Sissy and Michelle Part 5 – Graduation

Sissy and Michelle Part 5 – Graduation

I decided to do a bit of running to cover for the slimy sex mess I had all over me. When I got home dad said “Where have you been.”

I said “I ran for about 4 miles, coach said I need to start training around now. If I want to make the state squad, I will have to be very fit.”

Dad said “That explains the sweat and the smell. Go shower for dinner, we have a lot of people who want fish for dinner. You will be even more popular, after people eat your fish. Can you handle it.”

I looked at my father and said “Dad you wouldn’t know this being an only child. It’s actually really tough being the youngest and having older sisters. Doesn’t matter what happens, they keep me real.”

Dad laughed and said “I suppose so, that’s partly why I invited you away with me. So we can have a bit of man on man time. You are growing up fast, I want to make sure you don’t get off track. You need to take advantage of all that potential you have. Not waste it chasing girls and poontang.”

I thought I had a pretty good idea what he meant by poontang.

We got all the required food and plates etc for the dinner and went over to the BBQ area. Sissy, Michelle and their dad were already there. He was setting up a stereo, and soon had dance music going. He then went to his esky and got two cans of beer out and offered one to my dad. Dad said “I’ll go get my own.”

The dad said “Actually I feel I owe you a few beers. I was a bit hard on you and your son. Seems he is a good boy and you should be proud of him. He is very polite and well mannered. Hope a few beers might straighten out some of the misunderstandings.”

My dad accepted the beer, and we proceeded to cook the fish. My dad was quite a good cook and the fish was smelling really nice. The girls were told to set the big communal BBQ table and I set out the plates. There were around 20 people attending our fish BBQ. I noticed that even Dee and the park manager were walking in. I overheard the manager introduce her to my dad as “Denice the park owner.” The fish was well liked and all the fish and salad was soon gone. The manager had brought a big cake from the café and that was soon cut and handed out.

After we had cleaned away the plates and cooking Sissy and Michelle put some dance music on and did a series of fabulous dances for everyone to watch. They were really good dancers and looked stunning in the matching leotard with tiny short skirt outfits. Their dance was along the Flash dance style of Jazz Ballet. A couple of other girls asked for specific songs to be played and did some very good similar dancing. Sissy and Michelle started teasing me to get up and dance but I refused. Dee asked my dad if he could dance, he was very candid. Then she asked if he could Jitterbug. Dad admitted he could and he could also Jive.

They found some Jive music, basically from the music soundtrack to the movie Old 55. It felt funny watching my dad dance with Dee, who I had been fucking naked 2 hours before. When they sat down Dee was ragging me for not dancing. My dad said “He does a weird Japanese dance, son get up and do that. No music though.”

I was instantly upset with him, I said “Dad you know its not dance, its Karate. I don’t poke fun at your boxing, don’t poke fun at my sacred empty hand way.”

Dad said “Ok, OK fair call. But get up and do one of your kata’s. It’s really quite impressive.”

When the girl’s dad joined in asking me to do it, I finally gave in. They turned the music off and the lights up. I went out on the concrete slab where the girls had been dancing. I stood silently for about 1 minute slowly balancing my breathing. Soon everyone had stopped talking and was watching me. When there was complete silence, I ripped off my t-shirt and threw it at my dad. There were a few cat calls. I started the sacred sanshin breathing, and began to move my arms in the lead up to the sacred kata. The method was causing my arms and chest to sweat, and the muscles were bulging as I slowly went through the lead in movements.

Someone said “He’s going so slowly he’d get killed. Thought Karate was fast.”

At the exact point in the Kata, I stopped, then snapped right 90 degrees. The Kata required three quick strikes at an imaginary opponent’s throat. They were instant, accurate and very fast. Then a quick left turn, lower blocks and a legs wide apart low position. More long steps and I was now very close to the two dads. My strikes were within 2 inches of my dad. Extremely fast, 5 hard punches that would have crippled any man they hit. My dad was ice cool, he had seen all this before. Sissy’s dad stood up at just the wrong moment. I turned Left, did an upper block and stepped towards him. I worked him into the kata and stepped under his outreached arm, flicked his attempted punch at me away casually, then snapped the throat strike with my elbow to within one inch of his throat. The Kata called for a temple strike with the right elbow and a loud strike kill call “Kiai”. I executed these perfectly, and stopped with my elbow one inch from the dad’s temple. I closed my hands together and bowed saying “Namai”, meaning ended.

I looked back at the girl’s dad. He was a very pale white colour. Dad stood up and said to him “I’ll get you a beer, it’s all a bit intimidating the first time you see it. Gets easier after a few goes.”

The girls ran over to me as I was putting my shirt back on. Sissy said “Wow, you always look muscly, but then you looked really awesome. I’ve never seen you tension up your muscles like that. You have to do that again for us, at the beach or something. Where did you learn all that stuff.”

