The Titchester Chronicles – The Law Firm (2)


Michelle looked at her chosen outfit and tingled in anticipation. She could still see herself from yesterday. On her knees, naked and receiving a strange man’s cum. Several men’s cum. Had she done that? The encounter had barely lasted 15 mins but it looped over and over in her head.

And they had paid her. She was a whore. She remembered the book. She had photocopied most of the pages and brought it home. Pulling the loose pages out of her underwear draw she drank in its uncompromising message for women.

‘…in every girl, there exists a whore. You are a whore. Accepting gifts or money in return for sexual services is a natural state. A more enlightened man will just take what is rightfully his and the whore will expect nothing in return because the pleasure he feels is the whore’s true reward. It is natural for you to whore yourself. You have nothing else of worth to offer save the use of your body’

The men yesterday had the right to enjoy her and she had naturally obliged. She hadn’t expected to be paid.

Michelle had pondered this last night before falling asleep. How did she feel about accepting a man’s dominion over her body? Any man who chose to exercise that right could rape her as he saw fit. Could she make that mental leap? Adjust her mindset? It scared her a little that she thought she could. Scared her more that she found the idea intoxicating. Terrified her that she thought it may be right.

Morning brought some clarity. A man had the right to rape her. “He does,” she said out loud to her naked reflection in the full-length mirror “And I will defend that right” she added firmly. The electricity that coursed through her as she made this statement aloud almost made her cum. She smiled and got ready for work.

Mick the Security Guard called her over as Michelle entered the building. She tottered over. Black heels with short white socks, skirt slit to the top of her thighs and the thin top rubbing her nipples into hard buttons. Mick stared at them appreciatively.

“New pass. Straight to the third floor” he said.

Michelle took the pass and wondered if she should be nice to him. The book said she should. “Thank you, Mick. You look good today” which was true. He was young, burly and kind of hot. “You look very fuckable too” he replied

Michelle blinked. She should have expected that she guessed. She still had a lot to learn. A man had been nice to her she thought. “That’s very nice of you. Thank you” she said brightly.

“You’re welcome” he smiled back

Pleased with how that went Michelle entered the lift, flashed the pass over the sensor and hit the 3rd floor.

The door opened and Michelle stepped across the threshold. A young red-headed girl in her mid-twenties and friendly expression stepped forward.

“I’m Karen Fae,” she said, “and I will be your friend and mentor for the day”.

“Michelle Leason” she introduced herself and shook Karen’s hand politely.

“I love your outfit” exclaimed Karen “Stylish but hot. Our resident Dom’s will appreciate the effort you made.

Michelle noted the term but said nothing. Karen was wearing a simple white dress with a deep blue silk scarf around her neck, bare-legged and deep blue pumps. The dress showed modest cleavage and ended just below her bum.

Karen hooked arms and said “I’ll show you to your new workstation, where the coffee machine is and the facilities then I’ll take you to Miss Tolliver when she is ready for you.

As they wandered down the office it seemed no different to the 2nd floor but Michelle did detect an odd vibe or was that her imagination? She stopped suddenly only for Karen to drag her forward. “Did that guy…?” have his hand down that girl’s blouse she meant to say but Karen ploughed on “This is the Dom’s facilities” she indicated a door with a ‘D’ sign and across the way are our facilities. Michelle noted the ‘S’. They turned a corner and Michelle realised there were more private offices and screened areas for workstations than on the 2nd floor. “And this is your area which you will share with Tara.”

Smiling Tara rose and clasped Michelle’s hand “Lovely to meet you” She was as tall as Michelle with short dark hair and a slender build “Likewise” smiled Michelle. She put her bag on the desk and saw a transparent beaker with her name printed on it. “Your twice daily nutritional Boost. Lots of vitamins, helps keep everyone healthy. It’s in the water for the coffee machines too but this is more concentrated. A 3rd-floor perk” said Karen

“It’s very nice” added Tara sitting back down.

Michelle picked up the beaker, took the lid off and tasted it. “Not bad” It had a hint of cucumber and mint.

A young male associate entered the area carrying a file. “Enter these notes into the case system” he ordered throwing the file onto Tara’s desk. “Yes Sir,” Tara said quickly, picking up the file. The associate saw Karen and Michelle. “New?”

