The Titchester Chronicles – The Tit Tip Bar (2)

Samantha Beechum adjusted her cream backless crop top as she sat at the bar. Short black skirt and black ‘fuck me’ shoes completed the outfit. It was just before 4:30 pm. Sammie was early. The tension and excitement of going back to the Tit-Tip Bar had overridden her good intentions.

Unlike last night, she had strode into the relatively empty bar full of confidence. She was a lioness stalking her prey and judging by the flotsam of men floating around she had plenty to choose from.

Sammie eyed the potential competition. There were two women in their thirties, clearly there for after lunch fun and giggles, and two other younger girls. Both brunettes each with a gaggle of men around them. One seemed to be flashing her boobs.

No matter. Sammie knew she was looking hot. She crossed her legs making sure they were being shown to their best advantage and smiled at the men who made eye contact. A tiny shower of Tit-Tips came her way. She ignored them. Singles she imagined.

After a few more minutes a short man in his thirties, dark hair, glasses and a sallow complexion approached her. Sammie smiled encouragement.

“May I buy you a drink?” he asked shyly.

“You may” a bigger smile was his reward. “White wine,” she said to the barman who nodded.

He put his drink down on the bar. “I sent you some tips” he confided.

“Good,” said Sammie.

“I’m Daniel, Danny” he seemed disappointed she hadn’t checked her phone.

“Dan it is then. I’m Sammie” she proffered her cheek to be kissed. Delightedly he did so. With a great show, he tapped his phone. Sammie ignored the vibration in her purse.

Sammie’s drink arrived. She took a sip. “Very nice,” she said. Dan beamed again although she hadn’t specifically thanked him.

“Tell me about yourself, Dan,” she asked.

“Well, not much to tell,” he replied.

“Will it be boring?” asked Sammie sweetly.

Dan nodded. “I’m an accountant. Self-employed”

“Well, that’s not boring. It means you are good with money. Always a plus point for a man I think”

Dan visibly straightened. “I am actually”

Taking out her phone Sammie continued sweetly “Although as you have sent the grand total of 15 tips I have to seriously question your generosity and the value you place on my company. Do you like my legs?”

Dan spluttered “No, it’s not that at all…”

“You don’t like my legs?” said Sammie sharply.

“No, I mean yes you have great, fantastic legs, you are gorgeous, sexy girl,” he said agitatedly but also with a hint of excitement. He hurriedly sent Sammie 50 tips.

“My legs are one of my best features don’t you think”

“Yes but all of you you is great Sammie”

“Miss,” said Sammie coolly.


“It’s Miss Samantha to you. It’s Sammie to my friends”

“Of course Miss Samantha. I do apologise”

Sammie waited. Dan went red and sent more tips. Another 50.

Smiling to herself Sammie stretched out her leg. Her spiked-heel less than an inch from his groin. He stepped back slightly. Running her hand down her leg Sammie went on “These lovely legs were wrapped around a hunky guy last night. A very successful man, forties, very experienced. Knows how to fuck a girl properly. You know what I mean Dan?” she asked doubtfully

Dan stayed crimson. Imperceptibly he pushed himself onto Sammie’s heel “Not really Miss Samantha” he said quietly.

Sammie nodded. She eyed him intently for a minute then said: “Come with me”.

They walked to a more private area, one of the many little nooks that were shielded from general view. Sammie sat on one of the stools. Dan remained standing.

“Time to gauge your worth, Dan. Your worth as a man and your worth to me. To be honest it’s not looking good but I thought I would give you a chance to prove yourself. Did you gaze at my bum as we walked over here? Don’t lie. I’ll know.”

Nodding, Dan said “Yes Miss Samantha. I’m sorry”

“Being sorry costs” Sammie reminded him.

“I’m sorry – “ he stopped and tapped his phone. 50.

“You think you are man enough to look at my bum? Don’t answer I think its fairly obvious. Now for the big, or not so big, one. You get anything to fuck a girl with or are you packing a clit dick?”

Dan moaned. Sammie raised her leg and dug her heel into his groin “Well? She demanded. “I’m not feeling much here Dan”

“It’s…it’s okay I suppose” he answered

“Really? That’s a proud boast.” Sammie sipped her wine “So?”

