tsunade said the last part so much killing intent.
“Fine, Hinata don’t bother coming back. You are no longer my daughter and no longer a Hyuga you are disowned.” Said Hiashi as he turned to leave.
“Wait!!!. . . . . . What did you do to Hanabi” said Hinata.
Hiashi didn’t say anything; he just looked at Hinata with a serious face.
“What happened?” asked Tsunade.
“He hit Hanabi as well, she stayed behind distracting him so that I could get away” said Hinata.
“Ino go and tell Shizune to send and ANBU to the Hyuga compound and retrieve Hyuga-Hanabi if she is hurt in any way take her to the hospital and then report in” said Tsunade.
“Right” said Ino and left.
“If Hanabi is hurt in any way like Hinata is, she too will be removed from the Hyuga compound, Hiashi leave now, and I will schedule an appointment with you later to continue this discussion” said Tsunade with anger that could barely be held in.
Hiashi left leaving Tsunade, Hinata, Sakura, and Tenten in the room. The room was completely silent.
Hinata quickly hugged Tsunade and hugged her tightly, like a little girls would hug her mother after being scared to death, “Than-thank you” she then prepared herself for the questions that would soon to follow, but they never did.
Hinata released the hug, and then Tsunade put an arm around her shoulder and lead her to the couch that was on the far side in her office. She sat Hinata down.
“Hinata lay down, I think you should rest” said Tsunade.
“I can’t I need to see Hanabi” said Hinata worried about her little sister as tears continued to run down her cheeks.
“Hinata, Hanabi will be fine I promise you, but you need to get some rest, it’s not good to be this stressed out while your pregnant, sometimes being too stressed out may cause a miscarriage and I know you don’t want that” said Tsunade.
“No no no noooo, I . . . I want my baby” said Hinata as she hugged her belly. The other girls couldn’t help tear up a little bit by what was going on.
‘How could her father do that to her and her sister . . . . . .? How could he try and get rid of her baby . . . . . . Hinata’s pregnant’ both girls thought.
“I know you do, that is why you have to rest ok, we’ll talk later” said Tsunade.
Hinata laid down and went to sleep. Tsunade just stared at her for a moment, she really liked Hinata, she was such a sweet, caring, and gentle girl and she didn’t deserve to be treated the way she has. From now on she was going to make sure that Hiashi or any of the Hyuuga clan didn’t hurt her anymore and her sister. Tsunade healed her swollen face while she slept.