Sisters broken I

Sierra was an eighteen year old brunette, with pale skin & a small frame. She weighed 105 lbs and was only five foot two inches tall. She had a baby face with a cute nose and small lips. Her teeth white as could be neatly lining her mouth. Sierra was a problem child ever since she was young. Her twin sister was born 5 minutes after her, but she had always been the favorite child.

She dropped out of high school almost immediately and fell in with some bad people. She was introduced to drugs, sex and began to live a lifestyle that made her feel good, ignoring everything else. She was dating a sociopath that treated her like dirt, Sierra knew she liked it.

Everything went downhill when at some point she was introduced to the idea of being abducted. Her snatch drenched immediately and a burning inside her told her she needed it someday. After that day she stopped caring for her own safety. Walking at night alone. Purposefully taking the darker more isolated routes home. She was thinking about dark things day and night 27/7

A few weeks later at 12:03am on her way home from a party, Sierra was walking through a plaza alleyway. Wearing only a fluorescent pink sundress and her favorite flip flop sandals. Her left ankle was adorned with a small silver anklet, with small feather shapes dangling. She had her earbuds in and had music playing, singing along and dancing while she walked. Her sandals clicking off the pavement loudly, her dress reflecting what little moonlight there was. It was almost instant that the man saw her. Sixty yards away in his back yard the man saw her. She was short and pale with small feet and long brown hair that rested just over her little breasts. Without hesitation the man walked to his driveway, got in his black SUV and pulled out after her. He passed her like any other car would, but he stopped far enough down the road that she wouldn’t see him pull over.

Now waiting, the man retrieved a small taser from his trunk. As well as a black bag that ties off to close. She approached slowly, shuffling along with her cute voice echoing in the night while she sang along. As she passed the corner blissfully unaware, the man came from behind with his bag. Swiftly enclosing it over her head. Sierra feeling her rush of excitement began to speak but was met with the crackling sound of a taser and the sudden sensation of electricity going through her body. Losing all control of her legs she falls and the man carries her to his vehicle. He could hear her moaning quietly through the bag while he prepared his syringe. Injecting her neck with a small dose of sedative which would surely put her out for at least 3 hours. Maybe more because of how petite she was, or how much alcohol she had.

The man drove past his home east to a remote cabin that he owned under a false name. He parked out back and unloaded his prize. Down into the cellar he carried her, putty her down softly the man set himself to preparing her restraints. An X shaped surface was set up only waist high off the ground, The man positioned Sierra spread with her arms over her head and strapped her down. Now the only step left was to wait, so the man went up stairs to have a smoke.

A short time later Sierra came to. Her instincts causing immediate panic and confusion right away. Shortly after learning of her situation she realized this could be her fantasy come true. If she played her cards right. The man returned and she greeted him;

“Hello? Where am I? What do you plan to do with me?” she asked him

“What an unusual response, why so calm girl?” the man replies.

“I actually always wanted this to happen mister, believe me!” replied Sierra.

The man was surprised but unsure if she was as committed as she says.

Regardless of what you want, you are now under my control so your wishes mean nothing, replied the man while he approached a table of tools.

“I swear I will do anything to serve you, sir!” pleaded Sierra.

The man contemplated a moment, intrigued by this specimen’s willingness to be used.

“What could you offer me, that would be worth more than the pleasure I get from breaking you right now?” Asked the man.

“My loyalty! I will do anything you say and will make it convenient when you decide to execute me. Please let me be your slave sir.” Sierra whined

The man was certainly interested, this girl could lead to great amusement. He had never met a more willing subject. But he was not yet convinced. She could be lying to attempt an escape.

“How can you prove to me you are loyal like you say?” Asked the man.

After a moment of thought a wild grin formed on Sierra’s pretty face.

“My sister!” She exclaimed suddenly.

“Explain” said the man.

“My younger sister Krista, I can get you her.” Sierra stated with a smile

The man was in shock. She was so young, yet so willing to give her sister to a depraved man for her own benefit.

“What do you get out of this?” asked the man.

“Spare my life and I will serve you.” She suggested.

“Amazing, how will you get me your sister? How old is she?” He questioned.

“Eighteen, she is my twin sister.” She said, trying to sound confident.

