She was the one, just not at the right time. – Part 1

It was June 2015. I was in Vegas for a pre-conference trip with my wife of then 3 years. I came in from Seattle and she flew in from back home. I got there very much earlier than she, so I checked in, grabbed a cocktail, and played some blackjack. I did okay, it made the time go by. I had been on the road all of 2015 and we hadn’t got any time away from our daughter. This was a much needed connection time.

Her flight landed, and it would be about 30 minutes before she would get to the Palazzo. I had a limo waiting for her. She arrived and was very happy to see me. I could tell she had some wine on the plane in her first class seat. We weren’t rich, but she was going to get treated like a queen. We kissed and hugged, and I took her bags and we headed to the room. It was fairly late, and I could tell she was tired. We talked on the way to the room about her flight, and what I had done.

I was not going to complain about going to bed right away, we hadn’t seen each other in a while, and I too was tired. Let me backup and set the stage of our sexual backgrounds. I started early, really early. Nothing illegal or dangerous, but just experimenting with myself and my friends. That drove my libido to an insane level as a pre-teen, teen, and continued all the way till today. My desire is to please my lover. I don’t normally fatigue too bad during sex, and pleasing her is the most important goal of mine. Kissing is what drives my internal chemistry. I love oral sex, and for whatever reason, I can stay hard and cum 20 times with no problem. I honestly feel it’s a curse. Sometimes my libido gets the better of me, and sex is all I can focus on. A masterbation or 3 will take care of that usually. She on the hand, was raised to not be affectionate, or loving, and sex was the devil. So with all that she would be defined as a prude. She loved me, I had no doubt. She couldn’t control the learned behavior she was taught. Coupled that with other character traits, we really were a bad mix sexually, chemically, and general affection. She for example didn’t like kissing, or the thought of a tongue or more in her mouth. Even though she was a pretty good kisser herself, and for a prude, gave an amazing blow job.

She unpacked her suitcase, and we prepared for bed. We basically had a nice little kissing session, and some quick but really good love making. She came, I came, we retired. One thing about her, she used to never cum. I am not God’s gift…. but she never came without a toy before. It didn’t take me long to figure out her body had other ideas than her mind. However, like everything, its mind over matter. Her body wanted to cum, and cum some more. It was always ready, wet, and cumming in no time. Even orally. Once she got her mind out of the way, and listened to me to be patient, it was much more enjoyable. Yet, her libido never changed. She wouldn’t beg to be fucked, or normally initiate. She mentally had little drive for sex. Even after all these amazing orgasms, she is a squirter too. But as I said it’s mind over matter. We went to bed, and slept in a bit. Had a nice morning quickie, sideways, and we both woke up with a smile and wetness.

We really spent the next two days at the pool. It was 104 degrees that time of year, which was unseasonably hot. Of course it’s a dry heat, but it will light your ass up regardless. We met some couples from around the states, and had a great time drinking and getting to know one another. We set up a dinner reservation and went to see the “Michael Jackson” show at the Mandalay Bay. Dinner was amazing, lots of laughs and stories. The MJ show, however, was so impressive. I grew up an MJ fan but this was incredible, like seeing the late signer in person. We danced in the isles the whole time.

We were not that old, but we were never night owls. We all got in the limo and came back to the Palazzo/Ventian. Everyone was done for the night except the single girl. I am sure her hot little ass went clubbing to find her some quality cock. We went to the room, showered, and immediately went to sleep.

The next day (no morning sex) was almost the same, same group at the pool, except when dinner came, it was a me and wifey night. We went and had Del Monico’s and she wanted to play some Blackjack. She would be leaving the next morning so we stayed up a little bit. Dinner was fabulous, the wine was delicious, and just being with her was great after so much time away from home. We went to the Black Jack tables, sat down, and got our chips. I am no high roller, but I understand math. You can’t beat the system, but you can take advantage of it when the numbers are in your favor. Wifey was not the black jack expert either, but knew the basics, and would look my way when it was in questions. Which happened a lot. She is not a big gambler, but we both were on a heater. At one time she was playing 125 a hand relectetly. I was at 250, again, that is not normal but we were on a roll. At the end of the night we left with 14K. I think the most I ever won in a trip, much less a day in Vegas.

