The Love of Money I Chapter 5c: Grounded

As she walked into the hotel suite, I could tell by her gait that Bobbi was uneasy at being here as she moved down the hall in front of me. Her steps were slow and deliberate, making the journey into the main bedroom take much longer than it needed. Not that I was terribly worried about how fast or slow she was walking; I was still trying to process the fact that Bobbi Nanford was in my room.

Despite my wariness, I couldn’t help but feel a certain level of arousal as I took in her form. Like I’ve said before, Bobbi was a relatively small girl. I guessed that she was about 5’2” tall when she wasn’t wearing heels, which wasn’t often. She wasn’t overly curvy, but she had an impressively tiny waist, and her smaller frame made the assets she did have seem more pronounced. Her hips flared outward from her small waste, giving me the impression that there was plenty to hold onto. Her completely natural B-cup breasts appeared slightly larger on her petite figure. She looked as if grabbing her by the hair and dragging her around was actually possible, and I felt the stirring of my cock under my robe thanks to that image.

After what felt like an eternity, Bobbi made it through the entry hall and entered the main bedroom, where she took some time to study her surroundings. I watched as she became aware of my clothes piled on the floor near the entrance to the bathroom. Eventually, she dropped her purse on the bed and turned to look at me.

Bobbi Nanford was in my hotel room. No matter how many times I repeated that in my head, I couldn’t quite make it compute. She was standing beside my bed in a little black dress, wearing fuck-me heels with black straps wrapped most of the way up her calves, and half her light brown hair was pulled back and held in place with a silver clip while the rest fell around her lovely face.

She looked like a wet dream version of a disney princess.

At least, she would have if not for the tears running down her face, stained dark from her mascara.

“What are you doing here, Bobbi?” I asked, trying to keep my voice level and free of emotion.

Moments ticked by as she simply stared at me with big, grey doe eyes full of sadness and… was that fear?

“I don’t have anywhere else to go.” Her tone was faint and scared.

“What do you mean?” I asked. It wasn’t like I’d taken away her car or changed the locks on the door of her house. I hadn’t decided to go that far, yet.

“You turned off my phone. I… I can’t get a rideshare,” Bobbi clarified. “I don’t remember my roommate’s number. I tried…”

Bobbi bit her lip and looked around the room as if looking for some sort of lifeline… something to hold onto as she tried to grapple with the fact that she had nothing. At that moment, with tears streaming down her face and no one to turn to, I felt sorry for her.

And then I remembered that a few short hours ago she tried to smash me in the head with her phone. All the insults she’d hurled at me over the past year and the people she hurt flooded my mind. She wasn’t a helpless girl. She was more like a wounded predator trying to use every last trick she had to survive, and I had to remember that.

“That sounds like a ‘you’ problem, Bobbi. I’ll ask again. Why are you here?”

“I don’t want to go to jail,” she said, her voice cracking with emotion.

I crossed my arms over my chest, “I don’t care.”

“What do I need to do?”

We stared at each other in complete silence for several awkward moments before I finally said, “I don’t know.”

Bobbi regarded me through red-rimmed eyes lined with ruined mascara, and I simply stared back at her, not willing to do anything to break the uncomfortable silence that permeated each passing moment.

Then Bobbi made the first move. Her hips swayed as she stepped toward me, her footsteps silent on the plush carpet beneath her. The look on her face transformed as she came closer. The quivering of her chin stilled as she adopted a sweet smile on her beautiful lips. The dimples in her cheeks made her look more like a girl-next-door rather than the Macheavellian siren she actually was. Her eyes smoldered behind that mask of puffy eyes and runny makeup.

“I know what you want,” she said. The fact that she looked like she’d just been crying surprisingly didn’t detract from the sexiness of what she was trying to do. “I know why you brought me here.”

Curious to see where she would take this, I didn’t respond.

