Teacher – 17 Day 4 – Sunday Evening – A score is settled

When they got home, they all helped to bring in the groceries. Once they were done, Adam said, “Mom, I know you have some grading to do. Dad, do you think you could go with could go with Summer to get her things out of her apartment?”

“Sure, but I thought you were going to help too.”

“Don’t be upset, but I have some studying to do.”

“But Adam. I wanted you to see my place.” Summer whined.

“I can still see it. It will take some time to until you can cancel your rental agreement. You said that you had to give at least a month’s notice before you can get out.”

“Summer, just get what you need for now to be comfortable here. You don’t need to get everything today. You don’t even need to bring any clothes if you don’t want to,” Laura laughed.

“Ture, but I don’t want to be away from Adam. Besides, do you trust me to be alone, in the nude, in my apartment with your Dad? Or in your case Laura, your husband?” Summer said slyly.

“Summer, before this week I would have trusted Allen to be in a room full of naked girls. More recently though, I have seen you do things with him, Adam, and even me. The me from that time would have flipped out, at most of those things, but now, in light of what I have experienced, I still trust him, and even you, but in a different way. I am not the one that needs to extend the trust, however. Neither Allen nor I hold your contract. That is Adam. Adam, what do you say?”

“Summer, you are contracted to me, I trust you completely. Dad, because you are my dad, I trust you too. That being said, I think there may be some participation required tonight when the Benson’s come over. I want this thing between Jen and Summer settled once and for all. I am not sure what is going to take place, but it probably would be a good idea for both of you to be fresh and full of energy, if you get my drift. Dad, Summer, I give both of you permission to have as much fun as you need to but just don’t overdo it, please.”

“Damn, I forgot that Jen and her family is coming over. Adam, you said that you would protect me. If you do though, how will you satisfy Jen so that she forgives me?”

“Just trust me. I have an idea about that. Just go get your things so that you can stay here comfortably. Dad, please help her get her things so that you can be back in time for dinner before the Benson’s get here.”

“Okay. Come on Summer. I have boxes in the back of my car.”

Once they were gone, Laura asked, “Adam, what is going on. I know you don’t have any schoolwork due, so you wanted Summer out of here for some reason. What are you up to.”

“That encounter with Jen today really pissed me off. She knew what she was doing. She is going to be a lawyer after all. She, out of anyone, should know that when a business has a sign stating no overt sexual activity posted, and you do some sexual act out in the middle of an open area, there would be penalties. She was intentionally trying to get Summer’s sentence extended, and at the same time get my contract with her revoked. She had no right to do that.”

“I know but what can you do?”

“I remember in my reading about household hierarchies and visitors that also have hierarchies set up. I am not sure about the details, so I need to do some research. I think I may know a way to put Jen in her place. But I need to make sure. Once I know for sure I will need to talk to Mr. Benson to confirm some things with him. Dad already called him while we were at the store, and he is expecting me to call him in a little while.”

“What are you planning?”

“I’m not going to tell you Mom. Just know that you need to play along. The less you know, the better. I may have to do some things that I don’t want to do, but I will do what I need to, to end this tonight.”

A couple of hours later, Allen and Summer returned. Summer drove her car and parked behind Allen.

“How was packing?” Adam asked.

“It was fun, frustrating as hell, but fun. Your dad kept running a hand lightly up between my legs and across my pussy every time he was behind me, and I bent over. The frustrating thing was that is all he would do. I tried to get him to do more, but he simply would say, ‘No, not the time nor the place.’ He got me all reaved up and… NOTHING. I’m as horny as hell. I want you now.”

“Well, you are going to have to wait for a while. This may be the place, but it is not the time, yet.”

“Fuck. You are a meanie, you know that?”

“I don’t want you to relieve yourself either. Do you understand me? You are to behave at all times until I say otherwise. I told Mon the same thing. I even told Dad that there is a no relief policy in effect until later.”

“But you don’t have authority over your Dad. How can you tell him that? I mean if he wants to fuck your mom, you can’t stop him.”

“True. But I asked him to resist his urges, and he as agreed. And you cannot go and ask him what is going on. He knows a little more than you, but not enough to satisfy your curiosity. Now let’s get your boxes out of the car.”

