Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 8

It was just Mom, Nell, me and my bruised ego – at supper that night. I felt twice the idiot of normal me. For hours, I brooded about Nell cheating me. The promised but denied orgasm was a minor thing. My anger battled inward. I had dared to believe she would submit to my proud cock. She had gleefully punctured my bloated sack of hot air.

Nell must have weighed the odds of losing lil bro’s big dick forever. But could I give up on her? She looked radiant from a smug satisfaction that only I could see glowing from her incredible body. My fantasy of making her bend finally and utterly to my desires, had an eternal grip on me.

“Your brother seems deep in thought, as if there’s something different about the meatloaf? Did you add anything special to it, Nell?”

“Just a pinch of humility, Mom.” Nell didn’t even flash her eyes at me. I wondered if the two females were conspiring to cut me down to size. I gave them my best smile in those circumstances. “Processed meat is flavorless compared to raw.”

Mother chided, “Nobody wants innuendo for dessert.” She actually seemed pleased by fresh rivalry between her offspring. Nell and I took the hint. We stayed out of each others’ hair for the rest of the night.

Mom sauntered into my room about an hour before Dad normally arrived. “Got a match, Big Boy?”

“Feeling randy, Mom?”

“If I said I was bored, would you turn me away?”

“Never – except tonight. Sorry. I’m going to get an A on tomorrow’s math quiz.”

“Fine. If you don’t, you owe me.”

“How’s that gonna work, Mom? What if I don’t get hard from you just pretending to be my slave?”

“That’s about as likely as you getting an A in math.” She glided out of my room.

I went to school the next day and got a B-. I taped my graded quiz on the garage door, admitting my defeat and how horny I was.

Mom entered that afternoon, holding up the quiz. “Not bad, Limp Dick.” She went to her room to change. I followed her.

“Get naked, Mom.” I unzipped my pants patiently, waiting.

She sighed, but her lips pursed tight, eyes watching the unveiling of my erection.

I opened my fly fully but presented her only with a bulge firmly behind boxers. I raised my eyebrows. “Game or no game?”

This time her sigh was more of a long huff and sharp puff. “Yes, Master.”

“Yeah- let’s not say that dull trope. Call me My Son – say it like nobody else matters.”

“Who would possibly matter more than you, My Son?”

“I’m okay with sarcasm.” I fought off images of Father observing how I treated his wife.

“I had a tough day, My Son.” She flowed into character. She wanted to play but had low energy.

I walked up and hugged her. “Hey, Mom, I love you. Sit with me.” I pointed at the carpet next to her side of the bed. “You. There.” I sat on the edge of their mattress.

She sat crosslegged and looked up, curious.

“Let’s start over. You tell me why you’re going to be my cock slave mommy this afternoon.”

That brought a smile to her scheming lips. “Your cock is only cock that can satisfy me, My Son. Also I work in a commanding job, and I get tired of being responsible.”

That last bit inspired a different sort of fantasy game, but I would have to play the referee instead of the villain. I put my inspiration into words. “What if the men you’re responsible for are actually aching to seduce you?”

“Seduce me?” She caught on to my offer of a shared fantasy. “Oh, yes. But it’s worse than that, My Son. I think some of the men are hoping to find me alone where they can capture me.”

“They might grab you and tie you to, say, a bulldozer?”

“The cold metal and dirt clods sticking to it scrape at my skin while they take off my clothes.” Mom was unbuttoning her work shirt. Dust drifted down from the lapels.

“They don’t rip them?”

“They want to claim the matter is my word against theirs, if I accuse them afterwards.” She pulled off her shirt. A sturdy, tan bra kept her large breasts safe from those men. She reached behind her back.

I reached into my boxers. “Do you struggle?”

“Unfortunately, no.” She shook her head slowly. “I want to scream, but one of them shoved a dirty glove in my mouth. I don’t struggle because they’re barely holding their shit together. These are tough men who are harsh on each other when they’re excited about activities beneath sex – like sports.” The large bra loosened around her chest. Cleavage like a canyon opened up.

“Sexually charged and pressing their luck, they could easily hurt you.”

“My Son, I need to rise, so I can take off my pants.” She shook her shoulders and her bra slipped down her arms. Her breasts, less firm than Nells but larger, hung just low enough to prove my mother’s maturity.

