Showing Myself because I want to Pt. 1

Part 1

My story starts one night when we were out drinking with a couple of my boyfriends mates. Josh and I had been going out for about 3 months after we met at a party at a mutual friend’s house. Josh is a year older than me and at 19 he was working as an apprentice plumber.

Me, Rachel, I was just starting a job as a sales assistant at a big chain fashion store and I guess that you’re wondering what I look like Well, I’m your average skinny girl, probably average in most things except my tits which are very small, ‘AA’ cup.

Like most teenage couples we’d started having sex quite soon, whenever and wherever we could, and it had become quite common for Josh to feel me up at even the slightest opportunity which just led to us seeking out more and more places that we could increase our carnal knowledge of each other.

Now I was loving all of everything that he was doing to me and the not so private places that his hands were wandering on my bare skin just made me want more and more.

I’d stopped wearing bras when I left college (what girl really needs a bra when she’s only an ‘AA’ cup?) so that made it easier for Josh to get at my little tits and after we both realised that we couldn’t get enough of each other’s bodies I started wearing only dresses or skirts and tops then not even knickers. It’s so much easier without knickers, even g-strings, when some fingers or a cock is trying to get inside my pussy.

I know that a lot of girls would be horrified going out dressed like I do but not me, I find it such a turn-on. Even just the feeling of having only a short, thin summer dress loosely covering my naked body is a turn-on, I feel like I’m naked, and Josh is only too happy to take advantage of that.

The showing myself started one night when we were going into the pub. It was still early spring and a bit chilly but I was wearing just a short dress with a skater type skirt part.

We were walking from the car park, Josh and I in front of Justin and Harry when Josh put his arm round my waist then slid it down to the hem of the dress then back up under the skirt part to my waist revealing my bare butt to Justin and Harry.

At first it didn’t register that my naked butt was on show but when Justin said,

“Cute butt Rachel.”

I stopped dead in my tracks to straighten my dress but Josh didn’t stop as quick and the dress went higher up, well above my waist, the offending hand holding my dress up.

“Yes it is cute isn’t it guys?” Josh said as his other hand went round me to stop me pulling the dress back into place.

“Josh, not here, it’s too public.” I said in a slightly alarmed voice.

But Josh wasn’t done, somehow he managed to turn me round to face Justin and Harry and they could see my bare, bald pubes and the front of my slit.

“Looks good doesn’t she guys.” Josh said.

“Josh, stop it.” I pleaded.

Josh firmly held me like that with Harry and Justin staring at my exposure for a few seconds then he let go of me and I straightened my dress.

Nothing more was said but as we walked into the pub Justin said,

“Josh is one hell of a lucky bastard Rachel, you’re gorgeous.”

The thing is, since that incident and right up until we all sat down I was thinking that what Josh had done was at first horrible and embarrassing but as the seconds and minutes went by I started to realise that it had been such a turn-on for me. I totally wanted Josh to fuck me just as quickly as possible. Obviously that wasn’t going to happen right there in the bar so I had to settle for feeling VERY horny.

In the bar Josh and I had sat on the long bench seat which backed onto the wall, then there was a little round table then Justin and Harry sat facing us. I’d instinctively sat with my legs crossed but after a while Josh put a hand on my thigh between my thigh and the hem of my dress and that contact felt good.

Over the next couple of minutes Josh’s hand caressed my bare leg and I, also instinctively, uncrossed my legs letting his hand fall between my legs. As we talked Josh’s hand continued to caress the inside of my thigh, slowly creeping higher and higher. Instead of removing his hand or clamping my legs together I slowly let them drift apart and Josh’s hand continued to slowly slide up my thigh.

The dress that I had on has, as I’ve already mentioned, a skater type skirt part that is only mid-thigh in length so as Josh’s hand slid up my thigh it took the skirt part with it.

