The Loop – part 7

Alex woke away to find himself in the loop again. It only took a moment to realize this. Not wanting to have to deal with Ms. Tomas this morning he grabbed his phone, quickly made the bed and went to hide in the hallway closet. She checks the bedroom closet he found out in a past loop.

At seven, she came in and checked the apartment. She stopped and sighed just outside the hallway closet. “Damn it Alex. I had a fun morning planned for you.” Her footsteps moved to the front door. He listened to the heavy door open and close and then the lock being turned into place. Then he waited another thirty seconds before he came out of his hiding spot.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this could be a day with none of all this crazy sex stuff. He headed to the bathroom and got ready for work like any day before these crazy loops. Making sure he left earlier enough to get to work on time. As he was leaving the building he ran into his teenage neighbor from three floors down. “Good morning Alex,” she said in her best seductive voice.

“Hey there Sam. How is it going,” he said as he stopped in the lobby for a second? Turning to face the young dark haired beauty.

“It’s Samantha now. I’m eighteen now. My birthday was yesterday, so I figured it was time to let that childish name go. I’m a legal woman now,” she said as she let her legs uncross. Taking her time to switch places and recross them. “We should hangout sometime.” Her finger twirling in her long black hair.

Damn this girl turned sexy overnight. Her mixed parents, her father being half white and half black himself and her mother being Japanese, really gave her an exotic look. The long straight hair coming from her mother. The same with the shape of the eyes, but the stunning blue must come from her father. Along with the color of her skin. A soft brown almost like someone of middle eastern descent. Her tight little body was very similar to her mother’s except for the much larger chest. “Well Samantha, we will need that real soon. I hope you had a great birthday, but I have to get to work. I’ve been late too many times this week already. I will catch you later.” She called bye to him. Once outside he turned up the street to his car. Taking a Quick Look back to see the girl with a disappointed look on her face. “Hmmm. Eighteen,” he muttered under his breath. “Yes very soon.”

The drive to work was quick for once and he made it to his office ten minutes early for once. He turned the computer on and started work. At nine Mrs. Amber popped her head in,” good to see you here and working on time Mr. Simpson,” her voice is a bit hard.

“Yes, Mrs. Amber. Sorry for the last few days. Outside of work has been a bit crazy. He knows it should not affect his work life, and he will make sure it doesn’t in the future.” Mrs. Amber’s head tilted as he spoke. Then he realized he was speaking in third person as she required in past loops. “I will do much better Mrs. Amber,” he finished with.

The confusion passed from her eyes as quickly as it came. He just hoped she thought it was a slip up. “I expect that Mr. Simpson.” She turned and headed down the hallway.

For the next few hours Alex worked away sending emails, writing reports and breakdown spreadsheets. He ordered sushi for lunch and had it delivered. The work today was easy since he has done it in past loops. His mind daydreamed about young Samantha and how her young pussy would feel. He also thought about Mrs. Amber and about the few past loops with her. Both were a distraction, but not enough to stop his productivity.

Around two, Lilly Dupree came into his office. A super cute blonde. Short and curvy, she knew which clothes took advantage of this look for her. “Hey Alex,” she said, leaning her head into his office. “You got a second to go over some numbers.”

“Sure, come on in Lilly,” his arm waving the young woman in. “Always time to help you out.” Her short legs moved her closer to his desk. “How can I help you?” He already knew the answer to her questions as they have done this in at least three past loops. He did take her right on his desk in one of them but that was a mess.

She placed the paperwork on his desk in front of him. Leaning over she started pointing at the numbers on the paper. Alex half listened as he stared down her cleavage. “So, what do you think?” She pushed off his desk and straightened.

Alex pushed back in his chair, rolling a few inches away from the desk. He crossed his left leg over his right and made it seem like he was pondering the question. Then he made it seem like the idea just came to him. Leaning forward he pointed to the paper. “Here, can we somehow get this output to change to five. Maybe take it from this line.” He looked up at the sexy cute blonde to watch her eyes grow.

“Oh shit,” she exclaimed. “That would work. My god Alex you are a lifesaver.” Her energy changed. She got excited. She got a bounce in her step, even though she tried to contain it. “This is amazing. This will work. Thank you Alex. Thank you so much.” This time she couldn’t help the bounce.

“It was my pleasure, Lilly. I know you would have figured that out.”

“I’m not sure,” she said as she turned. “Thank you so much again.” She almost raced out of his office and back to her desk. Alex pushed back in his chair. Raising his arms behind his head and waited.

This time it took Trevor Hendrix forty seconds to come in. He closed the door a bit as he came in. “Dude, Lilly just left your office. I saw the huge smile on her face as she left. Was she asking about me?” Trevor was a delusional rich asshole. He thought every woman wanted him, even the ones that clearly didn’t. He was not a bad looking guy. Standing at six foot three inches with an athletic frame. One that has had too many beers after his sports days.

