The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Lacey starts Tiffany on the path to sexual enlightenment

Upstairs in his office, Lacey’s dad reviewed the history of his new security camera. There were few break-ins out in the country where we live, but there were rumors about a neighbor who was missing some jewelry and that freaked out Lacey’s mom. So dad installed a surveillance camera, looking down on the patio at the back of the house. He put it there for two reasons. First, was because the back sliding glass doors are the most vulnerable. Second, he knew that Allen’s girlfriend, Amber, liked to take advantage of their patio with its privacy fence to sunbathe topless. Of course she only did so when mom and dad were not at home. For that reason he disguised the camera and decided not to let his children know about it.

Now he scrolled back in the history to Sunday morning, when he and mom had been gone for the morning. Jackpot! Amber lay topless on the chaise lounge. He was glad he spent the extra money to get the super high resolution camera. He could zoom in and clearly see all the naughty bits. He opened his fly and extracted his cock and began to stroke slowly. Then Lacey and the neighbor boy, Ricky, entered the patio from the house. Amber jumped in surprise and he was rewarded, seeing her boobs jiggle. Then to his great surprise Lacey and Allen stripped off all their clothes and got into the hot tub together. His jaw hung slack and he stopped stroking. This was unexpected. He watched the whole show, and what a show it was! The entire performance lasted for over an hour and featured completely naked performances from Allen and Amber, making it a full-on foursome. It including full on sex scenes. The action spilled over from the hot tub, to the lounge chairs. There were some scenes where both of the girls were spread eagle and plain to see. He would have to save this to his computer hard drive for his future viewing pleasure.

My dad was surprised to find that I am sexually active. It should not have come as a surprise. I am well developed, and have a boyfriend. He was relieved to see that the neighbor boy used a condom. Still, it might be wise to consult with mom about starting me on the pill, so there would be no accidents.

School had begun again. This time, Ricky and I were a couple. We rode our bikes to school together, took the same classes, and studied together, both during study hall and at home after school. It seemed that all the girls flirted with Ricky, now. He exuded confidence and sexuality. I would really have my hands full if word got out how good he is in bed. I had my share of boys who were overly flirty with me, as well. A few had asked me out for a date. I refused, but their desire for me was flattering.

Ricky and his mother were still having sex, though I am not sure how much. Ricky doesn’t talk about it. He will answer questions when I ask him, but he does not volunteer details. It feels intrusive to ask questions about what is going on in their bedroom. I am curious, though, and would love to hear all about their steamy sex. Undoubtedly, he is just as private with what is going on with me to his mom, which I can appreciate. Strangely, I don’t feel jealous. I think it is because he always makes me feel loved and special. I believe that he would stop having sex with her if I asked him to. But Ricky has learned a lot about being a good lover from his mom. That is proving to be a nice benefit to me. Also, Ricky’s mom really needs someone to love, and I really don’t mind sharing. At least until her Mr Right comes along.

Dad sure seems to be acting strange lately. I catch him staring at my boobs and my legs. And he especially watches me when Ricky is around. I think he must suspect that Ricky and I are lovers. There is no way he could know for sure that we are having sex, but I think he is suspicious. He must know that I am not his little girl anymore.

I find myself using my brother’s porn magazines less and less. They have served their purpose. Now I have memories of the real thing to masterbate to. That and what I call my ‘Atomic Monster’. It is a powerful vibrator that I purchased when I was in California with my folks last summer. I wish it had variable speed. With new batteries It is too strong, especially on my clit. It works pretty well internally on my g-spot, though. I didn’t even know that I had a g-spot until Ricky showed me. He is really good at working it. That is something that he learned from his mom. The orgasms that I have from my g-spot are different than when I stimulate my clit. I tried to use my vibrator on Ricky, but he is not too keen on it. He is trying to learn how to use it on me, which is nice.