The man slapped her hard across the face.

“I asked you a question worm.”

Shuttering from the excitement of being struck, Sierra shook. Pleasure running through her. Ecstasy written on her face.

“I will call her! I will tell her to meet me somewhere.” she squeaked.

Unstrapping her left arm and retrieving her cellphone, the man responds;

“You will call her and tell her you’re at your friends’ and you need your phone charger. Have her bring you one in the morning but not to tell your parents because you don’t want them to know you stayed out all night. Any word asking for help or hinting at anything and I will cut your throat you understand?”

Sierra nodded with puppy dog eyes. “Yes master” she cooed.

“Good now do it.” He responds with a smirk.

Sierra quickly dials her sisters number. Krista answers the phone with a sleepy “Hello?”

“Hi sis! Sorry to wake you but I really need your help.” Sierra began

“Are you okay Sierra?” Asked Krista gingerly implying concern.

“Yes, I’m sleeping over at Kevin’s place but I forgot my phone charger. Could you maybe meet me halfway at the plaza and please don’t tell mom she will kill me!” Sierra recited.

“Oh okay Sisi, I will get dressed and get moving.” her younger sister replied.

“I love you Krista, you’re the best! Text me when you’re close”

“Okay bye now.” Said Krista, hanging up.

Taking back the cellphone the man exclaims; “You really are a depraved piece of meat.”

-‘I really am please use me up in unspeakable ways.” She begged, convincingly.

The man grabbed a large ribbed butt plug from a bag nearby. It’s size easily too large for such a small girl. “-Be careful what you ask for.” He spoke, while dipping the plug into a bucket of orange liquid.

-“What is that?!” Asked Sierra, suddenly feeling mild concern over her choices.

“Hot sauce, ghost pepper specifically.” the man mused. “You will not like this inside of you, but you deserve it. Always flaunting your cute body.” he mocked.

Propping the toy against her small sphincter he pressed. It took him two or three minutes of pressure but he finally succeeded in filling this small girls asshole with his over sized toy. Her eyes went wide as she was penetrated, the ribs stimulating her cavity. The pepper sauce rubbing into her colon.

“If you think this is pain you’re going to regret convincing me to keep you.” he teased.

Through tears and pain she responded with a sharp yelp. “Thank you Sir!”

A short moment later Sierra began to feel the sting of the ghost pepper sauce inside of her. She couldn’t hold back her screams. She cried out in pain, thrashing around wildly against her restraints.

“Would you like your other hole filled too, girl? The man asked her bluntly.

“Please no more pepper sauce! It hurts!” She cried out

“You will get used to it.” The man told her, now holding a long slender dildo. It was eight inches in length, with a pump attached. After dipping all eight inches into the peppery liquid, the man began depositing the tool in her petite snatch. She cried and cried as it finally managed to snake its way into her cervix. Her face was red and distorted with pain. Her legs shook and battled their restraints and her toes curled and her little feet began to cramp.

“And now the surprise!” the man teased her, and began to squeeze and release the pump intently.

The toy began the expand inside of her, pushing her walls and opening her cervix. Her tight body somehow became tighter when she tensed up all over and her face was a mess. Her mouth was a wide cry of silent pain.

“What was your name again?” Asked the man.

“SIERRAAAAAAAAAAA!” cried the teen, no longer able to control her voice.

“What a pretty name, Sierra. But from now on you have no name. You will only be referred to as Toilet. Do you understand?

“Yessss!” She screamed.

“You will address me as master!” Yelled the man, grabbing her left foot. With all of his strength the man twisted. Bending her foot clockwise. There were some cracking noises and a snap before her ankle gave way. Her toes were now facing the floor. Her toes nails were pedicured and painted rose pink. But now it didn’t mean as much because her foot was almost backwards. A silver anklet adoring her slender ankle seemed amusing now.

The man approached her with another syringe, this time it contained black tar heroin of a high dosage. Injecting it into her forearm he made sure to get every last drop into her. If she manages not to overdose by the time I return, she will be truly unlucky.

“What was that?!” Shouted a curious Sierra. The effects had already begun. Her eye lost focus and she began to zone out into black.

The man swiftly headed to his SUV to collect his bonus prize.