I can’t say, ‘before I knew what had happened’ because I knew exactly what was happening and the skirt part was above my pubes as Josh’s fingers touched my bare pussy, my wet, bare pussy. I let out a moan that I think only the 3 guys heard. Both Justin and Harry had big grins on their faces as they stared at my bare pussy that was barely covered by Josh’s hand. And the thing was that I was loving every second of it. I had leant back against the back of the seat so all of my pussy was on display to Justin and Harry, and anyone nearby who cared to look.

Josh moved his hand so that only one finger was touching my pussy on my clit and he started slowly rubbing it.

“Not here Josh, people are looking.” I said as I quickly looked around.

Yes Justin and Harry were looking but so was another young man sat at the next table.

I wanted Josh to stop, it was embarrassing, but at the same time I sure as hell wasn’t going to do anything to stop him.

My orgasm made me shake and jerk and moan and I don’t think that anyone else other than the 4 guys saw me cum. When the pleasure of the orgasm had gone I was still left with the pleasure that I was getting from being exposed but at that moment I was a little embarrassed. It was the first time that I had cum in such a public place, and with other men watching me, and I sat up straight and clamped my legs together trapping Josh’s fingers but he pulled then out and I pulled by dress straight.

The next thing that I heard was Harry saying,

“Wow Rachel, that was some performance.”

“Blame him.” I said turning my head and looking at a grinning Josh.”

“Thanks Josh.” Harry said.

“You’re so welcome guys but I’m sure that Rachel enjoyed putting on the show as much as you enjoyed watching it didn’t you love?”

I was silent for a few seconds, I don’t tell lies so I quietly replied, “Yes.”

The conversation subject changed but I couldn’t help thinking about what had just happened. It was crazy but I had enjoyed what had happened, inside and outside the pub and even just thinking about it was making me horny. I so wanted it to be time to leave so that Josh and I could find somewhere quiet so that he could fuck my brains out.

As it was I had to endure nearly 2 hours of sitting there listening to mainly guy talk although they did include me some of the time. As you can imagine I got a little bored at times and I did tease Justin a bit. He was sat directly in front of me and I let let my knees drift apart a few times so that he could see up my dress. I doubt that he saw more than my bald pubes and maybe the front of my slit but that was enough to make my clit and nipples tingle.

Oh, I haven’t mentioned my nipples much, have I? Well they’d been hard ever since Josh had lifted the back of my dress in the car park and both Justin and Harry had kept looking at my pokies all night.

Finally we got up to leave and again Justin and Harry followed Josh and me out of the pub. By then it was dark outside and half the cars in the car park had left. Josh had parked at the far side of the car park and as we walked over Josh’s hand again went down to the hem of my dress then back up underneath it, but this time I didn’t stop him and by the time we got to the car his hand was right up round my waist, every part of me below that being on display to Justin and Harry.

There were a couple of outside lights in the car park, enough for Justin and Harry to be able to see that I was naked below my waist but not in any great detail.

When we go to Josh’s car I was expecting him to unlock it so that we could get in but instead he led me to the back of the car (reverse parked) and he started kissing me but whilst he was kissing me he used both of his hands to take my dress higher up my body, my little tits becoming visible. Then he broke the kiss and kept pulling the dress up, my arms going up with it and before I really knew it I was totally naked in that car park.

“Josh, what are you doing, people will see me.”

“That’s what you want isn’t it Rachel?”

“Well yes, but not here, and Justin and Harry are looking.”

“Are they complaining?” Josh asked as he turned me so that they could see all of my naked front.

Then I felt Josh’s hand pressing on the middle of my back.

“Bend over the back of the car and spread your legs Rachel.”

“You’re going to fuck me here?” I asked.

The answer that I got was his cock pressing against the entrance to my hole. I shuffled my feet a little further apart to give him easier access but I was so wet that he just slid into me as his hands came round me and grabbed a tit in each hand.

I looked over to Justin and Harry and saw 2 happy but frustrated looking faces. Their mate was fucking his naked girlfriend right in front of them.

Unsurprisingly, neither of us took long to cum and after that Josh released my tits and my upper torso relaxed and fell onto the back of the cold car.