Reaching me, she placed her hands lightly on my robed chest, her perfectly manicured fingers grazed the plush terry cloth as she looked directly up into my eyes, “You brought me here because you want me.”

sShe lowered her gaze to the V where the flaps of my robe crossed over my chest; a bit of hair peeked past the cloth. The crimson-painted nail of Bobbi’s right index finger raked through it, scratching delicately over my skin. Her eyes flitted back to mine.

“You weren’t sure how to ask me. That’s why you left me down there. I get it.” Her hand drifted lower until it found the knot of my belt. She began toying with it as she said, “So how about I ask you, Marcus?”

She leaned in closer, her lips came just below my chin as she looked up at me. Her breath smelled sweet, and her hair carried a soft scent of strawberries. “Would you like to feel my fingers wrapped around your cock, Marcus?”

Wow… Bobbi wasted no time. Still, I refrained from responding. For the moment, I settled for enjoying the beauty of my seductress as I let her continue. However, the truth of the matter was that as much as I thought Bobbi was a human plague, I very much wanted exactly what she suggested.

“My hand is so soft, Marcus. Do you know how good it would feel for you to cum in it?” She whispered as she nuzzled her nose on my chin. “Would you forgive me if I did that for you?”

Wait… what? Was I understanding her correctly?

Her eyes were half lidded as she looked up at me and began working the knot on my belt loose. It fell away, and the fabric of my robe opened to reveal my nudity underneath. My cock was standing at full hardness and jutted out from the opening of the robe, clearly wanting to come out and play. Bobbi’s hand immediately found it, and her cool fingers wrapped around the girth of my warm dick. She slid the robe off the right side of my shoulder with her free hand, and did the same with the other. The terry cloth pooled on the floor just behind me, leaving me naked for her gaze.

“I’m sorry about before… in the restaurant. I know I can be a bit of a brat and a lot to handle sometimes.” Her grey eyes wandered my frame as she continued, “But I want you to know that despite my actions, I’ve always known you’ve had a soft spot for me. I guess I’ve had a bit of a thing for you too.” She placed a hand on my chest once again, allowing her fingernails to graze over my skin while her other hand was busy with my cock. I felt her fingers give it a light squeeze before loosening their grasp so they could lightly run up and down the length. “Letting me get you off… you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Enough to maybe forget about some of the naughty things I’ve done?”

It was difficult not to be in total shock. Her change in demeanor alone was enough to throw me off, but was she suggesting that I forgive all her crimes for a fucking handjob? Setting aside the stress and frustration she caused me and others at Marduke, she was on the hook for $100,000, and that didn’t even begin to address the debt I’d bought. Did she seriously believe that a handjob from her was worth all that?

“You want to lay back?” Bobbi asked, giving me a sickly sweet smile. “Just let me do all the work while you enjoy yourself.”

I did as she suggested and walked over to the bed to sit down on the edge. Bobbi came with me, kneeling between my legs and looking up at me through makeup-smudged eyes. “There we go,” she said as she carefully wrapped her fingers around my hard cock.

She began stroking it slowly, and on the third stroke, she slid her fingers over the head of my cock where precum had started to accumulate. She used it to coat the entire tip before continuing to stroke, her grip tightening around the tip of my dick where I was most sensitive before running her hand back down my shaft. My traitorous cock throbbed with need. There was no doubt about it – judging by her talent, Bobbi Nanford had done this before. She knew how to make male genitals feel good, and while I was used to getting blowjobs and actual sex from people like Jessica and Helen, it still felt amazing. The fact that she hated my guts only made the experience hotter.

I wasn’t used to seeing this side of Bobbi. Where was the complete bitch who had made every day at work a living nightmare? Where was the spoiled brat had made a scene downstairs? Who was this ravishing creature who spoke with a silky voice and honeyed words? I searched her eyes and couldn’t find a hint of deception or hatred. Was she just that good of an actor? Shouldn’t this be a red flag that she was completely insane?

“Bobbi, why are you doing this?”

I saw a momentary flash of something in her eyes to remind me of who she was, but it was gone in a moment, replaced again by the seductress. She grazed a perfectly manicured nail lightly along the underside of my fully-hard cock as she looked up at me and tilted her head to the side, “Obviously, because this is what you want, Marcus. I do this for you, and all is forgiven, right?”

