The Business

Are you sure you are ready?

“Daddy, l’ve been ready for over two years.”

“I know you’ve been pestering your mother but l had to be sure, you have to understand what it entails, some of the members can be very demanding.”

“Daddy, l’ve seen what happens to Mummy and Katie, they both love it, Katie started when she was younger than me.”

“Yes but Katie has always been more physical, always a tomboy, you are different, always softer and more innocent.”

“Well l don’t want to be innocent any longer, l want to go to the parties like Mummy and Katie.”

“You know what has to happen first, are you broken?“

“Yes Daddy, l used the dildo Mummy gave me, the eight inch one, l can take it all in my pussy and most of it up my bottom.”

“We’ll take your clothes off and let me look at you.”

Ginny quickly undressed then stood before her father naked.

“You are developing nicely,” he said, reaching out with both hands and cupping her breasts, “what cup size are you now?”

“Still a B Daddy but Mummy says l will be a C soon.”

“They are nice and firm, the members will like that,” he said, “turn round, let me see your bottom.”

She turned with her back to him, his hands went to her buttocks, squeezing gently.

“It’s a lovely shape,” he said, “round and firm. Spread your legs and bend over, touch your toes.”

He used both hands to part her bum cheeks.

“You said you can take most of the eight inch dildo in your arsehole,” he said.

“Yes Daddy, Mummy says that is good,” she replied.

“It is very good,” he said, pressing his finger against her puckered anus, “your hole

looks very neat and tight,” he added, “you must make sure that you keep it well lubricated, it will be a popular choice for the members.”

“I know Daddy,” she said, “Katie tells me she gets more in her bottom than in her pussy.”

“Yes, things go in cycles,” he said, putting two fingers into his mouth then pressing them against her anus. He saw her instantly relax. “That’s good,” he said, “they like a little bit of resistance but not too much.” He pushed his fingers in and she opened for him.

“That’s nice Daddy,” she said.

He pushed further until he was in up to his knuckle.

“That’s very good,” he said as her anal muscles gripped his fingers, pulsing against them. He pulled his fingers out and held them up, his wife immediately stepped forward and took them into her mouth, sucking them clean. He saw his daughters anus give a little puff and a trickle leaked from her, he leaned forward a licked her arsehole, forcing his tongue to enter her.

“That’s lovely Daddy,” she said, pushing back against his tongue.

“Now l need to inspect your cunt,” he said when leaning back.

He placed his hands either side of her cunt and used his thumbs to part her labia.

“Your cunt is very neat,” he said, “just as it should be at your age, Katie’s is neat too, not like your mothers, hers is like an open bag but then it has been well used over the years.”

“I never heard you complain,” Carol said, “all those years of you shoving your fist up there is bound to have an effect.”

“Oh l’m not complaining sweetheart,” he turned to his wife and smiled, “l am so lucky to have a beautiful and sexy woman like you, and you have brought our daughters up so well, the business would never have been so successful without you.”

“It’s nice to be appreciated,” she smiled, bending down to kiss him.

“Now then young lady,” he said, turning back to Ginny’s cunt, “is the dildo the biggest thing you’ve had up there?”

“No, l can get my fist in there, l’ve been doing that for a couple of months now and Mummy has done it to me as well.”

“Not fully in,” Carol said, “but l’m sure she could take a full sized fist if necessary.”

“Excellent,” he said, “you do seem to be ready, it just needs me to fuck you and for you to carry out your joining task and you will be ready for your first party.”

“Oh thank you Daddy,” she said, turning and kissing him, “l’m so excited, how do you want to fuck me.”

“First you can get my cock out and suck it.” He said.

“Oh yum, l love sucking cocks…er…that is okay isn’t it Daddy, Mummy said l was allowed to suck cocks.” She knelt in front of him and began undoing his trousers.

“Yes it is allowed,” he replied, raising himself to allow her to remove his trousers and pants. “I suppose you suck off the boys in school.”

