The Nine Italians

These events took place the night before my husband left for the Med and the day of his departure. The night before his departure he decided to take me to a little bar that was on the highway to find someone for me that I could have for while he was gone. I met this guy that I thought would be suitable for me. I was anxious to see if he wanted me for the next six months.

I ask my husband if we could go down to the beach since the potential lover didn’t have his car with him.

He said, “yes” he’d take us.

We went down to the beach where he and I could get together. My husband left us alone so that we could get familiar with each other. When he came back to the car we were still making out. He had gotten my swimsuit cover -up unbuttoned and my bra and panties were on the floor in the back seat.

My husband got back in the car and seeing that I was basically naked he suggested that that the three of us go to an isolated place on the beach and have a threesome. However, to my surprise the guy said he didn’t want to.

He said, “I’m being discharged from the Navy tomorrow so, I’ll be gone. Otherwise, I’d like to have you wife for a few months.’

He asks us if we could give him a ride to the base. I told him sure. He and Lynn continued to make out until we got to the base. There the story begins.

After we dropped off the guy from the bar, I wanted to go visit the Italian ship that was in port at the navy base. My husband took me out to the ship. I still had on the short mid-thigh bathing suit cover-up. I must have been quite a sight walking up the gangway with just my short cover up on. My husband said later that my legs looked marvelous and everybody on the ship that was out on the deck was watching me.

My top was unbuttoned one button. I didn’t have her bra or panties on. I had left them in the car. My breast was noticeably bouncing up and down as I walked. The bottom button of the cover up was unbuttoned also. As I started up the gangway, three young Italian officers were right behind me. They waited until I was about 5 steps ahead of them then they followed her up the gangway.

This gave them a view under her cover-up all the way to my butt. When I got on board the ship, she asked if somebody would give her a tour. Nobody on the quarter deck spoke English but her meaning was clear. One of the officers that had followed her up the gangway spoke English. He asked her if she wanted them to show her their staterooms.

I said, “Yes, please show them to me.”

The one that spoke English did all the talking and translated for the other two. They introduced themselves. The one that spoke English name was Mario. The second officer’s name was Guido. The third officer’s name was Luigi.

After Mario had introduced himself and his friends, he asked her to tell them about myself. I told them I was 20 years old. That Iwas married. That I lived in a house about 2 miles from the Navy base. That my husband was leaving in the morning on a Navy ship to go to the Mediterranean.

After that they took me on a tour of their staterooms and the wardroom. First, they showed me the wardroom where they ate. While they were there Guido unbuttoned another button on the top of my cover-up. this exposed most of her breast.

Mario told me that each one of them was going to take me to their stateroom to have sex with me if I was willing. To help her understand he reached up under cover-up and felt my vagina.

I said, “Yes, I’d would like to go to your staterooms, but you’ll have to each take me by yourselves.”

I was becoming very aroused by these three good looking young Italian officers, that’s why I told them yes.

Mario took me first. The other two left Mario’s stateroom. When they were gone Mario came over and gave me a nice long kiss while he unbuttoned my cover-up. After he unbuttoned it, I let it drop to the floor and stood there naked in front of him.

I could see the bulge in his pants growing. I dropped to my knees in front of him and unbuttoned his uniform pants and pulled them and his shorts down. I was very aroused by what I saw. I took his now hard penis in my mouth and started to suck on it.

Mario put his hands under my arms and stood pulled me to my feet. He then took off his tunic and T-shirt off and stood naked in front of me.

I rubbed my hands over his chest and said, “you have a beautiful masculine body.”

Without saying a word, he led me over to his bunk and said, “lie down”.

I did as he asked, and he got on top of me and started to kiss me. He then worked his way down to my breast where he sucked my nipples until they were hard and erect. Then his lips worked their way down past my soft slightly mounded belly to my vagina. He inserts two fingers into my vagina and took my clit in between the two fingers and gently manipulated it until it was full of blood.

Then he slipped his large hard penis in me and started out slowly humping me. He gradually increased the tempo as my level of excitement grew. The harder and faster he went the more aroused I became. Suddenly I let out a cry of intense pleasure as me cum, my own juices, came spilling out of my vagina.

