The Dojang Chapter Four Condom Boy

Chapter 4 Condom Boy

I get my ass in gear, scarf down the rest of my sandwich quickly, and then practically run to the shower. I jump in and do a quick wash, but make sure to clean the land down under thoroughly. I don’t think it would be good to have Suzy taste or smell Mom on me. I get out of the shower, get dried off, and get dressed in clean workout clothes and tennis shoes.

As I get dressed, a pain of guilt hits me. It feels like I am getting ready to go out and cheat on Mom. ‘Why am I feeling like this?’ I wonder.

It was like another me appeared in my head and said, “Duh! Really, dumbass? Maybe it’s because she told you that you just gave her the greatest fuck of her life, and you didn’t reply.”

“Ok, how am I to reply to that? Thank you? You’re welcome? It was great for me too?” I mentally reply.

“I don’t know, but you should have said something,” The voice says.

“Thanks for the help with that. She’s not my girlfriend, you know,” I say.

“No, but you should treat her right. She raised you to do that. Remember?” The voice says.

“I suppose you also have a problem with me fucking Mom,” I shoot back.

“Again. Duh! Dumbass, she’s your Mom,” The voice says.

“Yeah, well, I haven’t heard you bitching every time we have been balls fucking deep in her,” I fire back.

The voice doesn’t reply, and I finish getting dressed. I go to Mom’s room to tell her that I am going to see Suzy. The door is still closed, so I knock on it.

“What do you want, Tyler?” Mom says.

“Can I come in and talk to you, please?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Mom says.

I open the door and go into her room. Mom can see I’m dressed and gives me a look but doesn’t say anything.

“I know that look, and can we talk about it after I say something first, please?” I ask.

“I guess,” Mom says as she lies on the bed, looking at her phone instead of me.

“I know you are upset because I didn’t say anything back, but I don’t know how to reply to what you said, Mom. It makes me happy that I made you feel so good, and I really enjoyed it too. I don’t want to give a stupid or corny reply to what you said, though,” I say.

Mom looks up from her phone, puts it down, gets up off the bed, comes over to me, and kisses me.

“I’m glad you were able to find the words,” Mom says after we break our kiss. “Are you going to go see Suzy now?” Mom asks.

“I am. I was going to stop somewhere along the way so I could pick up condoms first, though,” I reply.

“Give me a minute to get dressed, and I will take you,” Mom says. “I need to go to a pharmacy anyways.”

I have a quizzical look on my face, and Mom says, “Baby boy, you dumped a lot of cum in me, and I was late taking my birth control today. I should get a morning-after pill just to be safe.”

“What about Suzy?” I ask.

“What about her? Mom answers my question with a question while she’s getting dressed.

“Well, I’m hoping to get laid with her. Are you thinking of joining or what?” I ask.

Mom laughs and says, “You are kinky, aren’t you? As much fun as that sounds, don’t you think you should at least see if she’s into girls first? I will drop you off there, and you can get a ride home from her. Tell her she’s invited to stay for dinner since her mom is out of town.”

“Is that it?” I ask. When she was getting dressed, she didn’t put any panties on.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Mom answers as she brushes her hair. “As I said, you should see if she’s into girls first. After that, you must tell her we are fucking, see if she wants to join, and that may not go over well.”

I hadn’t thought about that, and it showed with Mom having to explain all of this to me.

Mom could see my thoughts and says, “It’s ok, baby. We can find a girl willing to do a threesome with us at some point, even if it’s not Suzy.”

We leave the house and get into her car. As we are pulling away, another thought comes to my mind. With Mom being this open and honest about sex, I wonder if she will be the same with other things. I decide to give it a shot and ask about my dad.

Mom hesitates at first, and I see the look on her face that I am used to seeing whenever I bring the subject up. I’m about to say, never mind when she pulls the car over.

Mom turns and looks me dead in the eyes and says, “Tyler, I understand you want to know where you come from, but can we please do this later?”

I let out a sigh that Mom can hear because I figure it’s Mom just putting me off again.

“If I tell you this right now, you won’t be in the mood to fuck Suzy. I promise, baby, I will tell you,” Mom says.

“When?” I ask.

“Can we do it tonight, after Suzy leaves, please?” Mom asks.

I’m about to say something when Mom says, “I should show you something when I tell you anyways so that you will believe me.”

“Why wouldn’t I believe you?” I ask.

“Trust me, baby,” Mom says and pulls the car back onto the street.

“Ok,” I say.