“I did a couple at first,” she said, “but a lot of the girls do it and the boys call us sluts so l stopped, now l do it for Mr. Khan at the corner shop, he gives me sweets and drinks and it is so exciting because he’s black. I thought that black man’s cum would taste different but it doesn’t.”

She took hold of his cock and began kissing it, then starting from the base she gave it light fluttering kisses as she worked her way up and down his shaft.

“That’s good,” Ken said, “do you do that for Mr. Khan?”

“Yes,” she replied, “l thought he would just want to fuck my mouth and cum like the boys did but he likes me to tease his cock.”

“Is he bigger than me?”

Ginny hesitated.

“You can tell the truth Ginny,” her mother said, “l’ve had Mr. Khan’s cock in my cunt, l know how big he is.”

“Yes, sorry Daddy he is,” she said, “but yours is still lovely.”

Ken laughed. “That’s okay babe,” he said, “you will be getting cocks in a variety of sizes and colours, l know l won’t be the biggest.”

“No, and neither will Mr. Khan’s,” Carol said, “you will be getting some cocks that will stretch you wide but l have some bigger dildos you can practice with.”

Ginny returned to her father’s cock, this time starting with his balls, kissing them then sucking each one into her mouth in turn.

“Excellent,” he said, “now take me in your mouth, l’m not going to cum as l want to save that for when l fuck you.”

She worked her way back up his cock again then slipped her lips over the head.

“You have to be ready for this,” he said as he put his hand on her head and forced her down hard, pressing her face into his groin, feeling his cock hitting the back of her throat.

Ginny didn’t flinch, she gripped his thighs and ground her face harder against him, relaxing her throat muscles to take him. After a few seconds he allowed her to lift her head and get her breath.

“That was good, you didn’t fight, well done,” he said.

“Thank you,” she smiled, “Mr. Khan does it to me when he cums so l know how to breathe through my nose.”

“Now climb onto my lap and get yourself onto my cock,” he said.

She stood up and climbed onto the sofa, straddling him. She knelt astride him then guided his cock into her cunt before sliding down until she was sitting fully onto his lap.

“How does that feel?” He said.

“It feels nicer than the dildo,” she said, “it feels like a hot rod inside me and l can feel it pulsing.”

“Try squeezing your cunt muscles to grip it,” he said , then congratulated him when he felt her gripping him.

He allowed her to sit there for a while to get used to the feel of him throbbing inside her.

“Now get off and kneel on the floor with your head down and bottom up, get your legs as far apart as you can.”

“That’s doggy style,” she said, “Katie says that is her favourite.”

“That’s because l can fuck you deeper and harder like that, l’m going to be rough but if you shout out l will stop.”

“I don’t want you to stop Daddy,” she said, “l want you to do it however you want, Katie says you spank her bottom when you fuck her, you can spank me as well if you like.”

He knelt behind her, placing the head of his cock between her labia. He gripped her hips.

“Good luck baby,” Carol said, “this is the big test.”

Ginny turned her head to smile at her mother but her breath was taken way as her father drove his cock into her with full force.

“Oh Jesus!” She cried as his pelvis slammed against her bottom.

There was no time to recover as he pulled back them rammed his cock into her again. He repeated it time and again, maintaining the same force, slapping his hand back and fore on her buttocks as he did so. He was grunting with the effort of fucking her as hard as he could.

“Good girl baby,” Carol said, “try to push back to meet him, try to grip him with your cunt.”

“Oh Mummy l think l’m going to cum,” she replied.

“That’s good baby,” her mother encouraged, “let it happen, your juices with make it easier.”

Ken continued to pummel her, feeling his own orgasm building. He heard his daughter let out a huge sigh and felt her body tremble then unleash a flood of hot liquid over his cock, he slammed into her one final time, holding deep inside her as he flooded her with his seed.

“Oh Mummy!” She sighed, “Katie said it was good but Mummy it’s heaven.” She trembled again as another orgasm swept over her.