A few seconds later my partner, Mario, ejaculated his sperm into me and I cried out again in pleasure. I became concerned about the noise I was making so I asked Mario if I was too noisy.

He said, “no, a woman cannot show too much pleasure.”

He told me to put my swimming suit cover-up back on and he took me to Guido’s stateroom. Guido, spoke no English at all. When he left Guido came over to me and without a word, he unbuttoned my cover up and as I had in Mario’s stateroom, I stood completely naked in front of Mario, I now stood naked in front Guido. He looked at my whole body from top to bottom and then pulled me to him and kissed me for a few minutes while he ran his hands over my body.

Then he led me over to his bunk and lay down and indicated I was to get on top of him. I did so and sat down on his hard penis. He penis wasn’t as long as Mario’s. but it was very thick. While he didn’t fill me up in length, he more than made up for in diameter.

At first, I thought he wasn’t going to fit. However, I rose up on him and shifted my position and he easily slipped in. I sat back down on him and started to ride him. Since it was so tight, I got a lot of feeling on my clit, but it did hurt.

It reminded me of when my husband took my virginity. The pain wasn’t that great, but I remembered it did hurt. Guido felt the same way my husband did. It was like losing my virginity twice. As I was going up and down on his penis,

I thought, “if I had sex with him very often, he would stretch me like when I lost my virginity”.

When I thought that, I became so aroused, I came way before Guido did that, I kept going on him. It was a lot easier because my cum gave me the lubrication I needed to remain comfortable. When he finally came and since I still had the cum from Mario, he filled my vagina completely and a lot of it ran out of my vagina and down my thigh and his stomach.

When he had finished with me, he got a small towel, but instead of using it to clean us both up I started licking him until I had every drop of our juice cleaned up off of him. Then I cleaned myself up with the towel. He handed me the swimsuit cover-up and I put it on. He got dressed and without a word he took me to the third officer, the one named Luigi.

When I was alone with Luigi, we both undressed ourselves. Luigi got a polaroid camera out of a drawer and as best he could ask me if he could take some pictures. I shook my head “no”.

However he gave me such a warm smile and managed to find the word please so I couldn’t say no again.

So, I showed him two fingers and smiled. Then he showed me three fingers. I shook my head no again and showed him two fingers.

He took a picture of me sitting nude on his desk with my legs spread apart. Then he had me pose on my back on his bunk. This was the second picture he took of me. Then he sat me on his bunk as if he were going to take another picture.

I shook my head, “no”.

I really wanted to have sex with him not make a bunch of pictures of me. Then he sat me on his bunk as if he were going to take another picture. I shook my head, “no”. I really wanted to have sex with him not make a bunch of pictures of me.

He smiled and held up one finger. He was so nice about it that I said, “yes”, again.

So, he made one of me sittings on his penis from the perspective of him on his back looking up at my face and breast. While he was making that picture, he became very aroused so much so that right after the picture was made, I wiggled slightly and since his penis was hard and right by her vagina, he slipped it in me and came almost immediately. I didn’t have an orgasm. We played with each other for a while. Then we both got dressed and he took me back to Mario’s stateroom.

When I got back to Mario’s stateroom, I took a shower. Mario left the bathroom door to the shower open so the three of them could watch me take my shower. While I was taking the shower, I noticed that they were having an animated conversation about something that I figured pertained to me. I could hear an occasional word and occasionally I heard my name.

When I was done with my shower, I came out of the shower totally naked. They stopped talking and just looked at me for a few minutes. I was getting aroused again and began to hope they would want to have sex with me again. however Mario gave me a towel to dry off with and my cover-up to get dressed..

He said, “Thank you, we really enjoyed you and we think you are beautiful and have a very sexy body especially nice breast. We enjoyed having sex with you”.

I told them, “I really enjoyed all three of them also. You guys were really gentlemen and all of you felt really good to me”.

While I was drying off and putting my cover-up on Mario asked, “Is your husband going to be gone tomorrow”.

I said, “yes, I’ll be dropping him off at his ship at 0800 and would be home about 0930”.

