The Rape of Odessa

Evgeniya and Alina had grown up in Donbas. They had both been very talented at an early young age and both had aspired to become famous entertainers. They both grew into attractive young women who were adored by the audiences in the clubs in Donbas. Alina, the leader of the pair had an unusually big ego for someone who was still aspiring to be a successful singer and dancer. She decided, spurred on by the adulation she and Evgeniya received nightly that the two should move to Odessa. Alina had convinced Evgeniya that they should go to the big city in order to find fame and fortune.

Sadly, the naive pair found what a thousand Ukrainian girls before them had found. Fame and fortune were there all right but there were women in Odessa that made Evgeniya and Alina appear to be more like peasant girls than sophisticated entertainers. Only a handful of the aspiring young women made it in the big city. The rest became exotic dancers or worse. Many young and pretty girls were sucked into the cesspool of the Odessa underworld.

Because of all the corruption of Zelinsky’s government, the two girls soon found you needed connections to survive in Odessa. Fortunately, Alina had connected with a man named Wladimir who in turn was connected with the powerful Right Sector. Wladimir soon discovered that Evgeniya and Alina had a secret desire for kinky sex. Neither girl minded being tied up or balked at a little S&M action. Thus, over the years the girls made a comfortable living despite not being famous. They lived in a fashionable neighborhood, had a nice apartment and always had plenty of vodka on hand for entertaining friends. And with Wladimir as their benefactor they had no fear from their clientele. In fact, Wladimir often handpicked the men or odd woman who spent time with his Evgeniya and with his Alina.

Wladimir was pleased with the girls, who quickly became women and the lovely ladies were pleased with Wladimir. The dream of making it as famous entertainers soon faded. But Alina still retained her ego and the idea of riches was never far from her scheming brain.

By chance Alina had found out the true identity of one of their clients. The man was a cabinet minister who enjoyed the girls together on a fairly regular basis. He liked a little spanking action followed by oral sex. Alina had retained a couple of the juicier photographs that showed the man spanking a handcuffed and quite naked Evgeniya. The gentleman was quite surprised when she called him with her blackmail scheme. A scheme that Alina thought would finally bring the women the riches Alina desired.

The official could hardly let the photographs be sent to his wife or even worse to a party chief. However, instead of raising the 10,000,000 hryvnias that Alina had demanded in exchange for the pictures, he simply placed a call to another of his regular lady friends. That woman placed a call that eventually led to a contact with Wladimir. Wladimir immediately called his friend Vitali and explained the situation. Vitali was given explicit instructions from Wladimir who wanted no trouble with government officials.

A few hours later Vitali called Wladimir back to tell him everything was ready. Vitali had taken a hotel room using a stolen credit card and was waiting.

When Wladimir called Alina he had explained that a special friend was in town. The businessman liked to entertain two girls at the same time and he was into bondage along with straight sex. Wladimir explained the man liked at least one girl to have a schoolgirl look. Alina was especially excited when Wladimir said there would be a special bonus for the girls on this assignment.

Wladimir smiled with great satisfaction as he had given the unsuspecting Alina the hotel address and the room number.

Alina put on a slinky mini-dress, nude pantyhose and high heels. Evgeniya wore a dark top and plaid skirt that barely covered her round ass. She pulled on a pair of white panties and dark flats on her feet completed her demure outfit. Of course, she, like Alina, painted her lips with whore red lipstick. Even men who liked their women to pretend to be younger seemed to expect bright lips. In the high-heeled pumps, Alina was almost eight inches taller than Evgeniya. This further heightened the school girl look that Evgeniya was trying to achieve.

Alina drove to the hotel in her Alfa Romeo. The desk clerk took no notice of the pair. The clerk asked no questions and liked to mind his own business. This was one of many Odessa hotels that welcomed guests by the hour. The creaky elevator made odd rumblings as it lifted the two prostitutes to the third floor where their special bonus awaited them.

