The Job_(2)

Seth had enjoyed using his slave for work and it had been very profitable. The only problem was, that he needed to use his own personal slave on the fat and dirty man. It would have been more useful had he some sluts for work purpose. As the young man watched his employees from his office window, he pondered on that idea. There were some decent looking woman in the office and a few of the employees had good looking girlfriends and wifes.

Seth quickly wrote down on some ideas to boost moral and to reward hard workers as his thoughts were with the woman.

come to think of it, he had some foreign guests to entertain soon, investors. Should he play his cards right, this could be very fun and the start of his office harem. Look at that, it is Joseph’s peformance review coming up.

‘Sir.’ Joseph stepped into Seth’s office. ‘Welcome.’ Seth smiled. ‘You have been with our compagnie for a year and to be honest, I am a little dissapointed with your work.’ The other man sighted and lowered his head. A very submissive position. ‘You have been slacking off and you do not rack in enough orders as the others do. ‘I am sorry sir.’ The man was almost crying. ‘I should fire you, you know.’ Joseph went white. ‘Please sir, I need this job. I do anything…” This was what Seth wanted to hear. He knew that Joseph’s wife was not unpretty. A bit boring but that was all. She could be his saving grace, if he and his wife fell for it.

‘You know, I might have a special project for you.’ Seth spoke. Before the other man could answer, Seth added. But why don’t you invite me for dinner this thursday evening so we can discuss it.’ Joseph accepted without thinking. He knew his job was on the line. Just as the man was about to leave, Seth added. Make your wife wear something sexy. I prefer to watch pretty things when I eat.’ ‘Yes sir.’

That thursday evening, And armed with a bottle of wine Seth rang the bell of the modest flat that Joseph and his wife occupied. clearly a rent. He had gone through the neighberhood and it was plain as the flat looked like. nothing special or kinky in the neighberhood and that was exactly what Seth was counting on.

‘Hello sir.’ Joseph said as he opened the door, clearly nervous. ‘Hello.’ Seth was all smiles as he handed the bottle to his employee and walked towards the living room.

‘Joseph’s wife could only be described as plain. The woman half long blond hair and a slightly chubby frame. She wore a red shirt and a white skirt, that was modest to the knees.

‘What a beauty has Joseph been hiding.’ Seth took her hand and kissed it. ‘Seth is my name.’ ‘I am Clara.’ The woman was blushing.

During the evening, Seth kept giving Clara compliments and occacionally touched her legs or shoulder. He also made sure that both drank a lot and he kept referring to errors or mistakes that Joseph made but also was smart enough to point out a few of his good qualities.

During dessert, Seth noticed that both were loosened up enough. It was now or never. ‘So You know that Joseph is on thin ice at the moment right?’ The two nodded. ‘But you said you had something I could do?’ The tone of Joseph was hopefull. ‘Yes if your work is not good enough, I need to have you do other things as well, if you wish to have a future with us. ‘Like what sir?’

‘I have some foreign buisnessmen coming and visit us, that I need to convince to invest in us. However we do not have the money to provide entertainment for them. The two people next to Seth looked suprised. Clearly neither had any idea where this was going. ‘What would you have me do?’ Joseph asked. ‘…Actually the both of you.’ He now looked at them both. ‘If you two were to entertain us for a evening and bring them in a good mood to invest, that would help the compagny a lot. ‘Just one evening?’ It was Clara who asked. ‘yes for now. should your husband not improve, there might be more in the future.’ ‘What would you have us do?’ Clara again. ‘Just be a nice host, Seth said with a smile as he put a hand on her knee. ‘Make some good food, be friendly. Maybe Joseph can take us to a stripclub later to push them over the egde to invest.’ ‘We do not have a stripclub here.’ the man said softl. ‘That is too bad. half naked woman usually do the trick for these types….’ No response. Seth knew very well that there was no stripclub here. Not yet at least. ‘Then I am afraid it would not work.’ Seth stood up bruskly. ‘I thank you both for the lovely evening.’ ‘Wait sir. There must be something else we can do?’ Joseph quickly asked. Bingo. ‘The only way this could work is if you were the entertainment.’ Seth said as he looked at Clara. ‘You are beautiful and this way, the men get pleased.’ Both went pale. ‘You know what, think about it this weekend. I’l hear the answer on monday.’ This was not a moment to push them. Seth wanted both of them to agree on their own terms.

The next day, Joseph avoided Seth like the latter had an disease. The young dom wondered what this man would choose. Would he and his wife go for it or should Seth find another way to entertain them.

Monday came around and Seth watched as Joseph hovered in front of his office. ‘Come in.’ Seth said politely. ‘Well my wife and me have talked about it…’ The man said shyly. ‘yes?’ Seth nodded. ‘We do have some more questions before we agree.’ The man admitted. ‘Let her come to the office after work and we will sort this out.’ He added.