My dick was a rock in my underwear! I considered releasing it. “Get up on your knees to take them off.” I told her. I let the tip of my dick stand two inches above the waistband of my bulging boxers.

Mom leaned forward, shifting her weight to her knees and uncrossing her legs. This put her face a foot away from my peeping prick. She took a deep breath and paused, hunger in her eyes. Her boobs hung like great udders that shuddered when her hands unbuckled her pants belt and unfastened its clasp.

Equally captivated by stunning, dangling tits, I only heard the zipper slide down. “Leave your panties on. The men can’t risk cumming inside you. They want to humiliate you more than fuck.”

With a bit of leaning side to side, Mom was able to pull her pants to her ankles. “They’re mauling my tits and taking down their trousers.”

“Their dicks are small and have trouble erecting because they’re afraid, but you’re too sexy, and they eventually sport their little stiffies.” I drew the front of my boxers down the head of my straining prick. “What you want is right here, Mother. Show them how puny they are.”

“Yes, My Son.” Her breaths quickened and deepened. She walked on her knees up to my legs. Her hands pulled at my boxers. I lifted myself enough to let them draw down my thighs. She exhaled loudly at the full reveal of my thick dong. “Daamn.”

“Show the men what you do for big dicks.”

“Ahhh!” Mom’s mouth opened like a chasm, and she jammed her head down upon the end of my cock! She dove so far down on me, the back of her throat slapped the fat bulb.

“Ehhh!” It was a crazy feeling, but I didn’t hate it. “You’re a fucking python swallowing my anaconda!” Her throat, tongue and lips engaged to suck and sweep tightly along the mass stuffing Mom’s mouth. “What a cock whore!”

Despite my insults and excitement for what she was doing, she wanted more! She gurgled and choked, forcing her throat to stretch around the head of my prick!

“Gods, Mom, you’re really going for it!” My cock had never experienced sucking pressure along more than two thirds of it. Her neck shuddered violently from the gagging she fought ignore. It felt amazing, but I was seriously worried. “Don’t drown on my dick!”

The fat end of my cock was too much too soon. Out of air and unable to take more, Mom pulled her face off of my throbbing prick with a huge gasp! “I want it, Craig! All of it.”

Her face turned upward, revealing manic eyes. “I swear I’ll cum if I can get the whole thing in me!” She was fingering herself rapidly inside her panties.

“Hey, as much I want to give you mouth to mouth, I don’t want to have to jumpstart your lungs.”

“AAAH!” Mom flew like a dive bomber, brushing off my concern and stabbing her throat again with my fat cock!

“UUNNGGHHH!!” I grunted, surprised that my loins were closer to ejaculating that I expected from the brief but intense, oral attack on my prick!

She mashed her face down the fat prong like the first time, her gullet smacking the bulbous tip. This time she paused, clamping half of my prick with her tongue while licking and taking deep breaths.

“You’re sucking awesome, Mo- you mouth bitch, you sucking slut!” I’d stopped thinking and simply emoted whatever words hit the tip of my tongue.

The tip of my pecker felt her throat try once more to worm around and gobble it deeper. Instead of jamming it, she took her time. That meant she’d have to hold her breath longer.

…is what I thought… Thrilled in the moment, I was doing my best not to jab into her face. Little tremors started at the base of my prick.

Mom had swallowed nearly three quarters of my cock! Looking down at her purpling face, I should have worried, but the urge to drown my mother with every sperm in my balls was the only thing happening in my mind. I grabbed her head. Somehow I resisted impaling it.

She grasped my hips and fought her fading consciousness, determined to take the entire length of her son’s huge prick. She’d even stopped finger fucking herself, to focus on what she wanted most to accomplish.

Tight throat muscles inched around my cock head. Unexpectedly, the memory of Nell teasing and cheating me, broke through my intense lust! I suddenly worried that that Mom was going to fail me too.

Nell’s laughter and haughty glee stabbed my heart. That sharp contrast of arousal and betrayal drew vibrations from my loins like a heavily plucked bass string!

My hips lurched, shaking my mother’s sucking head like an unwanted lamprey. Muscles around my diddimost (epididymis) contracted like a fist. Sperm backed up since that awful morning, blasted forth!