“Starting today Sir,” said Karen and to Michelle’s surprise, the redhead curtsied. “Well temporary for the moment” offered Michelle. She wondered if she should curtsey. He just stared at her. Michelle felt Karen tense beside her. “Drink up” he ordered

Tara imperceptibly nodded to Michelle. “Yes, Sir,” said Michelle and drank the Boost in one go. Tara relaxed and smiled. Michelle put down the empty beaker and smiled at the young man. He eyed her hard nipples coolly. He radiated a cocky arrogance “You’ll do” he said simply and walked off. “Thank you, Sir” replied Michelle to his retreating back.

Karen clapped her hands “Well done” she smiled “Just don’t answer back as its never safe to do so. It can mean trouble for a sub later. Any offence you cause Malcolm, for instance, means Tara will be reprimanded and Malcolm is one of those Dom’s who is quick to take offence”

“He is young,” said Tara loyally “It’s not his fault”

“No, I didn’t mean to suggest it was” went on Karen with a trace of alarm

“Malcolm is a wonderful boss and I am lucky to assist his team and team leader Matthew.” continued Tara.

“Absolutely. You are blessed Tara” said Karen refusing to be outdone in the praising stakes.

There was a small, awkward silence which Michelle broke with “Coffee machine?”

“Yes,” said Karen “This way” she stopped and addressed Tara again. “I am very sorry if I implied any fault in Malcolm’s behaviour. That was stupid and wrong of me. I have the highest respect for him as a man and his status in the firm”

“Of course Karen. I will report what you said though. It’s not for us to judge our comments”

“I understand. That is only right and proper. Thank you for reminding me of my place Tara”

Michelle listened to this odd interchange. It was if they were playing this out for the benefit of an unseen listener.

“This way,” said Karen brightly and the came to a junction amongst the screens and offices. Karen pointed to her left “Down there are Mr Mead and Mr Banks offices. Their secretaries are Judy and Chris and over here..” Karen turned right then left and straight into a small kitchen alcove.

“Mr Mead” exclaimed Karen “Please let me” He let her take the flask from his hand and she poured out his coffee eagerly “Thank you, Karen. I usually let Judy get it for me but she’s a bit tied down at the moment and I wanted to stretch my legs”

Mead smiled warmly at Michelle and took her in his arms and hugged her tight. He was only an inch or two taller than Michelle and she felt his face burying into her neck and his hands cup her arse. “Mr Mead. Sir” she said whilst he fondled her cheeks. She caught Karen’s eye as she held the coffee cup for him, waiting until he finished with Michelle’s arse. Karen beamed at her in encouragement.

“My, he is really giving that big titted slut one,” said Mead suddenly.

Michelle blinked in surprise. His hands were kneading her buttocks and one hand had slipped under her skirt

“Yes Sir,” said Karen “He is really making the slut squeal”

Michelle was totally confused now.

“That’s cheap underwear you have on my dear,” he said to Michelle. He broke away and lifted the front of her skirt.”They seemed to have forgotten to sew the crotch on” He laughed at his joke. Karen did too “Look at the sweet pussy Karen” pointed out Mead. Michelle went bright red as Karen bent to look at her pussy “She has a very pretty hole, Sir. She will be a great asset to the firm”

“Exactly what I thought” nodded Mead

“You have a fantastic judgement in these and all things Sir” babbled Karen “We are all lucky to be working under your great leadership”

“True, true” he beamed.

Mead dropped Michelle’s skirt and turned her around. To her astonishment, she was faced with a big screen showing a muted hardcore porno of a big black guy pounding a plump blonde woman. The scene alternated between extreme close-ups and the blonde’s contorted face. Michelle watched as it cut away to catch the man grabbing and squeezing the woman’s large breasts.

“Her udders are like Judy’s,” remarked Mead “Yes they are Sir” replied Karen and handed him the cup. “Be a dear and put it on my desk” “Of course Sir” Karen scampered off to do his bidding.

“Well can’t stand here all day. Work to be done. Ah here comes the good bit. He’s working his cock into her arse. That’s going to hurt” he chuckled, his hand sliding down to Michelle’s bottom and giving her another squeeze.

“Yes, Sir” was the only thing she could think to say.

“I’ve put your coffee on your desk, Sir,” said Karen on her return.

“Good. Did you say hello to Judy?”

“No Sir,” said Karen firmly

“Why not? That’s a bit rude of you.”