Alina knocked softly on the door of room 313. Vitali invited the girls into the room, took a quick look down the hall and then bolted the door. He was a big man who was three inches taller than Alina. Evgeniya suddenly had an uneasy feeling when she saw the John but she said nothing as Alina fawned over their new friend. Evgeniya eyed the man’s powerful arms and wide chest. She had seen men like this before with Wladimir. Evgeniya had known that these men enjoyed hurting people. These thoughts had added to her discomfort.

Vitali pointed to a pile of thin cord on the bed and said, “Alina, why don’t you tie up your friend?”

Alina picked up one of the short pieces of nylon rope and beckoned to Evgeniya. Evgeniya held back momentarily but then thought about the reward they would get. She sighed and walked over to where Evgeniya was standing at the end of the bed. Evgeniya had felt much better when she had seen the large stack of hryvnias on the nightstand. They had never made half as much from one job so she resigned herself to go along with her partner.

“Make sure you tie her tight,” Vitali said as he stepped out of his loafers and began to unfasten his trousers.

Alina looped the cord around Evgeniya’s wrists in both directions before putting a firm knot in the ends. Evgeniya had complained about how tight the rope was but Alina had whispered for her to stop complaining. Alina had not wanted anything to upset the mark.

“Here, I’ll fix that,” Vitali said as he pushed Evgeniya down on the bed.

He reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down. Evgeniya realized he was going to gag her with her underwear and tried to protest. Vitali stuffed the panties into her mouth and then pushed her onto the bed. Evgeniya had lain on her back and had felt more frightened with each passing moment. Vitali then had picked up another length of rope and quickly tied Alina’s hands at the small of her back. Alina sat down on the bed, kicked off her pumps and then had scooted onto the bed.

Vitali pushed the hem of her dress up to her waist and that exposed her dark pussy under the sheer nylons. Vitali slowly removed the pantyhose from Alina’s legs. Then he took another piece of rope and tied Alina’s right ankle tightly to Evgeniya’s left ankle. Evgeniya was really in a panic now. For some reason the extra rope at their ankles had meant only one thing to her. This man was going to execute them. Evgeniya realized too late that he was a hit man for Wladimir. She tried desperately to tell her friend but the panties had her effectively muffled. Vitali buried his face in Alina pussy and Alina began to moan.

“Oh, baby, you’re good,’ Alina said as she looked down at the top of the man’s head as he licked and kissed her snatch.

She looked at her friend Evgeniya who had just kept shaking her head, her nostrils had flared and meowing noises had come out of her nose. Alina just laughed as she had enjoyed the man’s tongue in her slit.

“You are just jealous, Evgeniya,” Alina laughed as Vitali moved his body up on top of Alina. The man had what looked to be nine inches and he was slowly penetrating Alina’s well-lubricated cunt. Alina closed her eyes, lay back despite her hands being tied underneath her and had moaned even louder than before. She had no need to fake with this man. He was an expert. To her delight she had a pleasant orgasm as he screwed her.

As Evgeniya watched the man fuck her friend he reached down and took hold of Alina’s pantyhose. Alina was so lost in the sex that she was oblivious to what was about to happen.

“HHHHMMMMPPPFFFF,” Evgeniya screamed behind the panty gag as she tried desperately to get Alina’s attention.

Alina had not noticed the stockings being slipped under her head. She also paid no attention to Evgeniya’s futile attempt to warn her. Vitali was enjoying fucking this lovely whore but he had known he would enjoy strangling her even more. He quickly crossed the legs of the nylons under Alina’s chin and pulled them back under her head a second time. The hosiery was looped twice around the woman’s neck and crossed at the nap of her neck. Her curly black hair was trapped under the sheer stockings as Vitali slowly drew the sexy ligature snug.

“What are you doing, love?” Alina asked as she felt the band tighten around her throat.

Then she looked at Evgeniya whose eyes were wide with terror. For the first time Alina had realized she was in danger. She opened her mouth to scream just as Vitali had yanked the pantyhose tight.