I’m not sure if I do, but Mom hasn’t lied to me before. The subject is dropped, and there is an awkward silence between us the rest of the way to the pharmacy. I had let Suzy know I was on the way, but Mom was driving me there. My phone dings, and it’s her.

Suzy: Why is she driving you?

Me: We need to stop at the store to pick up some things. She also heard that you were on your own for the week and invited you over for dinner after we finished.

Suzy: Ok. Hurry up! I want to fuck!

Me: I am, and so do I.

We get there, and I bail out of the car like it’s on fire. I want to make this a quick stop, so I can get to Suzy’s place and fuck her. I go to the section that has condoms. I stand there and look at it lost because there are so many different types, and I don’t know where to start.

“Do you need some help?” A friendly, familiar female voice asks.

I turn to see my friend Jeremy Nash’s mom standing there with her white pharmacist coat on. I think Ms. Nash is thirty-eight years old. She’s the same height as Mom, five foot four inches tall, and looks about the same weight, about 140 pounds, and has blue eyes that shine when she smiles. Unlike Mom’s red hair, she has dirty blonde hair that reaches about midway down her back and is put in a ponytail. Her butt and boobs were bigger than Mom’s too. That’s not a bad thing either. Ms. Nash is damn hot, and while I said that, I jerked off to Suzy and the twins, she’s been a member of the spank team too.

My brain is trying to figure out what the hell she is doing here, but then I remember this is her pharmacy. Had I driven myself, I wouldn’t have stopped here because of that.

“Um, hi, Ms. Nash. I, um. I don’t know,” I say, embarrassed as hell and about to run out of the store.

“It’s ok, Tyler. If you would like, I can get a male to help you,” Ms. Nash says. “You know that’s not a bad idea. Hang on for a second, and I will have someone come help you.”

I’m left alone in the aisle, embarrassed and confused. ‘What the fuck was that all about?’ I wonder to myself. A minute or two goes by, and I’m about just to grab any box and head for the checkout when a college aged guy with a nametag that says Joey comes up to me.

“You are the one that needs help, right? First time buying, huh?” Joey says to me.

“Yeah,” I say and try to hide my embarrassment.

“It’s cool, man. We all have been there. So to save you any more embarrassment, here’s the deal. You probably know how much you are packing. Your regular sizes normally fit guys who are about five to six inches long. If you are longer, you want to go with magnums. As far as types go, I normally use these,” Joey says, grabbing a box of Trojan Magnum Bareskin.

“Fucking with any condom doesn’t feel as good as going bareback, but it does help you from getting an std or having a kid. These are thin, though, and are probably the closest thing to going raw dog,” He says.

“Um. Cool. Thanks,” I say.

“Look, I know it was weird for you to come in and do this. Aunt Sara probably didn’t help with that, but we have had problems with shoplifters. She likes younger guys too, so that’s why she asked you instead of me. You wouldn’t think it, but she’s a bit of a freak,” Joey says with a hint of a laugh.

“After the night and morning I’ve had, I would probably believe just about anything right now,” I say. Then I stop dead in my tracks with a look of fear.

I’m about to try to say something else when Joey laughs and says, “Yeah, the world does look a lot different after fucking a family member. Huh?”

All the blood drains out of my face. How the fuck does this guy know what I have been doing?

“You’re Jeremy’s friend, Tyler, right?” Joey asks.

“Yeah,” I say, still in shock.

Joey looks around and then leans in and says, “Look, this is not the time or the place for this conversation. Plus, it looks like you have other places to be. But you are going to need someone to talk to, probably soon. Jeremy is still figuring things out for himself, and tonight, well, I will be busy, let’s put it that way. What’s your number?”

He pulls out his phone, and I give him my number but wonder what Jerrmy is trying to figure out and why he didn’t come to me for help.

“Cool, I got you. I shouldn’t have to say this, but mum is the word. Don’t open up to anyone else. Got it?”

“Yeah,” I say.

“Seriously, dude. Not a fucking word until we talk. It’s unfair to you, but I can’t go into that here. I should have time tomorrow, though. I will get us some beers, as I did with Jermey, and we can talk about it. If that works for you?” Joey says.

My jaw drops again because he just said that Jermey is fucking his mom too. Joey gives me a look like don’t say a word and then says, “Again, mum is the word. Is tomorrow good for you?”

“Yeah. As far as I know, I don’t have anything going,” I say, still in shock that my friend is fucking his mom too.

“Cool. Let’s get you checked out, and you can get to where you need to be,” Joey says.

