The Kidnapping of Collage Students

It was Monday Morning, Ella was getting ready for collage. Once she was ready for collage she put her shoes on and went out of the black wooden door. She was wearing no underwear under her skirt. Then she got on the coach 20 mins later. So when she arrived at college she went to see Tegan. Then it became tutor time so they head up the mountain steep stairs. They then walk into the spacious classroom. Their Form Tutor was Mrs’s Adams. Then after form they went through the rest of the college day. Once collage had finnished for the day, they started to walk towards the bus park. Next Ella had dropped her phone behind her so she went to get it. Out of nowhere, something tripped her over and she was about to get back up on her feet. She got whacked on the head after that she screamed and Tegan heard it so she came running along with Fern and Freya. They saw her being dragged across the road and from what it sounded like she was being put in a van. They waited until there was no one near the van and ran towards it then they thought that the coast was clear. As soo as they entered where the van was 3 masked figures came out with knives in their hand. They were being forced towards the van. All of a sudden the door swings open as Ella was trying to escape. Ella then saw the 3 masked figures and Fern,Freya and Tegan cornered at the side of the van. Tegan whispers to Fern “I guess we have no choice but to get in the back of the van” They head towards the door of the van and they all fall over. They knew that they wanted us to fall over, so they were then having their hands tied behind their backs and ankles together.

A few hours later

Ella, Tegan, Fern and Freya woke up to notice that they were tied to a medical Stainless steel patient trolley. Ella realised that she was gagged as well as the rest of them. She also noticed they were not the only 4 people tied up and gagged and a few of the others that were kidnapped were boy’s. All of a sudden, 1 masked figure walked into the room of people tied to these trolleys. The figure removed their mask and said “Please welcome our newest hostages their names are Ella Byrne, Fern and Freya Yates and Tegan Robertson! Please bring in the hot iron, if you forgot why we do this to our newest hostages it is because we need to show that they now belong to me.” They then go up to Ella first and take her shoes and socks off, she screamed as she was branded with the hot iron on the sole of her feet. After Ella was branded she was untied and was forced to do Fern, Feya and Tegan. Once that was complete, the figure untied the other 3 and said “I need you to follow me to another room so that I can explain what will happen and my rules. Oh and I see we have a girl who looks like a boy- ” Ella rudely interrupts and said “Yes, I want to be a boy and my family never agreed with it.” Then the figure said ” Oh, I am sorryto hear that your parents dont agree with you wanting to be a boy. I will treat you like a boy and if there is any sex I will give you a strap on cock. ”

Once they arrrived at the room, the figure continued saying “Right, please take a seat! So you are probably wondering what is going on? My name is Alex, I am just the ordinary kidnapper but I dont always do bad things to the people I kidnap. What is going to happen is the 3 of you will have sex with one of the boys that I have kidnapped. Also Ella will be slave/kidnapper helper. If you dont do as I say you will be punished so dont expect to get away with it.” He then asks Ella to come with him. They enter a spare room and he asks her to strip nude and lie down on the table infront of him. As soon as she was on the table he secured her hands and feet to the table. Followed by him putting a collar around her neck. Ella was then made to lie down on the table with her legs open wide. He then stuffs her vagina with cotton wool and cloes her vagina. Alex then unties her from the table and told her to put her clothes back on and wait. Alex then returned to Ella and said ” Right, just so you know the punishment for refusing to do what is asked is quite harsh as it will end your life. We will be getting into the van that brought you here and as soon as we get in the van I want you strip nude again so maze well leave your shoes and socks. I will dispose of your shoes and socks when we get back here as you wont be needing them any longer as you now live here permanently. Oh also if you run away I will chase after you and trip you up again and tie you up and when we get back you will be punished to death. ” They then head to the Van.

Inside the Van

Ella then strips nude and sits down then she says “So what is the plan?” Alex replies “We are going back to where we kidnapped you and your friends. I know that I said I wanted to treat you as a boy but that is only when we are at base okay?” Ella then says ” Okay, I am fine with that. ” Alex then drives down to the actual collage and parked near the sports field and told her to put a mask on to hide her identity and if she wanted a fox tail up her ass. She let him do so. They then got out the van and waited as Alex said he only kidnaps certain people. Jayden was was walking towards his car and Alex told Ella to go trip him up. She does as she was told and goes to trip up jayden and sits on him. Alex then ties him up and puts him in the van. They then move the van to near Equine so that they can trip up Ellis and whoever he is with wether if its a teacher or not. Ella then sees him and tells Alex, she then trips him up and ties him while Alex gets Taliya. Then Ella takes them into the van. Alex then tells Ella to take her mask of infront them. She then removed her mask and Ellis was shocked and wondered what was going on.

Meanwhile, back at the base Tegan was about to strip nude and have sex with one of the boys that were kidnapped by Alex. Freya did not really want to do it as that would be cheating on her boyfriend Jayden and thought she would rather be punished to death than cheat on her boyfriend. Then they stopped as they heard the door opening. As Ella pushed in two of thoes stainless steel patient trolleys. Freya noticed that one was Jayden and shouted his name out loud and Alex soon told her that she is going to be executed in the next 5 mins. He then says to Ella ” You give her as much torture as you can until I am ready for her. ” She Nods and shoves her entire hand up Freya’s Vagina moving it backwards and forwards. Meanwhile Tegan spoke without permission and said “Alex, what should I be doing?” He said ” I want you to go and get 3 ball gags and 3 blindfold and put them on our new hostages if you don’t do it you will be executed next to Freya but instead of me doing yours it will be Ella to make it harder for her. ” Tegan went straight away to get the gags and blindfolds.