She made a point to say she was taking that home, and we agreed to leave 4K with me. I still had 4 days of conference, customers, and colleagues. It was 2AM, and time to go to bed. Her flight was at 11, but she had a car for 9:30.

We went to the room, didn’t even shower, she was exhausted and basically fell asleep in my arms. I was hoping for some romance, but it was way past her bedtime, and even though her body wanted it she was mentally gone. Soon I was too. I normally wake up before the alarm clock, and with a cock that is at times is painfully hard. I playfully sometimes roll over and lay it against or on her. This morning she was on the struggle bus, and got up to use the restroom and take her shower. I actually felt crushed. Dissed again. And right before she is leaving. Why wouldn’t she want to sleep with her hubby before going home? It’s not like I was going home with her.

So she packed up her bags while I showered and when I got out she was pretty much ready. I was like well you’re in a hurry, and she said she wanted to get home and see our daughter.

So I walked her down, and inside my dark side couldn’t wait for her to get in that car. The driver grabbed her bag, and I hugged her, simple peck kiss and put her in the car.

She texted me in about 15 minutes to ask if I was upset. I said yeah kinda, we had a great weekend and you acted like you couldn’t leave soon enough, and sex wasn’t even an option. She was like OMG, and I said stop. It is not out of the question to ask, or even think she may want to have good bye sex. I said just enjoy your flight, I needed to get ready for the conference.

The conference was going to be with 2 executives I worked with, one is my best friend and mentor. So we were going to have fun, and probably get in some guy group trouble. They arrived later that night, so I had a day. I thought about the pool, or gambling, but first was food. I ate and started thinking about my sexual needs. I am no stranger to messing around, whether professional or not. I was also hurt and neglected/rejected. So the confidence wasn’t high at all. So I took a nap, and then went to the pool. I probably came 4 or 5 times to release my frustration.

They got there later, we had dinner, and they were pretty beat. But we stayed up till 1AM at the tables. No one really won or lost. Tomorrow the conference started at noon. so we all retired to be ready for that.

The next two days were a blur, not from drinking but just meeting and talking. Felt like we ate all the time and of course drank. The last night I stayed up too long and woke up not feeling well. I asked my buddy if I could leave my bags in his room as I was taking the red eye, they left the next morning. I did that, and went and joined them for lunch. After some ha ha moments of stories about me, we had some real work conference calls. So we used his room. Well, the calls were short, and we thought how fun it would be to drink everything in his mini bar, and boy did we. He came up with us about 3/4 through it, and was like you Mother Fuckers. We must have laughed for an hour. I made him a drink and he said you owe. The other two guys left and he said okay fuckers lets go. I said where, he said you know where. You are taking me to a strip club. I said homie, I have been to Vegas for 17 years, and never went. He couldn’t believe it. It was 3:30 and hell I wasn’t sure any were open. So we grabbed some cash and got a cab. He said I don’t think any are open. But he made a call and took us to a full nude on, which meant no alcohol. We were tanked enough, that was fine.

We were the only guys there once we paid the cover charge. We could see a table of the girls to the back. Each one came out and did a dance on stage. One grabbed his attention, and I paid for a dance for him. I watched two more girls dance, but nothing really struck me. I am not a huge strip club guy anyway.

Then she came out, our eyes met. A lightning bolt hit me, I was sure I had no effect on her. She did her dance and got really close to where I was sitting. She wasn’t the most pole gifted dancer, but she was beautiful. Her eyes and mine stayed locked. I think she was thinking I am going to get him for some money. I didn’t care at the time, and wasn’t ready to even go there. She danced, and when she finished came over and talked to me. My buddy was still with the other girl. I am not sure what 300 lasted, but it was a good while. So “Kate” and I talked and chatted like we were friends. She asked where I was from, and all that. I wasn’t wearing my wedding ring, hadn’t for 1 year, so that didn’t come up. Later she told me they assume all men are married, and she was right. We got to the point of our conversation, she asked about dances, and I said sure. We talked about my upcoming trip to Argentina and she said how much she loved to travel. I told her, well, maybe some nice guy would ask her sometime. She chuckled.