Ken pulled his spunk covered cock out of her and told her to lick and suck it clean, Ginny did it willingly, savouring every last drop of his cum.

“I think l can say you’ve passed this stage,” he said.

“Oh thank you Daddy,” she said kissing him, “what do l have to do now, is it my task.”

“Yes, you have to seduce an adult into fucking you,” he said, “but l suppose you’ve already decided that Mr. Khan is the lucky man.”

“No Daddy,” she said, “he would be easy, he’s been asking to fuck me for weeks. I’ve decided on Mr. King my form tutor at school, he’s in his sixties and retiring at the end of term, l know he fancies me, he often pats my bottom when l walk past him, he did it yesterday and l just smiled at him and winked, l’m sure he would like to do things to me.”

“That sounds like a good choice,” her father said, “when will you do it?”

“I have him for our last lesson tomorrow,” she said, “l want to do it soon, l want to be able to go to the party at the weekend, Katie said Grandma will be there, will she be getting fucked as well.”

“That depends which of the members turn up,” he replied, “there are a couple who like to do things to older women and your Grandma is still a horny cow.”

“It was her and Grandad who started the business wasn’t it?”

“Yes,” Carol said, “as you know they live in a rural area but in those days it was even more isolated, there was little to do in the evening, one evening Grandad had a few of his mates round for a game of cards, they started joking about some of the women in the village, how ugly most of them were. One of the men said that your Grandma was the exception. Then one of the others said your Grandad was lucky because he got to see her naked.”

“Now your Grandma has always been a sexy woman,” Ken continued, “and she had often made comments to your Grandad about some of his pals, wondering how big their cocks were, so Grandad said that he might be able to persuade Grandma to do a strip if they all chipped in with a bit of money.”

“Wow! Did she do it?” Ginny asked.

“Apparently she and Grandad had already plotted to get into that situation as Grandma had said it would be a good way to get some extra money,” Carol said.

“So Grandma was happy to be like a prostitute?” Ginny asked.

“From what l can gather, her and Grandad had been talking about it for a while,” Carol said, “Grandma liked a lot of sex, still does, and Grandad worked hard all day some sometimes she was frustrated. Grandad had suggested getting another man to fuck her as a joke but the idea had developed from there.”

“So Grandad didn’t mind another man fucking Grandma?”

“There’s a lot of men who would like to see their wives fucked by other men,” Carol said, “your father does.”

“Anyway, the men put some money on the table and Grandma did a strip for them,” Ken said. “It was supposed to end there but then they all got drinking, Grandma was still naked and the men started fondling her, she enjoyed it and before long she was laid out on the table and they all took turns fucking her.”

“Wow! I would have loved to see that,” Ginny said.

“Well after that they all wanted to do it again but Grandma said that they would have to pay to fuck her and that’s how the business started,” Carol said.

“So how did you get involved?”

“Well l was a bit younger than you are now and Grandma got sick so l had to do the house chores,” Carol said. “She took me aside one day and said that l would have to attend to Grandad’s needs as well as she wasn’t strong enough, she said l would have to let him fuck me, l was nervous but she held my hand the first time, he was very gentle and l found l enjoyed it. I began to look forward to him coming home from work and l even made sure l was naked to greet him.”

“So did the other men fuck you as well?”

“Not straight away,” Carol replied, “but Grandma needed some special treatment to make her better and it was expensive, she told me how l could help to get the money. I wanted to help so told Grandad he could tell his mates that they could pay to fuck me, l even suggested that they might pay more because l was young.”

“So how did you and Daddy meet?”

“My father was one of the men who had been fucking Grandma,” Ken said, “l am a year older than your Mum but l was a virgin, my father decided to pay extra for me to have my first fuck with your mother, it was surreal, the first time l fucked her she was lying on the table and all the others were cheering and laughing as l fucked her, my father even put his cock in her mouth and we came together.”

“It was weird after that as we were both in the same school,” he continued, “l was nervous about speaking with her but she was great, she put me at ease and we started spending time together in school.”