Freya’s Execution

Tegan then returned with the 3 gags and blindfolds. She lifted Ellis’ head and put the blindfold on him and covered his eyes. She then waited for his mouth to open so she could fit the gag. Once she had fitted his bag she repeated it for both Jayden and Taillya. Alex was very pleased with Tegan. During the time Tegan was fitting the gags and blindfolds, Ella was putting a vibrator on Freya’s Vagina opening.

Fern had been asked to set up the execution for her sister. It was time for Freyas execution from the world. As Freya was still fully clothed, Ella grabbed a knife and carefully cut her clothes off in front of the audience. They did this to make Freya embarrassed and scared. Meanwhile Tegan was setting out the path of danger towards the middle of the stage. The path of danger was made off burning coal, drawing pins, staples, thorns, a tub of extremely hot water. Ella then points the knife at Freyas back to force her towards her death. Alex had gave permission to Ella to stab Freya if she refuses to walk down the path of danger or if she tries to run away. Freya walks towards the Burning Coal and walked slowly across it to make sure she got a lot of pain from it. Then she steps on the drawing pins, thorns and staples. Finally she got to the extremely hot water in a massive tub. As soon as she stepped into the tub she let out a huge scream as she walked through the water. She then saw the cross on the floor and pay down on it, Alex grabbed the hammer and nails then put Freyas right foot on top of the left foot and hammered the nail in. Then Alex did her left hand while Ella did her right hand. Ella then grabs the knife under Alex’s order and cuts her stomach open to cause a quick death.

Ella then asks Alex if she can tie Tegan up and have a bit of fun in front of everyone. Ella brings Tegan on and says ” I want you to sit on top of your legs and arms behind your back” Alex then ties Tegans legs to her thighs and hands behind her back. Alex takes his cock and shoves it down Tegans mouth and Ella moved Tegans head for her while also tickling Tegans feet using her own feet. Then about 5 minutes after they had started Tegan started to let out the moans. She knew that Alex was on the verge of cumming as well as her self. Ella soon got under Tegans Vagina to collect any cum that comes out. It then comes oozing out of her Vagina into Ella’s mouth that was waiting patiently for it. Followed by Alex cumming into her Mouth and the people watching could see the cum around Ella and Tegan’s mouths.

A member of the audience shouted to them that they want to see them rip Freya’s boobs off her body and taking her organs out. Alex then said ” I have never had a set of boobs in my collection, which will make a nice new addition to the collection of body parts. The body parts I have had before are: Heads, Arms,Legs you get the idea. But I have never had Boobs, Cocks, Vaginas and butts. Tegan I need you to get a meat clever, bandages and a bucket/tub. ” Tegan goes to fetch the items but slips which Alex sees so he comes running over and helps her up and she said to him “Thanks for picking me up, but I think one of the new hostages have needed a piss for hours.” Then she continues getting the items and gives them to Alex. Alex then had Ella carry the cross with Freya on it outside by herself. Once they got to the location , Ella could put the cross down with with it standing up in the hole that was dug out a few days before. Obviously the audience had followed them to the location. The first body part they took away was her butt cheeks. Then her boobs and finally her Vagina. Alex also cleared out her organs and put them in a separate tub to the body parts. Once they had done they started to run back to base in case the police come.

The New Hostages

As soon as they got back to base, they went to go and deal with the new Hostages. Ella brought the branding iron and branded them on the soles of their feet. Alex took of their blindfolds but leave the gag in their mounts. 2 hours later they woke up, Jayden tried to stand up but realised he was tied down. Alex then slapped Ellis and Taliya to make sure they were awake and listening. Alex then said the usual introduction. But this time he removed all clothes on the bottom half of their body’s. He looked at Taliya and thought “I don’t think she is worthy of working for me as she looks to weak. So I will put her with the other useless girls that he has caught. Actually no, I will just end her life now unless Ella and Tegan have an idea. Also these two boys look very strong and would be helpful when moving heavy items or crosses when people are attached to them. ”

Before Alex untied the 3 new hostages, he went to go and find Ella and Tegan to see what they think. He finds Ella trying to pee but she can’t cuz Alex had closed her vagina by sewing it. She then looks up and sees Alex watching and says to him “You realise the you closed the area nearest to where I pee. I can’t pee.” Alex quickly gets the sewing kit and removes the threads so her vagina is open. She then goes to pee while Alex waits outside. Once she was done, Alex said ” Do you know where Tegan is? ” Ella told him that she had no idea. They then check the bedroom and find Tegan asleep, Alex then taped her on the head. Tegan then woke up and said “Did I call asleep and what do you want?” Alex said ” Yes, you were asleep also Me, You and Ella need to have a chat about something. ” Alex and Ella pulled a chair up next to the bed, Alex then said “Right, you know the Hostages, I think the girl Taliya is not very strong so to me she is useless. I wanted to speak with you to see if you have any ideas of what to do with her? Oh also have you seen Fern recently?” Ella said ” I think she is still doing the task you had set before me and you left the building to catch the new hostages . Alex said ” Oops,I forgot to tell her that she can stop doing the task. ” Ella then continues saying “I think we should just kill her through the vagina and just leave her body there until it starts to stink out the place. Then we chuck her body away-” Alex interrupts and said “I have a meat grinder for humans which we hardly use” Then there was a big bang at the main door so they quickly untied the new hostages and told them to run to the Van with them. Fern heard it as well so she came running towards the van. Once in the van Alex quickly tied and gagged everyone up including Ella,Tegan and Fern. Alex then got in the front and drove off in the van forgetting that the police will know it’s them so he had swaped the licence plates earlier on.

The engine then turned off and they heard footsteps of which they thought was Alex, when the door opened they were shocked to see where they were. They were in front of the school that is on the same site as their collage but it looked like it had shutdown as well as the college. Then a familiar voice spoke and said “I see that these used to be my science students.” It was Miss Finnazzi, she looked like another person they had kidnapped . She unloaded the Hostages from the back of the van and said to Ella “You will continue what you were doing at Alex’s base. I own this base you now work for me instead. And Yes I was forced to be your mistress by Alex. Alex has told me the 4 of you were discussing what to do with taliya. Well I can confirm that Alex’s human meat grinder was moved to this base.”