We go back to the pharmacy and find Ms. Nash and Mom there whispering. It looks like Mom has what she needs, so they continue their whispering as I get my condoms paid for. I can’t hear what they are saying, I am getting a lot of looks from Ms. Nash. At the same time, it looks like Mom is checking out Joey.

I get done, look at Mom, and say, “I’m ready to leave when you are.”

I look at Joey and say, “Thanks.”

“Not a problem,” Joey says back.

As we are leaving, Mom says, “See you later, Sara.”

“Ok, Debra,” Ms. Nash says in return.

We get out of the store, get in the car, and start to head to the dojang. I text Suzy to let her know I am on my way there, and I get back a happy face emoji. Mom seems happier now than before we went into the store. I’m not sure what that is about, but it probably has to be due to the whispering she was doing with Ms. Nash. God knows what was said, but I think Mom let Ms. Nash in our little secret. Well, if I get to talk to Joey, I guess it is fair she gets to talk to Ms. Nash.

I still have my phone out and have Suzy’s messages pulled up. I scroll up to the picture she sent me of her boobs and open it. I admire it for a couple of seconds and then slide my thumb across the phone screen to admire the picture of her pussy. I don’t go to the video even though I want to. I have a feeling if I opened it, that would distract Mom from driving. I wonder if Suzy has gotten dressed? That thought and looking at the pictures starts to make me hard.

Joey was right about how the world looks after you have sex with a family member. Before last night I wouldn’t have dared look at naked pictures around Mom. As for getting hard, well, remember me telling you about Mom almost beating the door down when I jerked off in the shower, the cold showers, and the awkward dancing in the doorway to the bathroom. This also makes me think of how many times I probably could have bent Mom over and fucked her brains out, especially when we were doing the awkward doorway dance. That thought gives me an idea of where I want to fuck Mom the next time, which is getting me harder.

Knowing she isn’t wearing panties right now and thinking about fucking her again has me growing to be totally hard. I wonder if I told Mom I wanted to fuck her right now if she would go for it. We could pull over in some alley, slide the seats back, and just bang away. As tempting as it is, we are only a block away from the dojang. The idea of the threesome comes to mind again, but I have to dismiss it. Suzy is just getting me, and she better be ready because I’m going to do some serious pipe laying. I send Suzy a message to say I am here.

We pull up to the dojang, and Mom looks at me. I guess she hadn’t noticed the tree growing in my shorts while she was driving. That’s probably a good thing because it would have distracted her. The look she is giving me is one of lust and longing.

“Is that because of me or her?” Mom asks.

“Both,” I answer. “I started looking at her pictures but then thought of you too.”

“The threesome again?” Mom asks.

“Yes, but you are right about it,” I answer. “I was also thinking about you and me by ourselves too. If you are a good Mommy, I will let you know about that later.”

“You better get out of the car before I change my mind about sharing you with Suzy,” Mom says with lust in her voice.

I smile, lean over, kiss Mom on her cheek, and say, “I will see you later. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Mom says.

I get out of the car and go inside the dojang. I make my way to the stairs and go up them. As I get to the top, I see Suzy standing naked in the doorway to their place. I guess that answers the question I had if she had gotten dressed. Seeing her like this always makes me stop and stare. She has a great body, and I love seeing it on full display for me. I can also see the fire in her eyes and know what that means. She is in the mood to mix pain and pleasure.

“No pain this time, Suzy,” I say to her in a forceful tone.

“You know you like it,” Suzy says.

“No, I don’t. You do. If you had said what you would do instead of just latching on to my cock like you did, I would have told you no,” I say. “I mean it. No pain this time or any other time we are together.”

“Like you have any other offer besides this one,” Suzy says with a laugh.

“Who says I don’t?” I shoot right back at her.

I guess Suzy had heard when a guy was on bullshit and when he wasn’t before, or maybe it was because I had always been straight with her, but that made her get quiet for a moment and look at me.

“Fine, no pain,” Suzy said, turned, and went inside their living space.

“Are you coming?” Suzy asks with a slightly put-off voice.

I didn’t have to be asked twice and practically sprint through the door. As confident as I am, once I get through the door, I’m a little unsure about what I should do. Mom has started the party every time I have done anything. Even still, I feel like I can’t let Suzy see that I’m unsure because it might be like blood in the water and draw a shark. And Suzy can be a Great White.

