Tales of Horn Springs – Family Friends – Part 1 of 3

I’m a bit conflicted. I love my job, but I do not want summer to end. I usually work during summer, but I decided to take this one off and let me tell you it has been nice to take a breather. 


My name is Dr. Derek Jones, I am 46, live in a city called Horn Springs, and I teach at the local college. I decided to take the summer off because I needed to give myself some time to recover from the past few years which have been difficult. My wife became ill and was bedridden until she passed away about a year and a half ago, leaving our two children and me to fend for ourselves. Luckily for me, my son and my daughter were pretty much already all grown up, so instead of me becoming Mr. Mom, we basically all became roommates.


My son, Seth Jones, is 24 and though he technically still lives here, we rarely see him. He often travels either for work or pleasure. I’m not surprised because he was always difficult to pin down while growing up. My daughter, Mary Jones, is 20 and attending the local college where I work. I haven’t seen Seth in over a month and Mary has been gone for a little over a week, so I’ve had the house to myself. However, both of them should be coming home today, so I’ll be happy to have us all back together again for the weekend.


Now, I’m no nudist, but I’ve never been shy about being naked. I never found the need to cover up if my kids found me naked in my room, but I also didn’t go roaming around the house in the buff. We would go skinny-dipping as a family when the situation permitted, but we never went to any nudist resorts or anything. That said, I have been pushing the envelope this summer. I haven’t needed to go anywhere, so pants haven’t been something I have felt the need to put on. I don’t think I have swum while wearing trunks once in our backyard pool during my hiatus. So, while I’ve been home alone, I’ve been giving the lifestyle a real spin. I’ve learned that keeping a towel with me is a good idea. To be honest, though, I was hesitant to be so open because I wasn’t sure how my kids would respond. The first time I tested the limits by randomly jumping in the pool naked, my kids joined me without batting an eye. Seth must have taken it as an invitation because he stripped down too. Mary, on the other hand, stayed in her bikini. But the next time we swam, we all went naked, and from then on, no one bothered to wear a bathing suit in the pool. Though we all started to go around naked way more often than before, Mary was still a little more reserved, but Seth pretty much followed my lead and never wore pants if he could help it. We’ve never really talked about it, but it was pretty clear that our house was now a clothing-optional space.




I’m not exactly sure when my kids are getting home today, but I should have some time to kill before I need to start making their homecoming dinner. I decide to go for a swim to cool down from the heat of the summer’s day. I grab a towel from the upstairs master bathroom. I then make my way out onto the balcony that’s attached to the master bathroom and down to the pool’s edge via a spiral staircase. I stop at one of the pool-side lounge chairs and toss my towel onto it. I then proceed to take off my white linen button-up shirt and khaki shorts I had put on early when I had a guest. I hadn’t bothered to put on any underwear, though. Now completely naked, I make my way to the diving board that is at the far end of the pool. I have never been that good at diving, but after a lot of practicing this summer, I can say I have improved quite a bit. After practicing my diving for a while, I then do some laps, and then just lazily paddle about the pool while floating on my back. I love the free feeling of swimming nude. I love the feeling of the water rushing all along my body while the sun beats down on me. It always amazes me how something so simple can feel so good.


Thinking it’s probably about time to start making dinner, I climb out of the pool and head for my towel. Facing away from the house, I pick up my towel and pull it to my face. As I start drying off my hair, I hear a voice.


“Hi, dad. Did you have a good swim?”


While still toweling off my head, I turn around to see Mary approaching wearing a bikini and carrying a towel. But the towel isn’t the only thing with her. Mary wasn’t alone. Striding up alongside her is a girl with black hair and breasts about the same size as Mary’s. Surprised, I quickly lower my towel to cover my clearly visible manhood.


“Mary, honey, who’s your friend?”


“Oh, this is Tabitha. We just met this week and really hit it off. Her parents are out of town until Tuesday, so I invited her to stay with us until they get back. She just turned eighteen this year, so she’ll be starting at the college next semester.”


