You were so excited about the trip, finally you were going to get away and go somewhere warm. Sun and sand and beaches. Daddy sent you a plane ticket and you were going to meet him on his business trip. He gave you money to buy a skimpy bikini for him and some clothes for the trip. You did a little shopping and you think Daddy would be really happy with your selection.
Daddy had a car pick you up and bring you to the airport. The flight was a little boring, but your excitement was building as the plane neared its destination. Finally you landed, it was early in the afternoon, the sun was shining and bright. Daddy said there would be a car waiting for you. You got your bag, and there he was, a driver holding a sign reading “Baby”.
You noticed how hot it was as you followed the driver to your car, the palm trees and sunshine just made you smile. A thirty minute drive and some small talk later, and the car brought you to the hotel Daddy was staying at. It was a beautiful hotel resort, with a grand lobby and beautiful surroundings. Daddy had a room key waiting for you at the front desk. You picked it up from the girl working at the desk, she gave you a bit of a look, you think she was jealous of you. Daddy had told you he would be in meetings until later on that day. You were so excited, as you took the elevator up to your room.
Your key opened the door to a beautiful room. There were flowers and a card on on a side table. You dropped your luggage and read the card. “Hi Baby, Daddy can’t wait to see you. Why don’t you put on your bikini, walk down to the beach, have a couple of drinks, put it on the room, and Daddy will come and meet you when his meetings are over. -Daddy”
You looked out the hotel window overlooking the ocean. You decided to take Daddy’s advice. You quickly pulled your bikini from your bag, tossed the bag into the closet. Daddy’s clothes were hanging in there already. You couldn’t help but run your hands along one of his jackets. You quickly put on your bikini and looked at yourself in the full length mirror. You looked fantastic and felt so sexy in the little bikini. Its a good thing you had shaved smooth this morning before you left, you could now just head straight to the beach and enjoy what remained of the afternoon sun.
Grabbing a hotel towel, your sunglasses, your room key and your cell phone, and headed out to the beach. There was a little tiki bar on the beach, but not many people, all the better, you thought. You ordered yourself an umbrella drink and gave the bartender your room number. You could see he had a hard time not staring at all the sexy skin exposed by your bikini, you felt so good knowing how sexy you looked for Daddy. The hotel provided lounge chairs to bask in, you picked one as far from everyone else as possible.
You lay back and felt the sun on your skin and sipped your drink. The nerves of waiting for Daddy, the flight and everything began to slip away as the drink went down. Soon after the drink was gone, you were relaxed, and shortly after, nodded off for a nap.
A light graze on your cheek awakens you. You look up, Daddy is squatting next to you, a big smile on his face, “Hi Baby”, he leans in and gives you a kiss. His lips press to yours, they linger and press urgently into yours, your lips part and your tongues briefly meet. He pulls away, “you look so sexy baby”, his eyes slowly work their way down your body, your skin shivers along with his gaze. He pauses at your barely covered breasts, and then again at the thin piece of cloth covering your mound. “I love the bikini”, he says.
“I’m so glad you like it!” you smile back a response.
Daddy, dips a finger into his drink, then runs it gently across your lips, “you are so luscious Baby”, he says. you smile as his touch both tickles and excites you. He moves his finger and drifts it gently across your collarbone. Re-wetting his finger and repeating the same movement on your other shoulder. You can’t help but shiver at his touch, but you also feel a pang of excitement centered on your pussy. His hand drifts lower down your arms, you just lay back, a small moan escapes your mouth. Daddy continues his light grazing touch along your other arm. Then his cool wet finger moves across the gentle swell of the top of your breasts. He slowly moves along the inside swell, then the outside swell, skirting the edge of the fabric of your bikini top. You continue to groan quietly as his touch continues to excite you.
He pulls his hand a way and then fishes an ice cube from his drink. You look up at him, a bit apprehensive over his next move. His hand without the ice cube, reaches over and gently pulls your right bikini top to the side, exposing your right nipple. You stare as he exposes you to the sun and the beach, you know there is nobody near by, but the public exposure adds to your excitement. Slowly he moved the ice cube toward the exposed nipple, it stiffens in anticipation. Then the shock of the ice cube touching your distended nipple hits you. Daddy runs a gentle circle around your areola with the ice cube, your pussy starts to twitch and clench as he does this, your arms remain at your side as you feel both discomfort and pleasure. He pushes aside the cloth covering your other nipple, exposing both your breasts and repeats the motion with the ice cube. You moan and start to shiver and shake noticeably. you can feel your pussy begin to moisten.
Daddy pulls the ice away from your nipple, leaving you to contemplate your situation, laying on a lounge chair on the beach, the sun shining on your skin, both of your nipples exposed to the breeze that now blows cool across your wet nipples, making them stand up proudly for Daddy’s gaze
“I think your pussy is starting to overheat Baby, do you want Daddy to cool it down?”
What do you do?
A. Bend your knees and spread your legs, in anticipation of Daddy pushing the bikini bottoms to the side and bringing the cool ice to your hot little pussy?
B. Clench your legs together and say “Daddy, you better bring me up to our room.”