Old Marcus might have let her get away with it, but I was no longer that guy who would have been grateful to get a handjob from someone as beautiful as Bobbi. Now, I was fucking women like Helen. This was nothing.

I narrowed my eyes. “Bobbi, you don’t think giving me one sad handjob is going to make up for everything, do you?”

Her stroking slowed and she looked at me with apparent confusion, “Why not?”

I grabbed her wrist in one hand and pried her fingers off my cock, not sure I wanted them there after what I was about to say. “Because there’s no handjob in the world worth that!”

She glanced at my cock, then back up at me. “Okay then,” she said as she slowly stood up straight. “What will it take?” Her tone had shifted from sweet to flat and transactional; that seductive demeanor evaporated in an instant.

I let go of her wrist and stood up along with her, not giving her the chance to look down on me. “I don’t know. A hell of a lot more than you have to give.”

She stared up at me in utter silence, jaw set and eyes aflame. Then she literally snarled at me.

“Fine! Then fuck you, Marcus! Go to fucking hell! I hope you get cancer and die!” She punched me in the chest as hard as she could, and then reared back to do it again. “I hope you give your mom aids, you piece of fucking shit!”

And there it was. The tone I was used to hearing in her voice… the cutting words… the insults. As I suspected, she wasn’t learning a lesson. She wasn’t changing. She was still the same Bobbi Nanford that I’d known for nearly a year.

Only this time, I didn’t have to put up with it.

I caught her wrist in my hand to keep her from hitting me again, grabbed her by her hair, and yanked her toward me. She toppled forward, thrown off balance by the swing of her fist, and I used the momentum to twist and drive her face-first into the bed, shoving her face into the mattress as I kept a firm grip on the back of her head. I let go of her wrist, grabbed the hem of her dress, and dragged it over her thighs and ass to expose them to my view.

I already knew Bobbi’s ass was small and tight. It wasn’t hard to guess judging by how she looked in those skirts she always wore around the office, but seeing the bare flesh of her small, rounded cheeks was a completely different matter. They were twin globes of milky white flesh parted by a lacy, black thong running between them. Her pale thighs were currently spread as she flailed her legs, trying to break free of the hold I had on her, but it had the benefit of allowing me to clearly see the thin scrap of lacy, black fabric covering the puffy mound of her pussy. I was tempted to grab her thong and yank it upward to see how far that fabric would dig into her cunt before it actually snapped, but there was something else I wanted to do first. It was something I’d imagined countless times over the past year.

I unceremoniously raised my hand and brought it down. A loud crack accompanied the blow of my palm on her right ass cheek, and an angry red welt began to materialize, marring the lovely skin of her perky, white butt. I raised my hand and brought it down on her ass again, leaving another patch of angry, red skin where I struck.

Bobbi screamed into the mattress and twisted violently under my grasp. She managed to roll her head to the side, freeing her mouth. “Ow! What the fuck!?”

Another blow on her ass followed; she squealed and reached back to try to block my hand with her own. I grabbed one arm, pulled it to the side, and used a knee to pin it to the bed. That freed me to grab her other arm and pin it to the bed, keeping her ass unobstructed so I could continue assaulting it. I proceeded with several more blows, and each one was rewarded by a bellow of outrage from Bobbi.

“You’re never-” SLAP. “Going-” SLAP. “To mistreat-” SLAP. “Anyone-” SLAP. “Again!” SLAP. SLAP. SLAP.

My hand was starting to sting from the repeated blows on Bobbi’s ass, but I barely registered it as I continued to deliver spankings. I was too invested in what I was doing to care about her attempts to kick my shin. She was positioned so badly that the blows were largely ineffective anyway

She screamed again, her face as red as her ass as I continued to rain blows on it. I was starting to worry that she would attract someone’s attention, but it was unlikely. This was the most expensive suite in the entire hotel, with rooms I hadn’t even bothered to explore yet. I hadn’t seen any other doors to any other rooms, and was pretty confident that no one beneath us could hear a damn thing. Even if someone did come, what was stopping me from just paying them to go away? It had worked earlier with Andrew.