“Oh, you’re a student then, great,” I say nervously. I do not like the idea of being naked around a student. If this got out, I would be finished.


“Don’t worry Mr. J, I’m technically not a student yet. I don’t register until next week,” Tabitha, seemingly able to read my mind, tries to reassure me.


I try to finish drying off without exposing myself any further but fail miserably. My cock keeps flopping out, so I decide to forget it and turn around to put my shorts back on.


“I hope it’s OK that I invited her to stay with us. I didn’t really think to ask.”


I finish putting on my shorts, grab my shirt, and then turn around while putting it on and say, “Of course it’s OK, honey. I just wasn’t expecting to get caught with my pants down.”


Tabitha chuckles at the bad pun and starts blushing a bit.


“Oh, well, that’s no big deal,” Mary says as she walks past me to a lounge chair where she tosses her towel. “It’s not like there hasn’t been plenty of that going on around here lately.” She then takes her top off and tosses it on her towel.


Tabitha moves over to where Mary is and starts doing the same.


“Well, I better get to making dinner,” I say as I turn to give them privacy, then start walking to the kitchen.


“What are you making?” Mary yells to me.


“Pasta alla gricia.”


“Sounds delicious.” I hear Mary say, followed by two big splashes.




I enter the kitchen and start making dinner. I try to concentrate, but I find the periodic glimpse of Tabitha’s breasts rather arousing. I decide to get an early start on the white wine I picked up to pair with the dish. I can hear giggles and shouts coming from the pool. It sounds like they are having a good time, which is good. It’s also good that they’ve decided to keep their bottoms on. That would probably put me into cardiac arrest. The wine calms my nerves enough that I can concentrate on making dinner. Some time passed before I hear, “Hi dad, I’m home,” shouted from the entryway.


“Seth, my boy, I’m in the kitchen making dinner,” I shout back.


I hear him approaching and look up as he rounds the corner from the hall and into sight. Seeing him brings a smile to my face. He drops his bags and I move towards him to hug him. I then notice that someone else has just rounded the corner behind him. I pull up short and my smile fades a bit as I say “And who do we have here?”


“Oh, dad, meet Sonja. Sonja, this is my dad.”


“Pleasure to meet you, Sonja,” I say as I look up at Seth with a bit of a bewildered look. He has brought many things home from his travels before, but never a girl.


“The pleasure is mine,” Sonja says, revealing an accent.


“Sonja is from Norway. We met a few weeks ago and have been traveling together. She wasn’t sure where she wanted to go next, so I told her she could stay with me for a while. Hope that’s OK.”


“Sure, yeah, of course. Welcome to our home, Sonja. Please make yourself comfortable.”


“Thank you, Mr. Jones.”


“Please, you may call me Derek.”


Just then, the girls make the biggest splash yet, followed by raucous laughter that draws our attention.


“Wonderful, a pool! And girls swimming naked? I think I will make myself comfortable,” Sonja says to me with a big smile, then walks over to the pool, pulls off her skimpy top and short shorts, and then jumps in.


Seth must have noticed the look of shock on my face as he says, “You doing alright, dad?”


“Um, yeah. Yes, I’m fine.”


“Who’s the other girl out there with Mary?”


“A girl she met this past week. I just met her today.”


“And you’re letting them swim naked? I’m not complaining; I’m just a little surprised.”


“Yeah, well, they didn’t exactly ask. I was out there swimming when they arrived. That poor girl saw more than she bargained for.”


Looking out at the pool, Seth replies, “You might be right, but something tells me she wasn’t bothered by it in the least.”


“Yeah, that’s what worries me.”


Seth slaps me on the back, grabs his bags, and then says as he leaves, “I’ll just put these in my room, then come help you.”


“Sounds good. Dinner should be ready soon, though. Oh, and you might want to fetch Sonya a towel.”