She then brings everyone into the conversation and says ” here are a few rules that we use here that Alex doesnt. 1) When passing between the teaching block and the reception building you must have your privates covered. 2) YOU MUST HAVE A GAG ON WHEN YOU ARE IN THE RECEPTION BUILDING. 3) YOU MUST BE BAREFOOT AT ALL TIMES, THE ONLY FOOTWEAR YOU CAN HAVE ARE FLIP FLOPS AND THEY CAN ONLY BE WORN IN COURTYARD. Before I continue with the rules here are the list of punishments you get at each warning. Warning 1 – No punishment is taken. Warning 2 – will be spanked on the ass. Warning 3 – Males will have cock locked in chasity for 3 days with no toilet permission – Females will have their vagina stitched up which stops then from peeing for 3 days. Warning 4 is the worst of them all Execution on either the cooked on a steak or put through the meat grinder for the girls. For the boys they will loose their cock and will have one last chance before execution in the meat grinder or crucified or cooked alive like the girls. Warning 5 already explained in warning 4 which only applies for boys or if your Ella. ” Ella said to Miss Finnazzi ” So what should we do with Taliya? ” She replied with ” Take her to a science lab, then put some hydrochloric acid into her Vagina and see what happens and if it did not do much grab a scalpel and cut her open and take out her organs and then put her into the meat grinder. You can have Fern and Tegan help you do it.The rest of them I will keep away from the science labs. Also put anaesthetic on a cloth and put it over nose and mouth to knock her out.”

Ella then goes to find Tegan and Fern, once she finds them they agree to help with it. As soon as Tailya had her back to them Ella sneaked behind her and shoves the cloth in her face with anaesthetic on. She was soon knocked out and they dragged her to the science lab and put her on the table. Tegan goes to get the acid and scalpel from the closet, meanwhile Ella rips off the rest of Taliyas clothing and cuts off her bra. Tegan the comes back with the items and said do we just pour it into her Vagina? Ella responded with Yes, please just pour it in. Tegan pours the Acid into Taliyas Vagina and watched the sides of it burn from the acid. Now before she wakes up we need to do the gruesome part of her death.

They all put gloves on so no blood goes on their hands. Ella takes the scalpel and cuts tailyas stomach wide open and shoves her hand in and pulls out her digestive system organs. Then the reproductive systems and finally the respiration system and heart. Oh yeah also took out all the viens. Meanwhile Tegan had cut open taliyas head and removed her brain. Miss Finnazzi saw they were ready and brought in a metal trolley which they loaded taliya onto. So they start walking towards the HUMAN MEAT GRINDER, once they get there they put taliya onto a conveyor belt. Just as Ella was about to turn it on Alex walked in and said “Stop and look this way. I need to tell you that Ella won’t be available to help for a few weeks due to her gender reassignment surgery being tomorrow. So you will have a replacement girl to take her position until Ella can work again. So I was out kidnapping again and I got like 5 new hostages. Sorry I mean 6 new hostages, there are 3 boys and 3 girls. The boys are Lucas, Jacob (lucas’ brother) and Harrison. The girls are Another Ella, Sian and Mya. I just need to get them branded then they are all ours. You can all carry on now but Ella must report to me once finished.” Ella then pressed the on button and the conveyor moved Taliya closer to the grinder and in she went. No evidence that she was there.

Ella then put on her gag and put on underwear and made her way to Alex and said bye to everyone. Alex was waiting by the reception and as soon as Ella got to him he said “As it’s the last time you will have a vagina and big tits I want to mess with them. So I am going to lock you in chasity belt with has 2 butt plugs attached to it.One for your vagina and one for your ass hole. ” Alex then locks her in the chasity belt and pulls her tits hard. Then once Alex had enough they went in a car and told to take off her gag.

Now that Ella had gone, Mrs Finnazzi remember we that she needs to sort out the new hostages and finnish saying the rules. So she tells Tegan and Fern the last few rules. She says ” 4) Sex is not allowed under supervision. 5) MUST ONLY USE EACH OTHER AS TOILETS AND CAN ONLY BE TWICE A WEEK GOING MORE THAN TWICE WILL LEAD TO BEING TIED UP AND LOCKED IN A CLOSET FOR 48 HOURS WITH NO FOOD OR DRINK. ALSO FERN YOU ARE TO BRAND THE NEW HOSTAGES AND REMOVE THEIR UNDERWEAR (IF ALEX HAS NOT ALREADY REMOVED THEIR UNDERWEAR) ” Fern had to do Lucas first so, she removes his shoes and socks, trousers and underwear. After that she took the branding iron and put it on the sole of his foot. Then Fern made Lucas do the rest of them including his brother. Once Lucas had done the branding and removal of all clothing on the bottom half. Fern then tells Lucas to get back on his trolley.

Once he had got back on his trolley, Fern tied him into it again to make sure he don’t run. Then Miss Finnazzi comes in and snacks them to make sure they are awake. Once she knew that they were awake she told them the rules that they must follow and the punishments for each warning. A few minutes after she stopped talking, Lucas said ” I don’t think I want to suffer from this and would rather be dead with my brother along side of me as neither of us want to suffer. ” Miss Finnazzi then replied with “Lucas I am not killing you or your brother just because you want me to. You need to earn death by breaking my rules. Right Lucas’ brother I want you to remove the rest of your clothing so your nude. Then as your under the correct age for sex, you will be a slave for me, Fern and Tegan. If any of us ask you to do something you must do it otherwise you will be warned for refusal of doing task when asked. Meanwhile Lucas will be forced to use a penis pump on his cock for the rest of the day and next. He can only stop it I tell him to but if he stops when he has not been told he will have it castrated. Harrison you will be fucking one of my slave assistants for the next two days and you can only stop when changing location on her body of if she tells you to. Your punishment will be… I know I said I was not going to break sex law in terms of their age but we have already broken the law by kidnapping you lot. Your punishment will be Lucas’ little brother fucking you in the ass.”