“Enjoy that did you?” Josh asked as his now soft cock slid out of me.

I was about to say that I had but I was beaten to it by Josh and Harry. I laughed, guessing that it was me that Josh had asked not his mates but they had answered. I added,

“Yes I did. Thank you.”

As I straightened up I looked around to see if we had been watched. There was 2 couples getting into their cars, one was looking our way but there wasn’t enough light to see what was on there faces.

Josh picked up my dress and gave it to me and as I was getting into his car I heard Justin tell Josh that he’d got a winner with me.

As we were driving to drop Justin and Harry off I could feel Josh’s cum leaking out of me onto the back of my dress and to his already very stained seat. It was a long way from being the first time that I had sat on his passenger seat with his cum leaking out of me.

After we’d dropped Justin and Harry off Josh said,

“I didn’t upset you in any way tonight did I Rach?”

“Hell no, I loved every second of it, can we do it again sometime please?”

“So you liked me fucking you with my mates watching did you?”

“Yeah, it adds a little more spice to it, it makes me cum a little stronger.”

“So when we get a place of our own we can have parties where you are naked and I fuck you in front of everyone?”

“I can’t wait, I love you Joshua Clarkson.”

“And I love you too Rachel May.”

“Hey Rach, that reminds me, my dad has offered to pay the deposit on an apartment for us.”

“Awesome, can we start looking?”

“Yep, nothing too big, just a one bedroom one.”

“One bed is all we need lover.”

“I know. Shall we stop at the usual place on the way home?”

“Hell yes, there might be some dirty old men there to watch you fuck me again.”

A short while later my dress came off again and I got fucked over the front of Josh’s car. This time the heat from the engine kept my little tits warm but there were no dirty old men to watch us that rime.

As we sat on the front of Josh’s car recovering and his cum dripping out of me onto his car, Josh said,

“You really do like people seeing you like that (naked) don’t you Rach?”

“Yes I do, it makes me tingle, it turns me on.”

“We’ll have to try to think of ways to help you with that, maybe this apartment that we’ll get will be overlooked by a building site or a factory and there will be an endless supply of men to look into our apartment and see you walking around like that.”

“So I’m going to be naked all the time that I’m in the apartment am I?”

“That’s what you wan isn’t it Rach?”

“If you’re there it is Josh.”

“I guess that that’s settled then. If I’m there, you’re naked there. Deal?”

“Deal lover, and if you’re not there I’ll be naked waiting for you to return.”

“I’m going to look forward to this.”

“So am I.”

Our bodies were starting to cool down so we got dressed and Josh took me home. My parents were still up but all I got from them was a quiet hello and I’m sure that I could have walked in totally naked and they wouldn’t have noticed.

The next evening before Josh came round I started looking for apartments. There were plenty around but I had some specific requirements. Close to the centre of town, close to a park and overlooked. Josh had mentioned a factory or a building site and I managed to find one with a combination of both, a factory that was being converted into apartments, and the factory had a lot more floors on it than the apartment that I was looking at.

I was looking at it on my laptop in my bedroom and when Josh arrived we both looked at it whilst I got changed to go out. Getting ready took a lot longer than usual because we both invented little scenarios where people would be looking at the naked me through the apartment windows. I even invented one where I went from the apartment down to the ground floor to look to see if any post had come for us whilst I was naked.

Josh had to empty his balls into me before I put on a short skirt and top. We nearly missed the start of the movie although neither of us could tell the other what the plot was about after it had finished because we were more interested in each others bodies.

That was on a Friday night and on the next morning we went to see the agent that was handling the renting of the apartments. Everything went well and 3 weeks later Josh’s mates helped us move what furniture we could scrounge from either set of parents into the apartment.

It was only a one bedroom apartment be neither of us had tried to scrounge a bed from our parents. Both our beds had been single ones and we wanted a big bed. A sturdy one that that could survive a lot more activity on it other than just sleeping.

For the first 11 nights we slept on a borrowed airbed.

I had kept my promised and every time that I got home I’d strip naked and gave Josh a welcome home present of my body.

