The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – Chapter 2 –

Little piece of announcement again, please give a positive vote so this story gets higher up and is viewed more! I need all the support you can give me guys to make this story happen! Thank you all! Now, enjoy…

The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – CHAPTER 2-

“Hello kids, this your new classmate, Emily Banks. She just moved in our town from, huh, where did you say Emily?” said the teacher.

“I come from Ludlow.” Said Emily in a low tone voice.

“Very nice. Please, take a seat, and I’m sure the kids would love to tell you all the details of my class.”

Emily scanned the class with her eyes, until she spotted the empty spot besides Bryan. She started walking to the seat, and sat down by him.

“Hey, my names Emily. I guess you already know that though”

“My name’s Bryan. Nice to meet you.” Said Bryan, almost without taking his eyes from his notebook.

“I hope you’re alright with me sitting here, if you want I can change seat…” said Emily, worried since she noticed Bryan wasn’t very talkative.

“No, it’s alright. I’m just not used to having someone besides me.” He replied, this time making the effort to look at her.

“How about we arrange a meeting after school? This way we can get to know each other better-“

“Emily, I hope you did not come here to make noise. Focus on the lesson please!” said the teacher.

“Without the teacher!” she finished.

“Yeah, sure” Bryan replied, trying to get her to stop talking.

After a few minutes, Emily slipped Bryan a little note, telling him the time and place of their meet.

If anyone else was in Bryan’s position, he would be feeling incredible lucky, having such a nice girl want to meet up with him. But not Bryan. He was feeling a thousand thoughts together, calculating in his mind all the outcomes of interacting with her. That’s what he had to do anytime he interacted with someone. He had to keep a low profile, without raising too much attention as the “hidden-away” kid. He had to be in everything but also nothing in the same time. If he kept to himself, it was a matter of time before everyone found out how he got his income. If he attracted too much attention, someone would try and uncover him. So he had to find the perfect balance.

Once his classes ended, he took off to get home. While most kids had a fancy, gas-guzzling SUV or a brand new, untouched expensive sports car, he had opted in for a motorcycle. A beautiful Yamaha R1, while inexpensive to maintain, makes for a fast crotch rocket.

While walking to his bike, Emily approached him.

“Hey, my house is pretty far from here, and I don’t have any money on me to take the bus. Could you please give me a ride home?” she asked him.

“No can do, I’m afraid.” He replied back.

“Please, I’ll probably get lost trying to walk back!” She practically begged him.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t take you with me. My vehicle isn’t good enough for you too.”

“Don’t worry; I don’t care if your car is cheap or old. I just want the ride home!”

“Who said I have a car? I drive a motorcycle. Unless you wanna hang for your life in the back, no can do.”

“A motorcycle? You gotta be kidding me, my brother has had one for ages! I’ve probably ridden on one a million times! So I guess I’m coming with you!” Said Emily in excitement.

“Fine. Just be careful not to go flying off the back.” Bryan replied.

They both got on the sportsbike, and took off for Emily’s home. Unfortunately for him, Emily had yet to learn the streets well, so they had to do some rounds around the neighbourhoods to get to her home. Once they got there, she said her goodbyes and got in; he took off for his house. They arranged to meet that evening at a cafeteria near the school.

–That Evening—

Bryan was in his garage, waxing his bike. It has been a while since he took care of it, and that evening was about time he did. He cleaned it thoroughly, washing every part of it, and was now waxing it so it looked shiny and nice. After that, he got back home to get ready for his meet up. He took a quick shower, and decided that a black hoodie and some jeans would be perfect for the occasion.

In the meantime, Emily was in her room, talking with a friend of hers back from Ludlow.

“I tell you, this Bryan is such a cute guy! He doesn’t talk much, but I’m sure he is worth it. I gotta close now, better get ready. I’m going out with him!”

“You go girl! See ya!” Replied her friend, before finally closing that hours long phone call.

She decided to dress as good as she could, as she wanted to really make an impression on him. She would go by his house, and from there he would pick her up and get to the café.

Meanwhile, Bryan was getting on his bike and drove off his driveway. He had a packet secured on his backseat. He usually didn’t do such things this time of the day. He drove off to a house on another neighbourhood. Got off his bike, grabbed the packet, and got to the door. He ringed the bell.

The door opened up just enough to see who was outside.

“Bryan! How are you! My boy, we haven’t talked in a while!”

“It’s alright mum, I just thought of dropping off to give you these and see how are you!” Bryan replied as he gave his mother the box.

“Oh god, you know I love Buck’s chocolate pies! You didn’t have to!” Buck had a bakery near their old home. When Bryan was little, his mother went and bought one every Sunday for her son.

“Anything for my beloved mum! I’m sorry I couldn’t come in the morning and have more time to talk, but I gotta go now. I’ll drop off at Saturday to see you more. Bye ma!”

And with that Bryan left the house, got back on his bike, and drove back to his place. In about 20 minutes Emily would be there, and he had to take her out at a café. He just hoped she didn’t try to poke in his life a lot.

Emily arrived at his home in a short, sleeveless red dress. She ranged the bell, and Bryan opened up.

“Heyy! I’m here! Are we going to leave now or should I come inside?”

“We’re going to leave now. Why did you wear this though?”

“What? The dress? You don’t like it?”

“It’s not I don’t like it, but you’re gonna freeze on the bike in this!”

“Bike? While getting me home I saw you had a garage, so I figured you have a car too”

“I do have a car, it’s just that I never take it out for such things. Come in, I’ll figure out something.”

And with this Bryan put Emily inside.

Bryan’s home was nothing short of impressive, but nothing close to cosy and full either. He had it minimalistically furnished, with few furniture and paintings. A big television was taking up one of the living room walls, along with a pretty big sound system. Emily sat down on one of the couches, while Bryan got in the garage to get his car ready.

As soon as Bryan was off Emily’s sight, he started working like a devil. He went and opened up his 2002 BMW M3s door, which he used as his delivery car. Metallic black colour, with a few aeros and a spoiler to make it more aerodynamically stable at corners. But the issue was the interior. He had stripped off the rest of the seating and added in rails to fit containers. He had to remove the containers, add back the seats, and finally put back on the licence plate.

Once he was finished, he got back in the living room.

“Hey Emily, car’s ready. Let’s get going.”

The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – CHAPTER 2 END-

Hey guys, before you go: Please leave a positive review. It will really help the story get seen. If you have any complaints or things to point out, please post them in the comments. Again, thanks a lot for your time reading this, remember, you are the ones supporting this story, so if you want to keep reading the next chapters, help by giving positive ratings. Peace!