The Training … Part 1

It had been about two months after my first encounter with Bruce, Charlie and Daniel. Sex was a new thing to me since I never had sex before and knew nothing of the mechanics of sexual intercourse!

On my way to school I saw Bruce and Charlie standing on the sidewalk. Fear gripped me immediately and I slowed my progress. Bruce stepped away from Charlie, more to the curb, and looked in my direction, Charlie remained standing near the shrubbery.

As I got closer Charlie called out ‘ … Hey Bruce, ain’t that our good friend? … ‘ Bruce grinned answering ‘ Yeah, that is David. Hey David how you been man? … ‘ Worried I tried to walk pass them only to have Bruce stand in my way.

Charlie asked ‘ … Where you going David? …’ I answered ‘ … On my way to school! … ‘ Bruce chuckled and stated ‘ … Not today, you got sick and did not get to school! … ‘ Now I was terrified as to what they were about to do.

Charlie continued ‘ … you don’t want to go to school and be bored all day. You can come with us and have some fun, I know we will! … ‘ Both sort of chuckled as Charlie stepped to me reaching for my books. I moved back saying ‘ … No, I’m good. … ‘ Bruce smiled at me and said ‘ … OK, keep your books, come on we are going to have fun! … ‘

Bruce and Charlie stood in front of me blocking my way, we stood there for a few seconds before Charlie informed me ‘ … This is your choice. We beat your ass here and you will be glad to come with us next time! Or you come with us now and we don’t beat your ass and we go have some fun, your choice! … ‘

Defeated I succumbed and turned to go with them. We traveled to the home of Charlie and Daniel and entered into their basement rooms. It seemed the same except that Daniel was sitting on the couch in his pajamas.

Charlie closed the door as Bruce answered Daniel’s question ‘ … Did you guys have any trouble? … ‘ ‘ … No, David wanted to get to school but we told him how much more fun he would have with us instead! … ‘ Bruce replied, Daniel chuckled.

Charlie went into one of the bedrooms and returned carrying a couple of furniture pads and some sheets. Bruce and Charlie moved the coffee table and placed the pads on the floor covered with the sheets making a large pallet. Daniel lift his feet and placed them on the familiar ottoman.

I was still standing about four feet inside the door holding my books as Bruce and Charlie return their attention to me. Bruce came closer saying ‘ … I’ll put your books here by the door so you want forget them! … ‘ Charlie began to to speak of a time when they were in Juvenal Detention.

‘ … You remember the white boy I turned out in Jefferson? … ‘ Daniel answered ‘ … Yeah, I remember him, how did you do that? … ‘ Charlie continue ‘ … you know they only let two of us shower at a time that night, and as the Detention Officer took us to the shower a fight broke out in one of the dorms. He told us to get in the shower and he would be back. … ‘

‘ … Once we got undressed and entered the shower I told him I wanted my dick sucked! That fool told me to go fuck myself! … ‘ Daniel asked ‘ … What did you do? … ‘ Charlie looked at me and walked closer as he explained ‘ … I walked over to him and slapped the shyt out of him! … ‘ Just that moment Charlie slapped me so hard I saw stars and dropped to the floor. Charlie caught me lift me up and kneed me in my groin so hard I doubled over.

Charlie let me fall to the floor and knelt down, he lift my face so I could see him clearly and said ‘ I told him you my Bitch from now on. What ever I say you gonna do or I’ll kick your ass and you will still do it! Do you understand? … ‘ Bruce laughed saying ‘ … Is that all you did, if I remember that Bitch never argued with you or us after that night! Matter of fact he even came to my bunk and sucked my dick after lights out! … ‘ Daniel chimed in ‘ … he did me also! … ‘.

Charlie stood up as I laid there withering in agony and started to undress. He removed his shirts, shoes, socks and pants. Then he turned back to me kneeling down he told me ‘ … I had to beat that white boys ass so bad he begged me to let him suck our dicks! You want me to do that to you? … ‘ I could not answer as Charlie pulled me to my knees.