Before Mom could reach her goal, a flood of her son’s thick cum burst down her gullet! The incredible surprise shocked her into wrenching her head out of my hands and pulling completely off of my spewing fountainhead. “Aaa!!” She blinked just in time to keep further spurts of rich semen from impregnating her eyes. Cum splashed over her face as she withdrew.

As a final act to protect herself, she grabbed my spitting snake and turned its aim. “Craig!” Her strong but lovely wrists were not spared from my dick’s final surge of cum. Her fingers had gooey webbing between them when the hot stream ended.

“Sorry, Mom! It just happened.”

“It sure did.” Mom looked up again. Her cum framed eyes were blazing.

“I’ll get it up again. How close were you?” I could usually spank out more than two orgasms every day.

Her head shook no and she looked away. “I was the one who lost control.” She grabbed her dusty work shirt and wiped her face and hands. I sensed that she rather be anywhere else. Rising to her feet, Mom pulled one leg out of her bunched pants and walked out of the room, her other ankle dragging the pants into my parents’ private bath.

I hauled up my trousers, wanting to slink away. I went to the closed, bathroom door. “Mom? We were just playing, right?”

“Oh, Honey, I liked doing that too much. It wasn’t suppose to be like this.” She had just wanted to fool around. “If this was only about your big dick, I might have-” Mom stopped herself, not embarrassed but not wanting to tease me. I heard her lean against the door.

Something other than her fetish had goaded her into losing self-control – she didn’t want to say. I brightened. “You know I love you, Mom. I can tell you a million times, but what should I say to help you deal?”

“Find a girlfriend who likes cocks more than I do.”

The next words out of my mouth risked Mom leaping through the door and pounding my face like proper construction worker. “I wish I had a girlfriend, Mom. Nell keeps fucking with me, but without the-“

“Don’t say it.” The sigh that followed ignored the door’s barrier. “I’m jealous, Craig. Did you realize?”

I stood down. “Um, maybe I took advantage of that?” I had used her and Nell’s competitive natures to advance my agenda.

“There is no maybe about it.” Her voice was stern. “But I don’t fault you for wanting to fulfill your fantasies, not much. You have more power in our family than you realize. If you were abusing it, to tame your sister, I’d kick you out of hearth and home. Nelda is just being Nelda. That’s how I know you’re treating her well enough.”

“Mom, the next time she teases me, I may not take it lightly.”

“GAH! Fuck your sister if you need to, Craig – unless she says, ‘No!'”

“Unless she says, ‘No.'” I confirmed. “But she also has to say, ‘Yes.'”

“Nell will tease you again. That’s your clue.” Mother exited the bathroom.

Clue for what? Mom’s rivalry with Nell prevented her from explaining. It felt like we were done talking. “I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention to your feelings.”

“You’re a guy, Craig. We’ll figure out what you and I should be doing, in time.”

I looked down at my dick, then at my panty clad mother. “Get on the bed, Bitch.” I actually said it pleasantly but I wasn’t smiling. “No pretending.” Either she was my slave or she wasn’t. “Panties. Off.”

Mom regarded me like I was a bull carcass hanging in an abattoir. She looked at my dick. One of her eyebrows raised when my cum and spit stained, half-mast rose with potential. She pulled down her panties and stood up, stepping out of them. She wiped our combined juices from her face with it and dropped it to the floor.

She knew exactly what to do bring my dick back to life. “This bitch is yours, My Son.” She sank her back onto her marriage bed and spread her legs. “I’m your responsibility.” She didn’t mean it lightly. If I fucked this moment up and/or beyond – treated her, her obligations to her husband, and our family badly, she’d probably hug me with a sixteen ton caterpillar tread.

My intention had been to climb on and fuck her without emotion except for the pleasure I would take from my mother’s cunt. Reality flogged my ignorant dom noggin with a mistress cat-o-nine. This was my mom. I as was horny as a MVAPP (minimum viable age porn protagonist) ought to be, but I suddenly worried about her, me, and what the universe would think.

She saw my inner turmoil on my face and likely guessed the cause. Instead of snapping us out of the fantasy I demanded, she farted – with her pussy.

