The Day After My Night Visitor …

The day after my night visitor was a very trying day. I could not get my mind on my class work and my friends took notice that I was a little occupied in my thoughts.

I tried to laugh it off explaining that the class work was confusing and it had me in deep thought. But one of my class mates that I had casual conversations with was examining me more closely.

At first I thought nothing of it cause we had a couple of more classes together, in our second class he sort of starred at me and when I starred back he smiled and slightly nodded his head. It was at PE class that he finally said something.

We were in the shower are changing into our gym clothes that he spoke to me saying ‘… I think I know your secrete. I want say nothing but you and I need to talk later! …’ Thinking it was strange for him to say that I shrugged it off knowing we would possibly talk the next day.

As I was heading home I heard the familiar voice of Leon calling out to me. As he caught up he reminded that ‘… thought you were going to wait for me so we could talk! …’ I replied ‘ … you said later not today! …’ Leon countered ‘… Today is later and I think if you want to talk to me and find out what I know you should follow me home! …’ With that he turned and started down one of the side streets.

Leon lived in the opposite direction of my home about the same distant from the high school. But I was intrigued as to what secrete he thought he knew since no one had seen me getting abducted. I did not think my three attackers had told anyone about our tryst but I needed to find out what he knew.

We reached his home and he lead me into the kitchen. Leon and I sat at the kitchen table where he informed me ‘… my Mom work the second shift, my Father is in the Army so we can talk here safely. I know you don’t want no one else to hear so I thought this would be better! …’

Impatiently I said ‘… OK, so what secrete you think you know! …’ Leon sat back and rubbed his hands together and said ‘… I have this intuition about these things, you see my older brother told me how guys act when they have been doing something they should not! You understand? …’

Dumbfounded I shook my head in the negative as Leon asked ‘… would you like some Lemonade, my Moms make me a picture every day almost! …’ Leon went to the fridge and removed the pitcher of lemonade. As he poured the glasses he said ‘… I know when guys are having sex! …’ I tried not to look concerned but to look confused.

Leon continued ‘… I noticed it a few weeks ago when you disappeared from school and reappeared that following Monday! Now this Morning you had the same expression in every class we were in and then at gym I knew what it was! …’

Now I was perturbed and demanded ‘. Leon what is it you trying to say? …’ Leon looked at me and calmly stated ‘… you been having sex with a guy and I know it! …’ Now I was concerned and asked ‘… how you know something like that? …’ He replied ‘… so you don’t de-nigh it, you want to know how I know! …’

Leon continued ‘… I don’t know who but I will figure it out and if I do I’ll have to let our class mates know! …’ I stuttered ‘… Kno…Know what? …’ Leon just calmly stated ‘… that you are a fuck boy! …’ I sat there glaring at him intently as I thought of how to reply.

Leon then said ‘… don’t worry, your secrete is safe with me … for a price! …’ Like a fool I asked ‘… what price? …’ Leon said ‘… You are going to let me get you also and then I want tell! If you don’t by the time you get to school tomorrow every one will know you are a little sissy! …’

Flabbergasted I mumbled ‘… what, what good would that do? …’ Leon informed me ‘… guys that have sex with guys are sissies and that is what I am going to tell every one about you if you don’t do as I say! …’

Leon then stood up and turned away towards a door way saying ‘… this is my room come on in. …’ Like I was hypnotized I stood and followed him into his room where he pointed to the bed saying ‘… get undressed while I make sure the door is locked. …’ Leon pulled up the door to his room and went off. I stood for a minute before I started to undress and when I was naked I turned the bed back and sat on the edge with the covers covering my lower body.

Leon returned and smiled as he closed his room door and removed his clothes. Leon approached the bed and pulled the covers to the foot exposing my nakedness saying ‘… move over here … ‘ Leon pointed to a spot a few feet from where I was sitting, I stood and turned slowly as Leon took my spot. ‘… Let see how much you know. Get on your knees and start sucking! …’

In my mind I thought that Bruce, Charlie or Daniel had told him what they had down and I knelt down at his knees. Leon parted his legs allowing me access to his hardening teen appendage.

Leon stroked his teen penis from base to tip and invited me to ‘… suck this like you been doing! …’ I looked at Leon and said ‘… how you know? …’ Leon replied ‘… I just know now suck! …’ I leaned in and captured his pulsating penile glans into my lips and followed the instructions of Daniel the night before!

Leon exhaled and moaned as I administered to his throbbing penis. After a few minutes Leon pushed my head away and said ‘… get up here on the bed! …’ Leon scooted over propped up on his right side as I climbed on the bed.

Leon reached over and pulled me to him stroking my chest and tummy gently. Then Leon reached over me, pressing his nipples over my face as I turned my head away. He was getting the jar of Vaseline from the night stand.

Leon applied some to his penis and told me to ‘… put some in your ass …’ When this was done Leon turned me to my right side and slid up behind me. Using his left hand he guided his now rigid male member into my buttcrack and slid it up and down.

As his normal size dick head pressed against my tender anal opening he whispered ‘… still sore aren’t you! Bet you was doing it last night, that’s why you were confused today.

Before I could reply Leon hunched his teen penis into my well stretched anus with very little resistance. I moaned and whimpered lightly from the discomfort and Leon quickly embraced me in his arms as his member continued to slid deeper into my rectum.

Leon was well entranced in my rear with his pubic smashed into my buttcrack as he hunched and grind. In the process we ended up with me on my stomach and Leon on my back. Hold me tightly Leon continued to have sex with me alternating between hunching and grinding his body into mine.

Thankfully Leon was average size six to seven inches (15 to 17cm), in length and about two inches girth. Uncomfortable but manageable.

For almost an hour Leon was sexing me as we worked up a sweat between our bodies. Leon was working brutality, grunting and snorting. Until He started to ram rapidly and I felt his penis throb. I knew then he was depositing his sperm into my anal canal. Leon sort of collapsed onto my back moaning and grinding as he emptied his substance.

We laid there for a while as Leon penis became flaccid and he finally pulled from my anus. Leon got up and wiped his penis with a wash cloth then tossed it to me.

As I wiped his splodge from my buttcrack Leon sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my thighs saying ‘… I knew you had been fucking, I bet I know who. It was either Charlie or Bruce or maybe both of them. Just be glad that Daniel was not with them! You know he fucked a guy so bad that guy still have to wear a bag to shyt in! …’

‘… I don’t know if it’s true but I hear Daniel is as big as a horse and will tear a pussy up! That’s why no girls want to date him! You just was lucky he was not with them! …’ I said nothing as I dressed in silence.

Leon was putting on his jeans as I tied my tennis and told me ‘… this our little secrete, from now on every Wednesday we have a study date! …’ Leon sort of chuckled ‘… we want be studying but we will be fucking so make sure you be ready! …’

I glared at him as I opened the door and went towards my books. Leon was behind me and said ‘… I want tell no one, if you don’t show up I will tell every one!