I take my clothes off and advance on Suzy with as much confidence as I can summon. When I get to her, I wrap my arms around her bare body, lean down, and press my lips to hers. She meets mine with hers, and we start kissing and making out. Our tongues find each other’s, and they start to duel and explore each other’s mouths. Our hands also start exploring each other’s bodies as they roam. Mine go down her toned back to her tight ass. It has probably gotten this way from her workouts for cheerleading and the time she trained here at the dojang. My hands roam over her ass feeling her soft, smooth skin. I grab her cheeks, squeeze them, then pull them apart and push them back together. This makes Suzy moan into my mouth because we are still kissing.

Suzy’s hands have roamed from my back up to around my neck, and mine are still kneading her ass. I stop for a second, but I don’t loosen my grip. I pick her up and stand straight up. I get another moan out of Suzy from this, and she wraps her legs around me. My cock is at full attention and gets trapped between our bodies. I can feel her pussy rubbing against me, and she feels hot and wet. I am ready to slide my cock into her, and it hits me.

I break our kiss and say, “Shit.”

“What?” Suzy says, looking totally confused.

My phone dings. I put Suzy down and then grab my phone. I look at it, and it’s a message from Mom.

Mom: Forget something?

I text Mom back,

Me: Yes.

My phone dings again.

Mom: Come outside.

I look at Suzy and say, “I’m so sorry. I will be right back.”

Before she can say anything, I am out of her place and running down the stairs. I get to the door, and there is the bag sitting outside of the door to the dojang. I open the door, grab the bag off the ground, shut the door, lock it this time, and haul ass back upstairs and back to Suzy. I take my shorts off again, and she looks pissed but then sees the bag.

“I was so excited to see you that I forgot these in the car,” I say as I pull the box of condoms out of the bag.

“You can do without those if you want to, Tyler. I’m on the pill,” Suzy says and walks toward me.

I doubt Suzy would lie to me about that, but I don’t want to piss Mom off, either. I also can’t see paying money for them and not using them. I open the box and find that they are attached to each other. I have to pull a string of them out so I can just get one. This causes me to laugh mentally because as much as I want to fuck Suzy, eight condoms seem excessive. Jesus, you would think they would make these more user-friendly. My buddy is softening, and I haven’t even got the damn package open yet to get the fucking condom out so I can put it on.

Suzy is standing in front of me, and I see her smirking. “What?” I ask.

“I guess you really want to be protected, huh?” Suzy says, and then we both start laughing.

Suzy reaches out and wraps her hand around my buddy. ‘Oh shit, it’s the return of the Great White,’ I think to myself.

“Come on, condom boy. Let’s go to my room,” She says and lightly strokes me.

Suzy leads me to her bedroom by my cock. She is being gentle with me, and I don’t mind her taking the lead like this. I’m sure the more I do this, the more I will be able to take the lead. One thing is for sure though I won’t forget the damned condoms next time.

We get into her room, and she takes me to her bed. She lets go of me, and we get into her bed. As I lay down, Suzy straddles me, and we start kissing again. The kissing leads us back to our tongues dueling. My hands run down her back and back to her ass. Suzy definitely has a great ass, and I love how it feels. I return to what I was doing before I fucked up and start kneading her ass again. Suzy moans in my mouth again. I guess my little minx really likes her ass played with, and that’s good to know.

I break from kissing her mouth and feel her body tense up. I place my lips on her neck and start kissing it. I feel her body relax, and she lets out another moan. I kiss and lick my way up to Suzy’s earlobe.

When I get there, I say, “I promise I wasn’t going anywhere when I stopped kissing your lips.”

“You better not be now, or you will see pain,” Suzy replies with a strong hint of lust in her voice but also in a serious tone.

“I’m not. I promise I’m all yours. I just don’t want any pain,” I say.

“Ok, put your hands behind your back, and lay on them,” Suzy says.

“Do what?” I ask.

“Put your hands behind your back, and lay on them,” Suzy says again. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”

I take my hands off Suzy’s ass, put them behind my back, and lay on them like she said to do.

“Ok, now don’t move,” Suzy says with that fire in her eyes that she had earlier.

“Suzy,” I start to say.

She cuts me off by placing a finger lightly on my lips and says, “Shhh. Trust me, Tyler, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Suzy kisses me and says, “Now, don’t move. Ok?”

I can see by the look in her eyes she has something planned, but I’m not sure what it is. I nod my head to let her know I understand. Suzy kisses me again and then slides her body down mine slightly to pin my cock between us. Her hot wet pussy presses against my bare, fully hard cock, and she starts rocking her hips, slowly going up and down my pole with her pussy lips.

Damn. That feels good. I close my eyes for a second and want to moan, but Suzy told me to shhh, so I don’t. My body does stiffen a little, but I remain still.