Karen rallied quickly. “Yes, Sir. That was very rude of me. Thank you for chastising me and pointing out my error. With your permission, I will go and say hello to Judy and hope that you can forgive my rudeness”

“Well off you go and I’ll think about it”

Karen scampered off even more quickly this time.

“You really need the sound for this scene” continued Mead. His hand had slipped between her legs and she shivered when he brushed her wet pussy. “You seem to be enjoying it, Michelle. Would you like that big black dick ploughing your cunt and arse?” he said softly.

“Yes Sir” she replied

“Yes Sir what?” he asked. This time his middle finger pushed past her slippery folds.

Michelle gasped “I would like that big black dick to…to plough my cunt and arse” she finished just as Karen walked back in. Michelle blushed a deep red.

Mead withdrew his finger “Well?” he inquired of Karen

“ I said hello to Judy and wished her well”

“And what did Judy say?”

Karen looked flummoxed.

“Nothing Sir?” she cast her eyes down, unsure of what to say.

“Nothing? Are you sure? She made no response or noise at all?”

Karen’s face lit up “She did gurgle a bit Sir”

Mead beamed “There you go. What have you learnt today Karen?”

“Do not be rude and pay attention to Sir’s questions so that I can answer promptly and accurately” replied Karen quickly and with certainty.

“Correct. Now open your mouth”

Karen did so and Mead pushed his finger into the girl’s mouth and smiled as Karen licked Michelle’s pussy juices. “Thank you for sharing that with me Sir. I am most grateful”.

Mead said nothing, just wiped his fingers dry on the hem of Karen’s dress. Michelle stole a look to see what panties Karen wore. No panties. Michelle caught a glimpse of Karen’s shaven mound and the top of her slit. Oh, she thought.

Mead dropped Karen’s hem, patted Michelle on the arse and walked out.

“Mr Mead is a very fine man,” said Karen loudly. “We were honoured that he bothered to teach and instruct us. We are very proud and grateful” she looked meaningfully at Michelle.

Michelle looked blank and then shrugged to herself “Yes he is and yes we are.” she replied just as loudly.

“Let’s head back to your desk,” said Karen more normally. They hooked arms again and strolled back to Michelle’s work station. Tara looked up and smiled a welcome.

“Just to let you know I have filed a formal 201 citation re your comment earlier today,” said Tara to Karen

“Thank you, Tara. It is the correct and proper thing to do”

“I also informed Malcolm and the rest of the team via Team Leader Matthew. I wanted to give them forewarning” continued Tara primly.

“Is…” Michelle stopped as Karen stood on her toe

“Is there anywhere I can learn the formal citation procedure?” said Michelle smoothly

“Of course. That will be a key area we will cover later” said Karen switching on her bright face.

Michelle picked up her bag off the desk and noticed the beaker was full of the Boost drink. “The Nurse brought you another, Medical usually proscribe extra for new Sub employees for the first week or so. Makes sure your system is fully in tune with everyone else” replied Tara to Michelle’s query. “She said to make sure you drank it on your return”.

Michelle picked up the beaker and finished in two swallows. “Good swallowing skills” laughed Karen. Michelle smiled and then wondered if they were going to talk about what happened earlier. The porno, Mr Mead fingering her, making Karen lick her juices, exposing both their pussies to each other. Michelle looked at the other two girls and suspected not.

“I need to use the facilities,” said Michelle.

Karen nodded “I’ll come with you, but you have to leave your bag. There is a no bag rule in the facilities.

“Except us” quipped Tara. Michelle was a bit slow to catch on but smiled when she got there.

“What if I need…?”

“If you need anything then you ask your Dom leader or any Dom if he or she isn’t available. You will leave your bag here where someone will now take it and lock it away. This is your first day so the rules are gradually applied as you become aware of them. Understand?”

Michelle didn’t but nodded anyway. She followed Karen to the door marked with an ‘S’ and walked through.

“Please don’t say anything,” said Karen turning to Michelle.

Michelle just gaped in astonishment. It was a lovely bathroom. Nice generous sinks, at least 10 toilets and a shower area. The problem was that there were no cubical walls or doors, No. There were no cubicles. The toilets just ran along the near wall open for the world to see.

One woman was already on one of the pans. She was mid-fifties wearing a tan skirt suit. Her skirt was hitched up around her hips and Michelle could hear the steady stream of piss.

