The Dog Trainer – Chapter 1 Part 2

Natali woke up with a start. The unfamiliar surroundings causing a slight panic in her. The dirty blanket and metal bars of her cage helped jog her memory. The dog pound. She curled up into a ball and waited for morning.

A while later, she heard his boots on the hard floors of outer hall. The door banged open. The trainer walked in carrying a little bag.

“Already up, I see.” He unlocked the door to her pound. “Come here.” Natali did not hesitate, going to him on all fours. She hadn’t forgotten the collar around her neck. He walked to the other side of the room, opened a wide door to the left and went through.

Natali followed as fast as she could, wondering if he had cameras recording her. Not much she could do about it anyways.

Natali entered a large shower area and continued over to where her trainer was adjusting the nozzle. It was a weird one, shaped like a bent pen. He had many attachments hanging on the wall.

He chose one and turned the water flow on spraying her body without bothering to check the water’s temperature. The cold water surprised her. She tried to back away from it but couldn’t avoid the stream. Thankfully, it quickly warmed up. He continued washing her body, which had begun to smell from the dried piss. She assumed that he was getting off on treating her like a pet.

“Lay down.” He commanded.

Natali obeyed and laid her back onto the wet floor. He spread her legs open and worked on her pussy and ass. He then brought out a bottle of lube, and used it to cover the tip of the hose.

Natali concerned about what he was planning to do, attempted to close her legs. Irritation flashed on his face. The trainer retrieved the remote from his pocket and turned it on. Immediate pain spread through her neck, her screams echoed across the bathroom walls. Natali’s wet skin helped the current travel further amplifying the pain. He pushed her legs open again and shoved the hose tip into her puckered asshole. The pain barely registered.

He switched her collar’s power off as the water began to fill her up. She lay there panting, feeling a somewhat pleasant sensation of warmth. Soon her insides became uncomfortable. The water was giving her a stomach ache.

“Stop! Enough, please!” She groaned. She was having a hard time remaining in place, barely able to keep her legs open.

The trainer pulled the hose out. A small spurt of water followed before she was able to tighten her asshole.

“Hold it in.” He commanded menacingly. “Now, come here.” He pointed to a spot over a drain.

Natali squatted over the drain thinking about how this was not the type of fun she was hoping for.

“Let it out” he said. She tried but it was too embaressing. She could not relax.

“Whats the matter? Its not that difficult.” Amusement clear in his voice. “Oh! I know what you need. You want to go outside, so lets go.” He brought out the leash and attached it to the collar.

“No. No. Ill do it, please.” Natali, worried that someone might see her sorry state, did not want to be outside but was ignored. She was pulled by her leash viciously and nearly slipped due to the wet ground. Seeing no other choice, she followed.

He led her back to the room with the kennels and from there, a latched door led them outside. Her knees scraped painfully across the pavement, then they were on the grass. Thankfully, the area was quite secluded with no one in sight. The grass beneath felt pleasantly cool to her uncovered legs.

“Pick a spot, bitch.”

Natali looked around and realized she would not find comfort in any of these spots. Sweat poured down her forehead as she fought to keep her ass shut against the strain. Unable to hold for much longer, she shuffled to a spot that had a hole in the ground and squatted over it. This time she did not need to focus, her body immediately released the water, which came squirting out of her. The discomfort faded away quickly into a slightly pleasurable sensation.

“Good job!” He praised Natali, as though she were one of the dogs he trains. Embarrassed but playing along and smiling she followed him back into the building. Thinking she find a way out of here as soon as possible.

After locking her back in the cage, the trainer was retrieving his bag and heading out. “Wait!”, speaking urgently. “Please. I need to go to work.”

“Work? Sure, I will assign you some work soon enough.”, laughing to himself.

“Can I atleast have something to eat?” She asked.

“Where are you manners?”

“Please, sir.”

He unzipped the bag and pulled out two dildos, one smaller than the other. He threw them through the cage bars. They landed at her feet.

“You know what to do.”, smirking.

Considering the collar was still wrapped around her slim neck, Natali knew she did not have a choice.

Resolving herself to the task, she picked up the bigger dildo, seeing as her pussy should be able to take it easily after last night’s fucking. Natali considered asking for lube, but realized that she was already a little wet. Well, maybe more than a little.

Natali rubbed the tip across her slit and shivered with anticipation. The first couple inchs slid in slowly, gliding along her insides, until it was all in. One down! She had convinced herself that she was only doing what needed to be done. Natali used her foot to pull the other dildo closer, then grabbed it with her free hand. Her other hand held the first dildo in.

Natali spat on the dildo hoping the spit would help it go in a little smoother and tried to relax herself. She had almost no experience with anal except for that one time with her ex. She began applying pressure to her asshole. She increased the strength of her push gradually until her asshole gave way and the tip slid in. She continued pushing until her ass was plugged. Her asshole ached but otherwise she felt fine. Actually, she felt more than fine, as though she was finally free to do what she wanted.

“Ha! Done!” She said, proud of her achievment and looked at him for approval. She was slightly shocked to find him pointing his phone at her. He waved his hand, indicating she carry on.

Something about being filmed in such a dirty place turned her on further. It was bringing out the slut within her. She closed her eyes and started to thrust. Natlai continued building up speed. The dildo slid in smoothly now that it was fully covered in her wetness.

“The one in your ass too!” He ordered. Natali adjusted her position and began thrusting the other dildo. One goes in, the other goes out. Her ass was no longer complaining about the intrusion. The feeling of having her insides toyed had become quite delightful.

Natali could feel an orgasm building up rapidly and thrust harder into her pussy. A couple more and she would cum. She pushed both dildos in hard as she finally came. She did not even notice how loud her moans had grown. Her muscles taut as she was assailed by a wave of pleasure, starting at her core and moving outward. She slammed the dildo in again, her legs shaking as she tried to regain control of herself.

Natali laid on the kennel’s floor panting quietly, then slowly pulled the dildos out.

“Great performance!.” He exclaimed.

She was barely aware of his retreating footsteps. The trainer returned a couple minutes later carrying a bowl and a plate. The bowl, filled with water, was pushed through a slit at the bottom of the cage’s door. The plate contained a sandwich, which the trainer now took a bite out of.

“This is pretty good.” Admiring his own work. “You eat after your master.”

She reached out to accept the sandwich he offered.

“Oops.” He said, unapologetically, as it slipped out of his hand and onto the dirty ground. Natali, mouth watering from hunger, patted the sandwich clean and began eating. Hunger slightly abated, she tended to her thirst. Under his watchful eye, she put her face in the bowl to drink.

An hour or so later, she could hear faint sounds from the hall.


Seems the trainer had some real work. The door opened and the owner of the noisy barks came running in straight towards her.