“You father even fucked me up against the wall at the back of the gym,” Carol laughed, “the cheeky bugger even asked if he had to pay.”

“So that was how we all got together,” Ken said, “Grandma got well and she and your mother started building the business, putting adverts in porn magazines.”

“Soon we had customers coming from miles away,” Carol said, “then Grandad had the idea of the club, instead of paying for each fuck, the members pay a monthly sub***********ion, that allows them to attend parties where they can do what they like with us. It soon grew in popularity and we had some members who were very prominent members of the local society, councillors, a doctor and even two policemen.”

“Have you ever fucked Grandma Daddy?” She asked.

“Loads of times,” he replied, “right from the early days l would fuck here while your Grandad fucked your mother. Grandad was the first one after me to fuck Katie, he would have fucked you but unfortunately he didn’t live long enough.”

“But if you’d let me join two years ago like l wanted he could have fucked me,” she said.

“I know what you wanted babe,’ he said, “but it was my decision that you weren’t ready, it’s quite possible you will have to take a number of members one after the other and they can be rough, l didn’t think you could handle that until now and l didn’t want you breaking down part way through a party, that’s not good for business.”

“Do the members pay a lot of money?”

“Where do you think our money comes from,” he replied, “big house, expensive cars, luxury holidays, the money has to come from somewhere and once Katie started l had to give up my job and work at the business full time.”

“Do you think l will be busy then?”

“Very,” he said, “your mother has already put photos of you naked on the website and we have had a lot of enquiries to see if you would be available at the next party, we haven’t confirmed yet but once we do we will get a lot of bookings, it will be our biggest party this year, Katie will be pleased that you will be taking some of the load from her, she has been working hard lately, that trip she made to Saudi Arabia tired her out and she hasn’t had much rest since.”

“I won’t let you down Daddy,” she said, “l’ll get Mr. King to fuck me tomorrow then l will be ready.”

Carol told her it was time she went to bed and got some rest, Ginny gave her mother and father a good night kiss and ran off upstairs.

The following morning Ginny was walking to school with her best friend Anna.

“I won’t be coming home after school tonight,” she said, “l have something to do.”

“That sounds mysterious,” Anna said, “what’s the secret?”

“If l tell you,” Ginny replied, “you have to swear not to tell anyone.”

“Don’t be silly Gin,” she said, “we’ve been best friends since we were toddlers, l would never tell a secret you know that.”

“Okay,” she hugged her friend, “if you must know l’m going to get Mr. King to fuck me.”

Anna stopped dead. “Are you serious?” She said.

“Deadly,” Ginny replied.

“You’re going to let him take your virginity?”

“Well not exactly,” she replied, “l already lost that to my dildo.”

“Oh my god,” Anna giggled, “that is so sick, how are you going to make him fuck you?”

Ginny outlined her plan.

“Oh god Gin,” Anna said, “l can’t wait to hear all about it, oh l’m so jealous, l wish l had the courage to do something like that, l’m getting bored with sucking off the boys at the back of the bike shed, none of them last long enough to make it fun.”

“Come round this evening and l’ll tell you all about it,” Ginny said.

The day seemed to drag for Ginny, Anna asked her at lunchtime if she was going to the bike shed to suck cocks but she said she was saving herself for Mr. King. Instead both girls found a quiet spot and sat on the grass facing each other so they could put their hands up each other’s skirts without being seen. Both of them were on edge because of what Ginny planned to do and they both came quickly.

The final lesson and Ginny made sure she was at the front of the class. She saw Mr. King stealing glances at her and she made sure her knees were parted just enough for him to see up her skirt at her white panties. She saw his face going red a couple of times and had difficulty stopping herself from giggling. Twice she turned and winked at Anna.

The end of day bell sounded and as usual there was a mad rush to get out of the door. Mr. King stayed sitting at his desk. Ginny waited until everyone had left then walked up to his desk.

“Oh Ginny,” he said, startled, “did you want something.”

“We’ll actually l was wondering if you wanted something,” she replied.