Suzy is staring me right in my eyes. It looks like she is enjoying what she is doing, and I can see the lust building stronger in her eyes. She adds some pressure to her massage, and my cock goes a little deeper in between her lips. She takes her hands to her breasts and starts rubbing them. She closes her eyes for a second and moans as her fingers touch her erect nipples. I stifle another moan because Suzy looks hot doing this, and her pussy is feeling great. I’m not sure how much longer I will be able to keep quiet. I also want to play with her tits again. They felt nice in my hands this morning when we played in the shower, and mentally kick myself for not doing that earlier.

I think, at this point, I want every part of Suzy because she is gridding the outside of her pussy up and down my pole hard. I close my eyes again for another second and stifle yet another moan. This is feeling fucking great and making me want to drive my cock all the way in her.

“Do you like what I’m doing?” Suzy asks.

I nod my head yes again.

“Why are you not making any noise or talking then?” Suzy asks.

I take it I can talk now and say, “Because you told me to shhh.”

“God, you’re such a dork,” Suzy says.

Suzy continues to rub my pole hard with the outside of her pussy, we are both moaning now, and then Suzy says, “Do you like me rubbing my pussy on your cock, Tyler?”

“Yes, Suzy,” I answer.

“Do you want to try something else?” She asks as she’s rubbing her pussy on my cock.

“Yes,” I say.

“Are you still a virgin, Tyler?” She asks.

“Yes, Suzy,” I answer, and yes, I know it’s a lie, but I’m not about to tell her that I fucked Mom. I also don’t know why she asked me that because I told her last night that I was.

She leans forward a little, rocks her hips to bring her pussy up to the head of my cock, and then pushes back. The head of my cock slides into her pussy, and we moan. I also have to fight everything in me to thrust my hips up to push my cock deeper into her. She pulls forward, and the head comes back out of her. She rocks her hips back down, and this time it’s just her lips that my cock slides deeply between. She is coating my cock all the way down to my balls with her juices, and I’m oozing precum. Rubbing my cock with her pussy lips a few more times, she takes her hands off her tits and puts them on my chest. Suzy rocks her hips up again and takes my cock head into her pussy. She pushes down more and takes the part of my shaft right under my cockhead. We both moan again, I want to drive my dick deeper into her again.

I start to feel how wet and tight she is. Mom felt tight to me, but Suzy is tighter. Suzy pulls off of me again and starts to rub my cock with the outside of her pussy again, and I half moan and half groan. She is driving me wild by doing this. I guess that is the point because I had been watching her rubbing her tits, but now that she isn’t, I am back to making eye contact with her. Suzy gives me one of her smirks. I can also feel that she can rub us better with how she’s positioned now. She’s sliding up my pole to where my head makes contact with her hole each time now, and I’m not sure when she will put me back in her.

Just as I think that my cockhead goes back in her. Suzy stops there for a moment, and then the part that is right below the head goes into her. There is another brief pause, and then she pushes back again and takes a little more before stopping and pulling off me. She returns to rubbing me with the outside of her pussy, and I groan this time. I’m having a very hard time now not moving. Fuck, I want her so bad.

I get another smirk from Suzy, and she says, “What’s the matter, Tyler?”

“You are teasing me,” I say as she grinds on me again.

Suzy still smirks and says, “Well, yeah, but it’s not hurting you now, is it?”

“No, it’s not,” I say.

Suzy rocks her hips up again, and again my cock head enters her. She pushes back down to the point that I was last in her and asks, “Is this what you want, Tyler?”

“Fuck yes, Suzy,” I say.

Suzy slides a little more down my cock and asks, “Do you still want to put a condom on?”

“Shit,” I say. “You had to ask me that now didn’t you? Yes.”

Suzy giggles and starts to slide off of me, and I say, “No.”

She keeps giggling and starts sliding down my shaft again. “Yes,” I say.

‘Shit. Now I’m teasing myself,’ I think.

Suzy keeps slowly going down my shaft. “Suzy, we need a condom,” I say.

“I know you want one, but at least let me have you all the way in once before we put one on. Please?” Suzy says.

Who am I to argue that? I want to feel it all the way in too, and she is halfway down it at this point. She had stopped when she asked me that. I nod my head yes, and she starts slowly going down again. I’m not sure why she’s taking it slow, though, other than to tease me some more. She’s about three-quarters the way down, and she stops again. This time I notice something I haven’t so far. Suzy has a look on her face like she is hurting.

“Are you ok?” I ask.

