The Annihilator: Part 2

he Annihilator’s kills were attracting attention of other participants, however. A corrupt cop named Walker had been going through a post office nearby, looking for the coveted gold bar, when he heard the elated commentary of the announcer, over the pained wailing of Jan. He suspected the Annihilator was close. He had prepared himself for that occasion, by constructing a primitive fragmentation bomb from materials found in abandoned stores.

Tanner was scanning the area around him, trying to find the source of occasional noise. In fact, there were two. An independent, underground reporter named Jenna was trying to get away, because she had seen Walker fairly close by, while sneaking around. However, her movement distracted the former police officer, just as he was about to toss the explosive device at Tanner.

The Annihilator ran and fell into a roll, to avoid the blast. The smoke generated obscured both him, and Jenna from Walker’s field of vision, enabling her to hastily run away, and Tanner to move into a counterattack.

He threw a punch to the former cop’s nose before kneeing him in the gut.

The crippled man bled from his nose, and coughed up blood, as well. It was certain he would die, and the excited audience knew it, too.

“No badge to protect you now, huh, dirty cop?” Tanner taunted the man before striking him in the groin with the knee.

The corrupt cop writhed and rolled from the groin shot, before the powerful stud mounted him, and began a series of brutal punches that caused blood to spay everywhere. With each punch, the stud groaned louder, as the physical destruction aroused him.

Somewhere after the eighth punch, he had had enough, and wrapped his right arm around the head of Walker, and pulled on the neck of the beaten-up man. A loud crack almost set him off sexually, as it was the finisher on yet another contestant.

The reaction of the audience to the eroticized kill of the stud was one of sheer jubilation, in which females were the more prominent voice. Afterwards, things seemed calm, until sounds of metal being impacted went through the air.

Someone was climbing the fire escape ladders of a building- up top. It was Harold- a thin, sick man with no serious crime under his name. Other than protesting against bad luck, and the dystopian world he lived in.

Tanner easily made his way after Harold. This was the one contestant that was not even convicted of any crime. However, rules were rules. Also, the young stud had no qualms about killing by this point in his life.

It seemed like Harold had not noticed the Annihilator, as he got up very high, despite almost slipping up. In his 40-s, the man looked pale and jaundiced. When he got on top of a balcony, he looked down, seemingly ready to jump.

“That’s a quick way to go, Harold. I could finish you off, too, without impaling yourself in those steel bars below.” Tanner suggested to the poor man.

“I…never got the help I needed to…live. It is really pathetic if I can’t even die on my own. “ the man said, but he did not jump yet.

Tanner saw the man was ill, and offered the only kind of help he could provide. “Well, I could kill you without pain.”

“I don’t know what you do to kill people, so…your choice. At least you’re kinder than health insurance clerks… “, the man says, looking with sadness at the picture of health and strength he himself could never be.

Tanner felt the man’s plight resonate in his chest and he decided: “Sit down, and suck my dick. When I cum, I will break your neck.” He sat down and fished his hardening cock.

After seeming shocked at the fate picked for him, Harold calmed down and simply sat down on a foldable chair, wrapping his mouth around the Annihilator’s dick. Some booklet fell out from his trousers. It read: “Guide on liver cancer treatment”.

“Damn…I better make this quick, then.”, Tanner reacted to seeing the title of the booklet.

He grabbed the man’s head and lowly pushed his cock down the man’s throat and held it there for a few seconds before withdrawing. Then he did it again.

Harold sucked the stud’s cock, relaxing in his grip with time gone by, managing to go deeper, while wondering why did this young male want a blowjob from someone like him.

“Oh, fuck, yeah….” Tanner groaned as the man proved to be quite decent at servicing men. Petting him, he held the head in place while crossing his legs behind Harold’s neck.

“That’s it… Soon, Papa Tanner will make you go snap in one go, nice and clean…”

Harold moaned, and then shrugged, recognizing that it was too late for any good ending to his life story. The host seemed quite stunned by the whole event. The show was supposed to distract people from the cruel reality of a dictatorship, not remind them of bad things.

Still, being lightly facefucked felt good, and the dying man soon groaned, as he began growing a hard-on.

