Tea party for a cross dresser

She was up early also. She had an early delivery. A box was delivered. She unloaded most of it’s contents into the fridge. Sandwiches and cakes. She took a 3 tier cake stand out the dish washer. China cups were ready. Table cloth was still in it’s wrapping.

I decided I’d walk over to her place. It wasn’t far and it was a nice day. Once dressed I picked up the bag and headed out the door. I arrived just before 8. She answered the door in her dressing gown. “darling” she said and we kissed each other on both cheeks as I entered. I stood in the hall. The flat had high ceilings. We went to the kitchen. We discussed proceedings over tea and toast. Showers were a must. I had a lot of shaving to do. That would take some time.

There was one bathroom in the flat. I picked up my bag and took it in with me. I closed the door behind me but didn’t lock it. I stripped and got in the shower. It was a standing shower, no bath. I had an electric razor to use on the legs and arms. Doing the legs was quite a challenge. Hair went from my ankles all the way up to my butt and my legs were not short. I had to keep using a mirror to check for missed patches. A lot of hair lay beneath my feet. I turned on the shower and washed my legs and arms. I turned the water off and put shaving cream over a large part of my left leg. I began to shave gently. I did not want any cuts or rashes. Some of this would be easy. Some parts would be awkward to reach.

She entered the bathroom only in her PJs. She stripped bare and got in the shower cubicle with me. I moved to one side. She turned the water on. she washed her self whilst I sat just out of the waters reach still shaving. After she had washed she knelt down next to me. She was going to help shave the bits I could not reach. She was more experienced at shaving body parts than I was. I just relaxed and let her work. She took her time. Short strokes with the razor, washing the blade quite often. It took over an hour. I was hairless apart from my head. She left the bathroom and I showered. It was a great shower. Hot water and good pressure. I kept looking down at my hairless arms and legs. I looked over my shoulder to see my hairless bum! That was new to me. I was as smooth as I could get and free from cuts and rashes. Maybe she had something as well to make them look even smoother.

I entered her dressing room. There was the wardrobe, full length mirrors and a dresser. It was very tidy. Not so much was on display but I knew there was a lot packed away. This was her play area. The dressing room. It contained most items of clothing she had ever bought. Today I was invited in. She held up a small white tub. “This is leg make up” she said. I put my foot up on the stool and started to apply it. Small amounts at first and then more. I stood in only a pair of boxers and checked my legs out in a full length mirror. Blemishes were hidden or less obvious. I then applied it to my arms.

She produced a bottle of wine from the fridge and 2 glasses. “Is it too early to start drinking” I thought. “Probably not”. She filled the flutes with wine. We sipped whilst looking inside the wardrobe. There was an array of clothes on hangers. Lots of colours and textures. I had my bag with me. It contained my favourite piece. I pulled black stockings out the bag. I took my boxers off so I had nothing on. I then sat down and rolled up each stocking. They rolled up easy on my hairless legs. They came a few inches short of my bum cheeks. She pulled out black panties from a drawer. “Try these on” she said. I stood up looking into the full length mirror. Stocking clad legs and cock hanging out. I put each foot through the leg holes and pulled them up. “Nice” I thought. She admired from behind. We both looked at my legs in the mirror. “Heels” she said. I put heels on. I’m wearing these all day I thought to myself. They are not coming off!

She pulled more panties and stockings from a drawer. I sipped wine as she laid out underwear of various colours. So much choice. Lots of lace. Seeing them all laid out excited me. “I’m matching you” she said. She picked up black lace stockings, black panties and black bra. I looked through her drawers as she dressed. It was a dream pawing through all her lingerie. I pulled out a pair of lace arm sleeves. Lace, elegant and sexy I thought.