He said, “Is it alright if we come over to your house and have more sex tomorrow “?

I thought a minute about how much fun it would be to have more sex with them. My heart raced. I was very happy.

I said, “I’d love to have more sex with all of you. You’ll have to wait until noon to come over”

All three of them cheered.

Mario said, “Wonderful all three of us will be there and we’ll love to insert our penises in you.”

Then he said,” I’ll take you back to the quarterdeck and get some of the enlisted men to show you around the ship”.

Mario took me to the quarter deck. There was a five-minute conversation between Mario and a senior enlisted man. I just stood there on the quarterdeck watching the sailors come and go. At one point I wondered if my husband would have taken an Italian girl to his stateroom. I spite of the men I’d gone to bed with I felt a tinge of jealousy.

A minute or so later three enlisted men showed up and Mario came over with them and introduced them to me. The senior one’s name was Antonio. He spoke English very well. He was 35 years old.

After he’d introduced Antonio, Mario gave me a quick kiss. Then he said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Antonio then introduced me to the two junior sailors. I could tell from the look in their eyes they were expecting to have sex with me. The first junior enlisted ‘s name was Roberto; he spoke a smidgin only of English. He was 25 The other junior enlisted man’s name was Mario and he spoke no English. He was only 19 years old. But I could see the hunger in his eyes.

After Mario, the officer, left. Antonio asked me, “what do you want to see”.

I could see the hunger in his eyes also. I assumed they had been at sea a long time.

I told myself, “Well wasn’t sex what you really came here for.

I said, “I want to see everything”

I was pretty sure that they already knew I was going to have sex with them. That was confirmed the first time they took her to an upper deck.

Antonio said, “We’ll take you to the bridge first. It is three decks up from the main deck”.

I remembered what her husband had said.

He’d said, “If you want to show off your body make sure when you go up the ladder that you are the first one on the ladder so they will be looking up from below.”

Since the only thing I had on was the swimsuit cover-up I realized that all of my body would be completely visible to the three of them below her. On the first ladder nothing happened except when I looked down and all 3 of them were looking up at me. The next ladder I decided to stop a short while about halfway up to see what Antonio would do.

I stopped for a bit and Antonio, who was right below me, reached up and rubbed my upper thigh. Almost but not quite touching my vagina. After a quick feel from Antonio, I started up the ladder again. When we started to climb the third and final ladder again halfway up, I stopped again. This time a little longer because as soon as I stopped his hand slid up my thigh all the way to my vagina. I teased him by starting to climb the rest of the way as soon as he touched my vagina.

When they reached the bridge, Antonio ignored what had happened on the ladder and started explaining what some of the equipment was used for.

He said, “Sit in the captain’s chair”,

When I sat down I spread my legs slightly and my cover-up hiked up so that all the lower all of my legs where visible. Since the top two buttons of my coverup were unbuttoned I knew my breast would be visible if I leaned over very far.

I leaned over to ask Antonio, “what is this device by the Capt’.s. chair for?”


At that time, essential a lot of my body was visible, one of the junior sailors said something in Italian. Antonio consented and the junior sailor took my hand and pulled me out of the chair. Holding my hand, he took me out on the wing of the bridge.

From there I could see all over the base. I looked down and saw that my husband had lowered the top to our car. He was looking up at the ship when my escort and I came out on the bridge wing. Just after we got outside the sailor turned me around and took me in his arms and started kissing me.

It wasn’t a very long kiss but long enough for my husband to see him kissing me and then reach up under my cover up and feel me up for much longer than the kiss. I was a little shocked that the junior sailor would be so brave, I didn’t pull away immediately. After a few minutes the sailor broke the kiss and stopped feeling me up and we went inside. At that point I wondered what my husband would think.

I was sure he could tell what the sailor was doing to me besides kissing me and the kissing was bad enough. Since he had never seen me having sex what anyone I was a little apprehensive about what he was going to say to me. I had been on the bridge for about a half hour. Of course, at that point I wondered if my husband knew what I’d been doing besides the kissing I knew he must have seen.

When we got back inside, I saw the junior sailor give a signal to Antonio that must have meant that I was willing.

