The destruction of Aisha
Section 1
Aisha was fourteen and a freshman at Tiger High School. At five foot two inches, she barely weighed a hundred pounds. She loved her long dark hair that hung down to the middle of her shoulder blades. Her firm perky breast were filling in nicely. Her hyper sensitive full dark nipples were perpetually hard. But it was her perfect smile which accentuated her dark brown eyes with their golden specks, drawing everyone’s attention.
Between church, homework and her sports she was always busy, with little free time left for herself. Which made her parents extremely happy as it left no time for boys. She was on the school’s track and field and swim teams. This kept her very fit and gave her a sense of pride in her looks.
Despite being born and raised in America, Aisha’s parents and three siblings were all devout Muslims that attended Friday prayers every week. She loved her family and tried to be the best daughter she could be. She was an obedient, straight A student, who would stay up late working on any extra credit assignments so she could attend a great college. “Helping out around the house cheerfully.” Or that is what she told her parents.
However, she held a deeper darker secret which forced her to conceal her true self from her family behind the facade. She was a masochist who wanted nothing less than the most extreme treatment. She often fantasized about being tortured before being snuffed out for another’s entertainment. It was not till she was in the eighth grade when she came across . She created an account and started reading the different genres of stories. But it was the snuff stories which truly drew her in.
Over the last year she would pretend to stay up and do the many extra credit assignment till her parents crawled into bed. The truth was she had delved head long into the site, devouring story after story. But it was always the darkest stories that gave her the best orgasms. She would read several other genres before she made her way to the snuff stories, where she would let her hands find their way into her pajama bottoms to her soft moist folds. She always enjoyed the stories where the girls were willing victims. Getting off on the knowledge she was about to be tortured to death and still seeking it.
Over the last few months she had discovered a particular writer who went by the user name “ThisIsJimmy!.” She came to believe he was a god of words. His stories—chapters in his dark bible— burned into her very soul as she read and reread them. She left glowing testimonials in each of their comments sections and valiantly defended his work from those who posted anything but a glowing review.
Then it happened. After months of following him, he sent her a private message:
I desired to express gratitude for all your generous words. I must apologize. But I had to check if your profile was accurate and you were actually a real woman and not another man pretending. I appreciate all my fans. But there is something about knowing I have really touched my female audience as it appears I have with you.
Her excitement grew and grew as she read and reread his message. She started to write a prepared response just in case. She had a full fake background with a series of nudes she had found online. But she stopped in mid-sentence, deleting it before responding with the truth:
I worship you; you’re like a god to me. Your writing speaks to my very core. Yes I am a girl. I lied about my age when I signed up. But I swear that is all I lied about. I am Muslim, though my family moved from Pakistan before I was born.
Needing to pee, Aisha had just made it to the door when her computer chimed. She cursed at herself as she quickly hurried to mute it so as not to wake her parental units. She froze, eyes locked on screen. He had replied to her. He was online at this very moment. Aisha mouthed it as she read it.
How old are you?
Her heart sank as she thought the very worst. But she replied with: nothing more than fourteen, Sir. And clicked send.
She held her breath for what felt like an eternity. Dizziness suddenly swept over her, forcing her to take a seat at the foot of the bed and forgetting her need to pee. Then the chime letting her know a message had arrived. She rushed to open it and sighed with relief when she read it:
Well I guess we should keep that to ourselves. So what is your story? What brought you to works such as mine?
Her fingers flew over the keys trying to keep up with her mind as she tried to sound intelligent.
I have always had this strange feeling in me. But it was not till I stumbled across this site that I truly began to understand what it was I needed. Your words spoke to me. When reading your work, it was like poetry. I was able to almost feel what each of those girls felt and I wanted to experience it myself. You captured the moment so well. I wanted to experience it too. You’re like my own personal GOD. Maybe I am just screwed up and need therapy. But I want you to do all those things to me.
Beaming as she read his reply the anxious feeling was washed away by the insane itch growing between her legs. She could feel herself swell as the moisture oozed out onto her bed.
It is truly rare for someone to fully understand themselves. And at such a young age it is a gift. And one I am happy to have helped bless you with. I would have to make it a more unique experience for one who is as devoted as you. And if I am your God as you say, then you should be showing me the proper respect as any devout Christian should. Do you not agree?
Aisha thought about how to respond. She had already committed a mortal sin by telling Jim he was her God. But if she continued, she knew Allah would not forgive her. But Allah had never spoken to her as Jim had. So, she stared at the screen for several long moments. She was committed and before she could second guess her decision, Aisha was excitedly typing and sending her reply:
My lord I’m on my knees begging your forgiveness for my sin against you. I would humbly sacrifice myself upon your alter in which ever fashion you deemed worthy. I would give you my very soul in front of Allah and his prophet.