Alina’s scream was turned into several strangled squawks as the stockings began to close around her neck. She pulled wildly at the cord around her wrist as Vitali strangled her. Her left leg kicked about wildly with her foot pounding hard on the mattress. Her right leg came up slightly but the weight of Evgeniya’s leg prevented much movement on that side. For her part Evgeniya had tried to scoot away from the killer as terror filled her body.

Vitali was still fucking the helpless whore as he pulled the nylons tighter and tighter. Evgeniya could see Alina’s face grow dark as the strangulation progressed. She had moved her body as far away as her bound ankle would allow. Evgeniya tried desperately to spit out the panties so she could call for help. The rope binding her wrists had already cut off her circulation so she knew there was no hope of freeing herself from Alina’s effective bondage.

Then Alina turned her face toward Evgeniya. Tears streamed down Evgeniya’s cheeks as she looked at the pain on her friend’s face.

“Evgeniya, help me, please,” Alina tried to say to her friend.

Alina’s eyes were bulging wide. Evgeniya could see Alina’s lips move but only the same horrible strangled noises could be heard over Vitali’s grunting. He was really screwing the dying prostitute with long hard strokes. Occasionally he would pause to pull the ends of the nylons a little tighter. The wide band of stocking had quickly become a thin tight line around Alina’s throat.

Alina’ leg was no longer kicking but her knee would bend slowly then straighten out with her effort to kick. She had turned her face back up toward her killer. He had seen her eyes bulge terribly as he continued to strangle the helpless whore. Then she had coughed twice, her chest had heaved up each time and then she had relaxed underneath him. He could feel the life drain from her body.

Vitali brought the pantyhose up around the dead woman’s neck. He tied a lavish bow in the stockings making sure that the hosiery was still tight around her throat. Vitali had not cum yet so he was still quite erect. He backed off the bed, picked up another piece of the strong thin cord and knelt back onto the bed between Evgeniya’s wide spread legs.

“Your turn, darling Evgeniya,” Vitali said as he repositioned the woman onto the bed next to her strangled friend.

‘NAAAAHHHHHHH,” Evgeniya cried through her panties. She shook her head violently from side to side.

Her eyes were closed tight as Vitali pushed his huge cock against her dry pussy.

“NO PLEASE DON’T!” Evgeniya screamed at the man.

Of course, the panties continued to muffle her pathetic pleas for mercy. Vitali paid no attention to her as he forced himself into the black bush. The plaid schoolgirl skirt was up around Evgeniya’s waist as Vitali began to rape her. His hands had moved to her face as he raped her. Evgeniya had felt the smooth cord in his hands as they took hold of her cheeks. The loop of rope dangled down to touch her chin and a chill had run through her body at the thought of what would happen to her. Evgeniya knew in a short time the cord would be looped around her neck. She had watched as her dear friend Alina had been brutally strangled. And now this monster would garrote her.

“Perhaps, he will spare me,” Evgeniya thought, “Yeah, Alina was the one…I need to tell him he doesn’t have to kill me.”

She looked up at Vitali with pleading, terror filled eyes. He smiled down at those dark eyes as he got into a nice fucking rhythm. To her horror Evgeniya felt his hands move down toward her throat. The smooth cord now lay across the middle of her neck a couple of inches below her chin. She began to shake her head side to side again as she pulled hard at the rope around her wrists.

“Fucking stupid bitch,” Evgeniya cursed her dead friend, as her wrists had remained tightly bound underneath her struggling body.

Vitali held the left end of the rope down against the bed next to Evgeniya’s right ear. His right hand began to slide the cord under the prostitute’s head. In her struggles she hair had been thrown about and the blond strands had lain spread out on the pillow above her head. Vitali was careful to slide the cord under the prostitute’s hair as he looped the thin rope around Evgeniya’s slender neck. He then brought the cord up under the right ear, crossed it by the other end and then had pulled it at a forty-five-degree angle up toward his chest.