The apartment was was in relatively easy walking distance from the shop where I worked and it also had a place that Josh could park his old banger of a car.

It didn’t take long for the builders converting the old factory into apartments to realise that a naked girl had moved into one of the apartments opposite. I guess that this was helped by the fact that we never closed the blinds and we had the lights on all the time that I was home.

A few times I’d look out of the window then give a wave to the men that were openly spying on me. Whenever I went out I made a point of getting dressed in front of that window so that anyone who was looking would know that I went out without any underwear on.

Finally the new bed arrived. Josh hadn’t told me that it was coming and I hadn’t heard his phone call to tell him that the delivery guys were on their way up and the first thing that I knew that they were there was when I came out of the bathroom totally naked and was confronted by the 2 middle-aged delivery guys carrying the base of the bed in.

“Oh sorry,” I said, “I didn’t realise that you were here. I’ll go and put something on.”

“Don’t mind us love we’re used to seeing naked young ladies when we deliver beds. We’ve even walked into a bedroom carrying a bed only to find a naked young lady asleep on top of the old one so you don’t have to get dressed if you don’t want to, we won’t be shocked or complain.” One of the men said as he stared at my naked front.

I found what he said hard to believe but who knows? Anyway I didn’t run off to put some clothes on, they were in the bedroom where the men were going. Instead I just watched the men. Josh came and stood beside me and put his arm round me as we both watched the men assemble the base of the bed.

I could feel my hard nipples and my clit tingling as we watched and it didn’t help when Josh’s hand slid down to my butt and started squeezing my cheeks. I just knew that my juices were creeping down the insides of my thighs as the men finished their work.

“Right,” one of the men said as they finished their job and turned to look at us, “that’s the base done, we’ll just go and get the mattress for you.”

With that they walked out of the bedroom then the apartment.

“You did that on purpose didn’t you Josh?” I said as soon as I saw our front door close.

“Yep, I thought that you’d like it.”

“I did, thank you, can we christen the bed right now please?”

“Those men will be back in a couple of minutes Rach.”

“I don’t care.” I said as I bent over the base of the bed. “Fuck me.”

It may have only been a quickie but it was enough for us both to cum before we heard a knocking on the door. Josh was still pulling up his jeans so I jumped off the bed and the still naked me went and told the men to come in.

Again they didn’t take an awful lot of notice of me until I went for my purse to give them a tip.

“No, no love, we’ve already had the best tip that we’ve had all week, thank you young lady.”

I smiled, put my money away and went and told Josh that we were going to properly christen the bed.

The bedroom window was alongside the one in the lounge and now that we were at the height of the bed we looked out and across the street. There was no one watching us but I smiled and said that I wondered who would be moving into the apartments opposite.

“You’re just hoping that it will be some guys who you can tease by laying on the bed like that with the lights on.”

“Yes, and by riding your cock with them watching.”

We fucked again.

A few days after the mattress was delivered something happened at work that helped me change the way that I dress, whoever ordered stock for the branches had screwed up and our branch got a lot more summer stock than our manager thought that we could sell so her answer was to let the staff buy whatever we wanted at a fraction of the retail price.

What’s more we could ‘try at work before we buy’ which meant that I was often working wearing clothes that most girls would wear with something underneath or over them. That is to say that most of them were see-through to some extent. The Manager soon spotted that my body was visible through what I was wearing and she called me to her office.

“Do you realise that everyone can see that you’re not wearing any underwear Rachel?”

“Yes Ms Harvey, is that a problem?”

“With a figure like yours no Rachel but if either of the other girls who are both a lot larger than you start doing the same thing I’m going to have to stop it.”

Now even me at my age knew that a comment like that was against all sorts of employment laws but I sure as hell wasn’t going to challenge Ms Harvey on it. Instead I said,

“So you don’t mind me wearing see-through clothes at work?”

“Not at all Rachel, as I said, you have the figure for it and it’s good for promoting our products but aren’t you just a little bit embarrassed?”