Adam helped them bring in the dozen or so boxes. Some went to the storeroom and some into Adam’s room. As expected, there was not a single article of clothing in any of them.

When they were done with the boxes, Laura was done making dinner. They all sat down to a pleasant stir fry.

“Laura, this is great. I can make things out of a box, but I am not very creative in the kitchen.”

“That’s okay Summer, you are creative in the bed, on the kitchen table, the living room floor, and various other places,” Adam laughed.

“I’m not looking forward to tomorrow,” Laura said. I never like Sunday evenings because that means that I have to go to work again tomorrow. But now that I am sentenced as Green, I still have two, No THREE more days semi-nude. God know what more they are going to heap on me tomorrow. The first day I just had to stand with my legs apart, The next day I had to also Pee in front of my class. What new horror are they going to think of for my next day. I’m sure they are not going to just let it stay the same.”

“Now Laura, you know you can get though it. You survived your anniversary party. I thought I had seen it all at the H-Store, but damn your family is into things that even I had not seen before. You may try to present an image of being a normal family, but fuck me silly, your family is fucking kinky.”

“I had always wanted Laura to just relax a little from her conservative attitude toward sex, but my in-laws are much wilder than I had ever thought.” Allen said. “Summer, you seem to fit right in. I’m glad you and Adam got together.”

Soon their dinner was done, and they rinsed the dishes and put them in the washer. When they were just finishing, the doorbell rang.


“Show time people, follow my lead. Summer, trust me when I say you are going to be okay. It may seem that I am not on your side at times, but I am always going to be on your side.”

Allen opened the door and in walked Jen, Brad, Robbin who was in a bra without a shirt, and Pat.

“Hello Benson’s welcome to the Burk’s.”

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Benson. Thank you for agreeing to come over tonight. I would like to settle this tiff that Jen has with Summer once and for all.”

“Please call us Pat and Robin. You are old enough to call us by our names.”

“Why are you only in a Bra, Robin?”

“Brad here was complaining that he is 24 years old and did not feel that he should be subject to my discipline as number three in our household. This afternoon Pat suggested that we play a game of tennis as a challenge to my authority. We did and he won.”

“Ya, a few years ago I don’t think I could have won, but you have slowed down a little Mom. Not that you are old by any means, but just not at your prime when it comes to tennis anymore.”

“Okay, I get that, but why the Red and White band?” Adam asked.

“As the winner, I decided that she should have a reminder for a while, so I sentenced her to Red and White for a week. It was the least I could do. Literally.” Brad laughed.

“I’m sorry Mrs., I mean Robin.” Adam said.

“It’s not that big of a deal. I mean your Mom and Summer have a much worse sentence after all. By the way I thought you were Green Laura. Why is your band, Yellow?”

Adam jumped in and said, “Mom was misbehaving to me and Summer, so I upped her to Yellow while in the house.”

“You’re okay with that Allen?” Pat asked.

“Who am I to complain about seeing more of my beautiful wife. She and Summer have come to an understanding since then. Everything is good. She reverts to Green out of the house, so all is good.” Allen laughed.

“Laura, is always good to see you no matter what level of nudity you are at.” Robin said.

“Adam, how do you want to kick this off? You are the one directing things tonight.” Allen said.

“Jen, I understand that you are pissed at Summer for what she did to you a few years ago. I want you to forgive her and drop your complaint and make peace “

“I don’t know how you are really going to make me forgive Summer, Adam. She is a bitch, and once a bitch, always a bitch.”

“Jen, please talk civilly to our neighbors.” Pat said.

“Dad, I told you what she did. You agreed with me. You even used her like the urinal that she is.”

“Jen, I think we all got a little out of hand yesterday.” Pat said.

“Ya, We used her as a urinal, and she still gave Dad and me the best blowjob I have ever had.”

“That just goes to show she is used to having a cock in her mouth. I like Adam. I have known him since he could hardly walk. I babysat him when he was growing up. He is a good kid, and I don’t like that Summer has set her talons into him. She is manipulating him.”

“Jen, you are wrong. Summer has changed. She is paying for what she did. She is sorry for her past.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“What more do you want from Summer?”