We were both wearing black lingerie and we were not done yet. Make up was still to be done. My idea was to keep it simple and not too much. However, certain features needed to be highlighted. I sat on the stool and she knelt in front of me. Skin coloured foundation was first. I sat with my eyes closed as she applied the foundation. I smilled as she applied it. It made my skin look more feminine. Red lip stick was next and she said I had to do it. I turned to face the mirror. I held the stick and tried to pout my lips. My hand was a little shaky as I brought the stick up towards my mouth. I brushed outwards from the middle on one side applying the lip stick then tried the same on the opposite side. I inspected it in the mirror. I pursed my lips together. I tried as carefully as I could to apply lip stick to the corners of my lips. Of course I ended up going over the line. However, she was on hand with a wet wipe to correct the mistake. I pursed my lips again then applied a second coat. I wanted to see what thick shiny red lips looked like on me. I stared at my lips in the mirror whilst pouting as much as I could before finishing off the wine I had. I looked at the glass to see a red lip stick mark on the rim of the glass. Perfect I thought to myself.

I looked back. She had the bottle of wine in one hand and blusher in the other. With her left hand she applied blusher to my cheeks and then with her right hand topped me up. Eye liner and mascara was next. I needed her for that. I closed my eyes as she ran the pencil around each eye. It didn’t hurt at all. Then I felt the small brush run through my lashes. I looked in the mirror again and seen the black outline around the whites of my eyes. Blushed cheeks, red lips and black lashes. “Gorgeous” I thought. She had to finish getting her self ready. I felt free to prance around. I tried to strut down the hall way wearing the heels. I turned on the spot then strutted straight back into the dressing room. I stopped, put my hands on my hips thrusting my torso outwards. She looked back from the stool and laughed. I laughed, drank more wine and checked my self out in the full length mirror. Every move I made was staccato. Heels, long legs, stockings, panties and glossy red lips. She did her make up and hair sitting at the dresser as I fooled around. I wrapped around a black feather boa around my neck. I brushed it against my skin. I’m having this I thought. I double wrapped the boa around my neck and the ends hung down over my chest. I then pulled on a long haired black wig. I was complete. She put on a ridiculously short cocktail dress. Her long blonde hair red lips and tiny dress were hot. She looked slutier than me which made me jealous. I finished off my wine. Leaving lip stick marks on glasses was my new hobby.

We were a sight and we admired ourselves in the full length mirrors. I could look at us all day. Posing made me smile. “Lets take a selfie” she said. She extended her arm as we came close together. Cheek to cheek through our long hair. I pouted my lips and opened my black lined eyes wide. A little memento for ourselves. She handed me a delicate looking ladies watch and I put it on my slim wrist. Look complete.

Afternoon tea

We walked to the kitchen side by side. My boa swayed as we walked. The sound of our heels loud on the floor. We just looked at each other and smiled. I loved the sound of heels. Once in the kitchen she boiled the kettle to make a pot of Earl Grey. We spread the table cloth over the table. She put the 3 tier cake stand on the table. We took the food out of the fridge and arranged it on the cake stand. Triangle cut sandwiches and small cakes. China tea cups and saucers and plates were placed next. We sat at the table facing each other. I sat upright and proper. We crossed our legs. She poured a little milk into each china cup from a jug then poured in the Earl grey. We sipped tea. I stuck my pinkie out whilst drinking which made her laugh. We nibbled sandwiches, looked into each others eyes, rubbed ankles together showing off our heels. She tugged gently on my boa. “Suits you” she said. Tea and sandwiches hit the spot. Small cakes were next. Pastry, sponge, icing and cream. Mmmmmm I thought. She looked straight at me when she bit half way into a cream finger which left cream and sugar on her lips. Hot, I thought. She ran her tongue slowly along the top lip and then along the lower lip mopping up the cream and the sugar. Raaaarrrrrrr. Sipping Earl grey, eating cake and flirting with Her. Perfect!

Next she grabbed my feather boa and pulled me towards Her. She rammed a cake in my partially open mouth getting some cake inside and a lot of cream and icing over my face. I laughed so much I couldn’t eat the cake as it just hung between my lips. She leaned into me biting through the cake and snogged the icing from my face leaving me with a little bit cake and an erection. Once she had eaten the cake and swallowed my cream she noticed. She laughed and collapsed into me. I put my arms around her as we laughed. I noticed her long pink nails. Something I did not have. Next time I thought.