Charlie stood in front of me, as I trembled and whimpered, with his hands on his hips. ‘ … This what you gonna do … ‘ he continued. ‘ … You gonna pull my draws off and fold them up nicely and lay them by your side! Then you gonna slowly stroke my dick till I tell you what to do next! Now get busy! … ‘

Trembling in agony and fear, I slowly reached up and took hold of one side of his jockeys. Charlie scolded me saying ‘ … use both your hands Butch! … ‘ Fearfully I lift my other hand and took hold of both sides of his jockeys and slowly pulled them to his ankles. Charlie stepped out of his jockeys and I tried to fold them neatly and place them at my side.

Charlie stood there his teenage penis bobbing up and down in my face. Charlie snapped ‘ … get on with it! … ‘ Resentfully I reached out and took hold of his thick penis as I did so it throbbed violently in my grasp. Slowly I stroked his dick moving my hand back and forth from his pubic to half way up his shaft.

Charlie started to speak ‘ … A Bitch has to be trained to follow instructions or know they will be punished. After I whipped that white boys ass he was more then willing to follow my instructions! … ‘ Bruce laughed saying ‘ … I wondered why he was so obedient. All you had to do was to nod and he went to work. I sort of felt sorry for him! … ‘ The three of them laughed!

Charlie turned his attention back to me saying ‘ It don’t make no difference to me, I can beat your ass every time or you can be obedient also. If we want you, you want us! Understand? I looked at Charlie puzzled as to what he was saying. Charlie gripped my lower jaw in his left hand, with such a force I though he would break it off. I quickly grabbed his wrist as he spoke ‘ Bitch, you supposed to be stroking my dick not my wrist! … ‘ I released his wrist and returned to stroking his penis as he continued.

Today we are going to train you how we like our Bitches! You gonna do what we say or I’m gonna whip your ass till you do! If you understand nod your fucking head! … ‘ I slowly nodded in agreement.

Charlie placed his right hand on the back of my head and pulled me to his crotch saying ‘ … open you mouth and suck on my dick! Watch your damn teeth if you want to keep them! … ‘ Not being in a position to refuse I parted my lips as he pressed his penis into them. Once his penile ridge was pass my lips he stopped and said ‘ … suck now Bitch, suck it like it’s a piece of candy! … ‘ I could taste the saltiness of his pre-cum.

Charlie seemed to be pleased with my reactions as he left his penile glans in my lips and sort of moaned slightly. His grip on my lower jaw lessened and he started to stroke the side of my cheek. Charlie told Bruce ‘ … Once Bitches know what pleases you they will want to please you all the time. Tears of shame steamed from my eyes as I felt the shame knowing Bruce and Daniel was watching intently as to what I was doing.

Charlie ordered me ‘ … open your mouth wide! Wider! Bitch you are going to be a good Bitch! … ‘ Charlie slowly pushed and pulled his penis back and forth over my tongue. I thought to myself that Charlies penis was getting larger when suddenly he gripped my head pulling me to his crotch. His penile head was press against my throat and was gagging almost throwing up when his dick erupted and filled my oral cavity with the thick substance of teenage sperm.

‘ … Swallow Bitch, Swallow my nutt! … ‘ I could not swallow the nasty substance and gagged so violently that his fluid was forced to explode thru my nose and from my lips wrapped tightly around his thick penile shaft! Charlie held me in place as best he could till he had emptied all his seed. Releasing me I collapsed to the floor puking my guts up as Bruce and Daniel laughed. Charlie then started to kick me roughly off the pad saying ‘ … Bitch I told you to swallow my shyt! … ‘ Bruce stepped in and held Charlie back as I tried to protect myself!

Daniel said ‘ … clean that mess up Charlie! … ‘ Bruce came over to me with a wash cloth and wiped my face clean. Charlie gathered up the sheet and tossed it towards to washer and dryer. He also spread another sheet down on top of the furniture pads.