“Me?” He said, “what made you think that?”

“Well l saw you looking up my skirt at my panties,” she said, “and l wondered if you would like to see my pussy.”

He went bright red and started to cough.

“Don’t worry, l’m not going to tell anyone, it’s just that l thought you might like to see this.”

She lifted her skirt and pulled the crotch of her panties to one side, exposing her cunt.

“Do you like my pussy?” She said, “would you like to touch it.”

“I think you should leave and we’ll forget about this,” he said.

“But l’m all horny Mr. King,” she said, putting her hand between her thighs and rubbing her fingers against her labia, “wouldn’t you like to feel me down there, you can put your fingers inside me and see how wet l am.”

She leaned over his desk and stared at the front of his trousers.

“Are you getting hard Mr. King,” she said, “l can see a bulge, would you like me to play with your cock, l can suck you off if you like, l love sucking cocks, l bet yours is big.”

He was opening his mouth but the words wouldn’t come.

“We could go into the store room,” she said, “l’ll take my clothes off and you can do stuff to me, you can even fuck me if you like.”

It was too much for him, he couldn’t fight the urge inside.

“You little slut,” he said finally.

“Yes l am,” she replied, “a very horny slut, l’m fed up with sucking cocks, l want a cock up my cunt, filling me with cum, l want to know how it feels. You want to fuck me, l can tell, don’t worry, l’m not going to tell on you, l just want a man to fuck me, an old man who knows how to do it properly and make me cum.”

“Jesus!” He said, getting up.

Ginny saw his erection pressing against the front of his trousers.

“Oh that feels good,” she said, resting her hand on it, “l hope you have lots of spunk Mr. King, l want you to fill my little pussy with your man cream.”

He seemed to be having difficulty breathing as he dragged her towards the store room. Once inside he locked the door an immediately grabbed her, feeling her breasts and pulling at her shirt.

“Let me,” she said, “l don’t want my clothes torn.”

She stepped back and began to unbutton her shirt.

“Let me see your cock,” she said as she slipped her shirt off, “show me your cock and you can see my titties.”

He fumbled with his trouser and eventually manage to pull out his cock and balls.

“Oh that looks lovely,” she said, “much bigger than the boys l suck off.”

She undid her bra and removed it.

“Do you like my titties,” she said, “they’re not very big but they are growing, l read that swallowing lots of spunk makes your tits grow so mine should grow quickly,” she giggled. “Why don’t you take your trousers and pants off and l’ll take off my skirt and panties.”

He didn’t know how to stop himself, it was as if she was working him by remote control, he was completely under her spell.

He quickly removed his trousers and pants then looked up to see her standing naked before him.

“My god you are beautiful,” he said.

She turned her back to him.

“Do you like my bottom,” she said, “would you like to spank me, l would enjoy that.”

“O….over my knee?” He said.

“Yes,” she replied, “sit on that chair and l’ll bend over your knee, then you can spank me, you can do it hard, l don’t mind.”

His head was spinning, he wasn’t sure if this was real or was he dreaming. It was when he felt her body lying across his lap that he realised it was real. He placed his hands on her back, her skin was as smooth as silk, she was so warm, almost hot, her tummy resting on his cock. His hands travelled down her back to the perfect mounds of her bottom, he traced the cleft with his fingers all the way down and between her legs. She parted her legs and he used both hands to spread her buttocks, exposing the tight puckered anus. His finger circled that secret hole.

“You can fuck me there if you prefer,” she said, “but my cunt is very wet and you would slip inside so easily.”

His hand returned to her bottom, kneading the firm mounds. He struck her, not hard but enough to make her moan.

“Mmmm that’s nice,” she said, “you can do it harder than that, l knew you liked my bottom when you patted it yesterday, did you dream of spanking me last night?”

“You’re a witch,” he said, striking her again, harder this time, and again she moaned, wriggling against his cock.

Three more blows followed, each one getting harder. He saw the alabaster skin on her bottom slowly turning red and he struck her again, this time she squealed and her body trembled.