“I want her to kiss my ass. No make that I want her to French kiss my ass with her tongue. I want her to stick her tongue as deep into my ass as she can. Right now, in front of my family and yours. I want her tied down so I can push my ass in her face so that she can clean me real good. If she is lucky, I won’t have the urge to make her also eat shit right from my ass.”

“Jen, you don’t need to be such a bitch,” Brad said.

“Fuck off Brad, you just like her because she gives good blowjobs.”

“Okey Jen let’s see how you want to bind her. Does this padded sawhorse work? You can tie her facing up and then you can sit on her face to your hearts content.”

“Adam why are you helping her. You are scarring me.”

“Summer I am prepared to have you do whatever it takes to end this.”

“You are prepared, what about me…”

“Summer, mind your place. I am in charge of you, and I will do what I must to end this. You just have to obey me. You know that. “


“Summer, not another word.”

Summer looked like she had been slapped. She hung her head and just stood there.

“Why is the cross beam funny?” Jen asked when she saw the device.

“It must have been bumped when we set it off to the side. It can flip over and convert to a punishment device.”

“Show me.” Jen said.

Adam turned the cross bar over revealing a vertical support board that was 6 inches tall and about a half inch wide. “You have the victim stand over this and crank up the whole thing until it is pressing into their groin. In medieval days it was used as a torture device to get heretics to confess. They could be left on it for hours. I, myself, would never use it on anyone. It is just cruel. Some masochists are into it so it is an option. “

Adam was about to flip it back to the padded side when Jen said, “Stop. Change of plans. I want Summer on this.”

Summer said “Please no. I had to do that once at the H-store. It was horrible. I hated it. The policy was 20 minutes max, and they ran it to the limit. I had an hour’s rest time, and they did it again. It was even worse the second time because I was already sore. Adam please don’t let her do this.”

“Quiet Summer. Remember I said I am willing to do what it takes to end this. You don’t have a say about it. Now quiet.”

They pulled the device to the middle of the living room. Adam lowered the whole thing down so that it was well below Summer’s crotch.

“OK Summer, please stand over the beam.”

She looked at Adam with tears in her eyes but complied with his command.

Jen had found a spreader bar and attached it to her ankles and spread it to about four feet wide.

“Adam please…”

“Enough talking.” He found a rubber ball gag and forced it into her mouth and buckled it behind her head.

Summer had one hand on the bar In front of her and one on the bar behind her to help keep her balance.

“Tie her hands behind her, hand to elbow. I don’t want her to cheat. I want her to feel the board where it counts.” Adam did as Jen requested.

“Now raise it. Let’s see how much she hates it. Half an hour should be enough. Then I’ll have her do that rim job we talked about. “

Adam started raising the device. Summer was openly crying now, and tears were running down her face and landing on her breasts. Those were merging with earlier tears and were starting to drop to the floor. When the bar first met her pussy, Jen grabbed her pussy lips and pulled them apart. “I want the bar to get in there.”

Then Adam stopped cranking.

“Why are you stopping? I want her far enough up so that she can only touch the ground with one toe. Not both.”

“Jen, I have a question. When you had me tell Summer to masturbate in the store did you know that it was against store policy? Did you also know the consequences of Summer’s actions would be an extension of her sentence and a revoking of my contract with her for telling her to do what she was doing in violation of the policy?”

“Ya, So what? That is basic corporate law. We learn that in first year.”

“Why did you do it?”

“I thought it was a win, win, win.”

“What do you mean?”

“Her sentence would be extended, Her contract with you would be nullified, and I would have some justice.”

“Do you hear that Mr. Benson.”

“Yes, I did. I am surprised at you Jen. I thought you would be better than that. You have violated the trust of the Burk’s and in so doing you have violated our family trust. I am going to have to sentence you a level of red and white for the next seventy-two hours.”

“But Dad, I was doing it for Adam. I don’t want to see him get burned by this bitch.”

“Full Yellow and white. For the next week. Starting now.”

“Whatever.” When she was standing in her conservative underwear, she said “Satisfied?”

Allen said, “Actually, we have a policy in this house that everyone that is currently serving a sentence with a lower status than Summer has to be at least the same level as Summer, you need to strip completely “

“I did not agree to that.”

