The Jogger

Vibrations rippled up the lithe woman’s body as her footfalls thumped softly along the trail. Lesley jogged along at a leisurely pace, her C-Cup breasts trying in vain to free themselves from her lime green sports bra. The purple set of headphones adorning her blonde head pumped out energetic K-Pop, and her legs, clad in tight matching green running shorts, matched the beat. A pleasant and peaceful expression was set upon her dainty, and in her opinion, adorable face. Running had always been a relaxing activity for Lesley, and she wondered how she had never heard of the trail on which she found herself. It was a gorgeous day, and the autumn scene through which she was running matched it stunningly. She found herself running along the top of a small valley with red, yellow, and orange leaves dancing in the wind around her. She smiled as she felt the light breeze ruffle through her short, light blonde hair.

As Lesley rounded a shady corner, she noticed a man jogging in the opposite direction toward her. He wore a blue shirt and black running shorts, and as they neared each other, Lesley couldn’t help but notice what she thought was a sizable bulge in the dark haired man’s shorts. She was transfixed for a moment, mentally undressing the man, until they grew nearer. Her eyes jumped to his face, and she made eye contact. Surely he must have seen the lewd way she was staring at him. Rather than blushing though, she gave the man a quick wink as they passed. She laughed to herself as she could just imagine the stunned look that must have been on the man’s face as she continued to put distance between them. The voices of countless authority figures warning about not talking to strangers and so on flashed through her mind, but she easily dashed them away. She could outrun anything, save for maybe a bear, that could possibly try to harm her. She had always enjoyed teasing boys, and her confidence had made her a very popular girl. Her face flushed ever so slightly with arousal as the memory of the jogger’s bulge played through her head.

Only minutes later, another jogger passed her, startling her slightly as they both rounded the same blind corner simultaneously. As the man passed she noticed the same colors pass by her as the last jogger, but surely it must have been a coincidence. Blue and black are common colors, after all. However, Lesley couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that now flowed through her. Instead of feeling pleasant, the breeze now felt cold on her sweat-glazed skin. The formerly peaceful valley now seemed desolate and isolated. If that was the same man, how could he have gotten in front of her again? She tried to push the worrying thoughts out of her brain and focused on her music, picking up her pace a little.

She had almost calmed down when, once again, a man approached at a jog. Blue shirt, black shorts, and to her horror, a predatory look plastered on the very same face she had winked at earlier. Her heart skipped a beat, and she stopped in her tracks. Her heart started racing even faster as the man continued jogging toward her.

“What do you want?!” Lesley shouted at the man, who offered no response. He only picked up the pace and began running toward her even quicker. She shrieked slightly, and began sprinting away. She tried to calm herself down as she ran. She was fast. There was no way he could keep up. She ran for what felt like an eternity, and hadn’t been caught; there was no way he could still be following her. She looked over her shoulder, and fear shot through her as she saw that the man was still trailing behind her. Neither gaining on her nor falling behind, just keeping pace with a predatory glint in his eyes. She pushed herself even harder, trying desperately trying to outpace her pursuer, but even at her faster pace, she couldn’t get away. She glanced back over her shoulder one last time. Now the man was even closer, and was gaining on her quickly. She opened her mouth to shout something at him, but only a scream ripped from her throat as her foot met the steep incline of the hill, instead of the flat path. Her lithe, athletic body lurched left suddenly as she unintentionally hurled herself down the leaf-covered hillside. Lesley’s next moments flashed in and out as her body was pummeled by the terrain as she bounced down the small valley.

Finally, she found herself at the bottom of the valley, face up and with the wind knocked out of her. She looked around. A small stream babbled feet away, and the cool breeze rustled the leaves above her. The scene would have been been beautiful if not for her situation. Her headphones lay feet away, still connected and playing her music, though it sounded far away and the upbeat tone felt mocking now. She moved her limbs, making sure nothing was broken. She seemed to be intact, and she almost felt relieved to finally be away from her pursuer, despite her fall. She pushed herself up to a sitting position, and rested her pounding head in her hands. Approaching footsteps caught her attention, and her head snapped upwards. It was him.

“No no no no! Get the fuck away from me!” She stammered as she pushed herself backwards, away from the man.

“I’m just glad to see you’re not dead. It’s much more fun this way.” The man said, looking at Lesley as a wolf would a lost fawn. His gaze pierced her green eyes before travelling down her body, stopping at her chest. She hadn’t even noticed that the fall had ripped the cup of her sports bra off of her right breast, exposing her bright pink nipple to the cold autumn air. Before she knew it, Lesley found herself at the stream, with the man almost at her.

“No, please let me g-” She tried to get out before the man roughly grasped her around the throat, silencing her. He planted himself on top of her, pinning her below him. Despite her physical stature, she was unable to free herself from him. She clawed and fought at him until his hand came down hard against the side of her head. Lesley saw stars, and her ears rang sharply. She was so dazed that she couldn’t stop her shorts and underwear from being stripped from her. She was snapped back to reality by the sudden intrusion she felt. She yelped as his cock pressed into her, much more easily than she wished it did. She wished it didn’t feel as good as it did as he fucked her. She struggled to get away, but his weight held her in place as his hand grasped at her exposed breast. Tears streamed down Lesley’s face as she was unable to hold back the lusty sounds escaping from her unwillingly. She realized she was going to cum soon if it didn’t let up. Her hips bucked subconsciously and she felt her pussy begin to clench down around the hard cock.

“Is the little whore getting close?” He taunted as he fucked her, keeping pace with her bucking hips. He reached down and stroked her pink clit, eliciting an even stronger breathy moan from Lesley.

“No, please don’t-” She was cut off as her body finally betrayed her, orgasming and arching her back as she cried out. This finally seemed to push her attacker over the edge as well, and his cock pulsed in her as he came deep inside her. Lesley raised her hands over her face as she breathed heavily. The man withdrew himself from her, leaving her empty. Lesley felt relief wash over her, as her ordeal had finally ended. She hoped he would just walk away, but instead, she felt rough hands grab her by the arm and by the back of her head, flipping her over. She landed face-first into the stream. Realizing what the man had planned for her, she began to push herself up out of the water, but the man’s knee quickly came down on the back of her neck, forcing her head below the water before she could even scream. Lesley fought with renewed effort, her naked legs flailing as hard as she could, but the larger man’s weight was too much for the exhausted girl to match. She began to panic as her mouth and nose filled with more and more of the cold water. She screamed, but only bubbles came out as she felt herself start to choke. Finally, the bubbles stopped flowing from her submerged face, and her limbs lay still. The man stood up, leaving her face down in the mud, water, and cum. As Lesley’s killer began to walk away, he could still hear the slight sound of her music, still trying to sound cheery through her headphones.