“Yes. Why?” She says, but I can hear something different in her voice now. It does sound like she’s in some pain.

A thought hits me, and I ask, “Suzy are you a virgin?”

“What? No. God, you’re such a dork,” She says.

“Well, it looks like you are in pain, so I didn’t know. So you are still teasing me, then?” I ask.

Suzy starts moving down my cock again and says, “Kind of. You are the biggest I have ever had, so I need to get used to your size.”

Not being able to move is driving me crazy. If she was still just teasing me, I was probably going to push it up in her. I’m glad now I didn’t because I guess that could have hurt her. She keeps the slow downward movement on my cock going until she has it all in her. Suzy closes her eyes and lets out another moan. She sits there for a few moments with me all the way in her, and I can feel her pussy tightening and loosening around me.

‘Fuck the condom,’ I thought as Suzy started to rise up off of me.

I can’t hold still any longer, either. I pull my hands out from behind my back, and they go straight back to her ass as I sit up and press my lips to hers. My cock sinks all the way back into her as I do this, and we both moan as our lips meet. Suzy pulls her ass up again, and I push it back down again. She pulls up again, and I push back down.

Suzy brings her arms up, places them behind my neck, breaks our kiss, and asks, “What are you doing, Tyler?”

We do another up and down as I reply with, “Having sex with you.”

Another up and down as Suzy asks, “I thought you wanted to wear a condom?”

Up and down as I say, “I changed my mind again. This feels too good.”

I start kissing Suzy’s neck again, and the up-and-down dance on my fuck pole picks up speed. My hands are kneading her ass again, and Suzy is moaning. I remember her playing with her tits and how much I wanted to taste them. I drop my head down to her right one and take it in my mouth. I suck on her nipple and hear her moan again as her hands move to hold my head. I take my mouth off of her right tit and go to her left tit. I take that one in my mouth and suck on that nipple. I go back and forth, sucking, licking, and nibbling on Suzy’s tits as my cock saws in and out of her pussy.

The tempo of our fucking has increased more, and so has the force. I can feel my orgasm building when Suzy comes down hard on me and lets out an Oh. Her hands and thighs grip me tight, and her body goes rigid. I didn’t think it was possible, but her pussy gets tighter, and she stops moving. The way we are positioned, I can’t move my hips to keep going. Damn it, and I was getting close.

“Did you just cum?” I ask.

“Uh-huh,” She replies.

Suzy’s orgasm passes, and we start going again. We start out at a faster and harder pace this time, and it doesn’t take long for me to start to get close again when she is hit by another orgasm. Again she stops moving, and I have to wait for her orgasm to pass for us to start again. When we start again, she only goes up and down my fuck pole four times before she has another orgasm. I lay down on my back, and Suzy has no choice but to come with me because of the grip she has on me again. I roll us over, and I’m on top now.

Her orgasm passes, and we go to reposition when my cock slides out of her. I line up with her, and I’m about to drive back in when Suzy says, “Wait.”

I don’t want to, but do, and she quickly puts a condom on me. ‘I guess I’m condom boy, after all,’ I think.

Suzy seems to hear me think this because she says, “Ok, condom boy, any time you are ready.”

She laughs, but that is turned into a moan as I drive my dick all the way into her. I notice her eyes get big when I do that. I can feel the difference already with the condom, and I’m not sure I like it. I can ponder more on that later though, because I want to cum. Suzy wraps her legs around my hips, and I push up off her to where I am kind of in a pushup position. Now it is my turn to move my hips for the in-and-out dance. I pull almost all the way out of her and then push all the way back in. Then I repeat, again, and again, and again. I am building the tempo, going faster and harder with my thrust. I feel Suzy’s legs tighten on me and kind of feel the same with her pussy.

I keep going with the in-and-out dance, though. I’m possessed with the need to cum. Suzy can have as many orgasms as she can, but I’m getting mine too. I continue to drive in and out of her and see her tits bounce up and down. ‘Fuck, that looks hot,’ I think to myself.

With each thrust, I’m getting closer to cumming. The problem I am having with that is the God Damned condom. It’s tight around my buddy and prolonging me. That would be great if I didn’t blow my load three times since I woke up. I guess there could be worse problems to have. Suzy seems to be enjoying it a lot. She is shaking and moaning like she did in the shower, and I feel her pussy tightening and loosening around my cock, even with the fucking condom on. I think she’s going from one orgasm to another. I’m pounding into her as fast, hard, and deep as I can now. My balls tighten, and my cock starts to swell. I’m on the brink when Suzy’s thighs loosen, and I start to slide out. ‘Oh, fuck no. I’m not stopping now,’ I think to myself.