“FUCK YOU!” She screamed back at me, trying to wrench herself free from my grasp.

I stopped spanking her and released my hold on both her arms as I rolled her on her back, and leaned in close. “Fuck me? Fuck you, bitch!”

She started pummeling my chest with her fists and I kept trying to bat them out of the way, finally grasping both and pinning them both to the bed so that I now hovered over her. She still struggled, and when that proved fruitless, she screamed again and tried to snap at my face, her teeth clicking as they brushed my nose.

“What are you going to do now, huh? Are you going to fuck me?” She said through a clenched jaw. “I’m going to tell everyone you raped me! I’ll show them the bruises! I’ll get your ass thrown in jail. I’ll fucking sue you for all-”

I slapped her across the face, which cut the rest of her tirade short. She looked up at me with big, beautiful eyes wide with shock. That was quickly replaced by even more rage.

My own shock lasted longer than hers. Before today, I’d never hit a woman in my life.

“You feel like a big man, hitting a woman?” she hissed at me through gritted teeth. Even her loud, shallow breathing sounded enraged.

I already felt bad for slapping her across the face. Hearing her say things like that only made it worse, so I did the only thing I could think to do… the only thing I really wanted to do, at that moment. I grabbed her by the throat, and positioned my hand just under her jawline. Her eyes went wide again and her angry breathing became raspy; she raised her chin, and even through her shock, she still managed to stare at me in utter defiance. She opened her mouth to say something else and I crushed my lips on hers just to shut her the fuck up.

I kept my tongue in my mouth, sure that if I attempted to invade hers, she would snap it right off. As soon as I sealed my lips on hers, I could hear her breathing become louder as she inhaled and exhaled through her nose, and her single free hand began beating on my back.

But at the same time, her mouth began moving against mine as she began kissing me back. I didn’t feel a tongue, but her lips moved harshly against mine, attempting to bruise them with their ferocity. The kiss began to morph into something else… more of a mutual dance of defiance and hatred. I felt her teeth graze against my bottom lip, trying to capture it between hers, and despite how turned on I was at the moment, I pulled back to prevent her from actually sinking her incisors into my flesh. When it was obvious she’d she’d failed, Bobbi spit at me, and I felt warm saliva coat my cheek.

“Fuck you,” she said again.

“Fuck you,” I snarled back.

Then she raised her head to meet mine in another bruising kiss, only this time her tongue speared into my mouth in search of mine, and attempted to treat it with the same intensity her lips had treated mine. Sahe wrapped her legs around mine and began thrusting her crotch into mine. Her fist had stopped trying to strike me and instead slid up to the back of my head, where she held a fistful of my hair in one hand and kept a tight, painful grasp on it. As her grip tightened, so did the hold I had on her throat.

When I heard her squeal into my mouth, I loosened my grip on her throat, afraid that I might actually suffocate her. She pulled her mouth off mine and coughed into my face between mouthfuls of oxygen. Then she let go of my hair and struck me in the face with an open palm.

“See how you like it!”

“Fuck you, Bobbi!” I yelled at her and slapped her back.

She grunted with the force of the blow and said, “What are you waiting for, cocksucker?”

I shoved her so that she slid up the bed, allowing me room to get my full body on the mattress with her. The movement pulled her legs free from around my waist, and now that there was space between our bodies, I used the opportunity to grab the lacy black dental floss barely covering her groin. With a single yank, I ripped them off her. With her dress bunched around her waist, she was now nude from the waist down. Her entire crotch glistened with arousal; her mons and vulva were a bit more prominent than Jessica’s or Helen’s, making her entire pussy look more pronounced and puffy. Her outer lips were swollen, and the inner lips of her pussy were already parted, the inside glistening and an angry shade of red that was on brand with everything else about Bobbi.