“Oh you made me cum,” she giggled, “oooh that was so nice, would you like me to suck your cock now.”

He didn’t think he could last much longer, his cock felt as if it was burning a hole through her tummy.

“I have to fuck you,” he said.

“Oh yes please,” she said, “how do you want me, would you like me to bend over the chair and you fuck me from behind, you can do me harder and deeper that way.”

“My god, just do it,” he yelled, “l have to fuck you.”

She stood up and they exchanged places, Ginny lying across the chair, her bottom in the air, her legs spread wide.

“Just do it,” she said, “don’t try to be gentle, l need to feel the pain of you ravaging my tight pussy.”

He got behind her, his cock nestled between her labia.

“I can’t stop myself, it’s not my fault,” he cried, then plunged his cock into her, landing on top of her with full force.

“Oh god yes,” she cried as her body convulsed and her cunt flooded with juices.

“Oh Jesus Christ,” he cried as he felt the heat of her liquid burning him. He humped deep into her once then came, firing his spunk deep into her belly. “Your little bitch,” he said, humping against her as his cock pulsated wildly firing more and more spunk into her, “you fucking little whore.”

“Yes, l’ll be your whore,” she said, “you can own me, tell me to do anything, use me for your fantasies, fuck me whenever you want.”

The pain in his balls was almost unbearable as he emptied himself inside her.

“You could be making babies inside me now,” she tormented.

“Oh Jesus Christ,” he cried but still humped his cock deeper, in his mind he wanted to split her with his cock.

She trembled again and more heat flooded over him, he felt it escaping from her cunt and running down his thighs.

“Oh thank you Mr. King,” she said, “thank you for making me cum, was l good, was l as good as you imagined when you played with yourself last night.”

“God she can read my mind,” he thought, “she knows how l brought myself to orgasm last night, dreaming of this very scenario, my god she is a witch, but l have to have her.”

Slowly his body calmed as he laid on top of her, his cock pulsing less urgently as her cunt gripped him trying to squeeze the last drop of spunk out of him. Eventually he stood up, his cock sliding out of her cunt followed by a trickle of his cum.

“Oh l need tissues,” she giggled as more of his seed leaked from her.

He looked around desperately but saw none. He grabbed his trousers and took his handkerchief out of the pocket.

“Here, use that,” he said, handing it to her.

“Thank you,” she said, packing it into her cunt. “I can wash it and bring it back tomorrow unless you would prefer to keep it with your cum and my cunt juice on it, you could smell it when you are wanking.”

“Oh my god, is there no end to your filth,” he said, leaning against the wall, “look what you have made me do, look what you have turned me into.”

“Oh but it was so good Mr. King,” she said, going over to him and kneeling, kissing his cock and sucking the residue from it.

“No, no more!” He said, pushing her away, “we have to stop.”

“But you will want to fuck me again,” she said, “perhaps tomorrow you would like to try my bottom l think l might like that, think how tight my bottom would be, how it would be to fill my bottom with spunk.”

“Stop it! Stop it now! You’re driving me crazy,” he yelled.

She stood up, facing him, smiling.

“Oh you will want me again,” she smirked, “you will want to do all sorts of filthy things to me and l will love it, l’m your whore now.”

“What you said, what you said when l was….”

“Shooting your spunk into me?” She finished.

“Yes, what you said….you said about babies…tell me that won’t happen….tell me you take precautions.”

“But why would l take precautions Mr. King,” she smiled. “I’m just an innocent little girl, a girl who has just been spanked and ravaged by her pervert of a teacher. What would happen if l got pregnant, people would need to know who the father is, it can all be proved with tests.”

“Oh god no, please,” he cried, burying his face in his hands.

“Oh don’t worry,” she giggled, “l’ve been on the pill for months, Mummy put me on it when l had period problems, anyway, you can’t make babies in my mouth and bottom, we can just do it there if you like.”

He looked at her horrified. “You really are a witch, a cold hearted, perverted witch.”