“Trevor, what are you talking about? Lilly came in to discuss work, because we are at work.” Alex’s annoyance front and centered.

“Dude, don’t hold back on me,” the younger man said walking closer to his desk. “What did she say?”

“Nothing about you. She asked for my help on a project. Nothing more.” Alex shifted back to his desk. “Now if you can leave, I have work to do.”

“Man, why are you cock blocking me?”

“Trevor, let me put this in words you may understand. She wants nothing to do with you. You are being a creep. Always hanging around her like this. We all see it. At some point you are going to cross a line and end up in HR’s office. Do you want that?” Staring up at the guy Alex could see the words still not having an effect. “I just hope you stop starving her because that is not cool. I know your daddy will get you out of trouble but still man leave her alone.”

The words hung there. Trevor staring ice daggers down at him. His face bunching up in anger. “Fuck you man,” his voice rose. “You can’t talk to me like that.” He turned and stormed out of Alex’s office.

Alex started working again waiting for the other shoe to drop. Twenty minutes went by, and an email binged on his computer. A meeting with Mrs. Amber at 9:30 tomorrow morning. “Good,” he thought. “I have nothing more to do with this today.” Alex finished off his day without any more drama. He took the stairs down the three flights, and they discharged on the side street.

As he came out he saw Trevor blocking the sidewalk so Lilly couldn’t pass. He has done this dance before in a past loop. Thinking back on it, maybe he will try something different.

In the past loop he charged over to the scene. Placing himself in front of Trevor. Blocking him from blocking her. As Trevor got more and more agitated he started pushing at Alex. Trying to get past him. Alex told Lilly to get out of here. Not having to wait, she hurried down the street.

“Trevor, you got to stop this. This is going to get you arrested,” Alex told him. Not wanting to hear this Trevor took a swing at Alex. Alex sidestepped and hit him with his own right hand knocking him out. As he stood over the fallen Trevor, he noticed the police car down the street. “Fuck,” he said to himself. He started walking away from the main roadway and ducked down the alley between the buildings.

Halfway down the dirty alleyway he heard the car pull up behind him. He wanted to bolt but he kept walking, trying to stay calm. He can hear the car rolling up behind him slowly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he muttered under his breath.

That is when the car stopped and quickly put into park. The door opened and a female voice told him to stop which he did. He slowly turned to see two female police officers getting out of the patrol car. “Where are you going,” questioned the short thick dark haired officer as she rounded the front of her vehicle?

“Hmm,” Alex paused. “I just got out of work and headed to my car,” he quickly added.

“Is that so,” said the taller blonde officer in her black sunglasses. “Cause we just saw you knock that poor guy out on the street.” The black-haired woman was now next to him.

“Put your hands up in the air. Move over to the wall there. Behind the dumpster. Yeah, that is,” she said as Alex walked to the wall. “Now place your hands on the wall. Good,” she said as his hands were placed on the rough brick of the building. “You covering me Officer Green? I’m going to check him for weapons.”

“I got you,” the other female voice stated. Alex had his feet kicked open, making them wider than his normal stance. She first took the bag off his shoulder and dropped it to the floor. Her hands roughly checked his back, slowing along his ass for a quick feel. Working down his left leg and then his right. Her hands reached up to around the front of him. Working down from his shoulders to his chest. The search changed then. Her rough quick hand movements changed to a slow caress down his chest.

“What is going on,” Alex started to question, but she cut him off as her hand moved lower.

“Shut up,” she ordered him. Her hand then grabbed onto his dick. Pawing at it over his clothes. “Julia, we got a weapon here. I’m going to check it out,” she told her partner.

Alex went to remove his hands from the wall. As he did, he felt two sharp pains in his back and then a current of electricity racing though every part of his body. He collapsed to the ground. As he laid there, he remembered being forced to drink something. “That will make you a bit more fun,” a dreamy female voice said. His senses started to come back to him. He figured out he was tasered. He thought the aftershock pain would be worse, but it was a pleasurable feeling. Fuck it was a good feeling. That is when he stirred and saw the black-haired cop sucking on his dick.

“Relax boy,” said the blonde moving from standing over him to one knee. She placed her right hand on his chest to push him back down onto the cardboard box he was laying on. “Chill out. Give us what we want, and we will let you go free. No reason to serve time for knocking out some ass on the street. You think you can do that,” she questioned?

Alex had no problem with doing that. As he started to answer yes, a weird feeling started to course through his veins. “Yes, but I’m feeling strange,” his words fumbled out. He started to try to get up.

The blonde cop, Officer Green, pushed him down again. “It’s ok. It’s mostly harmless concoction made from that weird tea place around the corner. It makes your sex drive spike. Sends you into overdrive. You can’t control yourself. You give into your primal urges. Don’t fight it. Let it take hold,” she whispered as her face drew closer.

