Shock and Awe_(0)

It was long ago or was it yesterday. Finally, after a long day it was time for some rest and recreation…heavy on “recreation.” My home was empty except for me and my favorite large dog. I was feeling randy. When the air came through the open door I could tell. My cunt was wet and the air cooled me, only making me more hot and ready to go upstairs with Duke…my large black lab. OMG, we were a team and we joined…as in joined…together for fun whenever we had the chance. This afternoon was one of them.

Children were at school, hubby away on one of his travel outings. Being alone was a form of arousal and I called Duke. We moved upstairs to my bedroom for a little play. I chuckled his ears, he had that doggie smile, he was breathing from climbing the stairs and with each breath his doggie cock pointed our of its sheath…inhaling, exhaling and his cock in unison. I petted his head, played with his sheath and out came a pulsing, dripping cock. I stroked the cock, leaned down and kissed as it grew hard and flexed to the touch of my warm kissing. I sucked the tip.

Then I sat on the edge of the bed, dressed in my cool house coat which hung loosely on my body and down to my knees. It was our little game and Duke nosed up the hem several times and then moved forward. He knew what to do. He was under my dress. I spread my legs and he took a big glorious slurp of my cunt sending thrills through my body. I lifted my dress to my waist and Duke was in serious attention. I lifted my cunt for him; spread my lips and he didn’t disappoint with his wonderful, soothing tongue. If only I could teach a man to anoint me with his mouth. Some did. A lot didn’t but I had my dog. Good old reliable Duke! Hard at his task…as in really hard, dripping, moving from side to side.

The sight of this dog’s cock and the feelings thrilling through my body from the licking that were too much. There was a short time before the children came home from school but I didn’t want to wait to be fucked. It was such a quiet morning and afternoon I had it on my mind for hours and the time had come…I could have probably climaxed all by myself but right now I had help. I climbed on the bed, pulled the housedress over my butt, took my position: arms forward, face down, ass and cunt up and waiting. I was so hot I didn’t even hear the squeak of the screen door and didn’t care. It was probably just the breeze.

Actually it had opened to a whole new excitement for me. Meanwhile, Duke had mounted me, poking around, it was part of our foreplay: his dick slapping around my ass, poking around and wetting and cooling me. I could have taken a cold bath right then and still have been hot. I grunted and closed my eyes. His cock had finally found my cunt and entered. It always made me grunt. He was a fine big boy and was pumping now; my excitement building and I knew a wonderful climax was on its way to bless my body.

“Mom!” OMG, my son Eric had come home early…that was the noise from the screen door. I looked back only to see him at my door, his mouth wide open at the sight. I muttered: “ Please close the door. Go downstairs. Mommy just can’t stop right now. I’ll see you in the kitchen.” Letting out another grunt and I could feel that releasing climax traveling from my toes and shoulders focusing on my hot cunt being churned. Feel it flowing from my face, down my neck and breasts…my entire body in emotion and all focusing on my cunt. OMG it was here and now! His knot was slapping me. He was trying to enter me. We made more noises. The climax throbbed through me; the dog finally climbed down oblivious to Eric and the interruption. You can’t interrupt a dog at work or, in this case, interrupt Mommy for a little chat with her oldest 13 year old son.

I rested for a few minutes, gathered my courage and went downstairs. “Eric. What you saw was your imagination. Duke and I like to wrestle.” Eric’s eyes got bigger…they were already big…he hadn’t heard his Mom lie very often. He said: “Mom. I don’t have that good an imagination. Duke sure has a big dick!” “Yes he does,” I said, “and sometimes Mommy needs it to relax. Promise that it is our secret? If so, I have another surprise for you but only if it is our secret and no one else’s” I let out my breath when he said: “Okay Mom. I won’t tell Dad or anyone. So what is the surprise?”

“It’s time for us to talk, honey. Sit down. I don’t know what you’ve done about sex or girls and it’s time we talked about it…we’re humans and sex is part of humanity. Come over her and sit across from me.” He did. “Mom and Dad do the same things sometime as I was doing with Duke but Dad is gone for a long time sometimes and I get sexual feelings that are frustrating if they aren’t taken care of. Understand?” He nodded. “It’s a little like when we’re hungry and we need food. Sometimes we have feelings that need sex.” Eric was sitting there staring at me. “Mom you’re very pretty and have a pretty shape. Some of the boys at school tell me how pretty is my Mom.” I loved these words and continued:

“When a man and woman have sexual feelings they need to take care of them. Usually Dad and I go upstairs. I take down his pants and he puts his hands under my dress and feels me. When I take down his pants and then his underwear his cock gets stiff and he likes me to kiss it, lick it, put it in my mouth, and run my tongue all over it until he is ready to put his stiff cock inside me and then we feel really good. Having sex is a wonderful experience.” I looked at him. He was stone silent. Fascinated with my words. I looked down at his waist. He was wearing shorts. I could see the bulge in his pants. I hesitated with my next step but I was getting hot again and with my son! I was still coming down from my bedroom experience. Looking at my son’s bulge made my nipples hard. I was ready but waited to see what would happen. It was very quiet in our kitchen as my son looked at me; questioning. Then he broke the silent, expectant moment.

“Mom,” he said: “What?” “I think I’m having those sexual feelings that you were talking about. What should I do with them?” I smiled…he was old enough…and as I knew, a “big boy”…we didn’t circumcise our children and sons had big dicks. “Stand up,” I said and he did. “Come over here,” I said and he did. I loosened his belt and unbuttoned him. “This is our secret. Right?” He looked at me and nodded. I had his pants down now and his large cock was out. I was afraid brother and sister would be home and glanced at the clock…we still had time for our lesson. I stroked his cock which was big and stiff, the tip wet, I looked at him and he had this big smile. “That feels good Mom” he said. “Keep doing that.” I stroked him more, cupped his balls, holding his balls, stroking and then reached down for a kiss and lick. I licked the base of his cock; his hands touched my ears and I began to suck him. “Mom,” he said. “What?” I mumbled through my lips. “It is feeling different now and getting …ah!… better…much…much better.” His fingers tensed on my ears asI continued licking…he exclaimed:. “Please don’t stop Mom!”

And of course I didn’t. I couldn’t stop in my lust for this beautiful big son cock. He had a wonderful “man cock” not a little boy cock and his precum was slippery on my tongue aiding me in giving him pleasure. I licked the sensitive skin underneath as he squirmed and flexed with each lick. Then he tightened on my ears, tensed “MOM! Oh…Mom…” and then he came in my mouth…I felt his first burst of semen and then another…a big, big come from his “Man Cock.” My little boy all grown up wetting his Mom‘s throat with his sweet sperm. I swallowed and licked him down to soft. He sat back down, his bare bottom on the chair. “Gosh. Oh gosh. That was great!” It was all he could say. I heard the kids arriving. We had had our fun just in the knick of time.

“Pull up your pants. Your face is red…go splash some water.” He got up but stopped, looked at me, said: “Mom. If I don’t tell. Can we do that again?” I just smiled…and said: ”Of course and I have some other lessons.” He ran off to get his face washed and in came the children running up to me giving me a hug, walking over for a drink of milk. “Have a nice day honeys?” I asked. “Yes we did. Did you have a nice day?” I said it had been a wonderful day, which, in fact, it had been and more. I couldn’t wait to teach Eric a few more things. Things that send Mom’s into “Gosh” land. I hoped I didn’t have to wait long.