Bobbi started to scoot away from me, and I clamped a hand on her thigh and quickly moved up her body so that I was face to face with her again. I gripped her jaw in one hand and forced her to look directly at me, “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

“Anywhere but here with you,” she spat back, “You’re pathetic. You won’t do anything to me. You’re a fucking weak lose-”

I shut her up again with another bruising kiss to the mouth and pushed my hips forward, the tip of my rock-hard dick easily finding its way inside Bobbi’s soaking wet pussy. The last thing I wanted to be was gentle, so the moment I felt the mushroom head sinking between her inner lips, I crammed my entire cock into her in one hard thrust. Bobbi seized, her lips frozen on mine as she felt my length invade her.

I was fucking Bobbi Nanford. The queen bitch of Marduke… the woman who had made my work a hell on earth. I despised her. Most people hated her, but I hated her more. I hated her with the burning hatred that was on par with the molten core of this planet. I hated the way she talked to me. I hated how lazy she was. I hated the fact that she got away with so much. I hated her voice. I hated the way her ass swayed when she walked. I hated her lips and her eyes and the way the little pink tip of her tongue wetted her lips when she was concentrating on something. I hated how much her tight little body turned me on.

Before I gave her a chance to recover from impaling her, I pulled most of my length out of her and immediately thrust back into her again, slamming my hips into her. She gasped in my mouth, then tore her lips off mine and let out a shuddering breath as her entire body quivered beneath me.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to be the nice guy. Not where Bobbi was concerned. It wasn’t enough that I’d trapped her beneath me and had stuck my dick in her. I needed to break her. Possess her.

Her tremors started to subside and she let out a loud moan and turned her head away from me, exposing the pale expanse of her neck. The sight was so tempting that I grabbed her hair and pulled on it, wrenching her head even more to the side to expose even more of her neck to me. I leaned forward and sunk my teeth into the soft flesh between her neck and her shoulder as I roughly palmed one of her tits through the thin fabric of her dress with my other hand. I squeezed it just hard enough to get her attention as I bit down and sucked on her soft skin.

“What the fuck? Ow! Hey!” She started to protest, turning her head to try to push me out of the spot on her neck I’d latched onto. I gave her hair a firm yank, sending the clear message that I wouldn’t be defied. I began kissing it, running my tongue up her pale skin to her ear. Reaching her earlobe, I pulled it between my lips and chewed on it while I trapped her nipple between two fingers and began pinching it hard. I heard her gasp and felt her arch her back, pressing her slender body into me as I began pistoning my dick in and out of her sopping wet snatch.

“You asked me what it’ll take,” I whispered in her ear. “If you want to earn anything from me, it’ll take much more than a handjob. You don’t get it. I fucking own you.” She attempted to turn her head at those words, about to say something, but I yanked on her hair again, keeping her head canted to the side. She grunted in pain, cutting off whatever she was about to say. “If I want you to strip and sit in my office like some fucking ornament, you’ll do it. If you have any hope of ever having a normal life again, you’ll do what I say. If I want you to spend the rest of your time at my company getting coffee for everyone, that’s what you’ll do.”

I kissed her cheek, and felt her violently shake her head in an attempt to get my lips off her, but I didn’t let it discourage me. I trailed my lips across her jawline and up till I felt the corner of her mouth on my lips. I gave my hips a particularly violent thrust and yanked the fabric covering the breast I’d been fondling aside, enjoying the feel of her soft skin as I kneaded her tender breast in my hand. I kept her head firmly in place with the grip I had on her hair.

“Maybe I’ll make you my personal assistant. You can spend all your time under my desk with my cock in your mouth. Maybe I’ll share you with other men. It’s not like I’d be jealous. I fucking hate you too much. All that matters is that I own you.” I released my grip on her hair, reached down with both hands, grabbed her wrists, and held them above her head as I picked up the pace of my thrusts. She didn’t fight back at all as I crossed her wrists and held them in one hand. I grabbed her throat with the other just below her jaw and forced her to look at me again.