“You did not need to, your dad agreed to follow the rules of our household. “

“I did. I didn’t realize the full consequences of it at the time, but I did agree.”

“H-BOT, could you please state the status of each person in this room?”

“Allen Burk – 1

Adam Burk – 2

Pat Benson – 2

Summer Tate – 3

Brad Benson – 3

Laura Burk – 4

Robin Benson – 4

Jen Benson – 5”

Brad said, “why are we one level down from what we should be?”

“You are guests in our household, That is an automatic drop of one level.” Adam said.

Pat turned to Robin and said, “hear that dear? You are a four here and any sentenced person below a three is an automatic Yellow in this house.”

“I hadn’t planned on this, but rules are rules.” And she stared stripping.

“Sorry about that Mom,” Brad said. “Dad, did you know about that when you asked me to challenge mom for three?”

“I had an idea. I didn’t know you would sentence your mom to a red-white sentence, however. That is just icing on the cake.,” Pat laughed.

“I’m going to leave. I don’t need to deal with this crap.” Jen said. She was still in her underwear.

“Jen, if you leave, I will up you to a Yellow for a full week. No more arguments. I’m tired of you always pushing the limits. I think Summer is fine. She was willingly going to be tortured so satisfy your grudge. That shows how far she is willing to go. Adam, release your girlfriend and let her have some relief.”

“Fuck you Dad, I’m an adult. I’m not going to submit to your twisted rules.” Jen said.

“Make that, two weeks, as a Yellow.”

“Fuck you, Dad! This whole family is Fucked!”

“Jen, you are a member of our household, you agreed to abide by the rules. I am going to up your sentence to Yellow for Three weeks. H-BOT”

“…yes…”, the device replied.

“I, Pat Benson, hereby sentence Jen Benson to three solid weeks as a Yellow for disrespect to family and neighbors and for the willful attempt to cause others to violate valid contracts.”

“… Jen Benson is now registered as a Yellow for Three weeks.”

“Fuck you all,” and stared for the door.

“Brad please restrain your sister.” Robin said.

Brad wrapped his arms around Jen, preventing her from leaving.

While Jen was throwing her temper tantrum. Adam took out Summer’s ball gag. “I am so sorry Summer. I had to go through this to get to where we needed to be. I need your response to be genuine. I would never really hurt you; I love you.”

When Adam said he loved Summer, her head jerked up and said “You, you … love me?” she said in a small quiet voice.

“Yes, I do. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you. “

“I Love to. I’ve said that before but never really meant it until now. Adam, you are so good to me. Thank you for coming into my life.“

Adam untied her hands so that she could use them to keep her balance. Then the spreader bar and cuffs came off. Once she was free, he cranked down the stand so that she could shimmy off one end. She wrapped her arms around Adam when she could and gave him a full body hug.

“You know sis, they look pretty darn real to me.”

“Fuck you Brad.”

“Jen, I think you owe Summer an apology” her mother said.

“I don’t see why. She is the one that wronged me first I was just getting even.”

“Summer has done everything you have asked, and more. You went out of your way to wrong both her and me. I want you to feel a little of what Summer has had to endure. Pat as number 2 in this house I have authority over all lower individuals. You are also number 2. As equals, if you disagree, we can ask the H-bot for a random arbitrary call for who makes a given decision between us. Dad can also override a call as the number 1 in this house. Will you let me take over Jen’s discipline this evening for her actions against Summer and me earlier today?”

“Adam, I had no idea how mature you had become. You have impressed the hell out of me. I give you full permission.”

“Can you say that to the H-BOT?”

“H-Bot, I, Pat Benson, give full authority over my family to Adam Burk.”

There was a pause and then, “Authority transferred.”

“H-Bot, Please state the current levels of people in this house.” Adam said.

“Allen Burk – 1

Adam Burk – 2

Summer Tate – 3

Pat Benson – 3

Laura Burk – 4

Brad Benson – 4

Robin Benson – 5

Jen Benson – 6”

“Whoa, I did not I intend to include me or Brad.”

“You must be very careful in your wording. Don’t worry, you guys are safe.”

“Doesn’t Brad have to strip now.” Jen asked.

