The Adventure of Ken and Kassi

I pulled on a black tank top and some dark blue jeans. I had been working out so this outfit was especially tight. I went into the bathroom to check myself in the mirror for the hundredth time. My super blonde hair was pulled up into a half pony tail. My lips were nude and my eyeliner was light. I loved the natural look. I flashed a smile and winked at myself. I was horribly nervous. I was going over to my parents’ coworkers place with them for dinner. Originally I didn’t want to. The husband was a total hunk; a bit taller than me, a bit of chub in the cheeks, dark hair and sexy stubble on his chin. The wife was also a hunk (can a wife be a hunk?); long highlighted hair, curves, and legs for days. They had two kids, Jenny and James. “Kassi, hurry up!” my mom shouted. With a smile I zipped up my boots and ran to the car.

We got there before anyone else. Apparently there was going to be a crowd. It didn’t bother me. Cassandra, the wife was going on about not having enough wine so I offered to go pick some up for her. With a smile, she told her husband, Ken, to go with (he would pay but couldn’t drive as he had already cracked a bottle). Mom gave me the keys to her car and we went to the liquor store. The way there, we laughed and flirted. He was pretty easy going and fun to talk to. After purchasing the liquor, we got back in the car to head back. The drive back was like the drive there, fun and flirty. My heart was fluttering the whole time. When we pulled into the driveway, I patted him on the knee and said casually, “You’re pretty cool.” Then I very quickly got out and grabbed a bottle to take in.

My heart was racing! Such a subtle thing like that had me so hot. It had been so long since I’d been laid!! Once we got back into the house I had to excuse myself into the bathroom for a tidy up. My panties were soaked! If things continued like this, I would not be able to last the night.

James was outside with the dog playing in the last light so I decided to go out and watch them. We threw the ball for about half an hour when Ken came out and said it was time to eat. There was quite a gathering. At least seven other people showed up after us, I couldn’t quite tell though. I was never introduced to anyone and they never stopped moving. It didn’t matter though. I grabbed a plate and sat at the table with my mom, Cassandra, Ken, and Kyle, some other random coworker, while James, Jenny, my dad, and others were scattered between the living room and the basement.

I kept making eye contact with Ken and smiling as I looked away and then back at him. It was kind of dumb, but it was my favorite subtle flirt. It was working. Every time I looked up, he would be looking at me, smitten like a kitten. When I was about halfway done I “accidentally” dropped my fork. Cassandra got me a new one, but as I was bent over picking it up, I made sure to look at where Ken’s legs were. Then, as soon as Cassandra was settled back in, I slowly reached out my leg and started to lightly touch Kens leg. I wasn’t worried about anyone noticing. There was a pretty big table cloth. Instantly I knew I hit my mark. Ken jumped a little, but once he realized it was me, he had the biggest grin on his face. For the next ten minutes or so, I just slowly caressed his legs.

Everyone finished eating and piled the dishes in the sink. Ken told Cassandra he would get the kids to bed and they could start without him, and so they did. He took the kids upstairs. Cassandra told me to feel free to wander around watch television or something. I really wanted to go upstairs and hit on Ken some more but the kids, even I wasn’t that dumb. So, instead, I went downstairs. I turned on the television down there and channel surfed for about fifteen minutes, but nothing was on. I put it on one of the music channels and decided to explore. One of the doors opened into a lavish bathroom. The sink was my favorite. It had a faucet that looked like it was connected to a well. Another door opened into a separate bar area. I looked around a bit. The fridge was full of beer. I chuckled and left, going to the last door. As I opened it, I saw a desk and a large chair. This was some kind of an office. I went inside and looked at the photos on the desk. Then my curiosity got the best of me and I started looking at the papers on the desk. It was Ken’s office. I sat in the chair and closed my eyes. I was starting to get very wet again. Then I heard someone clear their throat. I practically jumped out of my skin. I opened my eyes and saw Ken standing at the door. I quickly got up and started to leave.

As I went to go out the door, he moved forward and blocked it, trapping me in the office. Neither of us said anything, we just stood there for what seemed like hours when, in reality, it was probably only a few seconds. Then he moved towards me and pushed the door closed behind him. I was close enough he didn’t have to move much. He grabbed me and pushed me into the wall behind me. He lifted my arms above my head with one hand and grouped me with the other. I was shocked and breathless! I kissed him back; I was so turned on by being pinned to the wall. Moving from my mouth to my neck, he kept my arms pinned. Suddenly and swiftly, he pulled me from the wall and laid me on the floor, on my back.

Again my arms were pinned. That was the hottest part. It was like I wasn’t given a choice in this, but I wanted it so bad. When he let go of my arms, he used one hand to hold himself up and the other to caress over my jeans. Very quickly I reached down and unbuttoned them and pulled them down as much as I could with him on top of me. Then I felt it; the bulge in his pants. I started to rub it. I knew I was doing a good job as he broke our kissing with a moan. It was a flash, he sat up and pulled his pants down and I sat up, threw mine off, and tossed them aside. He yanked off my tank top and pushed me back down onto my back.

His cock was rubbing against my clit, it felt so good, and I was so wet. I was being teased. I arched my back and uttered the word please. Slowly he pushed into me. The feeling was amazing. His cock was perfect and filled me, making me moan. Going in easily, he went as deep as he could. A few strokes like that, slow, deep, intense! Then, no mercy. I was being fucked like a savage; fast and hard. One arm was being held down, but with my free hand I reached down and played with my clit, I was so fucking hot. His grunts only turned me on more and it wasn’t long before I felt the familiar tingle begin to rise.

“Ken, I’m going to cum,” I squeaked. His thrusts intensified and, like water crashing against the beach, my orgasm hit. My muscles clenched and I shook. Wave after wave, it just wouldn’t quit and he kept on fucking me. Just when I couldn’t take any more, he let out a cry and dumped his cum into my unprotected cunt. He pumped every drop into me and then laid on top of me. I clutched his sweaty body and tried to catch my breath.

We laid on the floor for a few moments more and then he started to move his hips back and forth. He pulled out, sat up and watched him cum ooze out of me. He started to rub it around and shove his fingers into my vagina. I could barely stand it, I threw my head back and moaned. Faster and faster he jammed into me. It was only moments before I shook with another orgasm. He didn’t stop until he felt my muscles stop contracting. Then, without saying anything, he put his pants on and left.

I laid there, shocked, hot, wet, naked and shaking. Once I could move again I went into the bathroom, cleaned up and got dressed. I still couldn’t catch my breath though. I didn’t think I ever would. They were the most intense orgasms I had ever had.

I stayed in the basement. I didn’t want Cassandra or my parents to know what I had done. I wrote my cell phone number on a slip of paper and left it on his desk. After a few hours I heard my mom calling for me, saying it was time to go. I went up, still nervous. Everyone else had gone. Cassandra hugged me and I was so scared she would have figured something out, but she didn’t she told me she was happy to have met the daughter my mom always talked about. Then Ken gave me a hug goodbye too. As my head was away from everyone, I took his ear into my mouth and gave it a little suck. He also said it was nice to meet me and that he hopes we could all visit again. I smiled.

Once I got back to moms house, I said my goodbyes, got in my own car, and started for home. Half way home I get a text so I pull over to check it, thinking it was my mom saying I had forgotten something. It wasn’t. I opened it and it said, “Until next time my little fucktoy.” I smiled and lifted my shirt. I sent him a photo of my nipple with the words, “Oh the anticipation!”

A few days later I got a call from my mom. She told me Ken and Cassandra were having another party and I was invited. Of course I was going to go!