Seth comes back and helps me finish setting the outdoor dining table with the pasta, salad, garlic bread, wine, Parmesan, and all the other things necessary for a proper Italian dinner.


“Dinner’s ready!” I call to the three girls in the pool. 


I sit down at the head of the table, pour myself another glass of wine, and start to dish up. Seth goes over to Sonja to give her a towel while Mary and Tabitha towel themselves off. Then, to my utter surprise, Sonja didn’t put anything back on but just came right over to the table wearing nothing but a thong. This was the first time I got a good look at her breasts. One word, beautiful. This girl is absolutely breathtaking with her long blond hair, thin yet fit fame, and piercing blue eyes.


Sonja sits down to the right of me, gives me a big smile, and says, “This looks really tasty, Derek. Thank you!”


“Please, help yourself. I hope you enjoy it.”


Seth sits next to Sonja. Mary comes over after putting her bikini top back on and sits to the left of me. Tabitha, on the other hand, must have liked what Sonja was doing better because she didn’t bother to put her top back on before sitting down next to Mary. This has to be one of the strangest things I have ever experienced. Not at all what I was expecting for this evening. Frankly speaking, I’m a little upset because I just don’t know how to handle this situation.


I hope to lose myself in the meal as we start eating. Conversation picks up and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. All seems relatively copacetic until I notice Tabitha reach for the wine to pour herself a glass.


Mary stops Tabitha and then turns to me and asks, “Are you OK with us having some wine, dad?”


“Heavens, at this point, I don’t think I’m in any real position to uphold any restrictions. I doubt they would be honored if I tried,” I reply, letting my frustration show more than I intended. The table goes quiet in response, so I say, “Yes, of course, please, help yourself.” I then get up to leave.


“Where are you going?” Mary asks.


“I’m just going to grab another bottle of wine. I’ll be right back.”


Mary gets up and follows me into the house. We reach the wine cooler where she asks, “Is everything OK?”


I take a deep breath and look at her and say, “I’m just uncomfortable with all the nudity, to be honest.”


“Really?” Mary responds, completely surprised by my answer.


“Yes, Mary. I am.”


“I am so sorry, dad, but I’m just really surprised by that.”


“And why is that?”


“Well, it’s not like we’re not naked around here all the time.”


“First off, it’s not all the time. And second, we’re a family. I feel completely comfortable with us being naked around each other as a family. I just never imagined including other people.”


“Oh, that makes sense. I am so sorry. I just assumed you would be cool with it. When Tabitha and I arrived and saw you swimming, we thought it would be fun to come join you. She wasn’t sure if we should until I told her you would be totally cool with it. For some reason, I never thought it was just a family thing for you. This is all my fault. If it bothers you that much, I will totally own it and make the other girls put their tops back on.”


“No, it’s OK. To be honest, I can’t say that I necessarily mind. I just wasn’t expecting it. So, if they are comfortable being naked in mixed company, then it’s fine with me.”


“Are you sure?”


“Yes, sweetheart, I’m sure.”


That must have made Mary very happy because she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We rejoin everyone at the dinner table where Mary takes off her top and pours herself and Tabitha a glass of wine. The talk with Mary helped me relax as I enjoyed the rest of the meal chatting with everyone and getting to know Tabitha and Sonja better.




After dinner, the three girls go back to swimming. This time, none of them was wearing a stitch of clothing. I grab a couple of beers from the kitchen fridge and then sit next to Seth who is sitting in a patio chair looking out over the pool. I hand him one of the beers and we just sit there drinking while watching the girls swim.


“Well, this is a new experience,” Seth remarks.


“You’re telling me.”


“Does it bother you? I didn’t really think to ask before, but now that I think about it.”


“Yeah, it did at first, but really, if everyone is comfortable, then so am I.”


We sit there in silence for a while before I remark, “Looks like you had a good trip this time.”