I been on board for almost an hour and a half counting my time with the officers. I also had no idea how much longer the sailors would keep me. If at that time I’d realized it was going to be over three more hours, I’d probably been to scared of what my husband was going to think, and I would have chickened out. However I was still aroused from the sex with the offices and I was sure the sailors had plans for me. I didn’t really care what I’d been doing or how much longer I was going to be kept on board.

Antonio said, “Sally, we’ll show you the crews’ quarters now”.

We started down to the crews’ quarters. That was several decks down plus some horizontal passageway travel. The first deck down once again remembering what my husband had said, I let the three of them go first. I’ve forgotten the order they were on the ladder except that Antonio was right below me. On the first ladder he stopped while the other two younger sailors went on to the next level.

When they were out of sight Antonio reached up under my cover-up and put two fingers in my vagina and tweaked my clit. Not hard but just enough for it to feel good to me. So, now he had verified that the junior sailor was right, and I was willing. After he’d verified that I was willing we finished climbing down the next two ladders and ended up in a crew berthing area.

Roberto and Mario, the junior sailors, were waiting for us at the bottom of the ladder. Roberto was the one that had taken me out on the wing of the bridge. Antonio gave a sign to them. I saw them grin, so I knew both of them were going to be included in the sex. I was happy about that. They were both young, handsome and they appeared to want me a lot.

There were a lot of men in the enlisted berthing area. There were bunks on the left side of the passageway and on the right side was a big shower and bathroom area. I was a little nervous because I thought maybe I was for all of them. When I reached the bottom of the ladder there were a lot of whistles and cat calls from the crew.

Several were completely nude and didn’t seem to be bothered at all by my presence.

Antonio saw the expression on my face and said, “Don’t worry Sally we’re not going to let any of them have sex with you. We’re going to a place called the bosun’ locker”

I didn’t know what that was, But I knew I was about to find out.

I said, “thank goodness there are too many of them.”

When we left the berthing area, we saw almost nobody. The three of them took me down a couple more decks. We came to a little room that had two bunk beds, A small toilet area. And some instruments.

Antonio said, “This is the forward emergency steering station. No one ever comes down here in port. We’ll have a lot of privacy”.

When he said that my heart raced. I was going to have sex with three very handsome men. By then, I’d forgotten all about the time, my husband and everything else except how good it was going to feel in me.

Antonio closed the door behind the three of us and grabbed me and gave me a kiss. Roberto came up behind me while Antonio was kissing me. He reached around me and unbuttoned my cover-up and took it off me. So, from then on for the next two and a half hours or so I was completely naked. The three of them got undressed also. So here we were four nude people about to have the most fun I’d had in a long time.

I was surprised that these three, unlike the officers, didn’t mind having sex with me in front of each other. I didn’t understand any of what they were saying but they were very gentle to me most of the time. Although Roberto would occasionally get rowdy and a little rough. They apparently told jokes or something because a lot of ecstasy on my part and they would laugh a lot. For the next over two hours, we all had sex. They did it singly with me, two with me and once all three of them worked me over. By the end of the almost three hours, I was almost completely worn out.

They never gave me a chance to clean up, so I was completely full of cum. It was running down my legs. I had given them all blow jobs so my face was coved in cum from where I couldn’t swallow it all. Some more was all over my body.

After the time when all four of us were engaged at once. I asked Antonio what time it was.

He looked at his watch, grinned and said, “Time for me to have you again. So, Roberto picked me up and dropped me on the bunk. Some of the time we did it on the bunk and some of the time on mattresses on the floor when there were more than two of us involved.

Anyway, after Roberto threw me on the bunk. Mario, the young one, got on with me and proceeded to show me what a 19-year-old could do after over 2 hours. Although I was showing them what a 20-year-old could do after 4 hours.

When Roberto had cum, Mario climbed aboard and off we went. He had the biggest cock and balls of all three of them. And he knew how to use them. I was screaming with pleasure almost the whole time I was his. Before he came this time, I thought I’d had a lot of cum but for some reason he had even more the third time. Antonio was the last to cum aboard. We kissed and kissed and after about 15 minutes of kissing he started to work on me. It wasn’t long before I had my final orgasm of the night. He ejaculated right after my orgasm and by this time when I stood up the cum was dripping out of me.