I have several other friends from school besides Ricky. Most of them don’t live nearby, though, so I don’t get to see them very often outside of school. Tiffany is probably my best friend, other than Ricky, of course. She is struggling with math this year and sometimes joins Ricky and I during study period. She also seems to be studying Ricky, along with the math. When Ricky stood up from the library table, I noticed that she was staring straight at his crotch. Tiffany only has an older sister, so I think she is just curious about boys. She is not ugly, but she is a little plain looking. So I don’t feel threatened by her.

After school, Ricky escorted me home on our bikes, as he usually does. Rex, our German Shepard mix, met us as we drove up the lane. I said to Ricky, “Dad thinks my mare is starting to show, which means that she is carrying a colt, but I can’t tell. Do you mind taking a look at her?”

“Sure,” Ricky said “but I am no expert with horses.” We walked through the barn to the small pasture out back. Rex walked protectively at my side. In the pasture, Ricky commented, “Looks to me like she is beginning to swell a little. See how her belly is pushed out the sides? Compare it with the stallion.” he said. “Oh yeah. I see what you mean. That’s so exciting,” I agreed. Rex began to spontaneously hump my leg. “Stop it, Rex” I scolded and had to shake him off. “What’s gotten into him?” I asked and we both laughed at my horny dog.

Walking back through the barn, I noticed something with one of the pigs. “Look, Ricky. Her vulva is swollen and she has some kind of discharge.” We looked over the gate and I pointed out the gilt. “Oh,” Ricky said. “I’ll bet she is in heat!”

“In heat, what is that?” I questioned. “My Grandpa told me about it. He said that a female comes in heat when she is fertile and ready to mate. Let me show you something.” We let ourselves into the pen with the pigs. Ricky walked over to the gilt we had been looking at. He placed both hands on her back, right in front of her tail. He pushed down, placing considerable weight on her back end. Ricky commented, “my grandpa showed me this.” The gilt stood very still and her ears perked up. She grunted and her vulva made a sucking motion. “yep, she is in heat, all right,” Ricky exclaimed.

As we stood watching, Rex came up behind the gilt and began to lick her pussy. We watched in surprise and the gilt held still and appeared to enjoy it. The Shepherd’s dick began to grow. It was long, slender and bright red. Suddenly he jumped up to mount the gilt. He humped furiously and the gilt stood still at attention. Rex Stabbed about with his dick but could not get it in. He stopped, licked her pussy again, then made another attempt, humping again. “Oh Ricky, please help him. Help him like you did my stallion.” Ricky came up behind the horny dog, reaching around, grabbed his probing dick.

It took an effort to get control of the dog’s dick with him thrusting so madly, but once he hit the right spot, it slid easily into the pigs cunt. The pig grunted as Rex plunged in and out furiously. Ricky and I watched with fascination. After about a minute of frantic thrusting, Rex stopped, panting as if he had run a mile. I noticed that his dick and balls were pulsing, pumping in all his dog cum. After a minute, Rex slid off the gilt, still panting. We walked out of the pen, reclosed the gate and walked to the house, not saying a word.

Ricky finally broke the silence, “Dang, those are going to be some funny looking piglets!” and we both laughed and laughed. “No way,” I said. “She can’t conceive from a dog! Can she?” But I wondered if it was really true.

Ricky kissed me goodbye at the door, saying that he needed to get some chores done at home and help make supper.

I went up to my room, still thinking about Rex and the gilt. It seemed so strange that a dog would fuck a pig. Rex was a horny dog. He would hump my leg sometimes, would he fuck me? I didn’t really like the idea, but it probably is a possibility. I thought about what it might feel like to be fucked by my dog. I would have to do an internet search on that. If Rex fucked me, might I have a puppy hybrid instead of a baby? I shuddered at the thought.

My phone rang, bringing me back to the present. Tiffany’s name came up on my caller ID, “Hey Tiffany. What are you up to?”

“Oh, hi, Lacey. Are you busy tonight? I have a huge favor to ask.”

“No, girl.” I said. “Nothing going on here tonight. What do you need?”

