Teacher’s Pet Ch 18

Chapter 18:

The poor young teen massaged her own tits as the monster beside her snored away peacefully. Tears welled up in her eyes as she soothed her throbbing breasts and recalled what had happened to her days before.

At her latest appointment with Dr. Chalmers and his colleague Dr. Smith the Endocrinologist. They didn’t seem overly pleased with her ‘lack of progress’ as they claimed, to the hormone boosters that his Endocrinologist colleague had given her at the previous visit. Keep in mind that her young breasts were already a generous D cup, but they wanted more. They wanted to grow her breasts faster than nature intended. But didn’t want to rely on plastic surgery as they all preferred the natural look. They decided to take the hormone treatment to the next level.

They doubled up her dosage of estrogen and progesterone, mixed with a metabolism booster. Katee squealed as Mr. Wilson pinched her ass cheek and injected the shot into her luscious ass. This paled in comparison to what was coming next though.

After doing some pondering. The endocrinologist went into his bag and started to draw up a drug from a vial. He said something about how it would stimulate her breast collagen tissue to grow and become more responsive to the estrogen/progesterone combination, since. She heard him tell the other men “The best part if that since she’s so young, the collagen tissue that these will grow will be the same age and resiliency of pubescent breasts, meaning that they’ll push up and out even more, with no sag.”

Katee’s eyes widened in horror as she saw the size of the needle, at least 5 inches tall. She panicked, and started to squirm, Mr. Wilson roughly held her arms back, she was powerless to resist his brute strength.

Dr. Chalmers smiled in delight as he groped her right breast and held it up for his colleague perfectly still. Dr. Smith sneered as her injected the needle to the hub on the underside of her tit.

Katee screamed loudly, her tit felt like it was on fire. She was met with a sharp slap to the face from Mr. Wilson. She cried as seemingly endless amount of the medication was being injected into her tit. Once he was done with that one, she felt her tit instantly start to throb. She didn’t have much time to focus on it as soon as they were done, they lifted up the left tit and injected the same amount into that one.

Katee wailed and cried, the men didn’t care. They looked at her tits like they were a pieces of meat. The two doctors smiled at each other as they looked at their work. Her tits almost seemed instantly bigger, but this was just because of the sheer amount of fluid volume that was just pumped into them. They knew that seeing the true effect of this would take time.

They also smiled at what was coming next, their payment. Mr. Wilson knew better than to reach for his wallet. Without even a second thought, the two men bent Katee over an examination table and started to double team her. The young teen was in a daze, she wasn’t even phased by the men fucking her at this point, she was in agony at the searing pain in her tits.

On her way out, the doctors gave Mr. Wilson a number of things to watch out for, including signs of infection, scar formation and even cancer growth. They gave her a shot of antibiotics in the ass prophylactically, and told him to not do anything too crazy with them for the next few days.

They joked as Katee and Mr. Wilson were finally about to leave. “And hey, even if her tits do get fucked up by this, we can always take her to Bill and get her DD cups the old fashioned way.”

Mr. Wilson roared in laughter, joined by the doctors, Katee just sniffled as tears ran down her cheeks, realizing that these ‘doctors’ viewed her nothing but a piece of meat to play with.

It had been a week since she had her treatment. Mr. Wilson had kept her confined to his apartment for the most part, the only sexual act she would do would be webcamming to an increasingly growing and perverse audience, and ofcourse for personal use.

She would have welcomed this reprieve from public humiliation, but her tits were in constant pain. They felt like they were throbbing all the time. Within a couple days her once well fitted D cup bras were feeling tighter. And within a week, her tits were spilling out of most of them.

Her breasts felt engorged. They were tender to touch, especially her nipples which felt raw to the touch. She had noticed more light blue veins forming each day, easily visible contrasted against the teen’s pale white skin.

Each day Mr. Wilson would take pictures of her tits in various poses, and close up. He was hornier then ever, now that his sex doll’s tits had engorged to an even bigger cup size. He would excitedly send the pics over to the doctors, who were also very happy with the results, and would increasingly lift limitations on what he could and couldn’t do with her.

As they lifted more of the restrictions, his physical obsession with her tits overcame him. She was always naked in the house as per his rules. Usually he would let her clean, cook and do her cam shows uninterrupted. But now he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He would follow her around, or even surprise around the corner. He would grope her tits from behind, from the front, whatever he could do he would. She would cry out in agony as he roughly manhandled her tits. He didn’t care, in fact her pain turned him on more.

Once he got the OK from the docs, he started to pinch and pull her nipples. She felt like he was pinching a raw wound, she would moan out in pain, but that only encouraged him.

The worst came when he got full clearance from the doctors for all sexual activity with them. That night, he had her wear a white lace push up bra, thong and matching garter set. It was an old set, with her former D cup tit size. She could hardly get her engorged tits into the damn bra, she winced in pain. After only a couple of steps, her tits overflowed from the bra, exposing her nipples. The now small bra only served to push her tits upwards into a comically protruding position.

They bounced with each step she took towards the bed. The monster’s cock pulsated as her watched his young teen sex doll walk towards him with her huge tits bouncing with each step. As she reached the bed, he wrapped his monstrous hands around her lithe waste and pulled her in. He moaned as her soft tits touched his face. He buried his face into her deep cleavage.