“He is not sentenced so does not need to, but may do so, if he chooses. Pat you are equal to Summer and may choose to strip also. In fact, let’s all strip and get that part over with. I mean we have all seen everything already at the party yesterday.” Soon, there were seven nude individuals.

Jen stood looking at everyone in the room as if they completely lost their minds. “I don’t like this shit at all. I thought you were better than this Adam.”

“Other than Jen, does anyone have an issue with the current state of undress in this house?” A few “no’s” were heard. “See Jen, anyone who counts is okay.” Adam said.

Robin stood next to Laura. “I had no idea Adam could take such command. When did that happen?”

“About the moment Summer happened. He was easy going before but she brings out a side I have not seen before. I think it is good but when I am on the receiving end it is difficult to accept sometimes.”

“I’m sure. Allen, how are you with all this?”

“I have wanted to shake things up for a long time. Adam has been a great help. Then Summer has taken it to the next level.”

They turned to watch what the kids were up to.

“Jen, you are going to find out what you were going to subject Summer to. You are going to sit on top of that board like you wanted Summer to do.”

“Like HELL I am. I am not going to do any such thing. You can all fuck yourselves. She is the one that wronged me. I am not going to do anything.”

“I was afraid of that. Brad, can you help?”

Jen was looking at Summer and Adam, and did not notice Brad had moved behind her again until he wrapped his arms around her.

“Brad, what the fuck are you doing?”

“Finally putting you in your place.”

“Jen you are way over dressed. Let me help correct that.” Pat said.


Pat undid her bra and with Robins help, they were able to get the straps off her arms. Jen had larger breasts than her mother and they were almost as large as Laura. Her nipples were even more prominent than Summer’s.

Together Jen’s parents then pulled her panties down exposing her full dark bush. She tried to kick them but they each grabbed a leg to stop her.

Summer and Adam quickly grabbed the spreader bar and with some difficulty, got the Velcro straps around her ankles. Her legs were now spread four feet apart and it would have been very hard for her to run away, but she could still yell.

“You are all fucked up. I’m the victim here! Stop this!”

“Jen, you brought this on yourself. We both said that you had done enough. You just would not let it go. When you tried to make Adam almost violate his contract, you wronged him too. Now, both Adam and Summer, deserve to have their retribution.”

“Fuck you all. You are all fucked, I will get my revenge.” Adam tried to force the ball gag into her mouth, but she shut it tight to prevent him from succeeding.

Brad had his arms wrapped around his sister. When he saw Adams dilemma, he grabbed her nipples. And tweaked them until she yelled out in pain. The moment her mouth opened; it was filled with a gag ball.

With Jen unable to run, Brad moved to her front and pinned her arms to her sides. It still took both Adam and Summer working together to tie her arms behind her back, hands to elbows.

“Damn sis, your body looks so hot and feels so fine. Look at how hard you have made my cock. If you weren’t my sister, I would love to have fun with you.” She looked down and saw his large cock pressed to her abdomen.

“Mu ma a Madrd” was all that came out.

“Mom, Did you have me out of wedlock? I think she just called me a bastard.”

“No dear, I can assure you are not a bastard. Jen, dear, please give your brother some respect.”

A muffled “MMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAA” was all that could be made out.

They all stood for a moment admiring Jen’s body. She worked out several times a week and she had abs to show for it. She had prominent tan lines that showed evidence of a conservative two piece suit. Her large breasts appeared larger because of how white they were compared to the tan of her upper chest and stomach. Her ass and pussy area was equally white. She was mostly unshaven and quite hairy. She trimmed for her suit but no more than absolutely necessary.

“Okey Jen. We have you all set up like Summer was. Now we just need to give you a place to sit.” Adam said.

Adam lowered the stand as far as it would go. With Summer’s help they were able to get the feet over the spreader bar and then it was just a matter of sliding it into position under her.

“OK Jen, how did you say you wanted Summer to experience this. You wanted it high enough that she could only touch one toe at a time to the floor. I’m sure you won’t mind if that is what I do for you. Will you.” He paused for her to respond, but any response was a muffled sound. “No words? Well I guess you agree with me then.” He started cranking up the elevation. When it came in contact with her pussy, Adam said, “Summer, can you remind me what she did when it was at this level?”