She replied, “Well, you know the math assignment that we have to do for tomorrow? I have been trying to work on it, but it’s kicking my butt. Is there any way that I could come over to your house so you could walk me through it? You seem to understand this stuff better than me.” Lacey answered, “Of course. I would be happy to work with you. Ricky and I did most of ours at study period. Do you have a way to get here?”

“Yeah, my sister said she could drop me off at your house on her way out to see her friend. If it works for you, I could come over right after supper.”

“That sounds great. We haven’t been able to spend much time together lately. It would be great to hang out.”

“Oh Lacey, you’re the best. I just don’t know how else to get this math stuff. Seven thirty be OK?”

“Sure,” I said. “Come on any time.”

At supper, mom said that she and dad needed to go into town and pick up a few things. “Would you like to come along, dear?”

“No thanks, mom. Tiffany is coming over in a bit so we can work on a math assignment together.” No sooner did mom and dad leave, than I noted headlights coming up the drive. “Must be Tiffany,” I thought.

Tiffany came in the door and said, “Whatever it was you guys had for dinner smells amazing.”

“Garlic shrimp.” I wrinkled my nose and said, “I am actually getting tired of the smell. You want to go out on the patio and work on our math? I should open some windows and air this place out.”

“Sure, I would love to work out there. The weather is just awesome tonight. Full moon, too.”

“Great! I will just grab my book and will meet you out there.” I went down into the basement and picked up my math book and papers. Stepping out onto the patio, I found Tiffany, standing by the hot tub, swishing her hand around in the water. “You guys have a hot tub! I am so jealous!” Tiffany said.

“Yeah, they are pretty nice, especially if you have a boyfriend,” I said with a wink.

“Lacey, you are so lucky. Ricky is a great guy. I hope I can find someone half as good as he is. You need to tell me all about what you two do in this hot tub! I’m getting all creamy just thinking about it!” We both giggled.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” I said.

“Wow, so you guys really have done stuff. Have you gone all the way with him?” I smiled a telling smile, “We better get our math done before we get started on that subject.” I said, putting her off.

After the math was complete, I said, “Want to relax in the hot tub for a little while?”

“Oh, man, I would love to, but I didn’t bring a bathing suit,” Tiffany said with obvious disappointment.

I cocked my head to the side, “You could just go in your bra and panties. Or you could do like I do when mom and dad are gone. I just wear nothing at all,” I said with a grin.

“Really? You would do that? You would be out here, nude?” Tiffany asked incredulously.

“We have this privacy fence. If someone did come around, we just get down into the water and no one can see a thing. Come on, it will be fun!”

We both stripped down completely nude. Tiffany was shy and hurried to get down into the water once she had her clothes off. She sat down on the bench across from where I came to get in after her. I was just about to step into the water when Tiffany said, “Lacey, you shave! Down there, I mean.”

I opened my legs and stroked my little landing strip and bare pussy. “You like it?” I said and got down into the water across from Tiffany.

“Lacey, you look amazing! No wonder Ricky is crazy about you. My bush looks like a jungle. Boys will probably be scared off, if they saw it, afraid of getting lost in there. And I wish my boobs were filled out as nice as yours. My areola are too big, and my nipples are flat. I wish they would protrude in my stretchy tops so you could see them just a little. You know, just like yours do. They don’t protrude unless I pull on them.” And she began to tug at them, making them stand at attention. “Mine only show if it is freezing cold outside!” and we both had a laugh.

“Your boobs look great, Tiffany. You got nothing to feel bad about. You should trim that bush, but that is easy to fix.” Tiffany stood up, opened her legs and exposed her hairy pussy to me. “See, I have no idea how to deal with all this!” She plopped back down into the water, laughing.

Speaking in a confidential tone, “I use an electric razor. I will show it to you before you leave. Less risk of cutting yourself down there.”

Tiffany got serious, “So you and Ricky have really done the deed?”

