We arrived at the bar at 8:05 p.m. Our friends Lenny,

Martha and Dick were already at the table, and Chuck arrived shortly

after we got there. Amy wore her tight blue jeans and a black

button down shirt. While Dick & Chuck warmed up for darts, Lenny,

Martha, Amy & I played two games of pool.

After the pool games, we returned to our table, the

long one closest to the dart boards, and started playing darts. As

we have been, the guys played against the girls, except that Dick

played on the girls team to keep the numbers equal. At about 11:00,

another one of our regular players, David arrived and began warming

up on another board while we finished our game, the guys were

winning four to one.

By 11:30 most of the usual crowd was there, the games

got fewer and farther between because we were dancing more often. I

danced a few with Martha, and two with Linda, then returned to

playing darts until another slow song came on.

As usual, Martha, Liz and Diana were goofing around

with me, rubbing up against me, licking my ear, grabbing, but this

is just something they always do, they like to tease. While this was

going on, Amy was playing around with Gary, Diana’s husband, she

would straddle him and move around in a way that drove him nuts, he

sat there red-faced the entire time. By now Amy had quite a bit to

drink, and I noticed that she had the top three buttons un-done on

her shirt and all of the guys were following her around like little

puppies trying to get a glimpse of her tit. Dave (a judge) came up

to hug her, as did Bill, the house photographer. David, our other

team member, kept moving around to get the best view, as every time

she bent over or turned a certain way the shirt would open enough

for him to get a good look.

By 1:00 a.m. none of us were feeling any pain, so we

decided we would leave and go out to breakfast. We said goodnight

to the other patrons and were getting in our cars, when a dark blue

plymouth mini-van pulled up and blocked us in, Amy got out and was

yelling for the driver to move, that we were leaving, when we saw

that it was Joe, another player that we thought wasn’t going to make

it that night. Joe got out and said hi to all of us, said that he

was coming up to see if he could catch a late game. We told him we

were going out to breakfast and he decided to join us.

We have a favorite little restaurant about ten minutes

from the bar. There were eight of us, Amy and I, Lenny, Martha,

Dick, David, Chuck, and Joe. Harry the manager sat us at our usual

table, and added one more table to make us comfortable. During

breakfast we suggested that since it was a nice warm night, we could

all go swimming at our house, but the only one’s who expressed

interest was David & Joe. We later found out that Lenny & Martha

were taking Dick home for fun & games, that they had been involved

in a threesome for quite some time now, which none of us even


We left the restaurant a little before 2:00 a.m. and

all said good-bye in the parking lot, which always seems to take

forever with this group. As soon as we hit the highway, Amy had her

shirt wide open & jeans off, we were hoping to see some trucks, she

likes to recline the seat and lay back naked, while I slowly

pass tractor-trailers to see if the drivers notice, but there were

none in sight. We got home around 2:30, we were both pretty worked

up from Amy’s playing naked in the car, and had completely forgot

that Joe & David were right behind us.

Joe had never been to our home, so I showed him the

wood shop I built in the garage, and the classic 1958 boat I was

working on, while Amy went in to change & to get towels and spare

trunks for David & Joe. I threw two inner tubes in the pool, a

large double one shaped like a figure eight, and a truck tube. Amy

came out wearing just the bottom of her bikini and a tee-shirt and

also brought out an ice tea for David and four cans of beer. By the

time I got changed and back outside, everyone was in the pool, I lit

the bug-bucket and joined them.

Amy & I floated around on the double tube, while David

& Joe stood near the side. We talked about the stars, Joe’s cabin

on the island, and David’s planes. Joe is 30, works on traffic

lights for a living, and has a beautiful cabin on one of the more

popular islands. David is in his 70’s, he’s a retired teacher and a

private pilot, he’s in fantastic shape for a guy his age, but never

smoked & doesn’t touch alcohol.