Antonio looked at me and said,” girl you’re a mess. I’ll take you back to the berthing area and you can take a shower”.

I said, “I don’t know if I should do that. I’ll have to be naked in front of all those men”.

He said, “don’t worry about it. It is after taps and most of the crew are in their bunks. Besides, they won’t mind seeing you naked.”

I started to say, “no”, but then I thought after all the fun I’ve had on this ship I really don’t mind how many see me nude.

When we got back to the berthing area, I took off my cover-up and stood under the nice warm shower while Antonio found me a towel, soap, and washcloth. Before I was able to get all the cum out of me and get myself clean everywhere there were at least 25 men standing around watching me bathe. I got a little nervous, so I hurried and finished and put my cover-up back on so that I didn’t notice that the bottom buttons did not get buttoned. A dead giveaway of what I’d been doing all this time on the ship. Antonio took me to the quarter deck and kissed me goodbye.

As I was walking down the gangway, I noticed that my bottom buttons were not buttoned, and most of me from my waist down was visible. It was too late for me to button up before I got to the car. I would have had to stop where everyone was walking by.

I wasn’t until I got to the car that I realized I’d been gone almost six hours total.

When I got to the car and got in, my husband said, “how did you enjoy your tour? You were gone almost six hours.”

I said, “yes, I enjoyed the tour. It’s a big ship.”

Then he said, “Did you have sex with any of them?”

I almost panicked but I managed to keep my composer and I lied, “no but I did kiss a couple of them once.”

He looked at me for a second and then said again, “are you sure you didn’t have sex with any of them”?

I lied again and said, “absolutely not”

He didn’t say anything else about it.

He then said, “Go back up to the quarter deck and set something to meet some of them tomorrow.”

I was shocked. I realized that he must know I was having sex on the ship. He wouldn’t know with how many men or for how long, but I knew he knew. He couldn’t know that I’d already set up a meeting at the house with the officers. I agreed to do that and walked back up the gangway, still partially unbuttoned, and talked to some men on the quarterdeck and planned to meet some sailors tomorrow after my husband had left for the Med. When I got back to the car he said, “did you make arrangements to meet anyone tomorrow.”

I said, ‘yeah.”

He said, “how many”?

I lied again and said “Two”.

He looked over at me and said, “button up the bottom of you cover up before we go through the gate. Your vagina and all your legs are showing.”

I knew for sure now he knew I’d lied about what happened on the Italian ship. However, he didn’t say anything else about it.

(Mario, Guido, and Luigi Next Day)

The next morning my husband, our daughter and I had to get up early and get dressed. I dressed in a very nice conservative outfit, got our daughter dressed while my husband loaded a few last-minute things in the car. Right on time we arrived at the pier where my husband’s ship was berthed.

I gave my husband one of my warm and sweet goodbye kisses.

He said, “enjoy showing the Italians around Mayport”,

I replied, “I will’.

I kissed him again. I knew we were going to miss each other.

We told each other, “I love you”.

It was going to be a long 6 months before we saw each other again. My husband picked up our daughter and gave her a big hug.

She spoke up and said, “good-bye Daddy, I love you”. He handed her to me and picked up his bags and went on board. Just in time for muster. Our daughter and I waved good-bye until the ship was underway and out of sight. Later in a letter I told him I cried when he went on board. My daughter and I got in the car and drove home.

At about 1100 the phone rang, and it was Antonio, the English-speaking Italian officer, on the phone. He asked did I still wanted them to come. I giggled a little at his choice of words.

I said” yes,”

I wanted all of them to cum. I spent the next hour getting myself all prepared for the officers. They got there right on time. The last thing I did was put my daughter down for her nap. I had kept her up late last night playing with her daddy so that she was tired and would take a long nap. Which she did. She slept from 1145 until a little after 1600.

That gave me 4 hours with the Italian officers. Then I had to get ready to go pick up the enlisted Italians from their ship.

