slaver or collecter STEVE;S WORK SLAVE

I am back home now, while I was in Dubai I forgot to check my e-mails! A lot of people were
trying to find we. I had problems at several of the companies I work for. I will spend most of Monday checking out what network problems and security problems they had, I think I will tell most of my clients that I am getting out of the business and help them find another computer geek. I get everything back up 100% at the first client, talk to the owner about finding another tech to take over. He said that I should hire someone and over see them, he would hate to lose me because my service is so good. The next client was about the same, I guess I will look for a helper.
I put an ad on the internet, start getting resumes from old, young, new techs and then one female. I look her resume over real good, she has everything I am looking for! I start thinking could I use the tea on her, have my own slave working for me. I call Omar to tell him my idea, he says it is not that easy. He does say we can do it but she would have come to Dubai for some programing. I give her a call, make arrangements to meet her for an interview. 2 days later she is in my office, very cute little blonde girl. The interview goes great, I hire her, then tell her we have to go to Dubai in a few weeks to one of my best clients. She says that will be good but she has never been out of the country! I talk to omar again, he says it would not be wise to start her on the tea that I have but wait until she get here.
Over the next few week Rose goes with me to my clients, they all like her, she is really smart plus she is very pretty. After a month it is time to take her to Dubai for her training, Omar as changed the way he is going to reprogram her so she is more of a slave then a sex slave.
Our plane lands, the limo picks us up, takes us to the palace, Omar comes out to meet us and take us into the living room. There sits 4 woman in burkas, we all sit down and start talking about her computer training, what she liked and what she thinks about things. Omar then says it is time that you get some rest, he calls Hanna and Jane show them to there rooms. We go down the hall toward my room but then stop at this first room, Jane open the door and direct Rose to go inside, I continue down to my room with Hanna. I set up my computer, log into the system, scan the cameras in Roses bedroom, I see Jane talking to rose. She then take off her burka, tells rose to take her clothes off, lay on the bed and she will give her a massage. Rose says no that is ok but Jane insists, rose takes her clothes off, lays down on the bed. Jane is in her under garnets gets up on the bed and start putting lotion on her. Rose can feel something going on, she is relaxing! Jane’s starts to give her a massage, talking to her in a soft tone. (you will love it here) she says that over and over. Rose is feeling like she is in a cloud, relaxing more and more. Jane’s hand are going from roses neck and down to her ass. Jane’s hand now goes down between roses legs and start rubbing her pussy. Rose is to far gone to stop her, she just soaks in all the feelings. Jane moves her mouth up to roses ear and keeps her hand on her pussy. She whispers more things into her ear, (you love my hand, you love my touch, you want more) roses head move up and down meaning yes. Jane kisses her ear, starts tonguing it. Rose moves her head to help Jane have better access to her ear. Jane rolls rose over on her back, moves up, kisses her. Rose kisses her back. She has never kissed a girl before, it feels so good! Jane tells her that she is going to massage her pussy and bring her to an orgasm. Rose is breathing faster and faster, Jane tells her that she want her to orgasm, she starts into a long orgasm. Rose moves her head up to kiss Jane, she can not believe what just happened. Jane takes her under clothes off, pulls the sheet up over both of them, hugs Rose, they go to sleep.
Steve watches this whole thing on his computer, Hanna is nude next to him on his bed, she tells him that Omar had his chemist make the lotion that Jane is was using. It is like the tea but stronger and last longer. In the morning Jane should be able to control rose, start her training and make her into a good slave for you. Steve puts his computer up, Hanna says master is there anything I can do for you! Steve says I am not your master! Hanna says we have to talk! She says look Steve I have been a slave most of my life, I love being a slave and I love you. I want to be your slave, care for you, do everything for you. That way I am happy! Steve says ok! But when we go to the USA don’t call me master when people are around. ok. She reaches down starts playing with his cock, she says it looks bigger! Have you been taking Omar’s pills? Yes I have! She goes down, starts sucking on it, it gets bigger. She is giving him one hell of a blow job. Every time we have sex she goes beyond what she did before! Steve is now shooting down her throat, she swallows every drop. Steve then flip her over, starts eating her pussy, she is putting out little yells, shaking her head from side to side then she hits her orgasm. Pushes up to his mouth, shakes, shakes and shakes.
Rose wakes up feeling someone playing with her pussy but she feel like she is still in a cloud, she look over, it is Jane! Jane tells her that she loves her hand massaging her pussy and wants more. Jane moves up and kisses her, rose kisses her back, hugs her and says she likes this. Jane takes more lotion spreads some on roses breasts, massages it in, she is saying that you will do as I say. Rose is listening to this and saying yes I will. Jane takes roses hand and moves it to her pussy to see if she will join in. rose moves it up and down Jane’s slit, Jane leans over kisses her again, rose kisses her back.