Summer stood before Jen, grabbed her pussy lips, one in each hand and pulled apart until Jen squealed in pain. “She said it should get right in there. I’m just returning the favor, Jen. Adam, crank away.”

Adam slowly cranked the elevating device. Soon Jen started to moan, but she was still on her toes on both feet. Adam cranked a little more until only one foot at a time could touch the floor.

Summer walked up to Jen and said, “Now you said you wanted me to be on this board for thirty minutes. You have been on it for one. How does it feel?” A long whimper came out of Jen. “I was on the board for a total of forty minutes. Maybe, you can try for that. Or should we just go for a solid hour? I’ve heard that some extreme masochists can go that long or even longer.

Jen simply cried. “It stings doesn’t it.” She paused for a few moments. She pulled on Jens prominent nipples hard enough to cause her to lean forward. “you know when I was on this, they tied my arms up in back of me so that I had to lean forward or dislocate my shoulders. It really presses on your clit like this, doesn’t it. Lets see.” She said, “Adam please take over for me. Make sure she stays leaning forward at least as much as she is now.” He did as instructed. She reached down and felt between Jen’s legs. “Yep, clit on the board. Brad can you see her ass hole?”

“Yes, it is clearly visible.”

“Go find a toy in the toy chest, make sure it is nice and big and shove it in her ass. It may take her mind off her poor pussy.

Brad looked at the available toys and ***********ed one. It was large but smooth. He made sure Jen saw it before returning to her back side, and started slowly pushing it in. He met with a lot of resistance at first but once the tip was in it got easier. Jen yelled when the widest part was in. “What is the matter sis? Is this bigger than the stick that is normally up your ass?” She just shook her head and screamed into her gag at his comment.

“Turn it on,” Summer said. Soon a loud Hum could be heard over Jens whimpers.

“Ok Adam, let her go. She can rock back and relieve the pressure on her clit.”

When she tipped her body back, the vibrator came into contact with the board and amplified the sound.

Jen whimpered even more

“What’s wrong. Don’t like how the board transfers the vibration to your poor pussy?”

Tears were running down her face like they had been for Summer. After a couple minutes of Jen rocking from toe to toe trying to find any relief. Summer said “Adam, let it down. She now knows how it feels. I wanted her to experience some of what I “GOT” to experience in the H-Store.” Adam lowered the stand. Jen hopped on her toes as best she could once her feet were fully on the ground. Adam released one foot and Summer the other. Jen gingerly tiptoed off the stand. She tipped her hips from side to side to try to rub her sore pussy.

The still vibrating toy slipped from her ass and fell to the floor with a thud. Brad retrieved it and turned it off.

Summer ran her hand up and down Jen’s pussy massaging it. Jen pressed her hips into Summer’s hand trying to rub the pain away. “It isn’t fun is it. You were on it for only about five minutes. I was on a full twenty minutes, two times. I know how it feels. You feel like your pussy it the entire universe and the universe is filled with pain.” Jen nodded her head. “Will you behave if I take the gag out?” Again she nodded. Summer removed the gag.

A moan was the first thing out of her mouth. “Oh God, I had no idea how much that could hurt.”

“I want you to experience a sampling of what I did in the H-Store. Pat, can you turn her band blue for a little while? I want her to be a NoNa so that she can really feel how it is to be used by anyone anyway they want.”

Pat pushed a few buttons on his band and soon Jen’s band turned Blue. Then he said, “H-Bot, Until I say so, Jen Benson will be a NoNa.”


“Okay NoNa, You have no rights over your body. We are going to put you back on the saw horse.”

“No, no, no! God no!” she started to panic and looked around wildly, looking for an escape.

“Relax, you will be on the padded side. On your back. You can take it easy because you won’t need to do anything.”

Jen’s hands were untied, the cross bar was turned to the padded side. The side braces were adjusted so that her arms and legs were wide apart. Almost like Summer was when Adam first met her. “Ok everyone. This cum receptacle is open for business. Who wants to be first?”

Brad said, “I think it might be fun. What end do I want to try? Pussy or mouth. I know I will do Pussy and then have her clean me off with her mouth. Summer why not teach her how to use that tongue of hers for something other than swearing.”