I pull the rest of the way out of her, take my cock in my hand, and start to jerk it. On the first upstroke with my hand, the condom comes off, and I feel better now. A couple of jerks later, and there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, I start to cum. I loudly groan as I blast my load over Suzy’s mound and belly. When I’m done shooting, I lay down next to Suzy, and we share a kiss.

After the kiss, we lay there silently in her bed. I’m feeling good because this is the second girl I’ve banged. The fact it’s the second girl in the same day isn’t lost on me, either. This is probably as close to a threesome without having one as a person can get. Add to it, she’s one of them that I have wanted to bang for so long now. It’s more than just banging though, because I would like Suzy to be my girlfriend, and unlike Mom and I, that could be a real possibility. She’s a girl that I can take out in public on dates, hold hands in school, make out in the hallways, go to school dances, and do a lot of other normal teenage relationship things with. With Mom, there is no way I can do any of that. I go to cuddle with Suzy as she recovers from her orgasms, but she rolls away from me, gets up out of the bed, grabs the open laptop off the dresser that was pointed at the bed, and walks out of the room.

‘Um. Ok,’ I think to myself as I sit up to see where she went.

I don’t hear anything at first, but after a few moments, I hear the toilet flush and water running. I wonder if Suzy is taking a shower, but then I hear the water shut off. About a minute later, Suzy comes back into the room, goes over to her six-drawer dresser, puts down the laptop that is closed now down on it, pulls out a silky black thong, and puts it on as I sit there and watch. When I have seen her at school and where else, I never knew what kind of panties she wore. Plus, the two times I have seen her naked, I didn’t see her get undressed.

I know I have said this before, but she really does have a great ass. She gets a matching silky black bra out of a different drawer and puts it on while I continue to watch. As much as I like Suzy’s ass, she has a nice pair of tits too. I think they fit her body size perfectly. I can’t see why Blake would fuck around on her. I think she will look as great on my arm as my girlfriend as she did on my cock. It would probably hurt Mom, and as much as I don’t want to do that, but I would stop things with her for Suzy. I just don’t think it’s right to screw around on the woman you love and are with. ‘Dumb fuck,’ I think. ‘Oh well. His loss and my gain.’

I get out of her bed, walk over to Suzy, and go to put my arms around her. She is watching me in the mirror that is attached to her dresser, and as I go to put my arms around her, she pulls away from me.

“What are you doing?” Suzy asks me without turning to face me, but instead still watching me in the mirror.

“I’m trying to hold you,” I say to the back of her head. “That’s what you do after sex, right?”

“God, you’re such a dork,” Suzy says, still looking at me through the mirror.

She walks away from the dresser and me to go to her closet, and on her way there, she says, “It’s time for you to leave.”

“What?” I ask in shock. “What did I do wrong? And what about you coming over for dinner tonight?”

Suzy gets a pink colored t-shirt out of her closet and is putting it on with her back to me still when she says, “Look, Tyler, you are sweet and all, but we don’t move in the same circles, so me being your girlfriend isn’t going to happen. This was just supposed to be about having fun and a way for me to get back at Blake for fucking that slut Hanna. He’s not going to come after you when he finds out because he’s scared you will kick his ass like you did with Trevor.”

“What do you mean having fun?” I ask.

“Duh, dork, I wanted to be fucked by you,” She says.

“Ok, so why are you not coming over for dinner tonight, then?” I ask.

“Duh, again, dork, because I don’t want to be your girlfriend, and I have other places to be, and I have other things to do,” She says as she walks toward me and the dresser.

When she gets to me, she says, “Move, please.”

I’m pissed, but I do as she says. Suzy gets back into the drawer that has her panties, pulls out a pair of white socks, then gets into another drawer and pulls out a pair of black shorts.

She has her back to me and starts walking to her bed with her shorts and socks when she says, “You know the coaches are right to be pissed at you. You have a great body and probably would do well in sports. If you played them, then maybe I would date you.”

“So I would have to play sports to date you, is what you are saying?” I ask, still standing where I had moved, still pissed and now dumbfounded, not sure how to take what she just said.

She puts her socks on the bed, sits down next to them, and puts her shorts on, saying, “There you go being a dork again. I said maybe I would date you. You would need to move in the same circles that I do for me to date you Tyler. Playing sports is just a start to getting into those circles.”

“So I would have to become someone I’m not to date you is what you are saying, then?” I ask, still standing where I had moved, still pissed and dumbfounded.