Step 1 is compete. Jane gets up, puts her burka on and leaves roses bed room. Steve enters roses room, she is still nude in bed under the sheet. He goes over to the bed, sits on the edge, rose looks over but she is in a cloud, Steve says that he needs rose to get out of bed and stand in front of him. She says no! She is nude under the sheet and if Steve would leave she would get dressed and meet him. Steve gets up and walks out of the room. Hanna walks in with her burka on, goes over to the bed, takes her burka off, gets in bed with rose. Hanna has another massage lotion, starts rubbing it on rose, rose goes into a deeper cloud. Hanna is rubbing it into her breast, stomach then down to her pussy. Hanna is talking to her saying that she must do as she is told by anyone here, more massage, her tits, and pussy. She is getting deeper and deeper in her cloud, she does not feel Hanna get out of the bed and is replaced with Steve. He massage her, rubs her pussy and brings her to an orgasm. Her eyes are closed, again Steve change with Hanna, Hanna continues to massage rose. Now rose has no clue what went on, was Steve here or was that just Hanna she just does not know.
Rose gets up , goes into the bath room, Jane comes back into her room, goes into the bath room takes her burka off, turns on the water, pull rose into the shower. Proceeds to wash rose, every part, legs, back, breast and pussy. Rose is there but she is in her cloud, what is gong on! She does not know, Jane keeps tell her she has to do what she is told, no question asked. Is this a dream, is this real. Rose wakes up, she is nude in her bed, still in her cloud, not knowing what is going on. Steve comes in, goes over to the bed, sits on the edge, look down at rose. Steve tells her he wants her to get out of bed and stand in front of him. She is thinking that she is nude but she will do it. She gets up stands in front of Steve and looks down. Steve says he wants her to work for him, do what he says! Enjoy her life!. She is In her cloud! She hears herself say yes sir. He says that Hanna and him want to use her as their slave, she will love it! Love them, love life. Steve gets up to leave, Hanna comes back in, moves over to rose and says she want her on her knees! Rose drops down in front of Hanna, Hanna then takes roses hand make her stand up guides her over to the bed they both get in, Hanna start to massage rose again, saying over and over again that rose will love it with them, do as they say be happy with life. Rose is back in her cloud, listens to Hanna and shakes her head yes, yes ,yes..
Omar is watching all this and tells Steve part 2 has to start now! Part 2 is orgasms! Hanna is in bed with rose, runs her hand drown to her pussy, move her finger up and down her slit. Rose can not believe how turned on she is getting. Hanna whispers in her ear ( you are getting turned on, you love my finger, you are going to come!) rose goes into a orgasm like she has never had before! She hugs hanna, says that she loves her! Hanna smiles and knows rose is on her way into slavery. Steve comes in the room next, takes his clothes off gets in bed next to rose. His finger goes down to her pussy, moves up and down her slit, Steve whispers in her ear that she was going to have an orgasm, she does! One bigger that her last one with Hanna. She hugs Steve says she loves him!
Rose wakes up, she is alone in her bed. She has know idea what is going on! Just then Steve walks into the room, rose gets out of bed, kneels in front of him, has her eyes looking down. Steve says very good! Pulls his zipper down, takes his cock out, she puts it in her mouth and starts to suck on it. She only did this a few time with her boyfriend, never really like it but now all she wanted to do is give him an orgasm. Up, down faster and faster until Steve’s cock starts coming, she sucks in every drop. Again she says Steve I love you, I want to be your slave.
Omar is watching this says now part 3. break her down in front of everyone, make her have an orgasm just by being told to.
Hanna goes into roses room, take her into the bath room, washes her, dries her puts out some clothes. At this point they would normally put her in a burka to break her down more but Steve says she needs to wear her normal clothes. Hanna dresses her! Rose asks about the burka, Hanna tells her that someday if she wants to try one she can but now everyone wants to see her in her regular clothes.
Hanna walk her down to the banquet room, they walk in, roses eyes go down, she will not look anyone in the eyes. Steve and Omar are sitting there. Omar say to rose that she is very pretty! Turn around! She slowly turns around like she was a model. Omar then says that he would like to see her without her clothes. With out a thought she starts taking her blouse off, then her bra, pulls down her pants then her panties. She then turns around like she did before. Omar says very good my slave! Now I understand that you have learned a lot. She is not sure what he means. Omar says that he wants her to have an orgasm! She can not figure out what he means but feels her body start to shake, shake and shake. She is going into an orgasm, she can barely stand. When she recovers she drops down to her knees, bows down to Omar. She says may I serve you!
Rose now knows that her does not have control of her body, her mind or anything. Her only thoughts is to serve. Steve, Hanna, Omar, Jane or anyone. She smiles says she is so happy! Another 2 weeks of training, she is now all set to be Steve’s full time slave.
On the plane back to the USA she does everything for Steve and is very happy to do it, she has never been so happy. When they get back she moves into Steve’s house and into his bedroom. Monday she starts running Steve business, all his clients are happy with her but some of them say she will not look then in the eye, she just looks down. That night when she gets home Steve tell her that she does not have to look down with the clients only him and Hanna. She is happy with this.