I heard the doorbell ring. When I answered the door and there were the three Italian officers. My heart raced as I thought about the coming hours when we would all be naked, and I would have them inside my body. They were in civilian clothes, and I thought all three of them were handsome. Another thought raced through my mind.

I said, “come in”.

As is a custom in the US I showed them around the house. As we were going around the house, I closed all the doors and drapes. When we got to my bedroom. Mario took me in his arms and gave me a wet French kiss. I got absorbed in the kiss so much I didn’t notice the other two left.

He had his little camera this time and he wanted to take both some clothed photos and some nude. I laughed and even though I knew he wouldn’t understand.

I said, “you want to make some pictures of me for the folks back home as well as you buddies, huh?”

I indicated to him it was “ok”.

This time after he was done making the nudes, he didn’t rush me out. He gave me a long lingering kiss and undressed me. I had a skirt and blouse on. As before, no bra or panties.

When he finished undressing me, I took off his clothes and hung them up. I came to him, and both our naked bodies came together. He was very hard, and I was very aroused. I could feel his hard cock pressing up against me, so I let him take charge.

He indicated I was to lie down on the bed and that started the next hour of wonderful sex for both of us. He felt so good to me it didn’t matter which position we were in.! had two strong orgasms and one minor one. His ejaculations caused the two strong orgasms. My weaker orgasm occurred while we were kissing at the end of our love making.

He and I were still going strong when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Mario went to the door. There was some discussion in Italian and Mario left and Antonio came in. I was even more excited now. I really liked him the best.

We lay down on the bed and kissed for a while. Then we started talking. He told me about his life. He was married also. He had 3 children. He was 27 years old and was from Milan. He told me how much they all liked me and how good I was in bed. He told me to get on top of him and ride like one of our wild west cowboys. The hour we had together passed even faster than the hour with Mario. I had done what he asked me to. I was on top bouncing up and down and had a big orgasm. I let out a scream of pleasure that if the windows and door were not closed my neighbors would have heard me, A couple of more orgasms later in an hour there was another knock on the door and Luigi was there. He told Antonio that it was his turn. He also told him that my scream had woken up my daughter but not to worry they were taking good care of her. She hadn’t asked who they were so everything was ok.

I was still naked and didn’t know what to do for sure. Suddenly my daughter came bursting into the bedroom and saw me naked on the bed with Antonio. She stopped dead in her tracks.

I had to say something, so I said, “we’re taking a nap why aren’t you taking a nap.”

My daughter said, “Well Mommy I heard you having a bad dream, so I got up to see if you were OK and this nice man who talks funny played with me with my toys.”

I could hear Antonio behind me trying to suppress a laugh. He was also naked. I got up, went to my closet and got his clothes and me a robe. I took my daughter back to bed and told her to finish her nap.

I said, “Yeah, I want to finish playing with him too”.

As soon as my daughter went back to sleep, I went back to my bedroom. Luigi was clothed and in the bed with Antonio

Antonio asks me, “is everything was OK”.

I replied, “Yes, she is asleep again.”

Antonio asks, “Is it ok if Luigi and I have sex with you together?”

I said,” sure any way you want me”

I had not gotten into bed yet when Luigi started kissing me. He unbuttoned my robe and dropped it off my shoulders. As he continued to kiss me, I removed his clothes. Antonio was already naked. When I removed Luigi last piece of clothes, his shorts. His penis sprang to attention against my belly. We both got in bed with Antonio. I got n bed in-between them.

I lay down and spread my legs. Luigi got down between them and started giving me head. It drove me wild. Antonio put one of his legs on each side of me and inserted his very hard penis in my mouth and I started to give him head. I was in heaven. They both felt so good.

I knew it would not be much long before I came again but I didn’t worry about the noise because my mouth was full. About 15 minutes later all 3 of us came within a few minutes of each other.

After they both came into my mouth and vagina Antonio got up, put his clothes on and left the bedroom. After he left Luigi got on me and we started making love. Just like the previous day he wasn’t as good as his ship mates. But man did he have a lot of cum. In the next hour he came 3 times and when he was through, his cum was running out of my vagina and down my legs like a river.

I went in and took a shower with Luigi while the other two had a drink.