I said, “Sure, it’s great. We have done a lot of exploring with different avenues of sex” Tiffany cringed and said “Does it hurt? The first time, I mean?”

Lacey offered a reassuring smile, “Not too bad, once we figured out how to do it. You don’t want to go too slow and careful, nor do you want to just jab it in.”

“I really want to lose my virginity, but I’m scared. I wish I could do it with someone that has some experience. Someone who really cares and won’t try to maim or kill me.”

We sat quiet for a moment, each lost in thought. I remonenced to how it was for me. It was easy once Ricky and I figured it out. The Lidocaine helped, but I think the technique made the most difference. It would be nice if Tiffany had someone like Ricky.

“Lacey,” Tiffany began, her voice was tremulous, almost like she was scared. “I have a huge, huge favor to ask. Please don’t hate me. You can tell me no, and I will understand.” She hesitated, trying to figure out how to ask such a thing. “Is there any way? I mean do you think? Darned, I don’t even know how to ask!” Tears came to her eyes and she covered her face with her hands.

Lacey said, “Don’t be afraid to ask me anything. We are friends, Tiff. Besides, I think we might be thinking down the same line.”

She sniffed for a few moments then looked up with her sad, brown doe eyes and just blurted it out, “Can Ricky break my cherry, Lacey?” At hearing herself ask the question, Tiffany began to cry again.

Even though I was considering the same thing, I was shocked, hearing the question asked out loud. “Do you want Ricky to fuck you and make you a woman?” I asked.

“Oh, would you? Would he? Do you think?”

I looked up into the night sky, considering. “Tiffany,” I finally said, “I think that is a great idea. Ricky and I love each other so much that we are secure. I do not have a problem with him doing this for you, as long as I can be present and involved. And of course Ricky would have to be comfortable with it.

“Oh Lacey, you are such a doll. Do you think he will do it?” Tiffany pleaded.

“I don’t know. I can’t speak for him. He is pretty busy nowadays,” I said. I was thinking that I cannot explain why Ricky is so busy, having two female lovers. Ricky may be getting a lot of action, between me and his mother.

“Would you like for me to talk with him about what you want?”

Tiffany lit up and leaned toward me, “Would you really do that for me?” She cried.

“Of course I would, Tif. What are friends for? You won’t back out on me, will you? If I ask him,” I said

“Never!” She replied, confidently. “I would give anything to have Ricky be my first and fuck me!”

Tiffany came and took me in her arms and gave me a big hug and laid her head on my shoulder. Both being naked, her boobs mashed into mine. She felt so soft and warm, I felt I could almost eat her. Tiffany spoke quietly in my ear, “You are the best friend ever. I have no sexual experience at all. Maybe this will help me get going.”

I turned to Tiffany and kissed her on the cheek. I am not sure why I did it, but it aroused a tingle deep within my groin. I pulled back and looked into her eyes, “Have you ever kissed a boy?” I asked.

“Not really,” she replied, “except for my dad and my grandpa.”

I grinned. “No, I mean like this.” and I began to kiss Tiffany, full on the mouth with my lips slightly ajar. Then I pushed into her mouth with my tongue. She was hesitant at first, even pulled back a little. Then she began to explore with her own tongue. When we pulled apart I asked, “Have you ever kissed a boy like that?”

When she was able to speak, Tiffany said, “If I had, I wouldn’t still be a virgin, now would I?” We had a good laugh.

“Is that what you call ‘French Kissing’?” She asked.

I said “I don’t know what you call it, but that’s the way you kiss if you want to have sex. What do you think?”

“Well, it kind of scared me at first, but I guess I am turned on enough that I like it. In fact, I like it a lot!” With that, she grabbed my head and pulled me in for another kiss. This time she was more aggressive, more hungry, more insistent.

I had my hands on her waist and enjoyed feeling our naked bodies together. We pulled apart, gasping and looking into each other’s eyes. When we caught our breath, Tiffany asked, “can I touch your boobs? I have been looking at them all evening, just dying to touch them,” she admitted.