More snot than I care to describe shot out of my nose, try as I did to convert the snort into a chuckle! One corner of her mouth sneaked upwards. I leaped! “Gods I love you, Mom!” My body landed next to hers, and in a flash I was on top of her, my dick pressing into her wet pussy.

“Thank you, My Son.” She reached down and adjusted the angle of my cock. When I hunched my trembling hips and ass, My dick worked its girth deeply. The folds of her cunt opened before the pressure wave of a cock head big enough to make them tremble. Mother’s groan was a deep rumble of expected satisfaction. If felt as if the queen sized bed beneath us opened up and half swallowed our linked bodies.

“This way, you’re gonna take all of my prick, bitch.” I steamed at her grimace from a very private thrill. I doubt she heard me while I kept pushing inches of fat pecker inside the steam room of my mother’s eager cunt.

She sustained her groan like an opera valkyrie. “Gods, My Son, I want to call you Daddy!” The last word left her pouting lips when I bottomed out, straining the cervix that needed incestuous cum. Daddy? The word hit me. A big hot question pressed into my thoughts like I had crammed my dick into my mother.

“Tell me about your Daddy’s cock, Slut!” My cock slorched out until only the plum head of my prick remained to remind what had filled every fold of her birth canal, her juice coating it like slime on sword. It was an open question. Fantasy or hot reality, I wondered how she would answer, and I plowed my cock right back into her.

“His is bigger than yours, My Son, but you’re inside me now, and that’s better than a college memory.” Mom thrust her hips up! Our crotches spanked. My dick head whacked her cervix. She growled not unhappily. “That hurt!” Dropping her ass back to the bed, unsheathing half of my prick!

The grateful note in her voice goaded me to slam back into her and fuck like I was going to beat her cervix into submission!

“Ow.” She said simply. Her blasé utterance goaded me into ramming myself in and out of her dripping fuck hole! It elicited a machine gun of similar but emphatic cries – as if she had acquired verbal spurs, but if I slowed down to contemplate who was riding whom, I wouldn’t have had half a mind to focus on the very real pleasure I was taking from my mother’s cunt.

Suddenly her ankles boxed my ears. She had opened herself like a Venus fly trap, legs flying up trying to clamp as much of me to her body as she could! She closed her eyes and concentrated on what she wanted.

“Hells, Mom, how can I degrade and humiliate you, when the lowest of whores make you look like a free use slut?!” Her marriage bed rocked like Van Halen. I had only been fucking her for a minute, but my exertions and exhortations were pushing my young limits. “You’re going to be my sexercise machine!” I grinned down at her, the bed groaning beneath us. Our heaving breaths made the air a battle ground for different brands of mouthwash.

I couldn’t believe Nell wasn’t clamoring at the door. She must be listening to music or porn on headphones.

“OHFUKINNGODS!” Mother screamed, eyes flying open! Her body’s humping abruptly turned into convulsive shudders. “That’s the cock, Daddy!” Her eyes rolled up and behind to observe brain cells firing off lightning bolts.

It wasn’t a good time to ask if she was on the pill. I told myself that a proper dom would think only of his own pleasure. Her music though, pushed me to the brink. I gritted my teeth and nearly bit my tongue to drive my peak higher!

I continued fuck my prick into my obscenely writhing mother. Bending my head down, I took a fat nipple between my lips and suckled almost biting it. That elicited an extra squeal. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. “Mmmmm! Aaahhhh!”

Mom grinned as I sucked her stiff nipples harshly, stretching her big tits as far as I could. The pulsating rhythm of my cock pounding relentlessly into her sopping pussy. She looked down her belly to reaffirm what her stretched cunt told her, my cock fucking in and out. Even with her legs bracketing my shoulders, the swollen thickness of my fat prick had to fight the tightness.

Mom cried out again as she squirmed her ass beneath me, desperately trying to fill her hungry fuck hole with as much prick as she possibly could.

“Yes, that’s it, baby!” she screamed, raking her fingernails down my back. “Fuck my cunt! Tear me apart! Ohhh, fuck me…fuck meeeee!” The power of her first orgasm had turned my mother into a porno cliche!

Her cunt clung tightly to my pumping shaft, convulsing and contracting constantly around the thick fucker. It was like her orgasm never stopped!

I fought my peaking but grunted, “I’m gonna fill your mommy cunt with incest sauce. Ready for it?”