I said “It’s my sacred Karate. My dad insists I do self-defence. If I didn’t do Karate, I would have to do boxing, and I hate boxing. I have been doing sacred karate since I was seven. I think dads disappointed in me, that I didn’t do boxing. He was a champion boxer, and so was his father. The thing is, boxing is about hitting people. Karate is a sacred art, we learn and perfect our art so that we rarely ever need to hit people.”

Michelle said “Well I am not disappointed you do karate. I am very impressed.”

Michelle leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “Seeing you do that, has made my pussy so wet, wish I could let you feel. I’m dripping.”

I must have blushed as her dad said “What did she just say.”

Michelle answered “Just that he looked really scary. I was glad he didn’t hit you. I said thank you for avoiding you. Next time dad, keep seated and stay still!”

My dad arrived with a couple of beers and 3 cans of coke. He gave the girls and me a coke each. He then opened a beer and passed it to the girl’s dad saying “Here you go, drink this beer, everyone was perfectly safe. Let’s drink to James’ first attendance at the national championships later this year. His Sensei says he has a chance of a high finish.”

The girl’s dad said “I wasn’t scared, I had it. I was just embarrassed that I took a swing at the kid. He’s a child, only 15 right. I was embarrassed get it??”

The girls grabbed me giggling, and dragged me towards the dance floor. Sissy was saying “Come on Karate Kid, if you can learn that Karate stuff, you can learn Jazz Ballet.”

They were teaching me how to catch them, if they ran at me and jumped. I got to have my hands all over them. I particularly liked the one hand lift, where I got my hand on their fabulous ass. The two dads were talking loudly and had grabbed a few more beers. Occasionally they would laugh loudly or say cheers and bang their beers together. They barely looked at us kids.

I was looking for Dee but could not find her. The manager was talking to some of the other adults but no Dee. I decided she must have left.

A few of the other kids decided to swim and asked us to join them. Our respective dads agreed, so the girls grabbed their bathers from their bag, and followed me to my cabin to change. It was after 9pm and the pool change rooms had automatically locked.

Once inside our cabin, Sissy watched the path through the window, while Michelle took her tight shorts off. She kissed me deeply and began pushing me onto the floor. Once I was laying on the floor, she followed me down and pushed her very wet hot sticky pussy into my face. I gladly licked her slit and sucked on her clit. She rode my face for sixty seconds, then exploded in a massive orgasm. Fortunately, she did not squirt. As she lifted off my face, I licked her spectacular soft pink anus briefly.

Michelle giggling said “Oh you tease, you’ll pay for that. Theres no time for you to make me cum there right now, yet you have to lick it and remind me how good you make me feel.”

Sissy said “Hurry Michelle, I want my turn. And it’s make us feel, not just you.”

I said “What about my turn, you girls got yours at the beach. Two cums each and then ass! No one gives a fuck about my blue balls.”

The girls high fived, clapping hands as they swapped. I was on my back leaning up on my elbows as Sissy approached. She took off her shorts and flipped her legs each side of my face pushing her dripping wet pussy in my face. She then popped my hard cock out of my shorts and engulfed me in one swallow. I was surprised she could take me deep throat. She took me fully down a few times then said “You like? Michi has been teaching me.”

Sissy then took my cock in her mouth again, and started sliding up and down the full length as she rubbed her hard clit on my lips. She was cumming in minutes and this girl actually squirted. I sucked as hard as I could, swallowing fast and collected most of it. I was thrusting deep in her throat and was building to an orgasm of epic proportions. Michelle chose that exact moment to say “Parent Alert. James’ Dad.”

Sissy was up off me scooping up her bathers and shorts, Michelle already had hers and both girls went into the bathroom. I hobbled into my bedroom, shorts around my ankles, and silently closed the door. I had my shorts off and bare bum to the door putting my bathers on seconds later when my dad opened my door. He said “Where are the girls?”

I replied “probably in the bathroom. Dad close the door, I’m changing here.”

He said “Oh Sorry, thanks for being a gentleman, I’m not here checking on you. Just getting some beers.”

He shut the door and seconds later I heard a scream. I finished putting my bathers on and rushed out. Michelle had walked out, fully covered in her bathers, but gave a scream to kind of punish my dad for coming to check on us.

We all walked back to the pool together and I was soon distracted playing with the girls, and a few other kids we were friends with.

Eventually our dads called time, and we all had to go home to our respective cabins.

I knew Sissy and Michelle were always locked in at night. They were blocked for any more adventures until the morning. I showered and got into bed. When my dad checked on me, I acted like I was asleep. In my mind I was wide awake. I was going through every exciting thing that happened that day. My brain was analysing the sexual things I had done with each of the three girls. I felt guilty at cheating on Michelle, as I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I felt no guilt cheating on Sissy, as she was so bossy. Deep down, I knew she was only with me until she could find some boy her age.