There was more drink to get through. There was more wine and a bottle of Gin. I grabbed the Gin glasses from the cupboard. She got the ice and lemon. I pulled the Gin and Tonic bottles and poured us double measures. She cut slices of lemon. The drinks were finished off with 5 ice cubes each. “Cheers” we said. I was already giddy from the wine and the G&T was downable. We moved to the living room. She set the dimmer down low and she motioned me to dance. We danced close or at least tried to. In heels and tipsy I wasn’t very fluid. I looked down a lot at my feet whilst she dragged me round the living room. Then we held each other and she laid her heard down on my chest. I loved holding her. She started to gently scratch my arms with her long pink nails. Mmmmm that felt good. I stood still and was just feeling her nails. I couldn’t help the erection which pressed into her. She looked up and kissed me. It was a damn good kiss and I could taste sugar. when she pulled away she looked up at me and said we need to redo our lips.

We looked into the mirror. She was right. Our glossy red lipstick was smudged and defiantly needed a touch up. Again I did it myself. I leaned in close to the mirror and applied the lip stick. I made sure it was extra thick and extra glossy. A little slutty I hoped.


It was time for some games. She devised a game of twister for the 2 of us. We would do this wearing stockings and heels only. Nothing else. She positioed shots of Sambucca rougly in a circle on the floor. She got down on all fours in the middle of the circle and I got on all fours above her. I had to try and retrieve one of the shot glasses without touching any part of her. Not easy when you’re wearing no pants. This could get messy I thought. I widened my shoulders and arched my back as to avoid touching her. I eyed up a shot glass that looked easy to get. I reached my left hand over towards the glass and went up on my right foots tip toes to keep myself from touching her back then carefully brought the glass back. “I win” I said. She took the glass off me and downed the shot. Next I eyed up a glass I thought I could hook with my foot. I went up on tip toes on both feet. I leaned back and extended my left leg but before I knew it my cock dragged accross her butt. Damm I thought as I laughed. I downed the shot. “Next time you loose you can lick the Sambucca off me” she said. “And vice versa” I replied. “Yes” she said with a smile. There was a glass out in front of her but I would need to really extend myself to get it. I stood my legs up as much as I could and did the same with my arms. I lifted my right arm and left leg up then extended forward using my right leg and sent my left arm forward towards the glass but scuffed her shoulder. “Shot time” she said. She lay on her back and I got the shot glass. Looking down on here I decided where to pour the Smabucca. Without telling her I poured it along her clevage and went in for the kill. I ran my tongue right up between her tits untill I came up face to face with her. “Looks like the rules worked in my favor”! She wrapped her arms round the back of my head and pulled me in. “Arghhh you, I’m changing the rules.” she said. “You can’t do that” I replied. “My game, my rules. I’ll do what ever I want” she said. We contunued this until all the shots had been consumed. There were empty shot glasses scattered all over the floor. I colapsed onto my back. I was deffinatly drunk.


I went to the toilet. I stood with my back to the bowl and pulled down my panties and sat down. I looked down at my stockings with the panties around my ankles. I loved these stockings. I spread my legs apart and looked at the inside of the panties. Sexy I thought. On leaving I quickly checked / admired my makeup and headed to the livingroom.

“Ready for a film”? she asked. It was time to curl up and watch her favourite romantic film. I grabbed the wine bottle and glasses. She put the film on. We cuddled together on the couch. We pulled ourselves into each other and got comfy. Our stocking clad legs intertwined. our arms around each other. It was long film that I wasn’t too fussed about. I occasionally sipped wine throughout. I was more interested in looking at her than watching the film. I rested my head against hers. It was the last thing I remembered.

She was in the kitchen getting a drink of water. It had been a long day. When she returned to the living room. The film credits were rolling and I was lying back on the couch asleep. She looked down at me. Stockings and heels still on, no panties and the lipstick still had good shine. She pulled a blanket over us, cuddled into me and went to sleep.