“Brad, you are my brother. That is gross”

“No, I am not. You are a NoNa. You have no family. I expect my Mom and Dad will want to try you out too.”

“It looks like the early show is over. The kids are having relaxing fun now.” Pat said. Then turning to Allen, he said, “I wouldn’t mind sampling Laura; I didn’t get a chance to have your wife show me her oral skills yesterday. The line was a bit long and mostly for family and it was after all a party to celebrate your family, so I didn’t want to push my way in,” Pat said.

“No problem. Laura, show Pat what you have learned over the last few days.” He turned to Pat and said, “She really has improved.”

“Allen, that’s embarrassing.”

“Come on Laura, you go down on Pat. I’ll crawl under you so that you can settle on my face. And Allen can fuck me. Everyone is happy.” Robin said. “Ever since I got a little taste of you in front of our house a few days ago. I have really wanted to sample it from the source.”

“Great idea Robin, then she can clean you out when I’m done. She still needs pussy licking practice. Or maybe, the NoNa will be available by then.”

“Robin, if you want me to eat you out, or give Pat a BJ. I will. Allen likes to share me. He had talked about it for years, even before Adam came along. It used to be just steamy bedroom talk. Now, well, it is what it is. I don’t mind it as much as I thought I would. It is just that when things are done out in public that bothers me. Being seen by my students and their parents is what bothers me. When I have no control over who can see or touch me, that bothers me. If your family wants to play, I can play.”

“Good, because Pat is about as hard as he is going to get. Summer sitting on Jen’s face is getting him hot. Brad also seems to be enjoying her pussy.” She looked at both husbands and said, “I can hardly wait to be double teamed by Pat and Allen. Have you been DP’d yet?”

“Oral and pussy?”

“God, that is good. But no, that is called spit roasted, I mean pussy and ass at the same time. Add oral for a triple, and it is the best.”

“Damn you are kinky. You are as bad as Summer. How did you hide it from us all these years?”

“We simply did not talk about it in front of you. Hell, even the kids didn’t know.”

“You are good.”

“Ya, fine now get your mouth on my husband’s cock so that I can eat you out while your husband fucks me.”

Brad looked over and saw what their parents were up to, and it sent him over the top and he came in NoNa’s pussy. When he pulled out, he said, “Summer, I know you are having your fun, but I need the NoNa to clean my cock off before I make more of a mess.”

“Sure Brad. She did only okay on my Pussy, maybe she will do better for you. I think she just needs more motivation. Adam, can you fuck her in the ass for a bit. She needs to be kept occupied. God knows I was, when I was in that Damn Store.”

Adam got behind NoNa and pumped a few times into her pussy to get lubricated then jammed into her ass. He was not gentle about it. He knew what Summer had endured and he wanted Jen to know how it felt. As Brad and Adam kept her busy on both ends. Summer went to the toy box and found what she was looking for. A few clothes pins and a riding crop.

“Brad, you may want to pull out. She is not going to like this and she may accidentally bite. I don’t want you to get hurt.” When Brad pulled out, she applied clothes pins to both nipples at the same time. NoNa let out a loud cry of pain. “What’s the matter NoNa? You don’t like that.”

“No please take them off! They hurt.”

“Okay. I will take them off. Adam, help me unstrap her, she is going for another ride on the edge of the board. If she doesn’t want these little toys on her nipples, then that is what she gets.”

“No, no, not the board! Please I can’t do that again.”

“It is your choice. Board or I get to play with some toys. What will it be? Mind you if you choose the board, it will be for at least fifteen minutes. Oh, we will also use a bigger stronger vibrator in your ass. I have one in my private collection in Adam’s room. It was a gag present that someone gave me a while back. I just use it on the outside of me but I think with a little work, and maybe some oil, we can get it into your ass. Once you are set up I will set a timer and you will get to see the time ever so slowly tick down until we release you. Just know that after that, we will tie you just like you are again, and we start all over.”

“Not the board.”