“Of course you can. I love to have them squeezed together and my nipples played with.” And Tiffany did just that. I reached up and played with her titties at the same time that she played with mine. Her nipples were not flat now.

“Have you ever had a boy play with your boobs before, Tiffany?”

Not really. Scott bumped up against me when I turned from my locker at school. The way he looked at me, I am pretty sure that he did it on purpose. But that’s the only time.”

I reached over and kissed her breasts and nipples. She squealed with pleasure. “Do you ever pleasure yourself?” I asked.

“Well, I have tried, but it just doesn’t do much for me.”

I said, “So you have never had an orgasm?”

She looked down, “I don’t think so. But if this keeps up, who knows! I don’t think I have ever been this turned on!” she said.

“Maybe we should go to my bedroom and continue there. I have some things that might help you.” I took her by the hand and pulled her up out of the hot tub. We quickly toweled off, gathered our clothes in our arms and headed up to my room.

I fished under my mattress and extracted a girly magazine and the ‘Atomic Monster’, my vibrator. Tiffany’s eyes got big when she saw what I had. We were still nude, and Tiffany looked uncomfortable. “Lay down on my bed.” And she lay down obediently. She was shy about laying there, completely exposed and vulnerable. Her legs were crossed, closing her pussy to me. I lay down beside her, hip to hip, and opened the magazine so that we could look at it together. Tiffany lay still, following along with me, saying nothing.

“Have you ever seen anything like this?” I asked. “No, never.” she replied. “Don’t you find this kind of disgusting?” she asked.

“That idea is just a remnant of how you grew up, Tiff. Sex is not dirty, it is beautiful. Your body is beautiful.” I said. “Just look at the picture of this woman’s open pussy. Ricky once said that a pussy reminds him of an orchid, a beautiful flower. These things take time to get used to, but have an open mind,” I pleaded. “These are useful to fuel your fantasy, to get ideas. Put yourself in the situations that you see and read here. Ricky once had me pose just like one of the models in a magazine, and we even took some pictures. And this is where I learned about trimming my pubic hair,” I explained.

Tiffany said, “yeah, it looks really neat, shaved like that. I want to do something like that with mine.”

I turned more pages. “What is she doing?” Tiffany asked.

“She’s giving head, sucking her lover’s dick.”

Tiffany looked a little twisted. “Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “Have you done that, Lacey?”

I smiled and nodded, “Sure I have. I love giving head!”

Tiffany said “Doesn’t that thing taste nasty?”

“Oh, no,” I replied. “If it is clean, there is almost no taste at all.” Turning to the next page we saw a man eating out a woman’s pussy. Tiffany’s eyes were huge and she looked in silence. I don’t think she is completely sold on this yet.

Then I had an idea, “Let me show you.” I moved down between Tiffany’s legs and pushed them apart. I began running my tongue slowly up and down her furrow, moving slowly and with just enough pressure to keep from tickling her. She clinched a little at first, then relaxed and began to enjoy it. As she relaxed, her outer lips opened revealing her inner labia.

I gently blew on her clitoris and it began to grow, peeking out of its hood. “Ooo,” Tiffany cooed. Every time I puffed on it, there was a twitch in response. I continued with my licking, going up and down the groove between her inner lips and outer lips, then right down the middle. Tiffany began to moan and rub her breasts. Her toes curled. Now I circled her clit with my tongue then returned to running my tongue up and down her furrow. I jabbed my tongue into her opening every once in a while. She threw her head back and her face and upper chest were flushed pink. I could feel a lot of tension in her thighs, so I began to run my hands up and down her thighs, kneading them like bread dough as I continued my tongue work. Tiffany’s breathing was rapid and labored now and her pussy was well lubricated. I began to flick her clit rapidly with my tongue and she moaned in ecstasy. She was close now. I alternated running my tongue up and down her slit, then sucking on her clit. At the same time I moved my hand to her titties and rolled a nipple between my thumb and forefinger. She stifled a scream and her abdomen began to clench and relax, clench and relax, clench and relax. I just brought Tiffany to her first orgasm!