She took me back to the VIP area, and it was a lounge type couch. She stripped down naked and started a dance just above me. Our eyes are still on each other. I still looked her up and down, I couldn’t help myself but look at her ass when she turned around. It was the kind I like. Decently long legs, thick strong thighs, with that apple ass. She had great medium sized tits, but I could have cared less. She danced above me where her pussy was right above me. It was everything I had in me not to just start sucking on it. It was beautiful. Good looking lips, and a perfect clit. I could see it was definitely moist. Near the end of her dance was more touching of me, and rubbing on me. I was hard as a rock and she knew it. Rubbing it with both her hand and her ass. When she was done, we again sat down at the table and talked. My friend came back, I think he spent another 200 and got his dick sucked. I thanked her for a lovely time and told her she really seemed like a sweetheart. She thanked me, and asked me if I had plans for dinner? Wait what?

We exchanged numbers, but didn’t set a definite time for dinner. I told her my flight was 10:35PM, so it would have to be earlier than normal. She normally got out at 6 so that would be no problem. As things would have it, she ended up having to work a little later, and I actually got wrapped up in an outage at work. We met there about 8:10 and I told her we could not get seated for at least an hour. I had to get on the plane, and couldn’t be late. I had some important things to do and papers to sign the next day. She understood. As we hugged and kissed on the cheek she asked me if I was serious about a nice guy taking her to Argentina. Well Hell no, but without hesitation I said yes ma’am. That would be awesome. She said let me think about it. I will never forget on Thursday, June 4th I met such an amazing woman that happened to be a stripper (which I could have cared less about).

I couldn’t get her off my mind from the airport to home. Home, right I am married. As usual, I was not greeted with a pick up or much pleasantries at home. It was what I was used to though. We went and signed what we needed to do, and it was a very redundant weekend with the family and kiddos. We spent the weekend at the lake which was our norm. No real affection or intimacy, and I was back on the road to Cali on Sunday afternoon. “Kate”, who is really Kayla and I exchanged a few messages. She was traveling the next day, and wanted to see if our layovers were anywhere near. They were not. I was off to Cali for work. Not knowing how much my life would change that week.

I arrived on a normal Sunday flight to SFO. We would leave in the morning to head to one of our other locations. It was a very normal morning, we left fairly early to beat traffic. We arrived at the plant, did our work for the day and went and checked in at a hotel close by. We went to the bar, ordered some drinks and appetizers, and then I got a call. My brother told me to sit down, I knew it was bad news. He told me our mother passed away. My friends looked at me with the most concern in their eyes. They knew it was bad. I paused for what fell like 4 minutes. OMG, not my momma. I knew she was ill, but this was sudden, but not a total shock. My big brother had to handle this by himself with me 2000 miles away. I called my kids, my wife, and whoever else I knew to call. All the while these two amazing men without hesitation drove me to the nearest airport to catch a ride home on the red eye.

In the airport waiting for my flight I stopped in Vino Volo. I knew I would need some wine (and drugs) to sleep at all. So many thoughts through my head. So many phone calls still to make, but I was 3 hours behind everyone. Kayla happened to send me a text to say she was thinking about me and hoped I was okay. I was like wow, she didn’t know, but out of the blue sends a message with that context and care in it. I didn’t know if I should respond. Was this a Karma test. I did respond. I simply said, I am back in an airport, my mother passed away today, I am heading home. She sent the sweetest and shortest text. She said I am sorry David, I wish I could hug you. Take your time and text me when you get to it. I simply said thank you, that was so sweet. My mind though was on the one woman in my life that loved me since I was born and never thought I did anything wrong. I was a mess crying in the bar, the plane, even walking through the airport. I couldn’t hold it back. I felt for my brother more than anything. He found her, he had to deal with everything. I thought of my kids, her babies that meant more than anything to mom.

It wasn’t easy but we got through it all. It was a nice service, and many many people showed up to show their love for mom. My brother and I pretty much stayed slightly liquored up to keep some sense of composure. We spent a lot of time together. It was the hardest with my babies. They loved their NaNa, now she was gone.