“Do it, honey. Breed me like a mare!” Mom pulled my face down to one of her huge tits, offering the distended nipple. “I’m going to cum with you this time!”

I punched my aching cock into her cunt again and again. Finally, I pulled it out until only the tip was still lodged in her pussy and then drove it back into her with all the force I could muster. My nuts ached, needing to release their newly pent-up load, straining to blast its load of cum into my mother’s hot cunt.

Seconds later, my balls spasmed and boiling cream squirted into the depths of her cunt. I howled when huge globs of my fuck juice finally spurted from Mom’s glistening fuck slit.

“My Son! I’m cumming again!” She cried when my thick cum pumped into her pussy. Her clit throbbed, and her cunt spasmed again and again as she clung to and rode my prick through another terrific orgasm. “Keep fucking me!”

As the last of my huge load of cock cream shot from his prick, I collapsed onto her chest, panting. This had been the best fuck of my young life.

A minute later, after much catching of breath, I growled. “You don’t get to tell me to keep fucking.”

“Then you need to up your dom game, My Son.” Sarcasm dripped. “Please forgive this cunt slave’s moment of disrespect.”

My fantasy of making her my slave, sagged from the lack of its quality. “You’re right.” I admitted.

Mom pushed me off of her naked, well fucked and cum leaking body. “Now if you don’t have further need of my cunt, I’ll return to my regular, homemaker slave duties.” Like my cum, her ejaculation of sarcasm gave the room a haunting odor.

I slipped off her bed and grabbed my clothes. “Damn, that was intense.” I said to no one. No small guilt followed me down the hall.

“I passed my sister’s closed door, half expecting her to jump scare or lure me inside with a hooking finger. Mom’s advice echoed in my head. “Nell will tease you again. That’s your clue.”

The safety of my room calmed me. I sat down with my homework, but pride and loathing fought for attention. “She’s gonna tease me again.” I repeated it as a mantra and tried to focus my regular life for the next few hours.

The cliché lightbulb appeared above my head about twenty minutes before Dad returned from work. Nell and I were watching Attack on Titan. We shut the video off when he entered.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, Son, Nelda.” He appraised me and my sister briefly before going to Mom and embracing her with a passionate kiss chaser.

“Hungry?” Mom offered.

“Bring a bowl of meat into our bedroom.” He released her and headed down the hall.


“Show it an open flame, to let it know what it escaped.”

Mom grabbed a smoked turkey leg out of the fridge before following him.

“You have a lot to learn, Bro.” Sis watched our parents cavort away.

Before Mom entered their room, I called to her. “Is that meat big enough?”

She paused and grinned back at me. “It’ll do until I get something bigger – again.” Mom darted through the doorway and shut the door.

“That’s bullshit.” Nell fumed at our obvious play to rile her. She shot me a glare and marched into her room.

In the night, despite my sister’s little rage, she crept into my room and woke me. “Craig, let’s do it.”

“Nell, I want to sleep.”

“My pussy is wet for you, little brother.” She tried.

“Sounds great.” I mumbled sarcastically, but my dick was already half hard. I turned my back to her.

“No games this time, the real deal, your sister’s hot cunt.”

“Raincheck – maybe in my next life.”

“Come on, Creep, don’t be like that.” She was not happy to be refused. “I’ll suck you hard first.”

“I’m not teasing. I’m tired.”

“Fuck!” She hissed and fortunately went away.

At breakfast, Nell avoided looking at me.

“Dad can I have your permission?”

“For what?”

“Mom? Tell him I’ve got your permission.” I grinned at her.

“It’s true, Dear.” She nodded at my father.

“Something private?” He scrutinized her.

“You could say that, but I’d be glad to talk about it, if you-“

“I don’t want to know, and Nelda’s listening.” He bent his head to his plate and stabbed a crispy chunk of potato.

“I’m finished here.” Nell chewed a final bite of waffle from her fork and stood up. She took her plate to the kitchen, found a fresh sandwich bag and scraped a second waffle into it. She put the plate in the dishwasher, in front where it would be most inconvenient. She took the bag to her room.

I eyed my mother. She returned my look. We were in sync about colluding against our college girl.

I went to school, pretty sure Mom would jump Dad’s bones while Nell was still in the house.