“If that’s what you want me to be,” she giggled. “Anyway l have to get home for tea now, you can have me again this time tomorrow, it would be nice if there was something soft on the floor so you can fuck me down there.” She bent and kissed his cock then grabbed her clothes and began to dress. “I can’t leave you my panties,” she said, “my skirt is so short, l have to wear them but l will bring them back tomorrow, they will be soiled with your cum and my juices, you can keep them as a trophy.”

She dressed quickly, kissing him briefly on his cheek.

“Thank you for a lovely fuck,” she said, leaving him still leaning against the wall thinking of the enormity of what he had done.

Ginny got home just as her mother was setting out the evening meal, as the tree of them ate she told them everything that had happened with Mr. King.

“You’ve done very well,” her father said, “perhaps you could suggest to him that he joins our club which will give him more access to you and your sister.”

“I told Grandma what you were doing,” her mother said, “she is very proud of you, she says she always thought you would be a major asset to the business.”

“I can’t wait till the weekend,” Ginny said, “the party is going to be so much fun.”

“Ah well,” Ken said, “l’m afraid we have postponed the party for a week, two of our very important members won’t be available this weekend.”

“But what about the others?” Ginny said, “why are those two so important?”

“They are good tippers,” her mother said, “they each gave Katie one hundred pounds last time.”

“Did she get to keep it?”

“Oh yes,” her father said, “the business only takes their monthly sub***********ion, any tips they give you you keep.”

“Oh goody,” Ginny said, “l will have to be specially nice to them then.”

After the meal, Ginny said she was tired and that she would shower and spend the evening in her room listening to music.

She had been lying on her bed for about an hour when her mother shouted up the stairs that Anna was at the front door. Ginny called back for her mother to send her up.

“Mmm, you look sexy,” Anna said when she entered the room seeing Ginny reclined on the bed naked. Both girls were used to seeing each other naked and often masturbated together. “Come on, spill the beans, what happened with Mr. King.”

Anna quickly undressed and climbed onto the bed, Ginny handed her a small vibrator for her to play on her pussy while she recounted the episode at school.

“Wow!” Anna said when Ginny had finished, “l wish l was brave enough to do something like that.”

“Oh that’s just a start,” Ginny said, “l have lots of exciting times coming up.”

Anna asked her what she meant. Ginny hesitated for a moment.

“I could tell you something that is a big big secret,” she said, “but you really have to promise.”

“Of course l will,” Anna replied, “l promise with all my heart, l would never let you down Gin, you know how much l love you.”

Ginny proceeded to tell her all the details about the business and about what Katie and her were going to do.

“Katie is busy at the moment,” she said, “she is spending a few days with one of the members on his boat, l expect he’s fucking her non stop.”

Anna sat open mouthed as she listened to her friend.

“All these years l’ve know you and your family and l never knew, never suspected. It must be so exciting,” she said, “you have such an amazing family, l’m so jealous, l wish l had the courage to find someone to fuck me, it sounds so much fun. But does that mean you’re a prostitute, will you be taking drugs.”

“Oh no,” Ginny laughed, “Daddy will not allow drugs of any de***********ion, it is a rule of the club. I suppose l am a prostitute but l don’t care, l’m going to have a lot of fun and make a lot of money.”

“You won’t want to know boring old me then,” Anna said.

“Don’t be silly Anna, l love you,” Ginny replied. She thought for a moment.

‘You could join us,” she said.

“What, become a prostitute too,” she said, “l’m not brave enough.”

“Think of the fun Anna,” Ginny said, “we could do things together, go to parties together, have private weekends with men together and make extra money, you could come with us on holiday, we’re going on safari in Africa later this year, you could come with us.”

“What would l have to do?” She said.

“Well first we have to break your hymen, Daddy won’t take you if you are a virgin. I can sort that out with my dildo, l did it to myself. Then you have to strip off for Daddy and let him fuck you. Finally you have to do a task like l did with Mr. King, is there someone you can think of that might like to fuck you?”