“Karen.” the woman said, “New girl I presume?”

“Yes. Michelle this is Chris, Mr Banks secretary”

“I take it you want to explain the setup?”

Michelle looked relieved. “Yes please”

“You can do so. There will be no citation”

Chris stood up and wiped herself with her hand. Her pussy was shaven and framed nicely by her stocking tops and suspenders. She kept her skirt hitched and walked over to the basins to wash the hand she had used to wipe herself. She turned to the blower. As it fired up Karen said quickly.

“As you can see there are no walls or doors. Everything is open. Do you see the video cameras in the two corners and overhead? Don’t look. Always ignore them. They record everything but there are two important points to remember.

The blower stopped and Chris walked over, her skirt still hitched. She embraced Michelle and kissed her on the lips “I hope you enjoy working here.”

Chris opened the door and only started to pull down her skirt as she walked through.

“There is no sound here” continued Karen “Its the only area that isn’t miked up” understanding dawned on Michelle. The announcements to thin air. They were being constantly monitored.

. “…but we are videoed so they can see everything, there are even cameras behind the big mirrors facing the toilets. Well, that’s the rumour anyway but assume they are everywhere. But still, be careful what you say. If subs overhear anyone complaining or saying anything negative they will cite you and that can lead to punishment”

Karen went on “No Dom’s are allowed in here. It’s our one safe space. But you can’t linger here. You are allowed 20 minutes in total in here between 08:30 and 1:00. And 20 minutes again between 1:00 and 6:00. Don’t ever use that amount of time though as some think this is way too generous”

“There is no paper…?”

“No, you use your hand. As for anything else well it encourages you to be disciplined, keep a regular schedule and be scrupulously clean internally. Watch what you eat” Karen smiled. “Trust me, here is for pissing only”

“They video us pissing…?”

“Yes we have no privacy nor are we entitled to it,” said Karen firmly “I also record myself at home. You will be expected to record what you can on your work tablet and phone. They also monitor your biometrics via this wristband. “She held up her hand to show Michelle “The video feeds all go to a firm owned website for subscribers. Now, do you want to pee? You’re new so rules are flexible but we can’t chat for long” her voice was urgent.

Michelle shook her head. She had no desire to pee.

“Well, I do. Its been a stressful morning” Karen hitched her dress and plopped down on the nearest pan her legs open. Michelle watched both embarrassed and fascinated as a pale yellow stream shot out and hit the porcelain.

“The porno film,” said Michelle suddenly

“What of it – oh yes I forget. You’ll quickly get accustomed to it. They are in the kitchen areas, in fact, all communal areas and each work station get a tailored feed. It plays all the time you are sitting at your desk. You are obliged to look for a set period every day. Sound is always off except at lunch when you can use headphones. What sort of porn do you like?”

“I have no idea”

“Well, you will get a general feed at first. It will start to tailor based on your viewing pattern. You will look more at porn which appeals and the algorithm picks up on that and provides more of the same. You will also get a lot with girls with your body type, hair colouring age etc. Easier to imagine that is you in the film. Makes it more personal”

Karen finished and used her hand to wipe herself “she hesitated and reddened “I’m sorry” with that Karen licked her hand clean and then went to the basin to wash. Like Chris she kept her dress hitched. For the cameras, Michelle thought.

Karen used the blower and came over to Michelle. “I like the taste..” began Karen but Michelle stopped her with a gentle kiss on the lips. She wanted to show solidarity with her friend and share her humiliation. And, Michelle, admitted she wanted to see what it tasted like and also show off for the cameras.

Karen smiled gratefully and hugged her. “Thank you,” she said “You are a lovely girl”

Like Chris, Karen waited until she was walking through the door before pulling down her dress. They walked back to Michelle’s new desk and she sat at it for the first time. Immediately a smaller screen built into the partition between the desks sprang to life. A young slim blonde was looking up as a man peed into her mouth and over her face. She smiled as she gurgled his piss and rubbed it over her small but firm tits.

“I love pissing games” giggled Karen also watching. Michelle saw Tara was watching her screen intently, her serious face flushed. “They must have seen our pissy kiss and brought this one to the front of the queue,” said Karen.

Michelle avoided Tara’s quick look up at this news and forced herself to concentrate on the screen. The girl in the film seemed to be enjoying herself and Michelle had liked that faint tang on Karen’s lips.