When we were done with our shower was done, we went into the living room, and I gave them all a kiss. They told me they had enjoyed me, and my husband was a lucky man. I knew that was insincere. But I’d had a really good time. When they finally left it was 1615 and I had to be out at the Italian ship in 1800.

(Thee More Italian Enlisted)

I had an hour and 15 minutes to get ready. I was already a little tired. The three officers had put me through a wringer even though I’d enjoyed it tremendously.

The plan was that I was going to pick up some enlisted sailors I hadn’t met before at the ship in 1800. I wasn’t sure how many Italians there would be, but I thought three. They were going to take me to a restaurant for dinner. From that point on nothing was said. However, deep down in my heart I knew what was going to happen. It was just that since I hadn’t met them there had been no discussion about it. The quarterdeck had planned for three or four sailors to meet me at the gangway for dinner. The watch that was going to make the arrangements knew I’d been to bed with several others on the ship but neither I nor the watch wanted to discuss the sex part of the date.

I spent just a little over an hour getting ready to go. I wore an almost see through blouse and a pair of tight shorts and nothing else. I left and drove to the ship. When I drove up there were people all over the place. I didn’t have any idea what my dates looked like, how old they were, how many there were or even if they were in uniform or civvies. Fortunately, when I made the date on the quarterdeck, I told them what kind of car I was driving so they could find me. I sat there in the car, by the gangway for about five minutes then three Italians walked up. I thought wow three. I’m really going to be tired. Maybe they won’t really want sex. No such luck when they got in the car one of them pinched my boob. Not hard just, I think, just to establish that I was going to go to bed with them. However, I found out that a lot of Italian men did that to women they didn’t know.

All three of them spoke some English. After they got in the car. I introduced myself. I told them, “my name was Sally. I am married and I ‘m 20 years old”.

The sailor in the front seat introduced himself as Youssef. He was 35 years old. This was the one she had made the date with on the quarterdeck. It had taken her quite a while to make him understand she wanted to have a date with him and that it was tomorrow night. T

The one sitting behind me in the back seat was Michael. He was 23 years old; he’s married and spoke very good English. He told me they were going to take me to dinner and then to a motel.

I said, ” that sounds like fun. My husband has left to go overseas and I was already lonesome.”

The third one’s name was Cristofer, he was single and 21.

We went into the restaurant and got a lot of attention from the staff and customers alike. Probably because I was wearing a pair of skintight shorts and an almost see-through blouse. When we sat down there was a little jostling as the three of them wanted to sit next to me. It ended up that because he was married Michael had to sit across from me. Youssef sat on one side of me, and Cristofer sat on the other.

Since Michael spoke the best English, he ordered for everybody. He didn’t even ask me what I wanted. The others told him what they wanted. From what happened later I think he was a bit of a male chauvinist. We sat there for almost two hours eating and drinking wine. I am not much of a drinker. However, since I was having so much fun. I drank more than normal which was normally almost nothing. I wasn’t drunk but very mellow and already slightly aroused since both Cristofer and Youssef were playing with my legs all during dinner.

This was in the days before panty hose were available my legs were bare and very tan. It was skin to skin when they ran their hands up and down my legs almost to the top of my thighs. They were a good group of guys.

Since they all spoke some English, it was even better. When we finished eating the Italians split the bill and we got in the car. After we got in Youssef started to kiss me. The guys in the back started shouting to stop playing with me, they wanted to get to a motel where they could all play with me.

I started the car and drove slowly since I was somewhat high. I found a motel on the beach just down the highway from the restaurant. They asked me to go get the room. Apparently, none of the guys were very comfortable with their ability to speak English. Because I didn’t know what it cost, I had to go in and find out then come back out and get the money and pay for the room.

It was a wonder I didn’t fall since I was unsteady on my feet. Especially in the high heels I was wearing. They showed off my legs nicely though.

The look I got from the desk clerk seemed to say,” I know what you’re up to.”

I was going to say something to him, but I didn’t. What would I have said? “The three men I’m with are Italian and don’t speak very good English?

As I thought this, I had another thought. “I shouldn’t have drunk so much wine”

Anyway, I got the key and we drove around to the room.