Fern went to Miss Finnazzi and said ” I think we are being too harsh on Lucas, also we want Sian to be Ella’s replacement for now. Also Tegan nominated herself to be fucked by Harrison. ” Miss Finnazzi then replied saying ” I have decided that Lucas’ punishment is too harsh. So I am going to lower it to the same has Harrison’s. Also you can have Sian as replacement. “The three boys are completely stripped and are untied and ungagged. Lucas’ brother was given his first order as a slave which was to go and clean the science lab. Lucas got the pump and put his cock in and started to pump his cock. Harrison then started having sex with Tegan and put nipple clamps on her breasts to make sure she suffers from sex.

Meanwhile in the science lab, Lucas’ brother was picking up Taliya’s organs off the desk and cleaning all the blood of the desk. He looked like he wanted to vomit but he did not know if he was allowed to do so. Miss Finnazzi then shouts “As it’s getting late Lucas and Harrison you can stop doing the task and sleep. But you must be awake for 8am as that is when you will continue with the task.” Just as the two boys were about to go to sleep. Alex walked in and wanted everyone’s attention even lucas’ brother and said “If your name is read out on the list you will be a slave/assistant and will have to wear a collar that is not to be removed under any circumstances. The people are: Sian Burman, Tegan Robertson, Fern Yates, Jacob Willets (Lucas’ brother) and Ella Byrne. If your name was not read out, there are a few more lists. The next name to be read out is going to permanently be forced to go through sex change surgery into a female to be used as a sex doll, that boy is Jayden Betts. And for the final list is who is going to be executed as they are not needed, these are Ella-Mae Reed and Lucas Willets. One of them will be crucified and the other will have a steak through ass hole or vagina depending on gender and roasted above a fire.” Alex then calls over Tegan and Fern and puts the collar around their necks and tells them to take Lucas and Ella-Mae Reed to where the first progress room used to be when the school was open and chain them up. Almost forgot shove a chain right up their ass/vagina depending on who it is. Tegan grabbed Lucas and dragged him upstairs to the progress room and chained him up and shoved a chain up his arse. Then fern came in with Ella-Mae and did the same to her except she put the chain up her vagina.

All of a sudden there was a massive bang outside the progress room. Tegan had passed out in the middle of the floor, once she had gained consciousness she said “I think Harrison has made me pregnant” Alex replies ” Oh shit, what do we do as we can’t have it come as this is not suitable for the child” Tegan said “we need to put me through abortion, it’s our only chance. ” Alex soon took her to the car and put her in and sped off. Miss Finnazzi tells Fern just to go and torture them. Take Harrison with you to do it otherwise you would have to focus on both.

Harrison goes with Fern to the progress room and the first thing he does was stuck his fingers up lucas’ arse. Even though fern was meant to do Lucas and Harrison was meant to do Ella-Mae. Then he started to rub lucas’ cock with is hand while kicking him in the balls. Meanwhile Fern was doing the same to Ella-Mae but to her vagina instead. Miss Finnazzi then came in and gave them permanent markers. Harrison took a red permanent marker and wrote ‘Kick me here’s above Lucas’ cock. He also put ‘cock sucking pig ‘ on Lucas’ arse. On his stomach Harrison put ‘sissy slave’ and ‘nasty slug’. Harrison did the stomach in black perm marker. When Harrison was not looking Fern quickly took a blue perm marker and wrote ‘slimey boy ‘ on his arse. Harrison had felt something so he went to the mirror to look and sees what fern had written. He was tempted to turn her around facing him to write SLUT on her breasts in big letters but he thought he would get told off for it.

All of a sudden there was a sound of a car pulling up outside the site. Fern heard crying from outside so her and Harrison want to and see what’s going on. When they got outside they saw Tegan crying when she approached Harrison and Fern she said “We turned up at the hospital and they said we stopped doing abortions 5 years ago so you will have to go through the pregnancy. So looks like I’m stuck with mine and Harrison’s child which neither of us wanted to happen. So I’m being released from this place until it’s born and then Alex will kidnap us back. Also Alex found me somewhere to stay until it is born. Sian can take my spot when Ella is back. But all of the above that Alex offered I rejected so I’m staying here.”

Alex thought now would be a good time for Lucas and Ella-Mae ‘s execution so he went Tegan and Fern to grab them out of the progress room and drag them to the courtyard. Once Tegan and Fern got back with them, Alex had set up 4 ways to execute them Hanging, Guillotine, Crucifixion and finally burned on the stake. He had written the options on a spin wheel. First to spin the wheel was Lucas, he spun it as hard as he could and landed on burned on the stake. Miss Finnazzi brought in the stake. Lucas thought to himself that at least it’s a quick death. Tegan took the stake from Miss Finnazzi and put the sharp end into Lucas’ arse and pushed it deeper and deeper until it came out his mouth with blood before the stake. They then lifted the stake and put it above a fire that was yet to be lit. Before they cook Lucas they want to execute Ella-Mae when she spun the wheel she got hanging. Tegan was given the honours of putting the noose around her head and tightening it. Tegan did it without a fuss and Ella-Mae started to choke as she could not breathe. They had hung her on a very tall pole above the same fire as Lucas. For a change Ellis got to light the fire. Jacob was still cleaning up the science lab as it was very dirty.