The big question was Dee. I was really surprised how much I liked her body. I thought Michelle was my type, beautiful slim blonde five foot two and 80 pounds, with sexy pale blue eyes. Dee was slightly taller than me say five foot ten inches. I guessed her weight at around 150 pounds. She was voluptuous, in my dads words “a Sophia Loren look alike”. I thought about my hands holding her big firm tits and my cock started throbbing and was hard in seconds. I thought about stroking one off, but decided I wanted to save it for Dee in person at midnight. After our impromptu fuck this afternoon I felt she was a sure thing from now on, any time she invited me over.

I thought out a plan. I knew my dad would be sound asleep at midnight. He often woke in the night, and would frequently check on me. I decided if he checked on me, he needed to see a lump shaped like me in the bed. I knew the cabin had spare pillows in the cupboard. I knew my dad put the key to the locked doors in his room. I would have to go and get it and take it with me. I needed a reason to be outside. I would be punished if caught, but I knew I needed a good reason he would accept. The sort of reason I would take a risk of being caught for. It had to be something he would secretly be proud of. If I had no plausible reason, he would naturally jump to the worst possible conclusion. With a jolt of joy, I realised I just had to take my fishing gear with me to Dee’s place. I would tell dad if caught, that I was trying to catch another big fish. He would still be furious, but he would not be too severe.

It was 11:10, and each minute was agony to try and relax through. All I wanted to do was go and fuck Dee, as many times as I could before she told me to go home. I kept flicking mental images of her through my mind. Her big tits with hard nipples wrapped around my cock was a recurring theme. Visualising her sucking my cock head as it popped up between her firm tits was another. I even liked that she had a hairy pussy, and how soaking wet she got as I fucked her.

She had surprised me at the end of the afternoon session, letting me put my cock head in her ass. I had a long think about the ass fucking. I wished I could talk about it to someone, as I was very conflicted. My church and community was extremely against homosexuality of any kind. I had heard many sermons ranting against sodomy. Yet here I was literally doing it with every chick I fucked in the last month. The minutes crawled until 11:50pm. Finally, I got up, silently stole the door key from dads’ room, unlocked the rear door and got my fishing gear and slipped out the back, locking the door as I went.

When I got to Dee’s cabin, I saw the window was open and a small light was on inside. I snuck up to the window and tapped lightly. Dee said “Who’s that.”

I replied “James.”

Dee said “come in the doors unlocked.”

I went in and put the fishing rod at the door, locked her door from the inside, then walked straight into Dee’s bedroom. She threw back the covers showing she was naked, I started stripping and joined her in her bed.

Dee said “Fuck I am horny, been thinking about your big cock all day. Did I tell you I like the taste of your cum. Its sweeter than most guys, tastes healthy. That Kata Karate thing was the wildest thing I ever saw. My little pussy was dripping wet after all your muscle flexing and stuff. I had to come home for a play I was so turned on.”

She took my hand and placed it on her pussy. She was soaking wet. She was also completely hairless.

I said partly in shock “You’ve shaved, oh gosh.”

Dee said “Yes when you were lifting those skinny girls, I saw they were both hairless down there, so I assumed that’s how you like it. Do you like.”

I got on the bed and pushed my hard cock towards her mouth. I said “If you like it, then I like it. You are fucking sexy either way. Here’s the big cock you like so much, suck it for me.”

Dee immediately took my cock into her mouth and started licking and sucking my cock all over. I said to her “Those other two girls have learnt how to suck my cock down their throats. They love doing it, and I fucking love how it feels.”

Dee hummed a bit with my cock deep in her mouth, then she tried to push it into her throat. Dee erupted into a coughing fit and spat my cock out. She said “Fuck that made me gag. I nearly threw up. Might practice when you are not here and get past the gag reflex.”

She pushed me on my back then slipped her now shaven wet pussy onto my cock. As she pushed her pussy onto my hard cock she said “Fuck that is thick. I’ve only had a few guys, this is far away the thickest. You are twice as wide as my first boyfriend. Those girls are freely available to you now. You scared their dad half to death. Honestly when he tried to punch you, he was all in. That was the fastest hardest punch he could ever throw. You swatted his punch away like a little fly. He knows you will snap him in half if he’s rough with you.”

By now she was fully down on my cock and was rubbing her clit firmly on my pubic bone. I could feel my cock head being compressed by the end of her vaginal tunnel. Dee started to cum and said “Yes!” as my hands automatically reached for her big fat nipples. I squeezed her nipples really hard.

Dee went crazy and shouted “Fuck! Oh god that’s good, keep going.”

I was gripping her hard nipples between thumb and forefinger. I was squeezing them really hard. I loved the way her tits felt so full and heavy. I also loved the way her pussy clamped and pulsed on my cock.

I said “do you want my cock in your pussy when I cum?”