Soon her lips were on his. It was not gentle. There was no passion, only hot and lustful. Her tongue pushed his mouth open so she could explore. He was surprised when his own tongue met hers for a sinful dance. Julia pulled back, wiping at her mouth. “You like her pretty mouth sucking on your cock,” she questioned?

“Fuck, yes,” Alex blurted out. “I like it. God damn, I like it.” His hand moved down and wrapped around her ponytail.

“Good boy. You better cooperate with us. It will go so much easier,” she responded as she removed her pants. She squatted over him and lowered down bringing her exposed pussy over his face. Her knees pining his arms to his side. He was always ready to perform since these loops started but that drink, she poured down his throat made him so much more ready. His blood pounded through his system. His lust grew and grew. Soon he would not be able to control it. Soon his mind thought that he would give into all these urges. All this raced through his mind as his tongue licked Julia’s pussy greedily.

Fully in the grasp of whatever was in the drink he was letting his animal pleasure loose. “That is, you bitch. Lick that pussy. You better like that pussy good. You don’t want us taking you downtown, now do you?” His tongue sliding in her snatch. Her moans coming deeper. “Fuck you do know how to please a woman in blue. That’s it, use that tongue you piece of shit.”

Alex was so engrossed with the cop sitting on his face he almost lost track of the wet mouth around his cock. Her head moved up and down as sucking on his hard cock. “How do you like Officer Rodriguez’s mouth on your useless cock? Her mouth is pretty amazing huh? How is the cock Officer Rodiguez,” she said between her moans.

Pulling her mouth back off his cock she said,” he has a mighty fine cock, Officer Green. It’s nice and hard now.” As she goes back to gobbling on his knob, Officer Green leans her a helping hand. Putting her own hand on the back of Officer Rodriguez’s head and helping her choke on it. “You like that now you criminal. You better keep that cock hard you scumbag. Your afternoon could be a lot worse than this piece of shit.”

Officer Rodriguez pulled her head back after choking on Alex’s hand dick. “Fuck, I need that dick in me.” She shifted her body to move over his raging hard on. Holding his dick, she lowered her hips to impale herself on his throbbing monster. “God damn, that feels so good, Officer Green. His cock is filling my soaked pussy up. Holy fuck. Fuck me you white collar john.” He started pushing his hips up, driving himself deeper in her.

“Oh yes, you piece of shit. Fuck that pussy. You better fuck it good, and you better leave enough for me,” Officer Green moaned. “Damn, you sure know how to lock a pussy.” Her breathing is getting heavy. “Fuck you are going to make me cum like this. Make that pussy nice and wet, bitch. Fuck yes! Yes! Yes! Give it to me!” With that her body took the pleasure his tongue was giving. The pleasure was too much to hold back and she came. Her pussy juices pouring out like a fountain. Soaking Alex’s face but his tongue never stopped.

Officer Green’s body was in pleasure overload and could not take Alex’s mouth anymore. She rolled free of his greedy tongue. “God damn! That was so fucking good.”

“Then you should try riding his dick.” officer Rodriguez moaned. She lifted up her body off him just a bit and he took advantage. Slamming his cock deep inside her. Making his balls slap against her. The flesh on flesh echoing in the alleyway. His hand reached behind her and slapped her ass. Drowning out the sound of his balls hitting her. Driving his cock into her fast and hard she is ready to let loose and a moment later her orgasm takes control. She pulled off of him, sliding his dick free of her as her body convulsed. But he was not done with her. His hand that was turning her ass a shade of pink moves between her legs and pushes three fingers into her wet used hole. This sent the already convulsing officer Rodriguez into a full-blown bliss filled orgasm.

As the dark haired cop’s body was twisting in its pleasure troves, Alex pushed her to the side. He needed more. Officer Green was staring at her partner as she played with her large round boobs that she pulled free from her button down top. He reached out and grabbed Officer Green, pulled her on top of him. “Put me in your needy cunt bitch,” he growled like something more than human.

Officer Green, all worked up herself, slid reverse cowgirl onto him. She let out a scream of pain that rolled into a moan of pleasure as her pussy became accustomed to his size. “Oh my god, she was not lying.” Alex pushed and pushed deeper into the well lubed pussy. Once to the base of his shaft, he started to thrust into her. Slow at first but after a few pumps quicker and quicker. Officer Green moved her hands back onto the ground by his shoulder. “Fuck, fuck it feels so good,” she moaned in pleasure. Alex hands free at the moment moved between her arms and body and grabbed a handful of her round bouncing boobs. His strong hands grasping at them sent her deeper down the path.