Tanner knew he had Harold hooked the second her heard his groan of pleasure. He continually pumped in and out of his mouth, looking forward to making the man cum, perhaps. He felt Harold’s breaths get slower as he squeezed with his calves, already feeling he had a great grip on the neck.

The audience could see Harold twitch, before grunting. He came hard, his eyes blinking, while his limbs went all limp. Quite a few men and women envied this middle-aged man, even as he began to shut down from legs squeezing his neck.

Tanner heard Harold cum into his underwear, and go limp, which was the cue he needed.

“Time to go, Harold.” Tanner said before snapping his neck easily in the standing headscissors hold.

That’s when Tanner came as well, groaning as killing a person brought him not just the regular “feel-good” factor, but also, it felt like the right thing to do, for this person.

Harold twitched horribly one last time, before shutting down, forever. Tanner laid Harold down and pulled his pants back on. It was time to go for the convicts.

Many spectators came hard from the neck snap performed on the sick man, and it seemed that the ideas of the show’s producers to stop airing were very bad, as people were interested in watching this somewhat unconventional Annihilator.

Landon was a very rich man, who somehow found himself at odds with those controlling the state. Although he had some of his wealth hidden, most people had disowned him, pointing out his financial crimes that thus far, were covered up. He was trying to escape the hunting area, desperately. Looking at him weirdly was Jenna, a teenager who had landed in this mess because she was helping create an underground newspaper…

Tanner watched them from a hidden position and felt pity for Jenna, only wanting to report the truth. Landon not so much as his crimes had invariably harmed someone’s future or finances. Feeling no need to perform a stealthy attack, Tanner simply walks up to the two, and says:

“So how do you two want to go? You don’t have the gold bar.”

“I do have money, hidden in places! Let me live, and you can have enough for cars, sluts, jacuzzis…you name it! But for that to come true, I need to be alive.“ the slick, yet sleazy millionaire spoke, while Jenna sighed.

“This is all…about the rich. They think too many humans steal oxygen. So…death games, organized by those who would never survive one of these.”

“I know you’re into financial crime, Landon. I don’t care what you have and where- you die. The only reason why I’m giving you any choice is that you haven’t attacked me… yet.”

Tanner turned to Jenna. “You’re hot, and probably don’t need to die, but I just got to get off, and I do it by killing people with my body.” Tanner cracked his knuckles, rolled his wrists and shoulders for emphasis the clicks and pops of joints audible to all.

“But I can make you cum so fucking hard, babe. You’ll love sex with me. Or, I can kill you quickly, without sex. Your choice.”

“If I die, nobody gets to know the locations of my cash stashes. So YOU decide. Money or yet another victim.” Landon was afraid, but was doing his best to look like he was in charge.

Jenna, on the other hand, knew there wasn’t a way to escape. So, she spoke: “Um…Maybe something where you snap my neck during a blowjob or the actual thing?”

“I can do that. Landon, you aren’t walking away. Do you want to fight and die or like Jenna enjoy and die?” Tanner sighed at the man’s bluster. A pitiful attempt from a pitiful man.

The rich man in his early 50-s waved off the Annihilator. “You can have fun with the slut. I’m off to get out of here.” Jenny’s face grew red at that insult. “Coward!”, she retorted, but this did not faze Landon one bit.

“Wait here, hottie.” Tanner kissed her deeply before taking off after the foolish convict. He knew how to end this chase quick though.

Once he was within a few feet of the man, he delivered a kick to the man’s knee, and picked him up by the legs and neck, smiling at the cries of the rich man. Tanner lifted high above his head, and despite panicked protests, he slammed him down on the padded right knee, groaning as Landon’s spine snapped with a loud crunch. After verifying that Landon’s legs were limp, he hoisted him up over one shoulder and walked back to Jenna. She was wet from seeing those muscles put to work.

The whole segment ended up being uncensored, which was a worry for the producers, but it seemed most of the audience was not violent, after Jenna’s words. They liked the backbreaker, which was important. The brunette though, liked that devastating move, and the kiss she’d received. Now, she was stripping for the mostly naked killer stud.