Dee said “Up to you, can cum in my mouth I love that. Can cum on my tits and Ill lick it off them, or cum in my pussy. You’re not sticking that thing in my ass yet, but I have decided I will definitely let you. I won’t suck your cock after it’s been in my ass, that’s disgusting.”

I laughed and said “They only let me cum there in their ass, so I’m not hurting for that kind of ass sex. I really like you, your sexy body and I like your squeezy pussy.”

Dee said “Do they like it?”

I said “Ass Sex? Yes of course, they cum super hard that way, and want it every time. I even made them both cum there with my finger only today.”

Dee said “I can see it would be useful for when I have my periods. I’m always super horny when I have periods. Most boys won’t fuck a pussy with blood in it. But thats the time girls need it most.”

I said “I never thought about that. One of my sisters’ friends, hates having a period, as she has to stop fucking me. She’s your age and was my first. I’ve only just learnt how to do ass fucking. I’m going to tell her when I get back home. Her name is Kath. We have to be careful as my sister gets really upset if she thinks I am fucking her friends. Actually, all of my sisters are a bit whacko about that now. Most of their friends are old like twenty or even thirty so they are way safe from me.”

Dee started riding me harder, then lifted off my cock, and turned around in what we now call reverse cowgirl. She held my cock in her hand and shoved her wet pulsing pussy down hard, until I was fully in her. Dee said “Rub my ass hole a little. I want to try it some more. To see what all the fuss is about.”

I realised her tan was complete, she must go to the nude beach. Her ass was lovely smooth and shapely. He butt was the same colour as the rest of her body. There was white foam around her pussy from our fucking and I covered my thumb in it and started rubbing her ass hole.

After a minute Dee gave a big gasp and started hyper ventilating. She said “Fuck I never knew, shove that bloody thumb in my ass, it feels fucking fantastic.”

As I pushed my thumb into her slippery velvet glide ass hole, she went wild riding my cock really hard. She was going up to the top of my cock, slamming down hard, then rubbing forward and back twice, clit to base of cock, then repeating. I started pumping my thumb in and out of her ass as Dee rode me. She was making a lot of noise and hyperventilating. Suddenly her back went rigid and she leaned back towards me. I took my chance to squeeze her nipple with my free hand, and she started a massive shaking orgasm. I could feel liquid running on my balls so I thought she might be squirting.

As soon as Dee stopped orgasming, she began the slamming up and down and rubbing on me again. Her ass was looser now, so I slipped my other thumb in alongside my first thumb. She was instantly tight again, and her pussy started another massive series of crunches on my cock. She was crying out and shaking with the intensity of her orgasm. I was loving the visuals of her fabulous ass in the air, and my two thumbs in her. I could see a mass of white foamy cream all around my cock and her pussy. She was making a huge amount of pussy juice. Her pussy contracted very hard on my cock, forcing me into a big orgasm. My cock was erupting cum deep up inside her and felt fantastic. Dee continued riding me for another 10 minutes or so and had many more big orgasms.

She eventually pulled off my reasonably hard cock and said “How the fuck does a girl make you cum.”

I said “I came hard in you while you were cumming. I want to cum again soon, I just thought you didn’t want me to.”

Dee said “I thought you were cumming but your cock stayed hard, so I thought I was mistaken. You can cum any time you like. I just want to taste it when you do. Please tell me if you are cumming.”

I pushed Dee into doggy style position and got behind her slamming my cock deep in her dripping pussy. I grabbed her big double D tits and was squeezing her nipples. I started fucking her at the same speed she had been riding me at. I was watching her ass cheeks moving in the low lamp light, and saw her anus was open from my thumbs.

I said “Hey your ass looks open, the way Sissy’s does when she is ready to ass fuck. Want to try it?”

Dee said “Not right now, later yes. I get my period in a week, and want it ready for then.”

I grabbed her hips and started fucking her really hard as she began rubbing her clit. Dee moved her other hand to my balls, squeezing them. I instantly lost it and started cumming in her pussy.

Dee said “AAAh I found your go button, don’t shoot it all in me, I want some.”

She pulled off my cock and turned, devouring my cock with her mouth as soon as she could.

As I was a little softer, I noticed Dee was able to get the cock head into her throat. My cock started pulsing and as it started getting fully hard again Dee kept my cock in her throat. This really felt good and turned me on. As I got fully hard and long, I was literally expanding down her throat. The angle was wrong, so it started to hurt as she bent my thick cock.

I pulled my cock out of her mouth and said “You need to be in 69 to get the angle right.”

Dee moved instantly and pushed me flat on my back. Her mouth descended onto my cock as she pushed her big shaven wet pussy in my face. I had my eyes glued on her fabulous tits. They were hanging down and looked twice as big as they normally did. Her nipples felt fabulous rubbing on my tummy.