Suzy puts on her socks and shoes and says, “Look, I’m not really asking you to change. Play sports, don’t play sports, stay the way you are, or become popular. It doesn’t matter to me. You’re the one looking for me to be your girlfriend after we just fucked. Yeah, you have a big cock, and yeah, you were a good fuck, but that’s as far as we will go. Once word gets around school about those, I’m sure you will be getting laid more and probably even get a girlfriend.”

“What do you mean by once word gets around school?” I ask.

“What do you think the laptop was for, dork?” Suzy asks as she gets up from the bed and walks back to the dresser.

I don’t say anything as she picks up a hairbrush, starts to brush her hair, and says, “I told you this was also about me getting back at Blake.”

“You recorded us?” I yell.

“Um, more like live-streamed,” Suzy says with a giggle while brushing her hair.

“Holy fucking shit, Suzy,” I yell.

“Relax, Tyler. You’re not going to get in trouble for it.” Suzy says as she puts the hairbrush back down. “But as I said, it’s time for you to go.”

“But I’m not dressed,” I say.

“Well, maybe you should have been doing that instead of standing around talking then, huh?” Suzy says. “I have places I need to be now, so get your things, and go out into the hall and get dressed. I need to lock up the house before I leave, but you can lock up downstairs when you’re dressed.

I don’t know what to do or what to say.

Suzy sees that and comes over to me. She goes to hug me, and I pull away.

I’m about to turn around, leave the room, and get my clothes when Suzy gives me a sad look and says, “Please.”

I don’t move, but I don’t say anything, either. Suzy comes up to me, hugs me, and says, “You remember when I called you honey and sweet last night? I meant that. You are sweet, and I used that against you. In a way, I’m sorry, but in a way, I’m not. I know I’m being a bitch to you right now, Tyler, but if I don’t remain cold to you, I will end up falling more in love with you. If I do that, all the hard work I have done for cheerleading will be for nothing. I won’t be popular anymore, and I’ll probably be kicked off the team. At the same time, I got to explore something with you that I might not have had the chance to do.”

I wasn’t looking at Suzy when she was talking to me and probably wouldn’t have, but I felt something wet on my chest. I look, and I see her looking up at me, crying.

I’m about to say something when she squeezes me and says, “Please do two things for me. Stay sweet, and please leave.”

Call me a sucker, but I give her a hug and say, “Ok.”

We let go of each other, and I turn around and leave her room. I stop in the living room, get my clothes, and take my naked ass out into the hallway. I have my boxers and shorts on, and I’m about to put my shirt on when Suzy comes out into the hallway. She stops, gives me a look like she checking me out, then shuts and locks the door as I slip my shirt on.

“Looks like you’re ready to go,” She says as she turns around. “Do you want to walk out with me, and I can lock the bottom up?”

“No, go ahead,” I say. “I need to put my socks and shoes on still, and I was going to sit on the stairs to do that. I will lock it up.”

“Ok,” Suzy says. “See you later.”

She walks past me and goes down the stairs. I sit down on them and get my socks and shoes on, and hear Suzy leave through what sounds like the back door. That would make sense since that’s where Ms. Hara parks their car. I head down the stairs and check to make sure the back is locked. As I’m doing this, I get my phone out of my pocket so I can call Mom for a ride. Just as I get to the backdoor and find that it’s locked, Mom answers her phone.

“Hello, baby. Why are you calling?” Mom says as I turn to walk towards the front door.

“I need a ride, please,” I say.

Mom is silent for a few moments and then asks, “Did you tell Suzy about us?”

“No, Mom,” I say. “Can I tell you about it when you get here, please?”

“Yes, that’s fine,” Mom says. “Give me a few minutes to get there. Ok?”

“Ok, Mom,” I say. “Thank you, and I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too,” Mom says as I make it to the front door.

I unlock, go out, and relock it. I stand outside the dojang waiting on Mom to get there. I’m not going to lie part of me is still pissed at Suzy. That part of me wants to go back inside and beat the shit out of something. A lot more of me feels hurt, though. That part of me wants to go home, go to my room, shut my door, and just cuddle up on my bed to hide for the rest of my life from the world.

As I’m standing there waiting for Mom, I guess there is one good thing about Suzy not coming over for dinner. Mom said that she would tell me about Dad when Suzy left our house after dinner. Now that Suzy isn’t coming over maybe I won’t have to wait that long to hear about it. That’s if Mom holds true to her word. ‘I guess I’ll see if that happens,’ I think.