I returned to find Nell’s car on the curb. I went inside and knocked on her door. “I can be a bitch too.”

“Suck it, Creep.”

“That’s not nice.”

“I mean, I’ll suck it, Craig.” Her tone changed. She opened the door, fight in her eyes. Surely she wanted payback for my payback.

“Fool me twice…” I chided.

“I came to your room last night, ready to give you full use of my cunt. ‘Oooo, but I’m sooo sleeepy!'” She mimicked.

“Well — I was. But, yeah, I was messing with you.”

“Somehow you got Mom in on the shit.”

“I wonder how I did that.” I grinned through the doorway.

“Craig, I want your dick. Can’t we come to some agreement?”

“Agree to be my fuck slave – NOT pretend or just for an occasion, but committed to my pleasure before yours.”

“Why are you so stupid like that?” A growl issued from her throat. “Real world calling porn-head!”

“I’m the one making the smart play, Sis. You are one hot piece of cunt, and a damn excellent human being, smarter than me in most things but not this.”

“I get it. I really do. You’re not paying empty compliments, and I am honestly grateful for the praise.” Nell expanded on her understanding. “That’s your big deal. You want a hot, powerful woman to kneel and obey to your dick’s eternal delight. But how powerful am I if I’m always at your beck and call? Sounds like a contradiction.”

“My dick doesn’t think that deep.” Pause. A squeak like a fart escaped through my nose.

“You’re punning again.” She huffed and puffed. “In your tiny brain.”

“No I-“

She tugged out my thought and flaunted the stupid pun. “You dick SINKS that deep, right?”

Another laugh fart squeaked out of my nose. (I was only eighteen – cut me some slack!)

We experienced the cliché of laughter cutting through the tension. She hadn’t laughed, but my laugh amused her enough. “Come in, Lil’ Bro.”

I entered. She began to strip, sitting on the edge of her bed.

“Damn, that’s hot, Sis.” I didn’t lie. AI can only hallucinate about women as sexy as she looked right then.

“Mom won’t come home for another hour.”

“I’d love to. I might even cum in my pants.”

“I shouldn’t have cheated you.” Her eyes were smoldering, indicating cloudy thinking.

My thoughts were muddled too. I wanted her. My dick tried to rip through my trousers. “I can wait an hour.” I girded my loins and stepped back into the hall, closing the door.

“FUCK!” She shouted it.

I went jogging in my school clothes, anything to get out of the house. I should have jerked off when I got back, but I found Sis in my room. She was dressed in jeans and a loose, thick cotton shirt. “You blew it. You know that.” Nell sat at my desk, looking strangely calm.

“You blew it, Nell,” I threw her words back. “…the day when you offered to fuck but ran as soon as your fuses blew.”

“I was sick of your bullshit. I still am, but I’ve been horny since then.” She was at the moment, honest. “Hells, Craig, your pants are trying to accommodate a third leg!” Her eyes had zeroed in on my crotch the instant I entered the room. “I’ll meet you more than half way.” Neither of us could imagine what that would entail, but she was sincere about giving more than taking.

“Go to your room, Nell.” I was quietly serious. “Mom’ll be home soon.”

She stood up but then dove for my zipper. “Just let me see it.” She grabbed the waistband frantically and unhooked the clasp.

SMACK! I slapped her left ear!

“Ow!” She recoiled away. Her hands let go of my trousers.

“That’s a line I would never cross with you.” My words dripped righteousness, but honestly I was hot as fryer grease to slap her more and then fuck whatever hole would hurt her the most.

“Asshole!” She marched out, and her door slammed shut.

I remained in my room, door open, waiting until I heard Mom drive into the garage.

I darted out to her truck and opened the driver door for her.

“Can’t a mother freshen up before her son fucks the shit out of her?”

I launched into confession. “Nell’s driving me crazy. I-I slapped her!”

CRACK! My mother’s hand sent a shockwave through my skull! “That’s in case she didn’t slap you back!”

“No excuses, Mom. I lost control when I needed to prove I could be in control.” I worked my jaw. Aches followed.

“Damn you!” She readied a fist. “What happened?”

“A lot, but when she tried to rip off my trousers-“

“You said, no excuses.”

“Hit me again.” I turned the other cheek. “You asked, though.”