As Dee pushed her wet pussy into my face, I had a momentary thought about Sissy and Michelle as this was what they had taught me to do. Dee was soon taking all of my cock deep in her mouth and throat. She was obviously enjoying it and she fired off another big orgasm. Her pussy pushed out a big warm glob of juice then another. It was not squirt. I registered in my brain that girls were all different.

She said “This is a waste of good cock.”

Dee turned back to girl on top and pushed her pussy onto my cock. She positioned herself face to face with me and as I lifted my head Her tits rubbed me delightfully. I bit her big nipples making her scream then shoved a finger, then two into her ass. She climaxed immediately and the pulsing of her pussy blew me way over the edge. I shot my cum into her again. As my orgasm subsided Dee pulled her pussy off my cock and sucked me down again.

After a few minutes of slurping Dee said “This is why girls like younger guys. You can cum more often than older guys.”

I said “rub your tits on my cock and you’ll get another load”

Dee did as asked, and was soon getting handfuls of her thick white cream from her pussy, then rubbing it on her big firm tits. When she started rubbing my cock between her tits the feeling had me rock hard in seconds. My sister’s friend Kath had C cup tits, she had done similar things to me. Kath’s C cup tits had looked and felt fabulous, yet I had never felt anything as good as these Double D tits.

Dee was sliding her tits up and down the full length of my cock. When the head stuck out the top she would lick or suck it if she could. Minutes of worshipping my cock like this and I started pulsing again. She sucked the big cock head into her mouth and squeezed her nipples super hard. Dee started shaking and the erotic view of her cumming while sucking me, pushed me into orgasm for the third time in less than an hour.

Dee sucked my cock head softly and lovingly for at least 5 minutes. She finally stopped and said “Wow I love the taste of your cum. Do you want me to show you my mouth full of your cum next time?”

I said “Sure, that would look sexy. I like that you want my cum so much. You make a lot of girl cum yourself. Its everywhere!”

Dee said “Some of that white stuff is yours, yes I know that most of it is mine.”

She started rubbing the white goo into her lovely tits and just that visual stimulation alone was enough to get me really hard.

Dee squeezed my rapidly hardening cock and said “You are a fucking machine, three cums and you are hard again. I am so going to enjoy fucking you.”

Dee was alternating between sucking my cock and rubbing her white foamy cum over my cock and her tits. She looked at me, clearly thinking something then said “James, you said your lover Kath licked her girlfriend’s pussy. I saw your two girls here licking each other down there through the window. I love the taste of my pussy. I mean really love the taste of my own pussy. Since meeting you and seeing Sissy and Michelle do it, I have been thinking about licking another girl’s pussy constantly. Is that bad?”

I shook my head and said “Dee I don’t know much about that. I wish I could help. Kath has licked three different girls’ pussy in front of me. She likes me to watch her, and tells me she prefers girls. That she only fucks me, because I have a cock. She loves cock as well as girls. I think she uses my cock, to bring in her friends, then she always licks them after I have fucked them. She loves to suck my cock clean of her friends juices. It feels great but I still don’t know how I feel about it.”

My cock had started pulsing while we talked about girl on girl. I had been visualising the different girls I had seen do it. Dee’s eyes had almost rolled up into her head as she thought about the things I just described. She started rubbing her clit, and was soon having a long slow orgasm.

Dee said “Wow you got hard talking about girl on girl. Maybe you don’t know how you feel about it, but this big cock sure knows. He’s all for it. Seems from my orgasm I like the idea too. I’m down for sucking your cock anytime you can give it to me soaked in girl cum. I don’t get jealous, it will be a treat.”

Dee pushed me back again and got on top, shoving my hard cock back in her dripping pussy. Dee said “Another thing I like is dirty words. I want to say cunt more, I want you to say it too.”

She put her hands flat on my chest moving her pussy lips over my pubic bone.

Dee said “My cunt loves your cock. Do you like being balls deep in my shaven cunt. What part of my cunt do you like the most.”

At that point she started orgasming again. I grabbed her big nipples and squeezed them as hard as I could, as she leaned back pressing her tits forward in the dim light. She came for minutes, then lifted off me. Dee moved to doggy position and said “Come on man child, you can try it in my ass again. It’s the only itch you haven’t scratched yet tonight.”

I moved quickly, took my cock in my hand and rubbed it in all her juice. I got my thumbs covered in her juice too and soon had both of them fully in her ass. After mere minutes of rubbing inside her ass with my thumbs, Dee said “Ass doesn’t sound dirty enough for this, I’m going to call it my ass cunt, when I want you to fuck it. Fuck my ass cunt James. Give it to me, hold me down and ass fuck me. Do not stop until you cum in my ass cunt.”

My head was swimming with all the conflicting things. I rarely used that C word, yet it was turning me on hearing her say it. Her ass looked delightful and I wanted to fuck her there. I made the decision to do it. I aligned my thick cock at her lubed ass, then pressed forward. Like earlier that day, the head popped in easily. I grabbed her sexy size 8 ass on each hip and pulled her back onto my cock.