“And not only will you do every single thing I order, you’ll love it. You already do, don’t you, Bobbi? That’s why you’re here. You don’t have a single fucking place to go… no one to turn to. You realize what everyone else already knows – how much of a piece of shit you are. How worthless you are… and the only thing you can think to do is let me use you. Maybe I’ll give you a place to stay tonight. Maybe I won’t have you arrested. You’re desperate enough.”

I began fucking her violently. “And you hate yourself so much that you want this.”

She shook her head as much as she could, speaking through gritted teeth and throwing me a glare to match. Despite that, she was meeting each thrust of my hips with her own. “Fuck you, Marcus. No I don’t. I fucking hate this. I fucking hate you!”

I leaned forward until my lips were almost brushing hers, increasing the pressure on her neck as I continued to pound away at her pussy. Her groin was thrusting into me forcefully, actively participating in her violation. “Then why are you soaking wet, slut? Why are you fucking me back?”

“I fucking hate it, you cocksucker,” she spat back at me, avoiding answering my question. I increased the pressure on her neck a little more, hearing a strained sound accompanying each breath. I was now pounding away with her with complete abandon. Fuck, this woman drove me crazy.

I couldn’t hold back anymore. I crushed my lips on hers and was only mildly surprised this time when she didn’t immediately try to bite them. Instead, she kissed me back with as much fervor and without any hesitation. I caught her succulent bottom lip between both of mine and sucked on it, raking my teeth over it and enjoying the taste and feel as I completely dominated her… made her mine.

I broke the kiss and lowered my mouth to the breast I’d exposed earlier and popped half of it in my mouth, suckling on it hard as I raked my tongue over her sensitive nipple. I felt her shiver in my arms and decided to crank things up a notch, sinking my teeth into the tender meat of her nipple just enough to make sure it really hurt.

“Nnnng ah god!” she gurgled, tensed and began bucking underneath me for all she was worth. Her face was beet red as she wheezed and gasped for oxygen. I kept up the thrust of my hips and released my grip around her throat. She screamed through gritted teeth as I felt her pussy gush around my cock. I released her wrists and cupped the side of her face roughly as I released her tit from my mouth and started making out with her again, cutting off her desperate screams. I could feel myself starting to reach the point of no return; my seed was boiling and the damn was nearly ready to burst. I broke our kiss and as I pulled away, I heard her whimper loudly.

I’d intended on pulling out in the next few moments, but then something occurred to me. I owned Bobbi. I glanced down at her neck and shoulder where I’d left several welts and bite marks to mark my territory. There was another way I could leave my mark.

“Are you safe?” I asked.

“Safe?” she panted, confused in what I imagined was quite a mind fog. Clarity immediately followed. “No. Birth control… fucks… with my head too much.”

“I’m going to cum in you,” I growled.

Her eyes grew wide and the rhythm of our fucking changed slightly as I felt her try to actively back off my dick, “The fuck? No!”

Drunk with having complete power over this witch of a woman, I shook her head slightly, emphasizing the fact that I had physically dominated her… that she was completely mine, “What the fuck did I just tell you? I own you and if I want to cum in your cunt, that’s what I’ll do.”

I felt her try to shake her head in my grip, “This is different, Marcus. This is real.”

“And you think what I said before wasn’t?” I snarled at her. She flinched underneath me, a genuine look of fear flickering in her features. It made my cock jump and I started to feel myself get ready to explode.

“Fuck,” I said, letting go of Bobbi and bracing myself on the bed, my hands pressed into the mattress on either side of her head just above her shoulders. She tried to pull away from my cock, but my weight on her prevented her from success. “Here it fucking comes!”

“No! Marcus! You can’t-” I slapped one hand over her mouth to shut her the fuck up and gave one final thrust deep in her as I felt myself unload into her sopping wet cunt. I let out a bellow of rage and triumph and thrusted once more to drill the head of my cock as deep inside her as absolutely possible. I was buried fully inside one of the most beautiful women I’d ever met in person… one that I had just thoroughly hate-fucked.