Alex knew that had missed three pepole of his lists. Alex then called Mya, Harrison and Ellis over to discuss about the lists. Alex said “I was thinking since Ella Byrne won’t be a girl anymore when she gets back so to make it equal as we can you will both be slaves. Ellis on the boys side and Mya on the Girls. This leaves you Harrison to make a decision you either become female or executed by either crucifixion or Guillotine-” Ellis interrupts and said ” I know slaves are meant to do cleaning but instead make wear a maids outfit and make him clean. ” Alex thought “that’s a great Idea but we are kind of breaking the no clothing rule” Ellis said “I was joking about the outfit lol we just make him permanent cleaner.” “In fact no more decision as I have made up my mind thanks to Ellis that Harrison shall be a cleaner. ” said Alex. Harrison was about to do his first weekly toilet break when Alex noticed a writing on his arse saying Slimey Boy and thought to himself I love submissive names. I should write them on the back of my slaves. He started with Ellis and put rotten mite on his arse. Next up was Tegan and he put Cock sucker. After Tegan it was Ferns turn and he put Slut. Fern then got under Harrison arse as a toilet. He then pissed on her body and in her mouth. He was then reminded that he can only go toilet twice a week.

A few weeks later, Ella was back from the Sex reassignment surgery. She soon put on that collar and sent Jayden to Alex for his turn. Ella looked at everyone standing outside wearing nothing at all except the collar. He then asked Tegan what had happened while he was gone. Tegan said ” He executed Lucas and the other Ella, making Jayden into a sex doll, Harrison is now a cleaner, Sian and Jacob is one of us along with Mya and Ellis and, removed the rule 1. ” Alex comes over to them and said “now that rule 1 don’t exist you can have sex or torture outside. Also today is the start of torture week. Luckily for Ella he is you going first as the leader. But first I need to do the name thing. He then writes Dirty Dog on his arse. Then put the dog mask on him and told him to get on all fours. Once Ella was on all fours, Alex shoved a dog tail in his arse and grabbed a whip and duct tape. So he knocked Ella out so he could move his arms and legs into position where he can’t stand up and tapes them in position. Then when Ella woke up, Alex started to use the whip to make him move forward. Then took a dildo and shoved it up his arse so that he moaned and Alex said “Ella as the leader you are not to remove the dog mask then any visitors will see you as important” while still whipping him on the arse to keep him moving.

Few hours later

Alex took some scissors and cut the tape holding his legs and arms in position. Ella was happy that he was then free from being on all fours but stayed down in case he is not allowed to stand up yet. Ella then said “Did you give Jayden and Jacob submissive names?,” Alex was like “SHIT THANKS FOR REMINDING ME I NEED TO NAME THEM TWO” He then went Ella to go and get Jacob. When Jacob got there Alex took a red permanent marker and wrote Fragile Slug and put Junk Skunk on Jayden. Alex then shoved a dog tail into Ella’s arse and said to her that the tail is to stay in at all times as well. Alex then Allowed Ella to stand up and got her to fuck Jayden’s arse.

Alex then gets a phone call so he answered “hello?” The called said ” If you don’t pay me 10,000 pounds I will expose your current location of where your keeping those you kidnap. ” Alex then said “But I can’t afford to loose 10 I otherwise I can’t pay the bills.” The caller said ” Well your gonna have to sell your slaves and who you kidnap at a slave market so you still have money. ” Okay, I will get you that 10k by Friday” said Alex. Call then ended and gathered everyone in the courtyard. He shouted “RIGHT I HAVE CALLED YOU OVER BECAUSE I’M GOING TO HAVE TO SELL SOME OF YOU SO I CAN PAY THIS GUY WHO WILL EXPOSE THIS LOCATION TO THE POLICE SO I’VE COME UP WITH A LIST OF WHO STAYING AND WHO IS GOING. THE PEOPLE STAYING ARE: ELLA BYRNE, TEGAN ROBERTSON, FERN and Ellis. If your name was not called out Im selling you at the slave market. Just need to find out how the slave market works and their rules on slaves. He tells Ella to go get his laptop and a axe from the old progress room. He goes to get it, when he brings them to him; he orders him to go cut Lucas into pieces with the axe and bring his head to him.

Meanwhile Alex was looking up slave market and it said “Our selling rules are: Must be sold for 1k+, Just have submissive names written on them, you must lock your slaves in chasity and must be nude except for footwear. If they are Male you must put puppy masks on them and for female a tag must be in their mouth. How do we work: Slave markets are places for people to buy others slaves from them. There is no sign up required for the slaves but you must register as a seller so we can get you a area to sell your slaves. Slaves can be under age and don’t have to be at the age for sex. Just bring your slaves on the day” He closed the laptop and told the ones being sold what to do. Once they were ready, Alex tied their hands together and put them into the van. As the Leader Ella wanted to go and see them be sold. So she asked A!ex if she could come with them too see.

He said”You can come but you will have to go get some clothes otherwise they will think that your for sale and take the mask off and help me sell them.

Ella quickly goes and gets changed and takes the mask off and puts in his pocket. Him and Alex then get into the van and drives up to the market in Crewe. Alex had missing something on the website when he was reading it. He only knows when he arrives at the slave market and is told “You are not allowed 2 people in clothes there can only be one” Ella starts crying when she realizes she has to put it up for sale because there is only one master per slave stall.

Ella then told Fern that she would never come back because of rules Alex didn’t know. So I want you to take my place in the group when he comes back empty-handed. Ella could hear them crying on the other end of the phone. As Ella was refusing to strip naked the staff just ripped his clothing off and gave him a puppy mask and locked his cock in chasity. Alex then walked them to their stall and put a cover over the table and told Ella to hide under it.