Looking confused Dan said “I’m not sure what you want Miss Samantha” he admitted shamefaced.

Sammie’s voice was ice “Get out of my sight you moron”

Alarm flashed on Dan’s face “Please no Miss Samantha. Just tell me what you want. Look” he frantically tapped his phone. 100. “I’m begging you”

Sammie choose to be slightly mollified. “Well beg then”

Dan looked around and then got to his knees looking genuinely embarrassed.

“Please, Miss Samantha. I’m begging you” he said earnestly.

“Begging for what?” asked Sammie looking down at him.

“Don’t dismiss me. Please”

Sammie waved the toe of her shoe in his face. Eagerly he kissed it.

“Did I ask you to slobber over my expensive shoes?” she asked coldly.

Dan looked as if he was on the verge of tears.

“Did drooling over my heels make you hard” inquired Sammie

Dan had no answer. His brain was mush and there were traps everywhere. He went for honesty.

“Yes Miss Samantha”

Sammie sighed with disappointment “You got hard without my consent?”

Resigned Dan sent Sammie 70 tips. “That’s all I have left in my account,” he said ruefully.

“Then top it up, Dan. You won’t be much use to me otherwise.”

“How much…”

Impatiently Sammie took his phone off him. “Let’s see, oh let’s link it your company credit card. It’s your company and you do the books so no nasty surprises there. 500, no a 1,000 should do the trick” Sammie topped up his Tit-Tip account and tossed the phone to him.

“Still hard or maybe even harder?” asked Sammie

“Harder Miss Samantha” he admitted. The act of her physically taking control of his card had almost made him blow his load. Taking deep breaths Dan tried to compose himself.

“Lucky I charged you an extra 75 for that then isn’t it?” said Sammie

“Yes. Thank you, Miss Samantha”

“So let’s see it then” continued Sammie.

“See Miss Samantha?”

“Your cock. That maggot you seem so proud of. Let’s see if it measures up. Remember every inch under 6” will cost you 50 tips. Are we sure that 1,000 I put in will cover your cock tax?”

“Cock tax? I…I didn’t know there was a cock tax” stammered Dan.

“Oh honey, there is always a cock tax” a fresh voice broke in. It was Bianca.

The two girls kissed warmly, Dan temporarily forgotten they briefly chatted “You look stunning” said Sammie as she admired Bianca’s tight dress in autumn gold and matching block heel sandals. Bianca had done her hair into a natural afro. “Almost didn’t see you,” said Bianca “just checked round a few corners on the off chance and here you are with…” she looked down “…well with something” she finished dismissively.

“Miss Bianca has no chair to sit on,” said Sammie also looking down at Dan “And she requires refreshment.”

Eagerly Dan sprang to his feet and secured a stool for Bianca.

“Irish Mule and be quick” ordered Bianca.

“Having fun?” she asked Sammie when Dan went to the bar.

“Passes the time”

“Good for you babe. Knew you would be a natural at this game. You either let them have your pussy or treat them like pussies. Long as you read them right you’ll be fine” smiled Bianca. “Before he gets back just wanted to fill you in on something”

Sammie listened intently as Bianca talked. “Okay. Appreciate you telling me” She stopped as Dan trotted over with more drinks

“So cock tax huh?” said Bianca with a devilish grin.

Sammie speared Dan who had gone puce again, a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. “Out with it” she ordered.

Nodding Dan fumbled with his zip and pulled out his semi-erect cock. In truth, it dribbled out rather than sprang. It didn’t fare well under the scrutiny of the two girls.

“Well get it out then,” said Bianca

“No…wait” Sammie peered closely, “I think it is out”

“Fuck off. No way is that a cock. Its a loose thread or something”

“Seriously it is. Look it’s getting bigger. Well not bigger, just less tiny”

Dan squirmed with pleasure at the humiliation the girls were heaping on his member

“At least he doesn’t have a wife, think what the poor cow would have to put up with,” said Bianca.

“I’m married,” said Dan.

Both girls laughed “You ‘re a funny guy” said Sammie.

“Yeah. I mean you aren’t serious are you?” asked Bianca.

Dan nodded. “8 years now”.

“You’ve kept the poor woman roofied for 8 years?” said Sammie horrified.