“Well there might be Father O’Flynn,” she said, “he’s always brushing against me and patting my bottom.”

“He would be perfect,” Ginny said, “if you really want to do it l can do your hymen now then we can arrange for Daddy to fuck you tomorrow.”

Anna was silent, Ginny moved over closer to her and fondled her breasts.

“It will be fun Anna, believe me, it felt so good when Mr. King was fucking me, l came twice.”

She leaned forward and sucked Anna’s nipples in turn.

“I don’t know,” she said, “what if Daddy found out, he’s a policeman, he’s good at finding things out.”

“Why would he find out,” Ginny replied, “he’s known my parents for years and never found out what they were doing.”

“He doesn’t know them well,” she replied, “he only knows them because we’re friends.”

“More than friends sometimes Anna,” she said, moving her hand down to Anna’s cunt as she kissed her nipples. “We could do girl on girl shows for the members, l bet they would love that, l could get one of those strap on dildos and fuck you with it.”

“Stop it Ginny, you know that gets me worked up,” she protested but made no effort to move away.

“Let me break your hymen,” Ginny said, “you don’t have to do the other stuff but you can’t stay a virgin forever, believe me Anna, once you’ve had a dildo deep in your cunt you’ll want to know what a real cock feels like, and once you’ve had a real cock up you and felt it filling you with cum, oh Anna it is the most beautiful feeling, what’s the point of you taking the pill if you’re going to stay a virgin.”

Anna didn’t say anything but Ginny felt her body respond when her fingers located her friend’s clitoris.

“Would you like me to make love to you like we did last week, you enjoyed that didn’t you.”

“It was wonderful,” Anna replied, “l’ve never felt anything like it.”

“Believe me babe,” she said, “getting fucked is another wonderful feeling, let me break you.”

“Okay,” Anna replied, “just that for now.”

Ginny opened her bedside drawer and took out her dildo and a tube of lubricant.

“Lie down and open your legs, just relax and leave it to me,” she said as she coated the dildo with lubricant.

“Will it hurt much?“ Anna said.

“A little bit for a second, but l will be gentle,” Ginny replied, kneeling between her friend’s outstretched legs. She placed the tip of the dildo between Anna’s labia the slid it in until she met the obstruction.

“How does that feel?” She asked.

“It feels big but it feels good,” Anna replied.

“Relax,” Ginny said, then as she saw her friend relax she leaned over her. With a sudden jerk she forced the dildo through the barrier, Anna’s eyes opened wide and she went to scream but Ginny quickly covered her mouth with her own, kissing her deeply as Anna arched her body.

Ginny kept her friend pinned down until she had calmed, then knelt back.

“Just lie there,” she said, “just get used to it.”

“It hurt,” Anna said, tears trickling down her cheeks.

“I know babe,” Ginny replied, “but the pain is over now, now your cunt just needs to get used to the feel of it, just let it lie there.”

“It does feel big,” Anna said, “will real cocks feel as big.”

“Not all of them,” Ginny replied, “Katie says some of the members have really tiny cocks but some of them are very big, she says every cock is different.”

“It does feel better now,” Anna said.

“A real one is even better,” Ginny replied, “if you agree to join l can get Daddy to come up and fuck you, he will be gentle but believe me Anna, when he cums inside you it is beautiful.”

“It does sound exciting,” Anna said, “and it does feel nice inside me now.”

“Just join us and come to one party,” Ginny said, “if you don’t enjoy it you don’t have to do another one.”

“I can do that?” She asked, “l can just do one party and l don’t have to do it again?”

“No-one is going to force you to do anything you don’t want to,” Ginny said.

“And your father will be gentle?”

“I promise,” Ginny said.

“Okay then, l’ll do it,” Anna said.

“0h that’s wonderful,” Ginny said, hugging and kissing her. “Let me take that dildo out and clean you up then l’ll go and fetch Mummy and Daddy, you won’t regret it babe, l promise you.