Taking a Bat

The night was dark. Almost darker than one would think possible. I could feel there was something off in the air but I had my mission. It was a mission I gave myself, but still it was mine.

Batman told me to stay in this evening. That there were powers out that I had no chance of handling but when I came upon this lead to capture the Riddler I could not let it go. He is a skinny twerp. No way I can’t take him down.

I’m outside the warehouse my snitches told me he would be in. One single light is on at the second floor. I bet that is where he is coming up with his next diabolical plan. As I scanned the building I saw a window open to the left. It’s about ten feet off the ground. No problem for me.

Taking a running start, my right foot pushed off the wall and I grabbed the window sill. I have to make a change to my costume. Trying to run in these heeled boots is a pain, but Batman always says it gives me an opposing look. I just think the old man is creeping how good it makes my legs look. I pull myself into the window and land almost in silence. Just a small click of those damn heels.

I’m halfway up the stairs to the second floor. Moving silently I take the next set quickly. The doorway was open just enough for me to fit my body through. The room was not large. In the middle was a big wooden table with posts leading to the ceiling. All over the structure were metal hooks. To the left was a table full of, was that sex toys. What the hell did I walk into?

A sharp pain in my neck and then hands wrapping around me. My world was getting groggy. I heard the deep booming voice say, “I see you got my invitation.” Then my world went black.

It is always a weird feeling waking up not knowing where you are. This is starting to be a theme for me. Of course my arms and legs are tied to the table. How predictable? What is new is that my costume has been completely removed, all except my mask and boots. “What the fuck,” I tried to scream but that is when I noticed that my mouth was filled with a ball gag.

I lifted my head off the table to see what was wrapped around my skin. Rope, lots of rope. Purple and yellow. My chest wrapped into a harness tying my tits tight. The rope continued down my body. Around my legs and arms. I noticed that these ties were what was holding me in place.

Fuck, what did you get yourself into Batgirl. Who is going to get you out of this one? But do I want to? Damn girl, stop thinking like that. This can be big trouble. But fuck it was hot.

At that moment the click of boots on the concrete floor let me know that there was someone else in the room. He made his way to my side and I knew before I saw his face it was the Riddler. The green gave it away, but he changed. His frame was thicker. The black and green jacket is tight on his frame. He leaned in over me. Our eyes met and I knew I was fucked.

He pulled back but his fingers on his right hand traced along my roped skin. “Looks like the lady bat got herself into a bit of trouble.” I tried to scream at him but the gag swallowed and words I said. “Oh stop struggling. I see the way you look at me. For this evening I’m going to use you like my own fuckdoll.” His thick fingers started rubbing my exposed pussy. Fuck my body reacted to his strong touch hitting just the right spots. “You seem to be a goody two shoes but riddle me this. What happens to the lady bat after she is forced to cum over and over as she worships my cock?”

I shook my head no but he just smiled a wicked grin. Like he knew I was going to give in. “You see I knew from the moment I walked back in after you woke you wanted this. Maybe your mind is fighting it but your body is giving me all the clues. You rock hard nipples.” His free hand pinching my left one. This made my back arch. I moaned fuck but it was just noises.

“And then your needy pussy told me too.” This brought my mind back to the fact that he was rubbing me. My body gives in way too quickly. “You see, I could feel how wet you are, bat slut. How much your body needs to be touched.” That is when his fingers slid into me. Not one but two thick digits. I half screamed and half moaned into my gag.

He didn’t say anything for a long time. Just fingering me with one hand as his other explored my body. I was getting closer and closer and he could tell. Right before my body came he stopped and stepped away. My body is on fire. I needed that release. Fuck, that was not right for him to bring me to the edge like that. As these thoughts raced in my mind I did not see what he had in his hand until it was too late. The clamps came down on my hard nipples. The pressure hurt but was also so erotic. He took the chain and tied it to the small chain hanging from the structure. It pulled my nipples away from my body making me have to arch my back.

The pain. The pleasure. It was all clouding my mind. I knew this was what he wanted. He untied the rope from my left leg. Could I kick at him and try to escape? No, my arm had to be free, not my leg. He pulled the leg back to my head and tied it off. He slowly walked around the table and repeated it with the other leg. My ass pulled up now. Fuck, how do I get out of this.

I walked back to the table and came back humming to himself. Wait, that hum was not him. I felt the hum on my spread open pussy. Fuck, he is not playing fair. Almost instantly my body was on edge. He tied the wand to my leg and stepped back. That is when I felt what is in his other hand. The flogger landed along my legs, ass and tits. My body was screaming for a release.

“Look how needy you are, bat slut. Needing that release so bad. I can see it in your eyes. I wonder if you are a squirter. Will you make a big mess for me?” The flogger came down at a rhythmic pace and the wand was making me squirm. I closed my eyes and started breathing hard. “Open those pretty brown eyes, bat slut.” And I did. “Have some composure. Get yourself under control.” It was so hard, but I did as much as I could.

He reached to the latch holding the ball gag in my mouth and undid it. The gag dropped from my mouth and fell to the wooden table top. I worked my jaw around. The salvia that was dribbling down my cheek was now one flowing river. “Tell me how much you want to be here, bat slut,” he said standing over me.

I was surprised when the words came out. “I want to be here.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes”, I answered quickly to quickly.

“So bat slut, you want to be used by the little old Riddler, huh? Made to visit the edge so many times. Is that what you want?”

With shame I answered yes. I can feel the fight leaving my body at that point.

“Good bat slut. I’m going to make you into my slave girl. Would you like that?” I nodded yes with my cheeks turning red. “That is so good to hear. I bet The Batman never let you have all this fun did he?” My head shook no this time. “Then let’s give you all the fun. What kind of kinks shall we explore,” he asked?

My mind raced. I was not sure. “If you are not sure, The Riddler has everything planned and ready for you. Just ask to be let in the room.”