“I have to go now but see you at lunch?”

Michelle nodded still watching the girl who was now taking another stream of piss over her arse and pussy. Karen bent and kissed her lightly “Have fun” she whispered and slipped away.

Michelle spent the rest of the morning watching the porn feed. It was mainly pissing porn and girls in rough sex situations. No sound meant she could put her narrative to the scenes. She had no work to do. Today was about assimilation Karen had told her.

There was a steady stream of staff around Tara’s desk including one young boy in a dress whose name was ‘Sissy’. He was thin boned with delicate features and made a passable girl. Michelle chatted with ‘her’ for a little while before ‘she’ was chased away by a confident male in his mid-thirties. Tall with strong-looking hands and dusty blond hair, he stopped by Michelle’s desk after dismissing Sissy.

“I’m Sam,” he said. He made it sound like a declaration of conquest.

Michelle jumped to her feet “Michelle, Sir” she was unsure how to greet him. Sam stood there as if waiting for something. Awkwardly Michelle went to him and embraced him. He took it as if by right and didn’t return the embrace. Michelle held him for what seemed like an age but was barely 30 seconds. She finally stepped back, blushing furiously. She no idea if she had done the right thing. He was gorgeous though and smelt like man and sex. Tara had also risen to her feet and was simpering at him.

Sam smiled at Michelle. His gaze was direct and stripped her in seconds. “Good to meet you,” he said, “Tara I need those reports by 3”. He strode off with Tara’s “Yes Sir” and “At once Sir” following in his wake.

The firm’s nurse dropped off another beaker for Michelle as she slowly sat down her heart a flutter. Tara set to work furiously striving to meet Sam’s deadline. Michelle eyed the beaker. This would be her third. She wondered if they were trying to get her to pee.

Michelle downed the drink which now had a rose and rhubarb tone to it and pondered the peeing situation. Sighing she realised she had to pee at some point so she might as well get it over with.

Rising she told Tara she was off to the ladies “Facilities” Tara corrected her. “They are gender-neutral. Sissy uses them too” she explained, rising from her chair “I’ll come with you.”

Michelle wasn’t sure she liked the idea but a reasonably familiar face might help. She nodded and they both walked to the ‘S’.

Tara went in first. There were two toilets occupied. An Indian Asian girl, Shan, and a plump red-headed girl called Tilly. They both worked in accounts and their conversation stopped abruptly as Tara and Michelle came in.

Tara nodded a friendly greeting and said “This is Michelle. It’s her first day”

Shan and Tilly both broke into wide friendly smiles. Shan half rose from the toilet and beckoned Michelle over and kissed her on the cheek. Again Michelle wondered how she ended up in a public viewing toilet getting kissed on the cheek by this half-naked and gorgeous Asian girl.

“I’m pissing” laughed Tilly as the reason for not doing the same and it was true as Michelle could smell her pee.

Shan sat down and also released her stream. She opened her legs even wider so that Michelle could get the best view possible. Michelle caught Shan’s half-lidded gaze. It was downright obscene the way she splayed herself thought Michelle. Delightfully obscene too.

The Asian girl patted the pan next to her “Sit down next to me babe” Michelle hesitated and Shan said “First time?”

“Actually peeing in here yes” replied Michelle.

Tara said “Watch me” She straddled the next toilet but one from Shan and said “Position yourself, lift the skirt and sit down but keeping your legs open as wide as possible” Tara did this in one smooth motion.

“Keeps the men, and some girls, happy” Tilly chimed in opening her legs further.

Michelle straddled the pan then stopped. “I have panties on”

The girls looked stunned by this revelation.

“They are crotchless” Michelle added. “Cheap and tacky” she went on defensively.

“Thank fuck for that” laughed Shan “hitch up your skirt babe”

Michelle knew Shan was watching keenly as she lifted her skirt over her hips and sat down on the warm seat, her legs spread.

“Sexy pussy babe, but you have to lose the knickers”

“After I pee” replied Michelle. If I ever pee she thought. She heard Tara start to piss and that relaxed her a little. Michelle looked over at her work colleague. Tara’s face was its usual picture of concentration. A hand rested on Michelle’s thigh. It was Shan’s.

“Piss for me, babe. Piss for the guys watching” Shan whispered. Her hand reached further down and brushed Michelle’s pussy.