“No, not at all. She loves me” he added lamely

“Let me see her” demanded Bianca

Dan scrolled through to a picture on his phone and passed it over. The image was of a blond, plump, pleasant-looking woman in her thirties. “She’s smiling so who is porking her?” said Sammie

“No one,” said Dan “Well apart from me that is.”

“She’s getting cock. No way is a woman smiling like that and not getting cock. Big cock as well” said Bianca.

“You seen her before hun?” asked Sammie.

Frowning Bianca looked closely. “She does look a bit familiar. Always getting the frustrated housewives in here on the hunt for cock. Think I remember her getting screwed by some likely lads a while back. Fucking like a crazy woman she was. Your wife like big, black cock?”

Dan’s cock was making a decent showing at the thought of his wife getting fucked, and by black men no less.

Bianca laughed “You white boys sure love being cucked”

“You reckon it was her?” said Sammie playing along.

“Pretty sure. Desperate to feel some big cock inside her. Her husband’s clit just tickled her she said. Poor cow. By the end, she was walking bandy-legged and dripping cum everywhere”

“Can’t blame her,” said Sammie “I mean look at it” she gestured at Dan who let out a small groan, “It’s a 150 tax easy, and I’m being kind here”

“Think of his wife babe. Probably got a lover round their gaff right now”

“And screwing her brains out in the marital bed” agreed Sammie “Okay 200 cock tax it is, payable to those unlucky enough to see that pathetic mushroom of yours”

Dan jerkily hit his phone and then half doubled over as he spent himself down his trousers and onto the floor.

Sammie sighed. “Get down and clean that up”

“And an extra 50 each for making the mess without permission” added Bianca.

Dan happily licked up his cum.


Sammie was getting lunch at the local sandwich bar when Chris May tapped her on the shoulder. She had a nasty smile on her face.

“What do you want?” asked Sammie curtly.

“Seeing if you enjoyed your fuck on Friday” replied Chris

“Yes, thanks. You enjoy being the local gang bang whore that night?” said Sammie sweetly

“Yes as it happens. I know what I am, unlike some stuck up cows”

No point in trying to shame the bitch thought Sammie. How do you shame someone with no shame? “I’m sure your other half would have enjoyed the spectacle,” said Sammie giving it another go anyway.

“Which one? Most of them do enjoy eating cum out of me”

“Fuck you,” said Sammie

“You wish hun. You wish”

Sammie walked out with her order. Chris followed

“My boss wants a word,” said Chris.

“Not interested”

“Oh, you will be interested. Trust me. If you don’t listen it won’t end well for you”

Sammie stopped and turned on the older woman “That a threat?”

“Yes. Get in the car.” she indicated a blacked-out limo waiting by the kerb.

“Fuck you”

The door of the limo opened and a familiar face stepped out “Babe”

Sammie stared at Bianca “What you doing with this slag?” she snapped

“Watch your mouth bitch” muttered Chris. People had started to stop and stare.

“Please Sammie get in the car” pleaded Bianca

Chris took Sammie’s arm and ushered her into the car.

Sammie took the drop-down seat and faced the three at the back. Chris, Bianca and John Banks in the middle.

“Hi Samantha” smiled Banks

Still glaring at Bianca and Chris, Sammie repeated her earlier question. “What do you want?”

“To save you embarrassment,” said Banks

“That’s nice of you,” said Sammie.

“It’s just that we came into this revealing video of what looks like you getting fucked in front of an excited audience”

Sammie snorted “You missed the main attraction with ‘used pussy of the year’ over there” glaring at Chris

Banks dismissed it “No one gives a shit what Chris does. No one at our firm. Not her many, many, many men friends. Not her daughter” he grinned at this “You, on the other hand, work for Pinner the George Bailey of this town. The saviour of the downtrodden blah, blah. Seriously, it makes you want to vomit” he said to Bianca.

“Who the fuck is George Bailey?” said Sammie irritably

“You kidding me? Never seen ‘It’s a Wonderful Life‘? No? Okay well, ‘Mr Chips‘ then – oh for fuck’s sake” said Banks as he saw the blank look. “Point is holier than thou Pinner won’t want his personal secretary dragging his and the firm’s good name through the mud” he passed the phone to Sammie.