Her smeared makeup, heaving chest, and the tears sleeping freely from her eyes kept my cock rock hard despite having just released my cum seed deep in her womb. I wanted to see more tears. I wanted to see the hope completely flee from her eyes. She’d already lost so much in a day with the promise of losing so much more if she didn’t cooperate. She had no money. Her freedom and job were hanging by a thread. I technically owned her home. She was completely dependent on me, and before I was done with her, she would be begging me to take her. It would be her only purpose.

As she stared up at me with an unreadable expression on her face, I knew I was addicted to her. The power over this woman… I was drunk with it.

“What’s the matter, Bobbi? Are you scared that I put a baby in you? I hope I did.” I said and rolled my hips so my cock moved around inside her cunt, reminding her of what I’d just done. “I hope your belly starts to swell with my child. I want to see your tits get bigger. I want that body you’re so proud of changed by what I did to you tonight. Because I fucking own you, bitch.”

I released her and enjoyed the feeling of my cock slipping free of her sloppy cunt as I pushed myself off the bed. I went to the fridge to look for something to drink from the fully-stocked fridge. I pulled out a bottle of water and started to down it, giving myself time to think about what I’d just done. I didn’t pay any attention to Bobbi. Now that I’d cum in her and extracted my cock, I didn’t even want to look at her.

Where the fuck had all that come from?

Had I just taken this woman against her will? Maybe? She’d been so wet, and had goaded me repeatedly… it felt like she’d wanted it. Should I feel bad about it? Could I feel bad about it when I already felt a desire to do it again?.

I glanced back at her prone body still spread out on the bed. I hoped she still hated me as much as I still hated her. I wanted her to still give me an excuse to grab her by the throat, throw her against the wall, and fuck her while watching the tears in her eyes. I wanted to slap her face and spit on her while she cursed my name. I’m not necessarily a violent man, but something about Bobbi Nanford brought out the worst in me, and part of me didn’t just love it. I reveled in it.

I took another sip of water and turned back to Bobbi. She laid on the bed with one hand covering her eyes, and I wasn’t sure if she was crying or not, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it if she was.

“You’re staying here tonight, Bobbi.”

I screwed the lid back on the water bottle and tossed it on the bed beside her, “In the morning, you can go back home. Take the rest of the week off. Stay home. Think about all this, because this is your life now, if you choose it.”

She didn’t respond. She didn’t even look at me or even grab the water bottle. I let my eyes wander over her trim body. Her smaller breasts laid nearly flat on her chest as gravity pulled them down. I admired the slight definition of her abdomen. Her tight ass. God, her body was near perfection.

“On your way home, stop by the pharmacy and pick up the morning after pill,” I said as an afterthought.

That got her attention. She lifted her hand from her face and looked at me. I couldn’t tell if there were fresh tears or not, her face was already such a mess. “What? Why?”

“Do you want to get pregnant?” I snapped back at her.

“Fuck no,” she snapped back, her fiery spirit obviously still just under the surface.

“Then just do it. You’ll have a credit card before you leave in the morning.”

I made my way back over to the bed and dropped down on it, suddenly way more tired than I’d felt coming up the elevator. Bobbi dropped her head back on the bed and stared at the ceiling pretending I wasn’t there. I decided to do the same. Moments turned into minutes, and those ticked by.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She finally said, still glaring at the ceiling.

“Relaxing in the room I paid for,” I said.

She finally looked at me with bewilderment etched all over her face, “I’m not spending the night with you.”

I shrugged, “Suit yourself. I’m staying though. You’re free to leave.”

She sat up and stared at me, clearly still trying to process the fact that someone would treat her like this despite what we’d just done. I did my best to keep my eyes locked on the ceiling so I couldn’t be burned by her gaze. Old habits died hard, and I had almost a year’s worth of killing to do.

“You’re serious.” It sounded more like a statement than a question… as if she were repeating it in an effort to grasp the inevitability she faced.