Katee squealed as his stubby beard felt like razers on her sensitive skin. It wasn’t long before she screamed as he roughly squeezed her right tit, followed by the left. He laughed as he roughly squeezed both tits, cackling at her winces in pain.

He put one nipple in his mouth, while squeezing the other tit. She felt a shiver down her entire body like never before as she felt his tongue lick her nipple, which was now without a doubt the most sensitive spot on her body.

The shiver turned to shooting pain as he playfully bit down on her nipple. Her pain seems to radiate down her whole body to her toes. She instinctively pushed back, but this only served to anger him.

“Remember who these belong to slut.” He sneered as roughly tore her bra off, causing her big tits to bounce up and down.

He looked at them in glee, before taking her by the waste and throwing her on to the bed on her back. Once again lust filled his eyes as her saw her massive tits swing up and down, almost hitting her face as she fell on to the bed.

He took her left tit in his left hand roughly before giving it a sharp smack. She shrieked in pain.

“Whose tit is this!?” He screamed

“Yours daddy!!!” She shrieked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

He took her right tit in his hands and pulled on her nipple. She shrieked even louder and pain radiated down her whole body.

“And this one?”

“Yours Daddy, they are both yours!!” She begged, willing to say anything to make him stop.

He smirked, before starting to caress them gently. “Good girl.”

While still sensitive, the gentle rubbing felt like ecstasy compared to the abuse moments previous. She briefly closed her eyes.

This didn’t last long. She soon felt his large cock slide in between her tits and start thrusting. This caused her to wince, it was not only the pressure of his dick in between her tits but the pressure he was applying to both tits as he mushed them up. He would moan as his cock reached her chin and his pelvis pressed up the underside of her boobs.

Just as she would get used to the pressure, he would add in a pinch of a nipple. Or a slap on her tit flesh that would make her shriek.

He readjusted position, she knew what was coming next. For more times than she could count, he entered her young, tight pussy.

He moaned as he violently thrusted into her. His grip on her tits increased with each blow. Truthfully even though he was a big man, she could barely feel his dick, all she would feel was the pressure he was applying to her throbbing tits.

She started to shriek increasingly louder. This encouraged him. As he came closer to cumming, he squeezed her tits like they were stress balls.

And then, it happened.

He saw something. Small, almost unnoticeable. ‘

‘This can’t be’. He though to him self.

As he continued to assault the poor teen’s pussy. He repositioned both of his hands around her left tit. He needed to investigate this further.

Katee let out a small sigh of relief, before crying out again as he roughly squeezed around her nipple.

“Hallelujah!” He cried “It’s a miracle!”

Katee confused, looked up at him.

He dove mouth first onto her nipple.

For what he saw, was a drop of a white substance, which could only mean one thing..

He continue to slowly thrust into her as he wrapped his mouth around her nipple like a piglet would on his mother’s teat. He squeezed her tit with all his force, causing her to cry. He didn’t care.

He sucked with all of his might, and to his ecstacy he started to taste a creamy sweet substance.

Katee looked, down, she shrieked, this time in horror at what was happening.

Although obscured by the ogres head, she would see glimpses of a white substance coming from her nipple, and being sucked into this monster’s mouth!

Mr. Wilson continued to suckle her tit with all his might. The more he sucked, the more freely the milk started to come out.

The flood gates, if you will, had opened.

He squeezed her tits, which caused the milk to spurt into his mouth. This was the best milk he had ever tasted. It was full, almost the consistency of coffee creamer, but slightly sweet as well. There were little globules of fat in it which added to the flavor.

He came up for air per say, and smiled at the young teen. She looked at him with absolute horror as she saw her breast milk dripping down his chin.

He smiled at her. “just when I thought things couldn’t get any better slut, or should I saw cow.” He cackled.

Without a second thought he turned to her right tit. Knowing what to do now, he roughly squeezed it, expressing a bead of yellowish milk from it, before putting his around it. Sure enough, a steady stream of milk started to flow.

The old man drank the teen’s breast milk thirstily. Katee looked on in horror. While he drank from the right tit, he continued to squeeze the left. Breast milk was now coming out freely from the tit and dribbling down her body and onto her stomach, bed, and even down to the floor.

He came up for air once more. He squeezed both tits and moaned as breast milk started to squirt from them freely.

This turned him on more than ever, he returned to fucking her with all his force. The harder he squeezed her tits, the more milk came out. As he came deep in her pussy, she screamed as he gave her tits one final squeeze. With this, multiple sprays of breast milk came streaming out of her tits in various directions.

He finally lifted his weight off of her. He stood over his teen sex doll. The bed, was drenched in what was mix of her sweat and breast milk. There was pools of it every where. The last spray had even gotten on the wall, there were multiple puddles forming on the room. He didn’t care, to him this was sexier than ever. He looked at her tits moving up and down her chest as she was breathing heavily. They were still bigger and rounder then ever. Drops of milk were crawling down her tits still in all directions.

Katee was in shock. Tears welled in her eyes. What was she becoming? Would she ever go back to normal?

She couldn’t think of the answers to these big questions. All she could think about, was that for the first time in days since the doctors injected her, her tits weren’t throbbing…