These were the prices that Alex set: Mya 4k, Jacob and Jayden for 2k, Harrison for 3k and Sian for 1k. A staff member came around to check the stands and looking under the tables. Alex knew that Ella was doomed as he heard the staff member say “If there is someone hiding under the table they will be crucified in front of the offenders stall.” Alex whispered to Ella saying run through the back of the stalls and escape while you can. ” Ella then gets up and runs behind the stalls. He was doing well until he ran into a staff member.

They then grabbed Ella and cuffed him and was walked back to Alex by the staff member. The staff member said “I caught this slave of hours running away and will now be punished to crucifixion. Alex said “PLEASE DON’T CRUCIFY HIM, I NEED HIM SO I CAN GET THE TOTAL OF MY BLACKMAIL, I BEG YOU NOT TO DO IT” The staff member said “Fine, you can have him back but I will be back to make sure he is sold.” Funny enough Ella’s parents were at the market and went up to Alex and said” I saw you on the news so we know you took out daughter Ella so can I buy her back for 10k? ” Alex thought about the offer and said “Yeah you can have him back.” Ella ‘s mom was confused by what Alex meant by ‘him’ So Alex had explained what he meant by him. Then Ella’s Mom understood what had happened and payed the 10k.

Ella’s Mom put him in the boot of her and said “Slaves don’t deserve a seat in a car, they go in the boots of cars and sleep in a kennel with a lockable door of in a cage. ” then closed the boot. Ella no longer had any way to contact Fern as slaves do not have phones. The engine of the car had started but Ella could hear familiar voices above him. He then thought to himself that ‘ what if I have been bought by Miss Finnazzi and are heading back to Fern, Tegan and Ellis’ All of a sudden the car stopped and he could hear walking coming towards the boot. The boot opened but he could not see as when he left the market he was blindfolded. He was then tied to a trolley and pushed into wherever they were.

He was finally unblindfolded and was that he was tied to a metal trolley and saw a massive was blade above him. He then looked next to her to see Fern and Tegan in the same situation. They then heard another vehicle arrive it was Alex. When he came in he saw his slaves tied to trolleys under blades he shouted “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE ” Fern said “I think those that blackmailed you did this call to get you away to set this up. Then they must have knocked me and Tegan out and payed for Ella at the market. Alex I think one of them is coming now to kill us 3. ” The door opened and a figure pressed a button and Ella’s saw started up and left. Alex then quietly but quickly went to go stop the machines. The blades started to lower itself onto Ella’s waist Alex pressed the button but it started to go quicker towards Ella. He then tried another button it then stopped and he untied Ella, Fern and Tegan. They then flee to to the van and drive away and Alex said “wait where is Ellis? ” Fern said “Ellis was brainwashed into working for them” . Alex said “there is no point going back then “. About 2 hours of driving

Alex then pulled into the layby and phone people on his contacts who have the same interest as him. After a few tries he gets a location that he can use as a temporary base for them. He drives up to the location and get’s Tegan, Ella and Fern out the van. Ella puts the puppy mask on and tail in his arse meanwhile Fern and Tegan are putting gags on as they do not know any of the rules as its a new base. Alex walks them in and is shocked to see how nice this place looked. Alex then sees his friend at the end of the corridor, all of a sudden his friends turned around and said

“Welcome Alex, Fern, Tegan and Ella! I have set the entire building up with torture rooms, cells and death rooms. Yes of course there’s bathrooms, kitchens, gardens and bedrooms. Ella you see that wall at the end of the corridor?” He said “Yes, I see that wall” Alex’s friend then says” I need pictures of you Ella so I can get it enlarged so I can put it up at the end of most of the corridors. But for now I need to fill that spot with something until I get the pictures that Alex said he would send. But it I was to nail you to the wall this corridor would look complete. ” Ella said “do you not know what Jesus died of when he was crucified? He died of drowning as you can’t support your own weight” Alex friend said “Oh, how about if I would get a cross on the wall with straps to support you instead. ” Ella nods at the idea of using straps to support him.

2 hours later

Alex’s friend brought in the cross and said “I forgot to tell you the rules for this base. The punishment will be next to the rule. So here they are:

1. Barefoot at all times. – loss of toilet privileges for 3 days

2. Sex must be done in the corridor or bedrooms. – Whipped for 5 hours straight

3. Chasity belts for girls are to be worn in corridors – Ella decides punishment

4. Refusing orders from Alex or Ella – 1+2 combined

5. Clothes will be allowed on certain occasions otherwise nude at all times – Loss of limb (mainly arms)

That is all of the rules for now, Ella are you ready to go on the cross?” Ella nodded at him, he then lay down on the cross beam and was strapped in. He then said to Ella “If you feel like your dying about as loud as you can and someone will get you down.” They then carried the cross to the wall with Ella on it. Tegan made sure that the cross was sturdy.

2 hours later

Alex’s friend was coming down the corridor to his left with what looks like to be a photo frame that is huge along with the image itself. When he gets to him he pulls off the puppy mask and shoves some type of liquid down his throat and he then passed out. Alex’s friend then carried him to one of the torture rooms and woke him up. The friend then said “I see your awake now, I do not support this LGBTQ+ malarkey so I want you dead and use you as an ornament on that wall I was gonna put your picture on. Good luck getting out of this one alive, he was strapped into like a surgery table with a blade at the bottom which will cut right down the centre of his body. Then the door opened it was Alex and he said “Ella, why are you strapped into that with a blade going towards your arse?” Ella said “Your friend is doing this to me as he hates LGBTQ+ people”

Alex then took a knife and ran after his friend. Eventually his friend was backed up into a corner with help of Tegan and Fern. Alex then said “You are a disgraceful friend for trying to kill my slave leader just cuz she is LGBTQ+.” Ella then comes running with a spear and chucked it at Alex’s friend and went straight into him and disposed his body. Ella then took the picture and put it up at the end of the corridor and puts the frame over it that has his name on it with the caption ‘Slave Leader 2025-2026’. It started to become late at night but they hadn’t eaten yet so they head to the kitchen and sit down. Alex said “What stingy Bayard was my friend he only left us 5 sausages with a message saying only one of you can eat per day.” Alex thows the note in the bin and gave Ella 3 sausages and Fern 2 sausages. They had eat them within minutes and was ready for bed. So they head to the bedrooms Ella sleeps with Fern. Tegan goes to her own room and masturbates her vagina.