Before too long, Amy whispered to me that she had

casually slipped her bikini bottom off and hid it on top of the

filter tube, so she had nothing on but the tee shirt, which wasn’t

going to stay down far enough to cover anything while she was in the

water. We aren’t sure if David & Joe could see anything or not, but

both of them started moving around more, staying within a few feet

of our tube, close enough to see, but far enough away so that the

tube didn’t block the view.

Around 3:00 a.m. David said that he had to get going,

that he has a something to do in the morning, so after saying

goodnight to Joe & I, and giving Amy a long hug, he changed in the

garage and left.

After David left, Joe grabbed onto the truck tube and

followed us around the pool talking, he was telling us about the

woman he was dating, and things that were causing him trouble with

the relationship, and how he hasn’t been going to the cabin much

because it isn’t any fun going alone. Joe said that he pulled along

side of us on the highway to see if Amy was naked, but backed off as

soon as he saw she was wearing her shirt, Amy said that it was still

on, but open all the way and her jeans were off. We told him how she

likes to ride naked and have me pass trucks real slow, and how they

try to catch up & drive along side of us looking at her. Joe talked

about the time we all went to to his cabin and how Amy & Cindy, the

girl he was dating then, got naked on his boat. I said that when

we got back to land that night Cindy & I walked along the road,

while Amy & Joe cut through the yards of other cabins, and I never

knew if Amy got dressed before the walk back or not. Joe said that

her suit was down to her waist, that her chest was bare. Amy said

that most of what happened was a blur because she was so drunk, and

Joe was more than willing to fill her in, he told her how we all got

naked, how her & Cindy played around, how she sucked his cock and

that at one point, she told him that she wanted him inside of her,

but that’s another story.

This went on for about an hour, we were talking,

drinking beer and floating around, when we decided that the night

air was getting a little too chilly to swim anymore. Joe went into

the garage and changed into his dry shorts and Amy and I went in the

house to change. I changed into my white shorts and a blue

tee-shirt, and Amy wore the blue stripped shirt that I had worn to

the bar. We decided to sit on lawn chairs in the garage to talk,

and I set up the heater because Amy was getting cold.

Amy was next to me and Joe was facing us, about three

feet away. We continued to talk and drink beer, the conversation was

slowly turning to topics of nudity and stuff, when Amy said

something about her legs being cold. Joe told her that she needed

to get the circulation going in her legs and reached down, pulled

her feet up onto his lap and began to massage her legs up and down,

going far enough up to feel her pussy hair, so he knew she had

nothing on under the shirt.

This went on for quite a while, then Joe said that he

wanted to do something that he wanted to do for a long time, he

told Amy that he wanted to eat her pussy, and asked her if she would

slide farther down on her chair so he could. Amy stood, said “wait

a minute” and took the shirt off. Amy got on her knees on the floor

in front of my chair, opened my shorts and began sucking my cock,

Joe laid on his back and Amy straddled his face, he was eating her

pussy and fingering her ass. After she came once, we decided to move

to the shop and laid an inflatable raft on the floor. I sat on the

workbench with Amy standing in front of me & Joe sitting on the

chair to our right. Amy was kissing me and had her left knee on the

shop stool, I was feeling her tits, and Joe was fingering her pussy

from behind, and made several comments on how beautiful she was and

how tight her pussy is. Before long Amy, now on the raft, got down

on her knees and began sucking Joe’s cock and licking his balls, I

got behind her and fucked her doggie style.

When I was done, Amy moved onto her back with her

shapely legs wide open, Joe pushed her ankles high in the air and

mounted her missionary style. I sat on the workbench watching Joe

fuck my wife, it seemed like forever, before Joe pulled out,

shooting cum all over Amy’s tight stomach. By the time they finished

fucking it was 6:00 a.m. and Joe left. Amy and I went to bed and

had great sex until the sun came up. This was our second experience

with three-way sex, but no less exciting than the first. I can’t

even begin to explain how exciting it is to watch your wife fucking

another man, and believe it or not, our two experiences have drawn

us closer than ever before.