“Good girl. I know from experience how much that hurts.” She took another clothespin and attached it to her clit. Again, NoNa screamed in pain. “Don’t worry, the pain deadens in a minute or so. Then I will take them off.” After about two minutes, Summer did as she promised, and took the clips off both nipples and after a pause, her clit. She was rewarded with another scream. “Oh, did I forget to tell you, when they come off, it is almost as painful when the blood rushes in, than when they go on. Lets try this again.” She put the nipple clothespins on at a 90 degree turn from the first time. Then rather than the single pin on her clit, she placed one on each side of the pussy lips. Each time NoNa called out in pain. To add to the torment. Summer used the crop and slapped the bottom side of each breast a couple of times and a few on each inner thigh.

“This is fun isn’t it? Being fucked in the ass and having clips put on sensitive parts and being slapped with a riding crop. I know I am enjoying it. Are you?”

“No, I hate it. You are a bitch for doing this to me.”

“Adam stop fucking her.” When Adam did, Summer grabbed Jen’s jaw so she couldn’t look away and leaned down so that their faces were inches apart. Summer saw real fear in Jen’s eyes. “NoNa are you saying this is not fun? Well, this is just a sampling of what I had to endure for hours at a time several days a week. The ones that used me did not give a fuck what I felt. They just did what they did for their own pleasure. I could not say no. Some of it was kind of fun, some I didn’t care for, and some was just awful. But I survived. They monitored it so no real damage was done, but it still sucked. And do you know what the worst part was? The absolute worst part? It was when I was finally let go and I could go home, because I knew that in two days, I would be back for more. I did not have a choice. It was that or a year of being nude. If I did back out of the store contract, my year would be extended by 25%. I hate being nude too and looking at more than a year of it, well that was too much to handle. I had no real friends, so it was me alone, nude. That is why I am so damn grateful to Adam. He was nice to me when no one gave a damn. His whole family has been nice to me. I will never do anything to hurt any of them.”

“I, I’m, I’m sorry Summer. I did not realize just how bad it was for you. I am mad that you did what you did to me. But I forgive you. You have had to endure more than I realized. If you make Adam happy. I will be happy for him.”

“I think we have a breakthrough. Did everyone hear that. Jen say it again”

“I’m sorry and I forgive you Summer,” Jen said in a loud voice.

There were cheers around the room

“Now I have to endure three weeks of Yellow for being a bitch myself.” Jen said forlornly.

Adam turned to Pat and said, “Sir, you gave Jen a two-week Yellow sentence. Would you be willing to modify it? Instead of two solid weeks, how about we do it as four Fridays, say 3 to Monday morning 6, under my control as a pseudo-contractee. The time may be in the house or outside as the situation arises? That is only 10 1/2 days total time and not 21, or Half the time. A similar deal to what Summer is getting by being my Contractee. But here is the catch, she would be under my control and, of course, Summer’s. We would make sure she learns from her sentence. As a Yellow, on her own, she would probably try to hide in her room most of the time. If you give me control over her, I could adjust her sentencing as needed at any given time. I assure you I will make sure she experiences no permanent harm. She may feel discomfort of various degrees, physical and mental, but with Summer’s help I think we can really help Jen grow.”

“You know Adam, I think that is an excellent idea. You have shown me that you are mature beyond your years. I think Jen can learn a few things from you, and Summer for that matter. Can the rest of us come to play during that time?”

“Of course. You can watch or join in or whatever suits your fancy. You can just play with Mom or Dad if you want. I don’t think they would mind the extra company.”

Laura’s face was shiny with Robin pussy juice and Allen’s cum. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think that is a great idea, Adam. What do you think Summer?”

“Well, I do have a lot more I want to show Jen. I Think four weekends is enough to show the highlights. Brad, it would also be fun to play more with you too. You are more than welcome to come over too.”

“H-Bot… I Pat Benson, modify Jen Benson’s Three-week Yellow sentence. She will now serve it in Four increments starting next Friday at 3:00 to Monday morning at 6:00 for the next four weekends. During that time, she will be under Adam Burk’s full control.”

“Jen Benson’s Yellow sentence has been modified to start Friday at 3:00 PM to Monday 6:00 AM for the next four weeks. Adam Burk will be responsible for her, equivalent to a contractor to her, during that time. Modification had been updated and logged with the state.”

“So, there you have it. All done.”

“Don’t I get a say?” Jen asked.

The response was seven unison “NO!”s.