The next day

Alex wakes them up by shouting “GET UP YOU LAZY PIECES OF SHIT”. They then get ready to go into the corridor and head to Alex waiting in front of Ella’s picture. He then says ” Today, we are going to be doing some more kidnapping but it will be more risky as we are going into towns/villages and Cities where police will be patrolling the streets. So I need you all to put the same mask as Ella which means we will have to cut you hair short Tegan and Fern you will also have the tail instead of the chasity belt which will be kept on your seat in the van. Ella knows what he is doing so Ella can do it alone when we get there. I have a list of people to kidnap these are: Tom King, Cole Ashford, Lea Hoole, Matthew Parrot. These are the people who I want” Alex then gets a shaver as its quicker to cut Tegan and Fern’s hair short. He then shaves their hair and puts the puppy mask onto them and then they go to the van but Alex stoped them for a few minutes to say “Right, a few more things I need to tell you are: when you get in the van you are to remove your chasity belts. Usually I’d tell you to strip naked and be barefoot but because we are going to be in public for a long time clothes are to be put on but you remain barefoot in case you need to kick a boy in the nuts. What is new to our plans on kidnapping are you knock them out, the ankles to wrists and strip them naked before transporting them to the van. Oh yeah forgot to say we are all going in skirts with no underwear the is due to the puppy tail needs to be able to be seen . That’s all I need to say for now” They get into the van then Tegan and Fern remove their chasity belt, Alex then drove off.

1hr later

They arrived at the first location but stayed in the van until they saw someone they were after so Ella jumped out with Fern and ran and tackled them to the ground then knocked them out followed by stripping them down and tied their wrists to their ankles and carried them to the back of the van. Ella shoved a tag in their mouth as well so they can’t give them away. They had caught Tom King and saw Alex and Tegan running and did the same they had just caught Cole Ashford. Alex then opened the back doors of the van and put them in. Ella then removed the ropes and put them on the seats along the walls which had chains for arms and legs. Then she got in the front and off they went to the next location. Alex told Ella to stand up while the van was moving as they were about to pass another one on his list. Ella put his arm out the door and grabbed the back of them and pulled them in and chained them to the seat and used scissors to strip Lea Hoole naked. One more person to go which was Matthew and it was not long until they passed him and Ella dragged him straight in and chained him to the seat of the van and cut his clothes off as well. He then turns around and drives back to base.

Another 1hr had passed

When they arrived back to base they loaded them onto the steel patient trolleys . Fern and Tegan were putting their chasity belts back on. Ella pushed two of the trolleys into the base. He kept his mask on as he took them to the branding room. Ella then took the branding iron and branded Tom and Cole. Alex did the other two and went through the rules when they had all woken up. Ella forced the chasity belt onto Lea and then Alex said here is a new rule that I will be adding:

6. Boy’s are to jerk off in the corridors – Loss of cock or chasity cage (perm) – Excludes Ella

If you have broken the rules 10 times you will executed immediately.

Ella then went out into the garden following all the rules but cheekily puts on some shoes as it had been raining and did not fancy getting his feet wet and mudy. He did not care if he was to loose toilet privileges for 3 days as he had gone just before he came into the garden. All of a sudden he saw something shining in the light of the afternoon sky. So he walked up to it and looked like something digital so he picked it up and took his shoes off. Then went back inside with what ever this thing was and saw that it had space for someone’s head. Alex saw him walk in with this device so Ella showed it to him and said ” I find this in the garden of this place but not sure what it is. ” Alex got his computer and took a picture so they could search for it. Alex then found it and said to Ella “According to Google this is a protogen head. But it says it you see one do not put it on as it will lock onto your head permanently. It will also implant your brain and take control of your number which says you never get hungry or thirsty as a protogen. Never mind the positives of it the negatives are : halfs your life expectancy, cuts off your face skin, dangerous transition into a protogen. ” Ella said “Can I please become a protogen as IDRC that I can die in transition or die earlier” Alex said “I guess you can”

Ella soon lifted the protogen head to his face it soon gripped on to him. He tried to take it off and saw that Google was right that it is never coming off him. He felt odd for a few mins while the head was coming to life and change the data in his brain so it is linked to the head. Alex then grabbed a mirror to show Ella what he looked like his digital face was a light blue colour. It kept changing the face to fit with how he felt inside. He also felt something happening to his body. He looked down and his cock was no longer human it was blue like his face on the black screen. His knee caps then turned to like metal plates as well as the top of his arms and elbows. Everything else was human on him. Alex took a new picture to replace the current one in Ella’s frame. Being a protogen have gave him new powers such as turning knee caps into blades that extend and retract.