That day, both Joseph and Clara appeared in his office again. After both sat down, Seth asked. ‘you had some more questions.”

It was Clara who answered. ‘Yes. will there be touching?’ ‘No.’ Seth spoke. ‘Not unless you want to. You will decide how far it will go.’ The woman nodded. ‘It will be only once?’ Joseph asked. Seth nodded. ‘Yes, for now. However I might ask you again if this goes well. The two of you will ofcourse be compensated in that case.’ ‘I do not have anything sexy to wear.’ Clara then spoke. ‘I will take care of that.’ Seth smiled.

The two went silent, looked at each other, nodded and finally Clara spoke. ‘We agree to it.’ ‘I will tell Joseph the exact time and date. I will also give him the clothes you will be wearing.

Friday the next week, Seth sat in his car. With him were a older german man, a young Belgian and a middle aged Australian guy. after recieving the measurments, Seth had picked out a sexy outfit and given to the husband. He was still worried though as Seth had not seen Clara naked and did not know how body looked like. He was afraid she had a very big bush. Another possibility was that she got shy and froze up. Seth had no clue what to do then.

Clara was dressed as instructed. a short red dress with a deep cleavage. He assumed that she was also wearing the underwear he had given.

After a delicious dinner, the four men sat on the couch and as Joseph brought drinks, his wife started the striptease.

It was a clumsy and amateuristic job as she removed her dress, showing the pink bra that was slightly too small for her big tits and a small thong.

She kept on dancing and as she removed her bra, her husband stood in a corner watching. The foreign men cheered as her d cup tits appeared in view. She danced a little more before stopping. She was red and blushing. Seth also saw a wet spot on her panties.This had turned the shy woman on and Seth suspected that Joseph would have great sex this night.

‘Gentlemen, I think we have stolen enough time from this couple and it is time to leave.

The men were upset that they did not get to see the woman’s pussy but left with him to go to the hotel.

The next day during dinner, Seth kept on arguing with his guests. They did not want to sign unless he lowered the price a lot. If he did, the wole point of this was moot and he would lose money. Seth did know hoever that the men loved Clara as they were speaking the whole time about her and about not having been able to see her cunt.

‘Tell you what. If I bring you guys over to the stripper again, will you sign?’ Seth improvised. ‘Yeah sure.’ Came the response from the Australian. ‘Okay fine.’ The Belgian said. The german just nodded.

‘Seth quickly texted Joseph again. Coming over again, make sure your wife is ready. He suspected that the man would ask why again but the only text he recieved as response was a bland okay.

When they arrived there, Seth noticed that Clara was wearing the same dress as last night again. instead of dinner, the men went to the couch directly and after getting something to drink, all eyes were on Clara.

She had not improved as she stumbled out of her dress. Next was her bra, that she took more time for this time and even hid her breasts behind her hands teasing after removing her bra.

‘More, more.’ The three men started shouting. Clara blushed and slowly removed her last garment.

When she pulled her panties down, a hairy cunt appeared before them. The man did not seem to care and spoke about what a piece of ass the woman was.

One by one, they took their cocks out of their pants and started rubbing it. She came closer and the Australian took her hand and placed it on his manhood. To Seth’s surprise, Clara started rubbing his cock with her hand.

The german stepped up from the couch to behind Clara. After first giving her a smack on the bottom, he then kneeled and started licking her. A sideglance to Joseph showed that he was totally surprised by it but dared not to intervene.

Clara was now sucking the cock that she had been stroking and the Belgian was sucking her tits. Seth quickly shot some pictures with his phone.

The german now pushed his cock in her cunt and started fucking. She fucked, sucked and jerked the last guy off at the same time.

The men then put her on the table and the Belgian entered her as the german poored beer on her tits and sucked them off.

‘Get the paperwork.’ Seth whispered to Joseph as he gave the poor man his car keys. Now the Australian had found his way into her cunt. From the looks of it, at least one person had already cum inside her. The Australian pulled out and shot his load over her face and he got replaced by the German again. Clara screamed out as she came just as her husband appeared again with the papers.

Seth wondered how the men peformed so well, especially the older two. Later he found out that all three had taken viagra just before arriving.

The three men kept fucking her and only when all three had shot their loads inside her and over her, did Seth step in. Joseph lay on the couch, fast asleep. he had drank too much. ‘get us a drink.’ Seth commanded Clara as he put the papers on table. ‘Sign.’ He spoke to the men. ‘I like dir style.’ The German spoke as he signed. the others followed and Clara came back with the drinks. As they drank, she sucked off the three men one last time and when saying good bye, she stood naked at the door, cum dripping from her body and gave all three a kiss.

‘You have not fucked me yet.’ She said to Seth. He had no intention of fucking her when three others had already cum inside her. ‘Next time honey.’ Seth said as he gave her a card with his phone number.