Something for Stevie Part 5

so there I was in bed, cum on me, naked…and Nancy – worried, thinking she had hurt me by squeezing my cock, no doubt out of curiosity. and I had to wake up and do something aobut this…but WHAT?

I opened my eyes and looked at her, my heart melted seeing the deep concern on her face…

it’s okay honey, i said, you didn’t hurt me…my arm around her, caressing her soft, silky hair and head…

“I didn’t?” she stammered…maybe 1/2 embarrassed too, the t-shirt of mine she wore as a nighty, 1/2 off her, draped on her sexy 7 year old body.

“no honey, you didn’t hurt your stevie weavie..” I said smiling, and her almost tear filled eyes, gleaming that i used her term for me…almost made her smile.

i explained…”you didn’t hurt me, actually it felt like heaven…, you see – I made something called cum…for your hand…it was so soft, and it felt so good while I was asleep, while you were touching me, you know “there” – I actually thought you were your mother, and myu body responded by wanting to make a baby, and so my thing, it got hard…and filled with the cum…and when the seed was ready to cum out, it shot out…that’s what happened, so you didn’t hurt Stevie…it felt really really really good, I liked it…honest…”

by now she was BEAMING…really? you thought I was mama? it felt good? to make a baby? how?

and she proceeded to grill me, I have to admit, she was one smart, and very curious child…. how does it make the “cum”?, what is it made of? how is the baby made? it goes in where? i don’t think it would ever fit? did you really like it? and about what seemed a thousand more questions…pretty soon, I was hard again. all these questions, from a sexy little child, half naked, sitting up in a bed with me, her hand in my chest, playing absent mindedly while I laid back now, propped up by pillows…

“see I said, he’s already starting to wake up again”, lifting up the covers…so she could see…her eyes widened….wondered at the thickness of my cock….she hadn’t seen it before, just played iwth it, curious, under the covers…

“go ahead, I said, you can touch it, he wants you too….and she timidly put her hand down..I pulled hte covers off…and when her hand touched it I moaned the moan, I’ve been wanting to moan since I started masturbating on her…

“oh my god, I said, holding her wrist, that feels soooooooooo good….

I pulled her down to me…her silky soft hair draping on my c hest, I could feel her breath on me, and see her hand stroking my cock….oh god, I moaned again…I LOVE it baby….

I could feel her well up with pride as aI told her i loved her touch….this time, I caressed her forearm while she stroked me, adn I pulled up her nightie (my t -shirt) until I could caress her side and legs…really, so I could know she was naked too, just like me….

a few minutes later, I was ready to bust again – and I told her…Nancy, he’s going to make cum again, this time for you….are you ready….and she sat up…looking at me…for me? she said…oh yes baby, your hand is loveley…a nd I hlelped her lay my cock agianst my tummy while she stroked it until I burst on my myself..

oh my god, Nnacy, I love you so much…her tiny slender fingers wrapping around my cock, feeling it surgre as semen squirted and oozed out….until it was so sensitive I had to ask her to stop…barley able to get the words out….

“that’s YOUR cum, nancy” i said, telling her I knew it was her, and how much I loved her and how wonderful it felt, even better than her mama…she was beaming, proud…holding my hand now…I scooped up some cum on my finger and I tasted it…mmmmmmmm I hummed, SALTY but good….licking it off my finger…do you want to try…

okay she said, not sure….as I scooped up a little on my finger and offered it to her, she sniffed at it, it smells like salt..and then her tongue tasted it…SALTY she agreed with me, mimicking me…I smiled, good girl….I love you tsting my cum and I scooped up more adn I tasted it again, adn then scooped up more and gave it to her…feeding her my sperm….I can’t tell you how sexy a sight that was…

we started massaging it into my skin, like finger paint…this she reallly got into, smjiling and giggling…

you made stevie weavie all messy with cum I said? a nd she said “yeah, gonna rub the cum on my stevie weavie she said, massaging it into me, finger painting.

I laid her back..and kissed her lilps..I looked at her with love in my eyes, “do you know how much I love you?” I said to her…her brown eyes HUGE with love…

more than anything I said’, and I kissed her lips, and said I love you
and I kissed her cheeks and said I love you
and I kissed her forehead and said I love you
and I kissed her lips again, and I said I love you
and I kissed her neck and I said I love you
and I pulled the t-shirt down both shoulders, and I said I love you as I kissed both shoulders.

she was smiling, her eyes soooooo big and so brown, BEAMING…GLEAMING…SEXY…..