Evgeniya’s nostrils again flared as she had fought to take in a final breath. Then the rope was tight, her air was cut off and she began to buck wildly. Alina’s strangulation had not seemed to take that long but Evgeniya felt like an eternity had already past as the cord bit harder into her neck. Vitali’s big cock was inside her pussy as she began to fight under the hit man’s body. This stimulated Vitali and he responded by pulling the cord up even more. His left hand remained pinned to the bed with the cord wrapped securely around his palm as his right drew the other end upward and thus tighter around the slut’s throat.

Like her partner Evgeniya’s eyes quickly began to bulge from the strangulation. She could hardly stand the pressure inside her skull as Vitali mercilessly choked the life from her. Vitali looked down at the dark face and wide eyes as he continued to screw his helpless victim. Evgeniya’s hips pushed against Vitali’s body at one point as Evgeniya planted her feet on the mattress and tried to push herself up. Then she collapsed back under his weight. Her right leg bent outward at the knee then straightened. Her foot slid up and down on the bed covers as the strangulation progressed.

“He is going to strangle me just like he did Alina,” Evgeniya realized in her panic filled brain.

Somehow this thought made things better. Evgeniya looked at her strangler through her protruding eyes and was suddenly resigned to her fate. Vitali bent down and kissed Evgeniya’s cyanotic lips. As he did he clamped the white panties with his teeth. He pulled the gag from her gaping lips and dropped the white panties on the bed to the left of her head. Of course, Evgeniya could no longer make any real noise as the thin cord had completely constricted her throat. Her lips had been stretched wide apart but only choked gasps emerged from Evgeniya’s pretty mouth.

“Go ahead and scream, darling Evgeniya,” Vitali laughed as he looked down at the contorted features of the once lovely woman.

Evgeniya was suddenly aware of Vitali’s huge penis inside her cunt. She had felt his lovely cock sliding in and out of her pussy. The dying whore focused on the pleasant feeling between her legs. This helped block out the horrible pain in her chest and neck.

Evgeniya slowly turned her head toward her dead friend. She could barely make out Alina’s strangled face through increasingly blurred vision. Vitali pushed his left hand out away from the whore’s head as he pulled his right hand up with all his strength. Evgeniya’s tongue, bloated and slimy suddenly sprang out of her mouth.

Her body had rocked around a couple times in a last frenzy of nervous activity. Then, like Alina had done before her, Evgeniya relaxed in death. A moment later Vitali had cum inside her dead pussy. He pumped his cock vigorously inside the dead woman’s body as he satisfied his carnal lust.

Then he had knelt on the bed and tied a knot in the cord. As he moved from between her legs he had pulled Evgeniya’s skirt back down to cover her naked pussy. From the neck down, she was a pretty Ukrainian schoolgirl taking a peaceful nap. Vitali then climbed off the bed, walked around beside Alina’s strangled corpse and pulled her mini-dress down to mid-thigh.

“Don’t want Muscovite police to get a free peek of pussy that belongs to us,” Vitali said with a cruel laugh.

He paused a minute to gaze at his handiwork. Both women were flat on their backs with the bound arms disappearing underneath. Alina’s eyes looked straight up at the white ceiling above her garroted body. Her head was back slightly with the garish bow plainly visible under her chin. Evgeniya’s face was turned toward her friend and her tongue was sticking straight out at Alina as though she was expressing her anger toward her friend. The thin cord was still tight around her throat with a simple square knot tied on the side of her neck. Both women’s faces were dark from the trapped blood depleted of precious oxygen. Their ankles were still tightly bound together with the legs both fairly straight. Alina’s left leg was bent slightly at the knee while Evgeniya’s unbound leg was stretched out straight on the bed with her foot rotated onto the mattress.

After Vitali got dressed, he pulled a note from his pants pocket. Vitali picked up the stack of hryvnias from the nightstand and replaced them with the small sheet of note paper. The note read simply, “Two blackmailing whores executed by the Right Sector.”

Vitali picked up the telephone to call Wladimir.

“The girls got their special bonus,” Vitali said when Wladimir answered the phone.

“Good,” Wladimir responded, “Vitali, you keep the hryvnias.”

“Thanks, boss,” Vitali said and cradled the receiver. Vitali pocketed the Ukrainian girl’s final fee.