Reluctantly she played it. Her cheeks flushed as saw it was her bent over and Steve fucking her hard from behind. Her head was turned so she was easily recognisable as was her voice urging Steve to ‘fuck her slut brains out’. Sammie honestly didn’t remember saying that.

“Then there is your family, your mum, you lose your job your dignity. No one wants that” Banks went on smoothly “Unless…”

“Who took the video?” said Sammie harshly

Bianca looked uncomfortable.


“Sorry babe. It was just business”

“My idea,” said Chris with malicious triumph. “I asked Bianca to get your attention and join our little group. If anything compromising happened I asked her to video it. Lucky for us Miss stuck up bitch is a raging slut like the rest of us”

Sammie looked furiously at Bianca who in turn addressed Banks. “Look I did as you guys asked, where’s my money?”

Banks pulled an envelope out of his inside jacket pocket “£500 as agreed. Say goodbye to your friend Bianca” he added.

Bianca took the envelope and without looking at Sammie or saying another word got out of the car.

“So what do you want?” asked Sammie.

“Down to business I like that. Its simple” Banks tossed Sammie a memory stick. “I want you to copy all of Pinner’s files on your system. The inside track on the business that’s left, so I know where and what to exploit.”

Sammie looked at the memory stick and then tossed it back.

“No,” she said simply.

Banks laughed “Oh this is adorable. You want to play hard-ball? Give it your best shot. It may be worth £500 just to destroy your sad little life”

“It will pay you to listen,” said Sammie sharply “You want Pinner’s business? I can give you Pinner’s business. All of it. What’s left is still worth over two million in revenues and most are very loyal to Mr Pinner. Copying the files doesn’t give you anything other than a chance to erode that loyalty which will take what a year or so maybe two or three if Pinner gets stubborn and doesn’t retire?”

Banks looked at her. “Go on”

“What if Pinner walks away after agreeing to fold his business into yours in return for a non-exec role to top up his pension. Also to be on hand to front up any meetings and so on. You get just over two million of extra revenue which I have no doubt you can double in a year maybe more”

“Maybe we just destroy you instead” snapped Chris

Sammie looked at Banks “Keep the hired help quiet, please. Her expertise is strictly cock and which hole to put it in” she said coolly.

“You fucking little…”

“Be a dear and shut up Chris” Banks interrupted. “Go and get me a sandwich. Tuna mayo. I like tuna mayo. On rye”

Chris muttered something and then got out of the car slamming the door.

“You’ve upset her” smiled Banks

“I’m crushed,” said Sammie

“So what’s in it for you?”


Banks laughed “Well that’s priceless”

Sammie flashed her annoyance “You’re getting Pinner’s multimillion business for a miserable £100k plus whatever you pay a year to Pinner. The blackmail shit won’t work. My mum will just be annoyed on my behalf and Pinner is too old to start training someone else up so I’ll take my chances. Besides ‘young single girl has sexy time in a club’. Who is really going to care?”

Banks regarded her thoughtfully “Good point,” he said. “This was Chris’s idea and I like to encourage my staff. You know if this all works out as you say then maybe you could come and work…”

“No chance” Sammie cut him off. “I’ve got other plans”

“Fair enough. I need to talk to my partners first but if you can do what you say you…” He sounded sceptical “Then I think we will have a deal” He held out his hand and they shook on it. “don’t keep me hanging,” said Sammie

“We won’t. They will probably want to meet you as well but I’ll make it happen this week.

Sammie nodded and got out of the car. It was not until she was out of sight did she lean against a wall to collect herself. The panic and tension she had bottled up released themselves to leave her trembling.

Mr Pinner

“Did you find the file?” he beamed at Sammie

“Yes,” she handed over the manilla file “and if I could have a private word…?”

His kindly face twinkled at her “Of course my dear. What’s on your mind?”

Sammie sat in the chair and slid her phone over the desk to him.

“This,” she said and sat back

Pinner’s was a small operation so there was no one around to see Sammie emerge from the office nearly 30 minutes later. She sat at her secretarial desk outside his office and messaged ‘It’s done’. The reply was instant ‘Cool babe and the rest?’, ‘Still waiting to hear. Getting a little twitchy tbh’ Sammie messaged back. ‘You’ll be ok good luck xx’

Pinner came out of his office “You should take the afternoon off” he said curtly.

“That’s okay. I’ll stay” replied Sammie

He grunted, looked at her balefully and walked out.