Her ass started pulsing immediately as the head was swallowed deeper into her ass tunnel. I got to half way in and started pulling out. Dee was saying “Noooo, Keep going in.”

I smacked her fabulous ass cheek and said “I’m fucking your ass cunt, not you.”

I started pushing back in and went all the way in. My strong words, ass slap and the feelings in her ass were too much. Dee started cumming really hard, in what I now recognise as an extreme ass orgasm. Her hands were opening and closing on the bed. Her back was locked in spasm, showing the muscle definition of her back clearly. Her ass was clenching my thick cock so hard, it was starting to hurt me.

Dee said “Oh God, so good. Start pumping me again you gorgeous boy. Fuck that ass cunt.”

I did as she requested, and pulled my cock all the way out of her. I looked at the vision of her kneeling with my thick cock in her ass hole, then pushed my cock faster back in deep. She was shaking so much, I knew she was loving it.

I kept pumping Dee really hard as she ran up to another big cum, then another. She started talking really dirty “Fuck this is good. I know why those two little sluts want it like this. Can’t wait for my periods now. Ass cunt can get all the semen you can make then. You can fuck my ass ten times a day for a week. Do you want that you stud. Do you want to fuck my sweet ass cunt ten times a day”

I gasped out “Yes!” as I kept slamming into her, replaying all her dirty talk in my mind. The image that popped into my head was Sissy in doggy position, eating her sisters pussy.

Dee started shaking and managed to say “Oh god, I just thought about you fucking those sisters, when your cock was in the dark one’s ass, she was licking the blonde’s cunt. Oh god that looked so hot, I wish I could lick cunt right now. Would you do that with me?”

I was slamming into her ass and as she squeezed my balls I erupted as far deep in her ass hole that I could reach.

I said “Cumming.”

She felt two more big pulses from me then tore her ass off my cock, turned around and grabbed my spurting cock. Dee held my cock head near her massive tits and got a couple of sprays on each nipple. Then she shocked me. She bent down and sucked my cock head into her mouth.

I said “Dee its been in..”

She cut me off “Shut up, I want it.”

I collapsed onto the bed and she followed me down, keeping her mouth on my cock, sucking me hard.

I’d cum four or five times. This last cum was a huge effort. I doubted she could get my cock hard again. After a few minutes trying Dee said “Finally your cock won’t pop straight back up.”

She moved to lay next to me and put a big firm nipple in my willing mouth.

Dee said “Did I scare you off with the dirty talk and talking about licking cunt?”

I said “No of course not, but it can’t be the sisters, they would take forever to get used to the idea. It would have to be someone else.”

Dee said “I see that, maybe one of my girl friends might want to experiment. I’ll ask a couple of them. The blonde I work with is so fucking sexy, I masturbate thinking about her all the time. Nothing has ever happened between us though. Much as I’d love to have you sleep the night, I think you better go home. Then come back at dawn.

I agreed and asked for a shower first. She watched me wash and asked to be allowed to wash my cock. Her hands soaping my cock felt fantastic, but my mind was on getting home.

At my cabin I unlocked the door, and once inside locked it again. I then replaced the key in dad’s room. When I got into my room, I carefully put the pillows back in the cupboard as they had been. I checked my watch. It was 1:35AM, the entire escapade had lasted 95 minutes. I smiled and laid down on the bed, and was asleep soon after my head was on my pillow. My dreams that night were all about Dee, and dirty ass sex.

The first rays of dawn woke me. I silently got up and dressed for fishing. I went into dads’ room and got the key. I unlocked the rear door and put the key back in dad’s room. I wrote “fishing” on dads notepad on the kitchen table, then took my fishing rod and snuck outside. I was at Dee’s cabin minutes later. I tapped at her window. Dee said “Come in lover”.

I went inside her cabin, locking her door behind me. Once in her bedroom I saw her naked with the covers thrown back. She looked amazing in the dawn light.

Dee said as I walked over to her “I am so happy to see you. I have been laying here thinking about the two fucks we have had. You are fucking me so good. I can’t believe you are really only a child. You taught me so many things about myself last night. I just can’t stop replaying those new orgasms in my mind. As a woman, I believed I knew my body, now you have totally smashed that belief.”

Dee held her arms out to me and said “Come here lover.”

I melted into her arms and she pushed my face to her amazing big nipples. I was sucking them and biting them as they touched my lips. I kept giving her nipples and tits all the attention and pushed my right hand down to her crusty well fucked pussy. She had our combined cum dried over her hairless mound. I quickly found her slit and pushed my finger inside her. She was soaking wet and almost red hot to my cold fingers. After initial exploring of her slit, I settled on rubbing her clit. Dee was raising her hips off the bed, rubbing her clit into my fingers. I started biting her nipples hard and she took my head in her hands moving me from one tit to the other, when she could not take my rough sucking and biting anymore.