When it was clear she wasn’t going to get anything else from me she launched herself off the bed and started gathering her things. I just laid there listening to her till I heard a crash against the wall. I looked up just in time to see her phone landing on the floor beside the bed.

“It’s a fucking paperweight,” she muttered as she rummaged through her bag for something. I leaned back against my elbows and simply admired her body and felt a slight twitch in my dick as my eyes traveled over her creamy skin.

“Where are you planning on going?” I finally asked.

“I don’t know!” She barked as she worked her dress back over her hips.

“Okay,” I said, and laid back down. “See you next week, bitch.”

I could feel her looking back at me again. “Will you at least call me a car?”

“No,” I said, not bothering to look at her. From my peripheral vision, I could see her simply standing there and staring at me. Old Bobbi would have reacted immediately and with the full force of a thousand suns. It was clear she knew the predicament she was in.

“Seriously. Why are you doing this?”

“I already told you,” I said, annoyed. “Because you’ve been a complete bitch the entire time I’ve known you. Because you’ve stolen and lied to the company. My company now. Because I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. Because I hate you.” I decided to be completely honest with myself and her. “And despite all that, I want you. I want to fuck you while I buy an island. And I want you to fall so madly in love with the lifestyle I provide you that you can’t see any other life for yourself other than to do whatever the hell I want. Now, if you’ll excuse me. It’s getting late and I need to get some sleep.”

I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the side table. It wasn’t quite midnight, but I’d done more in the last few days than I would have in an entire week before the inheritance… and after the charged evening I’d just had, I found myself suddenly exhausted. I set my alarm and then checked my messages – just a couple of missed calls from Helen and one from Natalie. They’d both left texts. I also received texts from my mother, my brother, and from Phoebe.

I decided to ignore the ones from my family for tonight and started with Phoebe. She’d asked if I was home, so I texted her back, telling her that I was working late at the office and probably wouldn’t be able to get away tonight. I wondered if she could let herself in and feed Jack for me. Then I asked if she needed anything.

Helen’s text stated that she’d found some candidates for a position as my assistant and wanted to know if I’d be able to make it to my office at 10 in the morning. I texted her back that I’d be there and that I’d also had a great evening.

‘Great! Can’t wait to hear all about it,’ was her immediate reply.

Natalie’s text was just to thank me for trusting her with the new position and to tell me that she couldn’t wait to get started.

‘You deserve it, Natalie. I can’t wait to work with you. See you soon. Goodnight!’

Then before sending it, I rewrote the message.

‘You deserve it, Nat. I look forward to working with you. I can’t wait to see you again. Goodnight!’

I put my phone back down on the side table and let my mind wander to Natalie. None of tonight mattered compared to her. It didn’t matter that I could grab Bobbi by the hair and stick my cock down her throat. If required, I’d give her over to the authorities tomorrow. It didn’t matter that I could have Helen and a bevy of other women at any moment. Natalie was the one I really wanted.

‘I wonder what she would think of this situation,’ I thought to myself as I felt the weight of Bobbi slinking onto the bed. I looked over my shoulder at her and couldn’t help but smile in smug self-satisfaction.

“Good choice. Don’t worry. I don’t expect spooning. I only cuddle women I like. But I have an alarm going off at eight. If you’ve decided to take my offer, I’d like to get a blowjob in the morning before I have to leave.”

Bobbi simply pulled the blankets up to her chin, rolled over so her back was facing me and promptly ignored my presence. That was fine. She needed time to process what had just happened. So did I. As I laid on the bed trying to fall asleep, I ran through the events of the last few days. How my money had led me to force one of the hottest women I knew to sleep with me. I thought about the power I’d obtained that had allowed me to shed the feelings of intimidation I’d always felt toward Bobbi. I thought about my incredibly beautiful lawyer and wondered what she had in store for me tomorrow. And I thought of Natalie’s big, brown eyes and luscious lips. I imagined her hard nipples grinding against my chest as we kissed, and finally getting the chance to make love to my dream girl. And I drifted off to sleep.