“No, it makes me feel good. I know that we don’t get many men in the shop but when we do, and they see me, I get a bit aroused.”

“I can understand that Rachel, when a man comes in with a girl and she goes to the changing rooms I won’t complain if you pick that time to try on some other clothes in the first changing cubicle.”

I thought for a couple of seconds the replied.

“You mean …… ?”

“Yes Rachel, I realise what sort of a girl you obviously are, an exhibitionist, and I’m happy to take advantage of anything that will bring the customers in, even men persuading their girls to come here hoping to see your naked body.”

“Yes Ms Harvey, thank you.”

“Oh Rachel, we haven’t had this conversation, okay?”

“What conversation Ms Harvey?”

Ms Harvey smiled and I realised that my boss had another side to her, one that I liked. As I left the office my brain was working hard. That was the first time that I’d heard the word ‘exhibitionist’ when referring to me and I realised that I was one. Not that I thought that that was a bad thing because it was actually quite accurate when I thought about it.

The other thing was that Ms Harvey had given me permission to not only wear see-through clothes at work, but to flash my naked body at customer’s male partners?

It was a happy Rachel that got on with her work, but at the same time I realised that I’d have to be careful how I let people see my body, in the see-through clothes I would have to act like they weren’t see-through and when I was trying on other clothes my exposure would have to look accidental. It wasn’t like I could walk around the shop totally naked, that would get me into trouble.

I didn’t get any real opportunities that day and as I was getting changed back into my own clothes just before going home I decided to talk to Josh and go through our finances to see if I could afford to buy any see-through clothes, I really liked the idea of going out in public wearing only see-through clothes.

The following day when I was sorting out the damaged stock I had an idea and went to see Ms Harvey and asked her what happened to to the damaged stock when it left the branch.

“It’s returned to the central warehouse and gets sold by the pallet load to be cut up into rags to be used by any company that uses rags, why, have you seen something that you want Rachel?”

“Well, when we moved into our apartment I took some furniture and the likes from my parents home and one of the things that I took was my mother’s sewing machine. She hadn’t used it for years and I guessed that it will years, if ever, until she noticed that it has gone.”

“And you’re wanting to use some of the damaged stock to make new clothes for yourself?”

“That’s what I was thinking but only with your permission of course.”

“Okay Rachel, only a few items and only after they have been recorded as damaged. I’ve got to balance the books but after they’ve been recorded they’re only worth pennies. Oh, and don’t go shouting about it, I don’t want all 3 of you taking bags full of them home each night.”

“I’ll be discreet about it, thank you.”

“So are you going to make yourself some very revealing outfits then Rachel?”

“I’m going to have a go.”

“Well you can come to work in them if you want. I’ll be very interested in what you make.”

“I might just do that, thank you.”

I went back to sorting then recording the damaged stock, looking at each garment to try to visualise if I could do something with it. There was a couple of items that made me smile and after I’d recorded them as damaged stock I folded them and put them in my locker.

Money at home allowed me to buy a dress at that time so whilst tidying the racks mid morning I looked for and found one that I would be happy to wear out in public with Josh with nothing under it. After trying it on when a man was stood at the entrance to the changing area and letting him see me changing, I went out and looked at myself in the big mirror near the entrance.

“What do you think?” I said as I turned to face the man knowing that the man could see my tits and the front of my slit.

“Truly amazing.” the man replied just before his partner appeared behind me.

I smiled at him as him and his partner left.

As the store wasn’t very busy at that time I decided to go and ask the other staff and the manager what they thought of the dress on me. I came to Jenny first and she looked ta me and said,

“You can’t go anywhere like that Rachel, everyone will see what I’m seeing, your tits and pussy.”

“That’s the whole idea Jenny.”

“You WANT people to see your tits and pussy Rachel?”

“Yes, why not, I’m not ashamed of my body, in fact I quite like it, and so does Josh.”

“You’d go out with Josh wearing just that?! Bloody hell Rachel, I could never do that.”

What I thought was,

“Well stop eating so much Jenny, then you might have a body to be proud of.”