“Dad, you have no idea.”


“Oh yeah? Well, maybe you should enlighten me.”


“Well, as you know, I usually shack up with at least one girl while I’m gone.”


“Yes. I do enjoy your stories.”


“Yeah, well, this Sonja is a real freak. Like, I think she is more horny than you and me put together. Not only have I had more sex than ever with the same person on a trip, but with way more people, too.”


“What do you mean?”


“Dad, she loves having sex with more than one person at a time. Don’t get me wrong, she likes it one-on-one well enough, but she really likes having at least one other person join us. And because she is so freaking hot, we can pretty much get anyone we want to join us.”


I am amazed by what I am hearing and the thought of it is certainly making my dick swell. “Like how many people are we talking about?” I ask.


“I don’t even know, dad. Like seriously, I don’t know.” He replies as he pulls something out of his pocket.


“What have you got there?”


“Oh, it’s just a joint. You want some?”


“Wow, it certainly has been a while for me. Sure, why not?”


Seth lights the joint, takes a hit, and then passes it to me.


I take a drag and then immediately start coughing.


Laughing, Seth asks “You alright?”


“Yeah,” I reply between gasps before handing him back the joint, then take a sip of my beer to soothe my throat.


“Have you ever had a threesome?” Seth asks me.


“Nope. I’ve only been with one other person other than your mom.”


“Do you think you would do it?”


“Sure, why not? I don’t really see that happening, but I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity if it presented itself.”


“Do you know what Sonja told me the other day?”


“What’s that?”


Seth took another hit and then hands the joint back to me before exhaling and then says, “She shared a fantasy with me.”


“Oh?” I say before I take a gentler hit.


“Yeah, and I’m hoping you could help me with it.”


“Me? How?”


“Well, Sonja told me the other day that she really wanted to have a threesome with a father and son.”


I spit my beer out as Seth’s words hit me. “What?” I say abruptly.


“Shhh…” he says laughing at me, “Yeah dad, she wants to fuck us together.”


“No way.”


“Way. Dad, I told you, she’s a freak. She is some sex goddess reincarnate or some shit like that.”


“She couldn’t have been serious, and if she was, she couldn’t have been talking about us.”


“You’re right that she didn’t specify with you and me in particular, but I wanted to ask you first before asking her.”


“Son, you mean to tell me that you want me to fuck your girlfriend, or whatever she is, with you?”


“That is exactly what I’m saying.”


“You don’t think that would be weird?”


“I’m more worried about you than me, to be honest. There’s more.”


“More? How could there be more?”


“Well, she really likes double vag?”


“Double what now?”


“Double vaginal. That means two dicks in her pussy at the same time.”


“Yeah, and?”


“Well, that would mean our dicks would be rubbing together inside her. Is that cool with you?”


“Wow, that is more. Well, I guess, like I said earlier, I’m comfortable if everyone else is comfortable.”


I must have said the right thing because Seth got a big grin on his face before he said, “Fuck yeah. I’ll let her know you’re game.”


I am hard as a rock at this point, so I reach down and adjust myself.


“Yeah, me too,” Seth says as he puts his hand down his shorts and rubs his cock a bit.


I decide to put my hand down my pants and stroke a little as well while we continue watching the three naked girls swimming together. We keep drinking our beers and smoking Seth’s joint until everything is consumed. Feeling rather buzzed, I decide it’s time for bed, so I stand up to leave.


“Where are you headed?” Seth asks me.


“I think I’m going to turn in.”


Seth stands up and says, “Sounds good, I’ll just go join the girls then.” He then takes his clothes off and shouts “Good night!” back at me as he runs to cannonball into the pool.


I go up to my room, get undressed, and then climb into bed. Thoughts of the day swim through my head as I fall asleep. Every time I think about having sex with Sonja, I get a jolt of excitement that wakes me back up a bit. Damn, this weekend could be fun.