“Oh my god” she said between gasping breaths. That was amazing beyond words, really. I just kept building up pressure inside until I finally exploded!”

I smiled an evil grin and said, “now it’s time for an encore. That is a woman’s superpower. I slowly crawled up over her body. I lay down on her, tit to tit and my pussy to her pussy. I gyrated my hips, using my mound to massage her pussy. Her arms were above her head, flat on the bed. I placed my palms on her palms and we laced our fingers together. She began to kiss me passionately, using lots of tongue.

“Hey, I can taste my pussy in your mouth when we kiss. It’s not gross at all.” She grated her hips under me, grinding her pussy into my mound as she spoke.

“Can I touch your pussy?” She asked. “Please do,” I answered enthusiastically. I rolled on my side and propped one leg up. She ran her finger up and down my pussy, finding my juices. “This is fun, fingering your shaved pussy,” she gushed. She put a finger in her mouth, sampling for herself. She said nothing, but did not grimace. “I guess I have never really paid attention to what a pussy actually looks like. You can’t really see your own, unless you are some kind of contortion artist and can twist yourself into a pretzel. I always used to think they were kind of gross. It was hard for me to understand why a guy would ever want to put his thing in there. But now I can see the orchid comparison.” She said in awe.

“Stick a finger in me,” I said. “No, use two fingers.” She slowly and carefully inserted two fingers.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?” “No, Tiff. I told you I am not a virgin. It feels great. Just work them in and out.” She did so, but she was going too slowly and carefully. I thrust my hips into her hand to help out and provide feedback. She had a lot to learn.

“Alright,” I said, “Now it’s time for my secret weapon. I call him my ‘Atomic Monster’. Don’t worry, though, because he loves the ladies.” I chuckled as I brandished my vibrator. “Just lay back and relax,” I said.

Opening Tiffany’s legs, I began by working her pussy with my hand, gently massaging it and gathering her natural lubrication. Holding the vibrator with the tip nestled in the palm of my hand. I extended my index and middle fingers, holding onto the vibrator with my thumb and the remaining two fingers. Sliding the switch to ‘on’, the monster came alive and began to growl. I touched Tiffany’s pussy with my two extended fingers, allowing the vibrator to go through my hand to mute it, knowing she would be too sensitive after her orgasm.

“Oh, my. That feels great! Please, don’t stop!” I ran my vibrating fingers up and down her slit, I paused near her clit, then moved back down. She clenched the bed sheet in her fist and began to moan. I wanted to slip a finger in, but was afraid of breaking her cherry.

Soon she began to cum and I removed the vibrator and just held pressure against her pussy with the heel of my hand. When her shuddering ceased, she lay exhausted and spread eagle, forgetting all about modesty. I gently rubbed the inside of her arms and abdomen. She really had a beautiful body, if we could get all that hair under control.

After a minute, she looked at me with a troubled expression. Then she asked, “Lacey, does this make me a lesbian?” I considered for a moment, wondering how to answer her. I asked, “Do you still like boys?”

She said, “Yeah. I think so.”

“Then no, I don’t think this makes you a lesbian. Besides, that’s just a label. If you want to make love to a woman sometimes, who cares. Just do it with love, or do it with a purpose. I just wanted to help you get ready to make love to a man. I think this experience should help.

Now I have some homework for you to do. You need to go home and play. Try to insert something into your love hole. Use something small so that you don’t break your cherry. Something small as, say, a crayon.” Lacey didn’t want to tell her that she had used a crayon herself, but that was all that came to mind. “You should be able to bring yourself to an orgasm on your own, now. You just need to practice and figure out what feels best for you.”

Tiffany replied, “Yeah, I think so. Thank You so much for all your help.”

I got up and reached a hand to Tiffany. “Come on. Let’s take a shower and then we will trim your bush. We will have you ready for Ricky yet.”