The message came through that afternoon ‘Tonight. 6:45. Our offices. Use the Cable Street back entrance. Someone will be there to meet you’

Sammie gazed at the phone screen, a voice screamed with delight and nervous excitement in her head. She messaged back ‘OK’

Sammie sent another message. ‘It’s on. Tonight’

‘FUCKKK!’ and a slew of emoji’s was the response.

The Meeting

Sammie got to the Cable Street entrance at 6:40 pm and walked through. A young, slim blonde girl, crisply dressed in white blouse, short black skirt and heels was waiting for her

“Miss Samantha Beechum?” the girl asked

“Yes” she shook the proffered hand

“I’m Michelle. I’ll take you to the conference room where they are waiting for you”

The girl had a quiet, intent stillness about her. To take her mind off the next potentially life-changing 30 minutes, Sammie made small talk.

“Worked here long?” she asked Michelle as they entered the lift.

“Nearly 5 months now”

“Enjoying it?”

The girl turned to Sammie and smiled “Everything I could have wished for” she replied with calm certainty.

“Here we are,” said Michelle stepping out of the lift on the second floor.

Sammie followed and couldn’t help but admire the elegance with which Michelle walked in her high heels. The girl had presence she said to herself.

“Please go through,” said Michelle opening the door for her.

“Thank you”. Sammie walked through as Michelle indicated a chair for her at the table. Across from Sammie sat Banks, Mead and Tolliver. Michelle took up a position behind Mead as if to attention. Legs apart and arms clasped behind her back.

Sammie sat down and hoped no one would notice her own legs trembling under the conference table.

“Miss Beechum,” said Tolliver “Delighted you could make it” her attention seemed low volume.

Mead just looked at her and said nothing. Bank cleared his throat.

“As you know we approached Miss Beechum with -ah- proposal which she rejected and made a counteroffer. I am still sceptical that Miss Beechum can do what she claims but I felt it was worth pursuing. It has been a long-standing objective to reduce the competition in this town and secure a monopoly on the business and Pinner’s has several significant clients which would be great additions to our portfolio…”

Mead made a dismissive gesture “Yes. We know. And Miss Beechum claims she can secure these clients and with Pinner’s blessing for a non-exec role and a modest salary to ensure he is on hand to keep them happy. Question is how can this young lady secure this when Pinner to be frank hates our guts?”

“Precisely” echoed Tolliver

Mead went on “ So at this point Miss Beechum I would request you present something substantial that lends credibility to your interesting proposal otherwise we have homes to get to”

“Agreed,” said Sammie, withdrawing a sealed envelope from her bag. “Would a signed letter of intent to fold Pinner’s into your firm help? In addition, a proposed letter to be sent by all clients by Mr Pinner announcing this intention and his assurance he will still be on hand to oversee their business as he has done in the past”

Sammie slid a two-page letter across the table to Mead. “Here is a copy of the letter of intent signed by Pinner”

Cocking his head Mead read it without touching it. Tolliver’s attention was now at full volume and Banks looked nonplussed.

Suddenly Mead’s face was wreathed in smiles. He beckoned Michelle to his side, his hand resting on her rear.

“My dear Miss Beechum, where are our manners. Tea, coffee, soft drink? Michelle, please see to our guest.”

Sammie took the soft drink option. By 8:00 pm she was in a wine bar hoping the wine would calm her nerves ‘Done!’ she messaged. ‘I’ve nearly passed out here!’ was the reply. ‘Still, some way to go but first payment should hit my account tomorrow. I’ll see you later xxx’ replied Sammie ‘Can’t wait hun xxx’.

A satisfied Sammie sipped her wine.

09:06 pm

The voice hit her as Sammie opened the door to a basement flat.

“I told you to keep fucking quiet so just keep fucking quiet!” a voice yelled followed by the sound of boot on flesh and then a strangled moan.

Sammie went through to the kitchen with the wine and some snacks she had purchased.

“Oh you fucking stupid moron, I’m going to stamp that maggot cock into the ground” the voice continued. “Now just lie there quietly like a good dog. Understand?” the sound of more boot on more flesh and more moaning.

Sammie smiled.

Looking stunning in a black PVC underbust corset and knee-high boots Bianca came through to the kitchen.