The touch triggered a reaction, Michelle’s full bladder suddenly let go and she felt a wave of relief. Shan dabbled her fingers in Michelle’s warm, powerful stream. Shan brought her hand to her mouth and sucked the salty liquid from her fingers.

“Shan you’re such a piss slut” giggled Tilly. She wiped her pussy and tottered over to the basin watching in the mirror as Shan cupped her hand to catch Michelle’s piss and drink it.

“You’re spilling piss down your blouse!” shrieked Tilly

Shan took Michelle’s unresisting hand and placed it inches from her dark pussy. Michelle could see Shan tense and then a small jet of her piss struck her fingers. Their eyes remained locked. “Do it babe” Shan encouraged.

Tara had joined Tilly at the basins and they were both watching the two girls intently. Michelle bought her fingers to her mouth and tentatively licked. The very act made Michelle’s pussy twitch. The taste was intoxicating. Tangy and warm it filled the back of her throat and nose with its bouquet.

“Oh my fucking god,” said Michelle in wonderment. She sucked hard on her fingers catching every last drop.

Shan and Tilly laughed, even Tara smiled. Two loud pings made the girls from Accounts start. “We have been in here too long,” said a worried Tilly fishing out her phone. She relaxed. “We got a 5 minute extension,” she said with visible relief.

Shan had already leapt up and confirmed this on her phone. “Best not abuse it Tilly” She bent down and kissed Michelle, her tongue swished around Michelle’s mouth, mingling the two flavours of piss. “Thanks, for that babe” Shan didn’t bother washing her hands and both girls hurried out, pulling down their skirts as they exited.

“You finished?” asked Tara

Michelle realised she hadn’t and pissed for another 10 seconds or so. She reached down and wiped her pussy and unashamedly licked her hand. Michelle remembered to keep her skirt hitched and washed her hands automatically. Old habits die hard.

“Lose the knickers and watch me as we exit”

Michelle slipped off her knickers and put them in the trash bin. It made her feel even more wanton and slutty as she rode the high of that small bit of piss play. Tara stepped out and started pulling down her skirt.

Sam and a young male associate were walking by as they exited. Tara slowed her skirt tugging a fraction and nodded to the two men “Sirs” she said politely. Michelle did the same and when she saw Sam’s eyes boring into her exposed pussy inspiration came to her. Michelle curtsied causing her pussy to spread slightly.

“Tara, Michelle,” said Sam, not breaking stride.

Michelle caught Tara looking at her with annoyance.

“Soon be lunch,” said Tara curtly and walked off.

“Nice curtsy,” a young male voice said followed by laughter. Two young men her age were lounging by a desk several yards to her left giving them a view of the ‘S’. Michelle could feel the malevolence rolling off them. Nevertheless, she thanked them. A third older voice snapped them back to work.

Michelle waited as the older voice appeared. A slim man, a shock of dark hair and glasses in his late thirties showed. He nodded to Michelle. “Immature boys,” he said smiling “That’s fine Sir,” said Michelle. “I fully respect them and welcome their comments as it allows me to learn. This is my first day” added Michelle.

“I know. I’m Ben” he waited.

More confidently this time Michelle went over and embraced him. Like Sam before he didn’t return it. Unlike before Michelle didn’t break contact until Ben initiated it. Judging by the hardness in his groin that could be some time.

Ben grunted “That’s enough. Go back to your desk and wait there until lunch”

“Yes Sir,” said Michelle obediently.

Tara was nowhere to be seen. Michelle checked the time on her work screen as she sat down. 12:54. Immediately the porn feed flickered on. Another young girl aimed her mouth up and an older Indian Asian woman squatted over her and pissed into her willing mouth. Michelle was impressed by the targeting. The scene immediately aroused her. Michelle saw herself as the girl gulping down piss and Shan squatting over her.

Michelle slipped her hand between her thighs and watched as more interracial scenes, some pissing some just hard fucking, looped round. Karen interrupted her pleasant daydreams.

“Miss Tolliver wants to see you now. Come on,” said Karen excitedly.

Michelle followed her friend to Miss Tolliver’s office. She wondered if it would be okay if she asked Karen to piss in her mouth? Michelle stopped suddenly. What had got into her?

Next: Michelle, Mary, & the ‘D’