Dee started to orgasm and after a minute of shaking and pressing my face into her awesome tits she said loudly “Fucking kiss me.”

I kissed her mouth and our tongues hugged and kissed each other as she continued to orgasm.

I said “Oh your cunt is so wet. Fuck I love your wet pulsing cunt. I’m going to fuck that yummy cunt soon, but first I am going to make you squirt.”

Dee was slumping into the bed and said “I have no idea what you just said, but you can do what ever you want with me. Can’t wait till you fuck my ass again.”

I moved down the bed and kept biting Dee’s big nipple. She was forced to sit up a bit and pulled a pillow under her shoulders, then another under her head. I pushed two fingers into her hot still pulsing wet pussy. Dee spasmed and said “Fuck that’s good, keep going.”

I was searching around in her pussy for her G spot. I pushed on the inside of her pubic bone, and rubbed all around. There was no hard lump there where it was exactly with Michelle and Sissy. It was totally not in the same spot. I was determined to find her g spot so I started pushing further up into her Vagina. I searched for easy another minute and there was no reaction by Dee, and nothing that felt hard. I was pushing really hard into her vagina, and thought I could feel something hard right at the top of the wall, just before it became the top of her vagina.

I pulled my fingers back, and then shoved forward with all 4 fingers in her wet spasming vagina. Dee jumped on the bed and said “Fuck.”

I said “did that hurt?”

Dee said “a little, but it was more the shock. How many fucking fingers do you have in my cunt?”

I said “All of them, actually no, just four of them. I’m searching for a secret magic spot. Think I’ve just found it.”

I pushed my hand in higher, pulling my thumb back hurting it somewhat. My index and middle finger rubbed firmly on a hard lump at the very top of her vagina. It felt like a G spot. It was just in a different higher place. Maybe 2 or 3 inches from where the other two girls had theirs.

I suddenly learned that there were in fact two Dee’s. There was the lovely sexual great fuck Dee. Then there was the G spot charged super fuck Dee. I rubbed her G spot hard, Dee screamed “Fuck. Fuck, don’t stop”

I started the two fingers walking movement on her hard lump. Her pussy pulsed so hard on my hand I was worried she would actually break my thumb. I moved my face down to her clit and started sucking her clit while I withdrew my hand a little, saving the pain in my thumb. Thirty seconds of licking her clit, and Dee humping at my hand trying to get it back into her g spot, she shot one of those big dollops of her cream out of the top of her vagina. That was what I was after. I rubbed her thick cream all over my wet hand. I kept sucking her clit giving her a nice normal cum. Another big blob of her creamy cum came out. I made sure that covered my thumb completely. Then I pressed my thumb to the palm of my hand and started pressing the whole hand into her pulsing cunt.

It actually hurt pushing past her entrance. I had to twist my hand a little and ease it in. I had heard rumours that some boys had done this to girls. I had never done it. I carefully eased my whole hand into Dee’s steamy wet tight pulsing cunt. She was almost silent except for the sound of her hyperventilating. She was gripping my shoulders so tight, her nails were almost penetrating my skin.

I said “Not the nails Dee, don’t mark me, my dad will kill us. The girls will kill me.”

She moved her hands to my head, and I pushed my hand further in. Her tight entrance was now gripping my wrist firmly. I moved my index and middle finger to the hard lump in her vagina, that was now obvious to me, was her G spot. I took my mouth off her clit and said “Be ready, I’m about to ignite your rocket engines. You might feel like you are going to pee. Just go with it, Ill explain later.”

She nodded making her fabulous tits move. I pushed my fingers firmly onto her g spot. Dee immediately went stiff and started shaking. I was moving my two fingers all over her g spot. It was getting harder and harder, and the texture was changing from firm smooth to hard very lumpy. Her breathing was going crazy, and was shoving herself down onto my hand very hard, fucking my hand for all she was worth.

My fingers continued stroking her g spot until she suddenly started screaming, and at the exact same time her pussy exploded squirting the clear water like liquid. The squirt was coming out of her higher up than the vagina entrance. Squirt was hitting my wrist so hard, it was splashing up to her tits, and covering them.

My hand was trapped by her pussy but I wanted to kiss Dee while she orgasmed, so I managed to move up to her. My moving took the g spot pressure off her and she focussed on me and said “Fuck, you are unbelievable. What fucking planet are you from.”

Dee kissed me and we both held the kiss as I started rubbing her g spot firmly again. It took about ten seconds to get her orgasming and squirting again. Her hand found my cock and one stroke had me shooting cum up to her tits to be mixed with her squirt.

Dee pulled off the kiss and with my whole hand stuck in her pulsing pussy, she moved her lips to my cock and kept sucking me. I was coming so hard I felt like I was going to pass out.