Tanner returned with Landon in tow, crippled and grunting in pain. “Well someone is ready for the fucking of her life.”

The burly teen then laid Landon down on his back. “Now Landon you get to suck my cock and if you try to bite, I will make your last moments on this earth more painful than that backbreaker was. Jenna, lay down and I will tend to that lovely little pussy of yours.”

Tanner gave out the orders, and afterwards, he pushed his cock past Landon’s lips and wrapped his legs around Landon’s neck in a loose triangle choke. Tanner then pulled Jenna close and started lapping at her pussy.

Landon was crushed, mentally. The hold that the young man had on him ended up being more preferable to being left to rot without the ability to move. The rich convict, however, was inexperienced, and he had to gulp a lot while sucking. Jenna was screaming, in the meantime. The stud was making her gush very hard. The audience loved this utter double domination by the stud. Once he came out of the hunting area, he would be faced with many fans.

“Oh that’s it Landon. Just imagine. You could have had this cock fucking you to climax. Instead you are stuck sucking it while I eat this sexy girl’s flower.” Tanner went back to work playing Jenna’s pussy like a fiddle. His cock pushed in and out of Landon’s throat, fucking the man more than Landon sucking him.

The sound Landon made in response to the words directed at him seemed to convey a message of not being too interested in sex, in the first place. As the man struggled to reorient his breathing to the nostrils, Jenna was climaxing. “Y-YES! I’m cumming! So deep…yessssss!” This scene was very spectacular for the females in the countrywide audience, in sight and sound.

Tanner loved hearing the moans of the audience in front of large screens. He wanted to put an even bigger show for them. And in order to do that, he was going to snuff Landon out.

Tanner twisted his hips, exerting much torque on Landon’s neck. This caused the cervical vertebra to fail with a loud CRACK!

As the rich man twitched, Jenna orgasmed hard from the neck snap on him, relishing the brutal kill.

He pulled out of Landon’s mouth and pushed into Jenna’s sweet sopping wet pussy. “If you came from me killing him, I want your body to squirt as I kill you, babe.” Tanner started sucking on Jenna’s beautiful breasts as he pumped his cock into her.

Arching into the stud, she moaned loudly, wrapping her arms around his torso. “Y-yes! So good! You’re hitting my G-spot~”

Tanner, despite his young age, had plenty of sexual experience, and had no trouble locating a female’s G-spot quickly.

“Yes, moan for me, my sexy slut!” Tanner pulled out and put her on her hands and knees. He then pushed his slick cock back into her pussy. “Now I’m going to pound your pussy into submission. Then I’m going to break your neck with a submission. Hold.”, he chuckled after adding that last word.

Jenna screamed for the dark-haired male, finding some pleasure even in her first time at anal sex. “Y-yes! You’re so fast! I can’t stop cumming for you, muscle stud!” This was going to be such a memorable episode of the show…

Tanner had pulled Jenna into his lap, wrapping his left arm around and underneath her chin, cupping it with his fingers. His right arm crossed his left, and gripped the back of her skull. He was slowly depriving the girl of oxygen, while readying to impart two opposite-direction forces on her neck.

”Oh, yeah, Jenna…I’m going to break your neck, now.” Tanner spoke as he tightened the hold, which made Jenna start to go limp. Seeing that made Tanner grit his teeth. The anticipation before yet another kill was really turning him on.

When he was ready, Tanner twisted his left arm while his right held the top of her head, ultimately succeeding in twisting it backwards to face him with a wet CRACK! He kissed her lips as her eyes rolled up in her head and she started twitching. His cock exploded in her pussy, filling her up with thick creamy seed, as he groaned in her mouth, relishing the moments of her passing.

The kill on the rogue reporter was so incredible, that the show host came in his trousers, on camera, after Jenna died, kissing with the stud in her final, twitchy moments. Her final moans were muffled by the Annihilator’s mouth. The slightly embarrassed host then declared: “Annihilator Tanner is triumphant- nobody is alive, ladies and gentlemen!”

As Tanner prepared to go to the studio outside the Hunting grounds, he also wondered what he was doing, for whom, and what should be his own goals. He felt he was bigger than the company, and even the regime.