“Babe” she embraced Sammie warmly “Knew you could do it! So how did it go with Pinner? Dirty old goat” she added.

“Fine. After all those years of pretending to help poor unfortunates and to then see him in the Tit-Tip Bar on Friday with his cock buried in poor Chloe’s mouth it really pissed me off. And in that stupid toupee too” Sammie still fumed. “Chloe is a single mum, struggling with addiction and he just preys on girls like her.”

“He try to blag his way out?”

“Yeah but the silly sod has a distinctive birthmark on his cock. Chloe saw me taking a pic and held it so you can see it clearly. Only reason McCraddock’s never looked for dirt on Pinner was that they assumed there was none. If they saw that pic they would destroy him. Everything would come out. McCraddock’s is not a firm that plays nice.”

“So Pinner gets off scot-free”

Sammie shrugged unhappily “ Yeah but we get the capital to put our business idea into operation so…” she opened the wine. “Here’s to Domination Incorporated. Your every kink satisfied”.

“I’ll drink to that,” said Bianca “here’s to us and also to me for letting you know what that uber cunt Chris Bitch was planning. Yes okay with my help to begin with” Bianca saw Sammie’s face and decided to change the subject “You want to do some ballbusting to celebrate?” she added.

“Why not” grinned Sammie “I need the practice. How hard do we bust them?” she asked as they walked through to Bianca’s play area. “Until they are blue, babe, until they are fucking blue” her new friend replied.

At approximately the same time Sammie was entering Bianca’s flat, Chris May opened her door and blinked. “Mary,” she said.

“Chris,” said Mary Tolliver. She walked past the older woman. “No company tonight?”

“No. Well, you said you would have news of the meeting so I thought…did it go well?”

“Very well. We made a deal. Miss Beechum played a good hand. Undersold herself in terms of what she asked for but nonetheless I was, we all were, impressed.”

“That’s good then,” said Chris. She drew her red lace robe round her.

“You on the other hand…” said Mary quietly “overstepped your bounds”

Chris shivered “Please Mary I was just trying to help”

“Your job is to run the subs and keep an eye on Banks. It is not trying to run extortion schemes which Miss Beechum clearly had advance knowledge of. There is no way she figured this out while you were presenting your moronic extortion plan.”

“No way…how?”

“The young black girl obviously. Unless you blurted it out whilst getting stuffed with cock?” Mary eyed the older woman

Chris “Of course not. Mary…I…look please” she opened her red robe “You can fuck me, slap me around” she smiled hopefully

“Oh I intend to fuck you, but first fetch my switch”

“No please Mary…” Chris tailed off unhappily and went to fetch the thin switch Mary favoured.

Wordlessly Chris returned and handed the switch to Mary, removed her robe and placed herself on the small whipping bench by the far wall. She started to cry. Mary positioned herself behind Chris, enjoying the woman’s tears. She spanked Chris’s buttocks lightly so they wobbled “This I am pleased to say is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me” with that Mary swatted a backhand across Chris’s buttocks leaving an angry left to right diagonal welt.

Shaking Chris sobbed openly. She knew begging fuelled the punishment but couldn’t stop herself. Two more savage strokes bit hard and Chris curled up trying to protect herself from the lashing.

“Only three more strokes then you get to feel Ben Gun” Mary freed her strap on cock from her panties and fondled the obscene plastic head.

Snivelling, Chris straightened and steeled herself for the blows that followed. Fire arced across her ass, she jolted but didn’t move. The deep burning pain stayed. Delaying the final two strokes heightened Mary’s pleasure. Chris’s flesh was marked with four vivid red weals. They felt hot and raised to Mary’s touch as she traced her handiwork with her fingers.

“Beautiful” she murmured. She aimed the next stroke across and just under Chris’s buttocks, catching the older woman’s pussy, and then a sharp forehand down and across from right to left. There was one last agonised guttural sound from Chris and she lay bathed in sweat, biting down a scream.

Panting hard with excitement, as well as exertion, Mary looked down with contempt, her hand probing the woman’s exposed pussy. “Wet as ever. Is it any wonder father left you, left us? What with you opening your legs like a bitch in heat for any stray cock that showed interest” Mary spat on the crying woman and then rammed her plastic cock hard and deep into her mother’s cunt.