Then they returned to their hostages, Ella said to them “You are to follow mine and Alex’s orders and if you fail to do so you will be punished severely. Let’s this be a warning to you all. Now we are going to untie you so you can get off the trolleys but you are not to leave this room. I will call you one by one that’s when you can leave the room but you must follow me. Tom King your first to come with me” He then untied everyone and got Tom to follow him to another room. Meanwhile Tom was jerking off as they walked down the corridor. They then come to a door and go through it, once they got in Ella got Tom to jump onto the table. Then Alex came in and said “Hello, Tom! I have asked my assistant to bring you here as part of our policy we have to do the following to our hostages: 1. Just be whipped in the arse until it is very red. 2a. Cock must be tied with rope for a total of 2 hours if a boy. 2b. Girls must have have their vagina stitched up for 3 hours. 3. Feet must have a little of the heel skin carved out on both feet. 4. Must have me or Ella fuck you in your vagina or arse. Must have a submissive name written onto your arse”

Tom gulped at the thoughts he was having done and how much pain it will be. Alex then tells Ella to do the skin carving and fucking of the hostages. He takes the scalpel and slowly starts carve out some on Tom’s bare feet heels. Then once he had done the carving, he then started to fuck Tom’s arse hole for a solid 1 hour while Alex fetched the rest of the hostages. Ella then came to his climax and cum oozed out of Tom’s arse hole. As Alex was busy he grabbed the stick of his and shoved it into his Arse hole. Tom moaned as the stick entered as it was very uncomfortable. Then slid the stick out of him and turned him into his stomach and started whipping Tom on his arse very hard. He kept on whipping him until his bottom was very painful that he could not even sit down. Next on the agenda was to the tie cock up with rope for 2 hours. The slashes of the whip was very painful on his arse it took two hours for his bottom to be very red and his cock was turning a purple colour due to the lack of oxygen in that part of his bodie. Ella then asked Alex if he could leave Tom’s cock tied up for another hour. He said “release him from the table and he can leave this room and not have to jerk off for another hour as his cock can stay tied up for another hour. I have already done the other parts of the policy on the rest of the hostages. I just need you to fuck them in a few hours. I’m going to think of the submissive names, also have sent Tegan and Fern to get random hostages. ” So Ella just waited for a bit for the time to pass by. So he can continue fucking the hostages.

Few hours later

Tom had already had his cock released after the first hour of Ella waiting. Once he had finished waiting he went and fucked the rest of the hostages. Then Alex came back and said “your submissive names are: Messy Monster(Tom), Lousy Pig(Cole), Infirm Skunk(Lea) and Spoiled Trash(Matthew). Ella you can now leave this room and get some sleep. This is because tomorrow we are going to have some fun. A few hours later everyone woke up, Fern was not wearing her chasity belt so Ella decides to punish her to licking Ella’s cock and arse hole for the next 20 minutes. Then Alex comes and said “Today, is a special day because today we celebrate the death of Jesus Christ. So as Jesus is a boy, only a boy can be crucified and yes until complete death. It is also usually our slave leader that is crucified on the cross. Which in our case, the person getting crucified is Ella but I’m not letting that happen this year. So Ella go and get Matthew and bring him to the van blindfolded and gagged. I just don’t want to hurt you Ella and make you suffer the pain of being crucified. ‘ Ella then brings him out towards the van and load Matthew into the van. Alex then speaks again saying ” For this event you all need to dress up for the day as your not going naked. Footwear rule still applys . The only naked people should be Ella and Matthew. Soon you will see why Ella is still naked. ” Alex takes Tegan and Fern inside and Alex said “I want you to wear a skirt and footless tights. The top half is completely up to you. ” Alex then gets ready and heads to the van to find out that Matthew had escaped. He then thought to himself that “Ella might have to be crucified in end as Matthew is no longer here as he ran off. I will go ask the girls what they think we should do” So he heads back inside and tells Fern and Tegan about Matthew. Tegan said ” I don’t think we have any choice but to do it.” So the girls get ready for the event and head to the Van and tell Ella the bad news. Tegan and Fern got into the van and off they went.

Once they arrived at the location, Alex told them all to wait in the van until.He says they can get out. About 20 mins later, Alex returned to the van and said “Right, Today after speaking with the event owner. He has decided that reguardless of Gender someone has to be crucified.” So Ella has no choice but to be crucified so Ella is untied from her seat in the van. Then she gets out the van and then he collared her and walks her on all 4s like a dog for a good 20 mins. Then she is taken to a cage and locked in it so she can’t escape her death. It was Ella’s turn to be crucified on the cross. So a man came to open the cage and pulled her out took the blindfold and gag off. Then took her to the cross storage and gave him it to carry to the main spot. So once they got there after being whipped all the way to the site. The man said a few words and told him to lie on the cross. Just as he takes the first nail, Tegan shouts “STOP, YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO NAIL THAT COCK TO THE BOARD” Then the first nail was in position about to be whacked into his hand. Then the other is done too, so both hands are secured to the cross.

After the hands were done, the man placed Ella’s foot on top of each other this was so that he only had to nail their feet once. Then the cock nail comes out and is placed above his cock ready to be hit into his cock so that its blocked while he dies. So onces the nail goes into his feet and cock. He is left on the cross to die, meanwhile Alex was thinking and said to Tegan “Is there any point of me keeping you and Fern Alive? Or should I get you up there with Ella?” Tegan said ” You should put us up there with him” Alex then walked them to the cages and stripped them naked. Then he said “Can I at least have a little bit more fun before you go in the cages.” They were like sure you can, so Alex took his cock and shoved it up Tegan’s Vagina and fucked while Fern was licking Alex’s arse hole and Tegans boobs. About 20 mins later they got in the same cage and Alex locked them in and went.

Then the man that crucified Ella appears out of nowhere and gets them out the cage and takes them to the location. Then they lie in the cross. First he nails their vaginas to the cross, then gets their feet into position like how Ella’s were and nails them down. Lastly, he does their hands and hits hard on the nails as he does them. He then stands their crosses up. They see Alex in the distance and Tegan turns to look at Ella to see that his cock had gone.

Then in the next few minutes Alex comes over with a knife and ladder. Alex decides to put the ladder the side of Tegan and climbs up and says to her “I’m here to collect your Vagina and your big boobs, like I did with Ella’s cock.Same for fern wen you weren’t looking to hey focusing on Ella. He then started to cut away at her boobs after 10 minutes he had removed her boobs from her body. Next He started to carve out her vagina. Then she died from blood loss. He then took the items home and stored them.

The End