When I finished cumming, the spasms of the orgasm kept washing over me with every touch of her body against mine and her mouth on my cock. I was shaking and spasming so much she said “Are you ok, its like you are having an epileptic fit.” She immediately sucked me again.

I said “Yes, it just feels really good. I want to go again.”

Dee pulled her mouth off my still hard cock and said “This bad boy is ready. Do you mind if I ask for ass cunt this time.”

I started trying to pull my hand out of her pussy. Every movement made her pulse more. I applied steady pressure and my hand covered in her wet slippery cream started to emerge from her shaven pussy. As my hand part where the thumb attached, passed through the really tight point at her entrance, her pussy spat the rest of my hand straight out.

Dee sat up and started licking my hand. I had never felt so in charge and forcefully pulled her hand behind her back, pushing her into doggy position. I grabbed her other hand, and pushed them together behind her back, holding them both firmly with my left. I took my rock-hard purple cock in my hand, and ran the fat head along her pussy slit. I pushed the head into her entrance, and noticed her ass hole pulsed each time I pushed just the cock head into her pussy.

I left my cock head just inside her pussy, and covered my thumb with her cream. I then pushed the wet thumb into her ass. Her whole body spasmed. Even my cock head felt her pussy contract. I repeated the action with more cream. This time as she pulsed, I kept pushing my cock deeper into her ass hole. Dee pushed her face hard into the mattress and pushed her ass back to my cock.

I heard her groan and say “I’m so sacking my useless boyfriend. I’m going to get you to fuck me to death. I’m going to sing happily as I go to hell. Fuck you are good.”

I let go of Dee’s hands and grabbed each side of her hips. I noted her ass hole was quite a lot tighter than her pussy and enjoyed the feel of pumping in and out of her. She was shaking and spasming then Dee asked “Should I be feeling my G thingy, that you rub. Feels like I am going to pee again.”

I said “How should I bloody know, I couldn’t even find it to start with. I’m learning on the job here.”

Dee reached over to her side table, and grabbed something long and thin out. You and I would call it a vibrator. That was the first one I ever saw. Dee turned it on and there was a high pitched buzzing sound. She smiled and said “Girls gotta have one of these if they don’t want to cheat when away from her boyfriend.”

Dee shoved the vibrator into her wet pussy and fiddled around a bit trying to get it right.

I said “Push the inside bit all the way to the top, and all the way forward to your tummy.”

I knew the moment she found her G spot with the vibrator. Her ass clenched like crazy, her back stiffened, the sound disappeared (as she had shoved her vibe all the way inside), and Dee’s whole body was shaking. My balls were the first to know she was squirting. Dee wailed loudly then shoved her spare hand in her mouth. Her pulsing went on for minutes. I was just hanging on to her ass and hips. I’m sure I came early in her massive orgasm. I felt each of the eight spurts of my cum go right up her ass. She kept pulsing and screaming so much, that I hardened up again and came less than three minutes after the first cum.

She settled for a few minutes and was almost quiet. Then Dee pushed the noisy vibe back in her, so it was silent. Her hand cupping my balls extended a finger and rubbed it over my ass hole. I was about to say stop to her, when the pleasure hit me. I never thought I’d like my ass hole touched. We were certainly learning together. What she was doing to me had my cock pulsing and as she started to squirt again, from all the stimulation, Dee said urgently “Cum in me lover, shoot your beautiful cum in my back cunt.”

My orgasm was so intense, it almost hurt. I wasn’t sure if it was her squeezing my balls so hard that hurt, or the required energy to ejaculate for the fifth or sixth time in about 40 minutes. Oh to be young again. Dee was hyperventilating and said “Fuck my head is dizzy, with pins and needles. I’ve never felt like this. What the fuck are you doing to me. Did those Karate dudes teach you all this weird fucking shit. Not complaining, I love it. But fuck man, you know shit I’ve never heard of.”

I said “Please don’t ever talk about Karate like that again. It is sacred. I’m learning as we go with you. I’m loving it by the way. Do you know you are the best fuck in the whole world.”

Dee said “I am not. But you definitely are. I am going to look you up when you are twenty. You will be a fucking sex god by then.”

We settled down, and I heard a voice outside saying “Dee are you ok, sounds like you are being murdered.”

Dee called out “I’m ok Jack thanks, but fuck off right now, my boyfriend has come to visit.”

There was no more voices from outside.

I got up and washed as I was covered head to toe in pussy juice, squirt, cum and I didn’t even have the courage to look at my cock after being so deep in her ass.

Dee helped me wash. I invited her in the shower, but she declined. When I was clean, she sucked my cock for a few minutes. Even the beautiful sight of Dee sucking my cock with her perfect Double D cup tits resting below, could not raise another boner.

This time I slipped out her back door and climbed the sand hill up to another path. This path went straight to the beach and had a beautiful view of the early morning ocean.