“Sorry, I might have overstepped my role as protector of my children.”

“Actually, that gave me a bit of clarity.” I rubbed my sore jaw. “My dick’s been a right slut for the last hour.”

“You didn’t take it out for a drink and bar snacks before taking it to bed?”

“We-ell, I knew you’d be home-“

“Thanks for thinking of me, but if you let your dick decide how to deal with your sister, she’ll take the advantage.”

“She was desperate horny too. I guess cunts are smarter than cocks.”

“Given an equal playing field, yes.” Mom pushed past me. She went to the garage door to the living room and pulled off her boots and work socks. I atoned by fitting house slippers to her bare feet. Suddenly I wanted to cream all over her toes.

“Mom, am I stupid to want it all from her?”

“You’re only stupid if she won’t give her all, which she has every right keep.”

“I just know she’ll crack, eventually.”

“That’s stalker talk.” Mom was not amused. She went inside the house and left the door open for me.

“Are you done helping me tease her?”

“Hells no!” She said loudly. “My Son still needs his slutty little Mommy.” She winked and tromped into the hallway. I followed, listening between her footfalls.

A chair scooted in my sister’s room.

Mom paused at the master bedroom. She opened the door calmly. “Will you be cumming in a sock or Mommy’s pussy?”

Dang, she was laying it on thick! I would have died happily from a burst scrotum. I went inside, but she left the door open a crack behind us. She pointed at the bed and went to her closet. I sat and watched her undress. My dick was screaming to get out and into my sexy, MILF mother! But I sensed that wasn’t what was happening, at least not right away.

“I feel stupid about yesterday.” Mom’s abrupt transition to quiet talk surprised me. “I finally gave myself to you, Craig, but I regret it.”

“Mom, I’ve never cum that hard before.”

“All the pornos say that.” She snorted playfully. “I guess that’s something.

“This morning, our father and I talked after you two had left for school.” She explained while shucking her shirt into the hamper.

That’s why she wasn’t diving on my dick again, I thought incorrectly.

“Your father is a special man. We never discuss infidelity, but he’s been clear about the matter, in his special way.” She pulled down her pants and stepped out of them.

“What’s the verdict?”

“Your father is my true lord and master, Son.”

“He deserves you, Mom. I don’t. I just have a big dick.”

“The few times I cheated on him happened because he told me, his words, ‘Put my cunt in second gear.'” She tossed her pants in the hamper, standing in a sturdy set of bra and panties.

“He’s first gear?”

“He’s overdrive, Craig. The man likes to cruise without bumps in the road. I went elsewhere for a bumping good time, but mostly I love being at peace with him.” Mom reached into her closet and pulled out an old blouse and skirt. She spread them carefully on the bed

“I’d move out of the house before before getting in Dad’s way.”

“We’ll talk about that when you know what college you want to attend.” She went into the bath and pulled damp wipes from a plastic bundle. Mom patted her underarms and rubbed inside her panties.

“Any place without Nell. How about a hair styling trade school?”

Mom took a fresh wipe and swiped under her bra’s lower edge. “Ahh.” She dunked the wipes into the wastebasket. “I’ll shower in the morning.” Returning to her side of the bed, she picked up and pulled on the blouse, buttoning it up slowly.

Suddenly, she burst aloud, “Fuck me with that huge cock, My Son! I don’t care if Nell finds out!”

Suddenly, Nell burst into the room, phone in blackmail acquisition mode, filming me at the end of the bed, still clothed, and mom in her blouse and panties at the side. Mom threw her hands in front of her covered groin. “How dare you, Nelda Williams!”

Big Sis dropped the phone. “Fuck!” She actually stamped her foot!

Neither Mom nor I laughed. We simply waited.

“Okay, I’m the fool today.”

I took Mom’s cue and waited impassively.

“Mom, does Dad have a cock like this creep?” Nelda fumed. “Maybe I should be fucking him!”

“No. Your father’s is better, smaller dick but better because he’s all mine.” Mom glowed.

“I hate you.” It was Nell’s way of crying how unfair it was that Mom got to use my advantage over them, when she had to beg.

“Hating isn’t nice, Dear.”

“I’m moving out, tomorrow. There must be a pimp somewhere who knows how to treat me better than you do.