What I actually said was,

“I think that you’d look great in something like this Jenny, why don’t you try one on?”

“I don’t think so Rachel.”

Next I went to Laura and asked her what she thought.

“Wow Rachel, you look stunning, does Josh know that you wear clothes like that?”

“He does and he loves me showing myself like this.”

“I hope that he appreciates what your doing for him.”

“I’m not really wearing clothes like this for him, I’m wearing them for me.”

“Well if that’s what rocks your boat Rachel you go for it.”

Next it was the store manager,

“What do you think Ms Harvey, does it suit me?”

Ms Harvey looked me up and down and I felt my pussy tingle. That surprised me a bit because I’ve never even thought about other women like that.

“You look wonderful Rachel? Are you planning to wear that all the time at work then?”

“Would you mind if I did? But I can’t wear the same dress every day?”

“Then I think that I might have to find 2 or 3 dresses like that in the damaged stock bin.”

“You WANT me to wear clothes like this every day? Showing my tits, slit and butt all the time?”

“It would be good for business but it’s up to you Rachel, I can’t order you to wear see-through clothes but at the same time I’m not going to punish you for wearing them, unless you’d like me to spank that cute little butt of yours?”

“Okay Ms Harvey, I’ll keep this on for the rest of the day and see how it goes.”

I turned and walked back to the changing room to get my old clothes to put them in my locker. As I was doing so I thought about that last sentence that Ms Harvey had said, did she really want to spank me? Would I like her to spank me? My pussy was certainly tingling a bit but was that because of what I was wearing or because I liked the idea of being spanked. I decided to ask Josh to spank me to find out what it was like and if I’d enjoy it.

The rest of the day went quite well. I saw a couple of girls look a little surprised to see what the could see and I also saw one girl smile when she realised. Only one man came in during the rest of the day and he certainly stared at me for a while, especially when I turned to face him so that he had a full frontal view of me.

At the end of the day, just as we were getting ready to close Ms Harvey called me over.

“Rachel, just wait there a minute please.”

“Yes Ms Harvey.”

When Laura and Jenny had left Ms Harvey said,

“Take the dress off Rachel.”

I hesitated for a couple of seconds wondering what was going on then I took it off leaving me naked in the main part of the store in front of my boss.

“Give it to me please?”

I handed the dress over then Ms Harvey walked away. She was away for about 5 minutes during which time I looked out of the shop windows at the people passing by. I both did and didn’t want them to look over and see me but my pussy did want people to see me, the tingling was quite strong.

“Are you going to punish me Ms Harvey? Spank me?” I said as she walked back to me.

“Why would I want to do that Rachel, have you been a naughty girl?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Then I won’t spank you Rachel. Here, these are all damaged stock, you may as well have them, maybe wear them for work.”

I took the bag, looked in it and saw the dress that I’d been wearing and 2 others, both similar to the first one, i.e. see-through and intended to be worn with something underneath.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say other than Thank You Ms Harvey.”

“That will do nicely Rachel, now put something on and go home. I need to lock up. I’ve got a big date tonight.”

I quickly put on the dress that I’d been wearing for most of the day then went to my locker to get my purse, phone and the clothes that I’d worn to work. I put most of them into the bag that Ms Harvey had given me, only leaving out the denim jacket that I’d worn to work because it was a little chilly in the morning. I put the jacket on and checked what I already knew, that the jacket only comes down to my waist, anyone who cared to look would be able to see my butt and slit through the dress if they looked for long enough.

Saying ‘goodnight’ to Ms Harvey I started the 10 minute walk home.

I guess that everyone on the streets was rushing to get home because I didn’t see one person stare at me or even do a double take and I was soon in the apartment building and going up the stairs.

I took the jacket off as soon as I got in but left the dress on, I wanted to show it to Josh.

I was getting us some food ready when Josh arrived and as soon as he saw me he came and bent me over the kitchen table. As he was ramming his cock into my dripping pussy he asked,

“Where did you get that dress, you look amazing Rach.”