Your humble and ever obedient slave,
His response took longer. Aisha thought maybe she took it too far. But when the page showed she had a message she felt giddiness as she opened and read it.
I cannot think of you as a slave. While your fantasies may have a high level of the BDSM lifestyle, your ultimate fantasies are about being tortured and finally snuffed out. I see you as a Qurbani. A sacrifice waiting for the ritual to begin. One I am most willing to give you if you truly seek this fate. But be warned Qurbani, it has a final end.
There was no thought as Aisha replied. She felt light headed with the possible thought of someone who truly understood her darkest fantasies and desires.
My Lord,
I wish nothing less than to prove myself on your alter. If you would grant me your blessing, I would do any ritual you command of me. Command me, my Lord God. I am yours for the taking.
She paused for a minute as she thought. She wondered if he had actually done this before. Would he really do this with her or was it just a fantasy for him. She continued typing:
My Lord God. May I ask, have you ever done what you have described in real life before?
Your Willing Qurbani
If you truly seek your Lords blessing child. He will grant you the opportunity to prove your worth. But be warned. You must suffer your complete destruction through humiliation and pain as I completely degrade you in front of the entire world.
Yes my Qurbani I have.
Aisha instantly felt her juices soak her panties as she read his last message. Her heart skipped several beats just imagining him doing the stuff she had read about.
My Lord
Is this just fantasy or will you really do these things to me, My Lord God?
Your Qurbani
She clicked the send button before she could over think it. She was scared and at the same time excitedly hopeful.
Eagerly, she opened his next message as fast as it had appeared.
If you would like to keep it an online fantasy, I understand. I’d rather see this to its end and fulfill both our needs. If you desire that too, then follow the link to my messenger and call.
Aisha quickly opened the message and sent a request to Jim. Her legs bounced a hundred miles a minute as she nervously sat there waiting to see if he would accept the invite. An image of a camera lens with a red eye appeared in the center of her screen. And a message appeared in the box to the side under her own image.
Jim: Sorry I cannot use my video or voice at this time.
Aisha: It’s ok. I cannot talk as my parental units are in the other room and might hear.
Jim: I see you were telling the truth about your age. Are you sure you want to be my Qurbani? You can have a long life.
Aisha: A long unhappy life, my Lord. I am your willing Qurbani my lord. Please.
Her eyes were pleading for his acceptance.
Jim: Remove your garments and bare yourself for judgment, Qurbani.
Alisha: Yes, my lord.
She sat her laptop on her bed and adjusted the screen to make sure the camera had the optimum angle before stepping back and out of her pajama bottoms. Her thin tank top followed revealing her dark hard nipples to the camera as it hit the floor beneath her feet. Her panties slid down to the floor revealing her flawless teen athlete body its light olive skin. Her smooth pussy swelled with desire. She kicked them off, knowing he would expect her to be completely nude from his writing. Her body burned red as her self-conscious mind screamed to her modesty.
Turning so her back was to the camera, she bent bending over showing him her silky-smooth slit, at his command. She then followed his command, crawling onto her bed so that her legs were on either side of her laptop. She showed her tiny inner lips as her hands spread herself open to show her god what he wanted.
Jim: You’re a virgin. That is extremely rare these days.
Aisha: Yes, my lord. I was waiting to find the right man to give myself to.
Jim: You mean the right God. How often do you shave your cunt, Qurbani?
Aisha: Yes my lord God. I was waiting for you, without realizing it. I wax every three weeks for swim competitions, my lord.
He ordered Aisha to her knees, to remain kneeling while she kept her legs spread while they talked for his viewing pleasure. For the next two hours she answered every question he asked. Giving him every personal detail he requested. She gave him everyone in her phone’s details and numbers—her passwords to her email and social media accounts. He had her Full name, address, and her entire families details she had. Aisha was his disciple and she worshiped him knowing full well he would take her soul.
She felt the fear of getting caught walking around her family home fully exposed as she took her God on a video tour. He finally allowed her to relieve herself in the grass near the swimming pool. Charlie was all too happy to have a visitor out in the house this late at night following her. It was almost four am when she was finally allowed to go to bed.
Like Allah, Jim told her she was not allowed to touch herself. He promised he would reward her good behavior in a few day. He also told her he would not contact her for two days. She was to consider what was being discussed. He was giving her a change to change her mind and just befriends.