Officer Rodriguez was beaten but recovered enough to move over her partner. “Oh, his dick is a wonder, isn’t it,” she said with her voice still feeling the grip of her orgasm. Her left hand moved over her partner’s pussy and started to rub her mound. “You want to cum on it, you dirty whore. I know what my partner needs. Big hard dick.” Her giggle was half in fun and half seductive.

The blonde whispered back,” you bitch. You just want another go at it.” Her words came out labored. Sweat beating at her brow. Her hips grinding deeper into him. Worked herself up even more now. “Yes yes,” she screamed as her body sent her into another orgasmic bout. Her arms collapsed and so did her body onto his heaving chest.

Knowing she will need more to get over the bliss of her orgasm he pushed her to his right. Breathing heavily but still rock hard he shifted from his back to his knees. He grabbed at the dark haired officer Rodriguez and turned her around. Then forcing her face down onto the dirty cardboard. Her ass still up high, he mounted her. Pushing into her in one smooth motion. His dick found her pussy a thing of welcome since he just finished using it not a few minutes before.

Grabbing her hips, he started fucking her roughly. “Is this what you wanted? You wanted a fat cock deep in your well used pussy. Being fucked in a dirty alley like nothing more then a cheap ass prostitute. Serve and protect, more like just serve my dick you dirty whore.” Her moans deepen as his words and his cock fucking her roughly.

“Yes papi, please fucking this dirty pussy,” officer Rodriguez begged.

Officer Green shifted from where she laid and got to her knees by them fucking. “Damn your fucking her Latina out. That does not happen often.” she told him as she inched closer. Her bare tits pressing on him. “But you got a filthy mouth for someone who can still end up downtown.”

“If you took me downtown you will give up this fucking that you both seem to be enjoying. Your partner does want that and once you are back on my cock you will not want that. So shut your useless pie hole,” he said as his hand pulled her close and they started to kiss. A lustful kiss. One made from pure primal energy. Alex fuck the one under him and he groped and made out with the one at his side.

“More, more,” officer Rodriguez moaned as her hands reached out and grabbed the dirty blanket. Her hands wrapped around it as she could feel it building again. “Oh fuck,” muttered out of a bit lip. “Yes, just like that. More, more.” Alex gripped her hips tighter as he worked himself back and forth. Moving his left hand to her lower back and his right hand on her upper. Pinning the lady in blue to the ground as she came on his dick. Her orgasm was hard and her native tongue came out on full display.

As the dark haired latina was in her world of bliss, Alex pulled out and was on the beach bunny blonde. Still with the black sunglasses on he forced her face down onto his cock. “Suck me off, pig,” he ordered. The woman hesitated for a moment but her horniness took over. Her mouth wrapped around his dick and greedy sucked on him as she would a lollipop. “You got a good mouth for cock sucking. I good slut like you is not a one-hole trick. You know how to use that dirty mouth.” Alex enjoy her tongue making figure eights along his shaft and flicking at his head. How she choked on him as she tried to deepthroat his member. Pulling her face from his cock by her ponytail he said. “Now that you cleaned your partner’s juices with a nasty mouth, I can give you another round of my dick.”

Alex pushed her onto her back. As he moved between her legs he took hold of her ankles. Pushing them, pinning back. She was pretty flexible as her legs moved more than halfway to her head. His cock raging to be back into another wet hole, it pushed into hers. “Whole fuck. That is so deep,” she blurted out. “Yes, fuck my tight hole you naughty boy.” She looked up at him with lustful eyes. Her hands playing with her exposed tits. “Yes, yes fuck me with that big cock. Fill me up. God damn, fuck.”

They lost themselves in their carnal needs that neither saw officer Rodriguez stirring. She moved over her partner’s head. Taking the ankles from Alex she moved her pussy over Officer’s Green face. “Lick my hot Cuban pussy you la puta. Taste my juices some more since you like licking them off his cock.” Her accent is now in full force.

Officer Green opened her mouth and slid her tongue out and into the waiting pussy of the hot latina straddling her head. Her tongue worked past her partner’s lips and inside her. “Yes mami. Use that tongue. Hmmm, I do love how you do that.”

Alex could see that these two don’t just trick out strangers but play with each other also. Fuck this just keeps getting hotter. With his hands free he leaned a bit further forward and took one of officer Rodriguez’s boobs in his mouth. He used her to balance, holding her other tit in his free hand. Her body which was barely down from her last orgasm was ramped back up and spiking to another one. Her body froze and then convulsed under the onslaught of mouths on her.

As new fresh juices leaked from her pussy, covering her blonde fuck friend, that friend was driven to her own orgasm. He felt the pussy walls pulsing on him and he knew she too was in the wake of bliss. Pulled both his body and cock back from the two of them he watched Rodriguez collapse over top of Green. Both purring in that after orgasm mind blowing world of pink pleasure.