After we’d both cum I managed to tell him that it was my new work uniform.

“They’re forcing you to wear that at work? In the shop with customers coming and going?”

“Nobody is forcing me to do anything Josh, I tried it on this morning and Ms Harvey said that it was suddenly damaged stock and that I could have it if I wore it at work. Well she didn’t actually say that last bit, that was more my idea.”

“I should have guessed that you’d have something to do with you being virtually naked at work. If you’ve been wearing that all day you didn’t come home like that did you?”

“No, I put on my denim jacket over it.”

“But that’s a short jacket.”

“Yes it is.”

“You’re going to get arrested one of these days Rachel May.”

“Nobody even looked at me as I walked home, all too busy in their own little worlds.”

“Well you be careful my girl.”

“I will.” I replied as I took the dress off then continued, “I’ve got 2 more like this as well.”

“Are you trying to bankrupt us Rach?”

“No, they’re also damaged stock, Ms Harvey gave me them for free.”

“That’s okay then. Change of subject, so when are we going to have our house warming party and are you going to wear one of your new dresses at it?”

“You want to show my body to all your mates don’t you Joshua Clarkson?”

“I’m not bothered either way Rach, it’s you that wants to show your body to all my mates isn’t it?”

“Okay, you got me there.”

“Shall we invite our parents as well as our brothers and sisters?”

“Brothers and sisters yes, but not our ‘rents.”

“You don’t want our parents to know about your new lifestyle then.”

“It’s not that, although I don’t know what mum will think, it’s just that they’re too old for a party full of people our age.”

“Valid point, just friends, brothers and sisters then, so will you be wearing anything?”

“I was thinking that maybe I’d wear one on my new dresses to meet everyone in the pub then take it off when we get home.”

“If that’s what you want Rach but you realised that there will be lots of guys there all wanting to fuck you?”

“You mean a gang-bang? Maybe that would be nice but only if you want that Josh.”

“I don’t know Rach, I sort of like the idea of watching you get fucked by lots of other men but I also like the idea of keeping you to myself.”

“You’re not getting jealous are you Josh?”

“No, it’s just that I want to touch and hug and fuck you all the time.”

“So, just to be clear, you like other men seeing me naked and you want to fuck me all the time?”


“How about other people seeing you fuck me?”

“We’ve done that already Rach, those builders.”

“True, but you, we, don’t know the builders. What about our friends and family seeing us fucking?”

“Not our parents, but the rest would be okay I guess.”

“Another reason for not inviting the ‘rents, so if we were to start making out at the party and that led to us putting on a fucking show you wouldn’t be unhappy?”


“And if one of your mates asked you for a go at me you would let him?”

“Probably, if I was there.”

“Holding my hand”

“That would be nice, we could look into each other’s eyes as he fucked you.”

“Okay, I think that that’s enough ground rules for now, it may never get to that but I do like the idea of being the only naked person there.”

“And I could come up behind you and play with your tits and clit whilst you talk to our guests.”

“Now that does sound good.”

By then we were eating our meal and when we had cleaned up I got the 2 other dress’ and tried them on. I was getting into the habit of dressing in front of the window and this time was no exception although I didn’t look out to see if anyone was watching me.

Both Josh and I liked the dresses but Josh wasn’t sure that I should be going out in any of the 3 dresses. I just kept telling him that it would be okay, that most people wouldn’t even register that the dress was see-through.

“Yes Rach, you’re probably right but it’s the people who do realise that I’m worried about.”

“You’re not getting jealous of other people seeing my goodies are you Josh?”

“Hell no, it turns me on when I see other blokes looking at you. It’s those nutters that get offended by seeing the human body in all its glory.”

“Yes, I can’t understand why people get offended by the human body, we’ve all got one.”

“True but a lot of them aren’t as beautiful as yours Rachel.”

“Thank you Josh.” I replied as I took off the second dress and then climbed onto Josh, who was sat on the sofa, me putting my knees outside his legs and rubbing my bare pussy against his jeans covered hard cock.