When we got to the room, they moved the two queen size beds together to make room for all four of us. I got undressed while the three of them watched me. I felt a little uncomfortable when I was completely naked, and they were still dressed. But when I climbed into the bed the three of them started to strip.

Now it was my turn to watch. I was really turned on watching them strip. When they were all naked, they got into bed with me. One sat on each side and one at my feet. Poor Michael, it was him at my feet.

They said, “because he was married”. To try to make it up to Michael I reached over to put my hand around his cock.

Sharply he said, “No. We will touch you, but you don’t touch us”.

I was really disappointed I wanted to play with all of them so badly.

After Michael said, “no” Youssef pulled me to him and started kissing me. While Yousef was kissing me, Michael, the one by my feet, spread my legs apart and started playing with my vagina. Cristofer was sucking on my right breast. With all this attention I was getting, I got really aroused quickly. Again, I reached out to take Youssef penis in my hand. As soon as I put my hand around it, he stopped kissing me and slapped my hand gently.

He said, “I’m not going to tell you again don’t touch us.”

I said, “I’m sorry”.

Michael had been working on my vagina for several minutes and I could feel the fever in my body as my state of arousal continued to increase. When Michael quit sucking on my clit. I started begging for one of them, any one of them to put their penis in me,

Michael, the one that had been fingering me and sucking on my clit finally got his revenge as he was the first one to put his penis in me. A wave of ecstasy swept over me. When Michael started humping me Youssef turned my head toward himself and put his pens against my lips. I immediately took it in my mouth.

Apparently, I could give them blow jobs but not touch them with my hands. I was very glad Youssef did that because I loved giving men head. Cristofer stopped sucking on my breast so he could watch the others have great sex with me. He occasionally made a comment in Italian, and they would laugh.

Soon Youssef, the one I was giving the blow job to started to swell. As he did, he started to moan. Then Michael started to swell also.

I thought, “man they are going to cum at the same time”. They did it. When they had finished Michael got off me and Youssef climbed on me and started whamming me. He had a very large penis and as I got more and more aroused, I became more and more vocal.

Youssef said something in Italian again. I found out later they were talking about me being a screamer. Sometimes when I had a very strong orgasm, I was extremely vocal.

As soon as Youssef came, he withdrew, and Cristofer took over. As his buddies watched he made love to me. He didn’t wham me. Although I like that it’s nice to have a gentle man sometimes. As Cristofer was gently fucking me, he was learning the best speed for him to get me the most aroused. All three of the sailors had a lot of stamina but Cristofer had the most. After he found the speed that was best, he’d bring me almost to orgasm and then slow down and start kissing me until I cooled down some and then he’d go back to the best speed again. I had never had a man do that to me before. We went along like this for almost as hour. However, each time he did it I got slightly higher and when he slowed, I didn’t get quite as low, after almost an hour I was at the point where I was going to cum no matter what he did. However, this time he didn’t slow down he sped up and “Wow” I had the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. I moaned, wiggled my body as hard as I could,

I screamed “I love it, I love it”.

I didn’t realize it, but I had been raising myself up off the bed to try to keep his penis in me, if possible. Suddenly I fell back on the bed and then realized that I had been making a lot of noise. After Youssef had cum, Antonio took over and using what Youssef and learned he did the same thing to me, and he had the same result. I screamed and screamed while I was Cuming. When Antonio finished with me Michael took over and once again, I was out of control and begging for more. Michael had the most stamina, he kept going even after he came. I had had two orgasms

I finally was wonderfully satisfied. But completely exhausted. I was sweating. I was full of cum from the three of them. I lay there for about 10 minutes breathing hard before I could move.

I asked Youssef, “What time is it?

He said,” 0200”.

My head hurt from drinking so much. My body hurt from all of the sex I’d had over the last two days (I can never have too much). All three of them wanted more sex with me and for that matter I wanted more sex with them.. So, my sex for the night didn’t end until 0430. At which time I drove them back to the ship. Kissed all good night and went home, took my cover-up off and fell asleep on the bed without putting any PJ’s on and leaving myself covered in cum but very relaxed and happy.