The funeral was on a Wednesday. On Thursday Kayla was in DC and checked on me. She said if we can’t do Argentina maybe we could do something simpler. Well being married made Argentina the simplest solution if I was even capable of doing that after what just happened. We went back and forth on texts. She said just let her know and no hard feelings, she just wanted me to be happy, and she would love to go anywhere if I still wanted her to.

I was like what kind of an asshole, carries on these conversations after what just happened, and is married. Well, part of me was hurt still by my wife, and she wasn’t overly affectionate during those times. As far as Mom, I knew she was ill, I knew she was deteriorating. It was no secret. Like I said suddenly, but not shocked.

Friday, we texted a lot, and for the first time, we really talked in a sexual manner. We were going over our pasts, and she said she doesn’t orgasm vaginally or easily for that matter. I was like oh no, where have I heard this before. I asked does she like sex, and she said yes of course. She just really did not have the best lovers, or she thought that maybe it was her. She honestly didn’t know. She said she can cum with a toy, and orally. As a matter of fact she told me if I can’t eat pussy I am out. I really wasn’t worried as I knew what I could do as far as orally. I told her she better be ready for many new things to happen to her body, I was being cocky. She sent me a couple pics, and I did the same. I had obviously already seen her body but she had not seen mine. She was quite excited about seeing my cock. I told her, that will make you cum, bet on it. She said hopefully we would get to find out. We stopped texting and I returned to family stuff.

Saturday of that weekend, Kayla didn’t really give me an ultimatum, however she obviously would have to schedule a 6 day International trip. I understood. I said yes, let’s do it. It took me 1/2 a day to get the chance to book her flight. She was impatiently waiting and said David did you change your mind. That night after my wife went to bed, I booked her flight to match mine. Business class to Argentina. Since she was West Coast, I sent her a text saying check your email, hurry!!!!

She was so excited, she called me and I slipped outside to talk to her. She knew I had kids and couldn’t always just talk. We still had not approached the “is anyone seeing anyone topic”. We talked about how the trip would work, because I did have to work, but she was a sight seeing person, that was going to be no problem. I asked her if she wanted her own room. She said you are so sweet, I want to spend as much time with you that I can. She would get me for breakfast, lunch, dinner and the night. I would just work tired. We had about 14 days till we left. She had a weekend trip with some friends, I even thought with a possible ex-boyfriend, but I didn’t care. How could I? We exchanged more pics, most not sexual, and she was having fun with her friends. She did send me some shower pics, which got me really excited. I was back on a plane myself, back to work to get my head straight. This gave us a chance to talk in the mornings or at night, and get to know each other more. I knew I was doing the wrong thing, but it wasn’t the first time straying. It was the first time there were real feelings involved.

Those 14 days seemed forever. We would leave on a Sunday night in June. She had a further flight to ATL than I did. She enjoyed the flight in first class, she didn’t drink too much, and just thought about what she was doing. Meeting a stranger and going to Argentina. She told me she thought to her self “what was she thinking?” She would arrive in ATL about 45 minutes before me. I had given her instructions that we would meet in the newly F concourse Delta Sky Club. Finally I left home to the airport to first fly to ATL. I was nervous and excited. I had butterflies in my stomach. What would our first hug/kiss be like? I was going on a first date to a country 6000 miles away. This was insane, right?

We both arrived in ATL on time, I had a pretty long tram ride to F. As each stop got closer I was nervous. She told me what she was wearing, casual traveling clothes, I was the same. I said just hangout and enjoy. I will be there in ten minutes.

Those ten minutes took a lifetime. The tram stop to F was there, I walked out, with still a distance to the Sky Club, up the escalator to the concourse and then more escalators to the Club. The moment was there. I walked in, showed my boarding pass and they said enjoy your flight. They always called me by my last name, it’s like most knew me, hell they probably did as much as I traveled. I walked around the wall to the main club and there she was. She ran to me… I ran to her, I hugged her, held her, and we kissed. There wasn’t a person in that room in our minds. That kiss lasted 3 minutes and we could have cared less who saw. It was the most passionate kiss I have ever had in my life. I almost went numb. She held onto me as if she had never felt that rush of passion and pure chemistry before.

We finally broke our embrace, I noticed some smiles and some questioning looks too as we walked to the bar. We both needed a drink, whoa. We ordered one and sat outside in the new outdoor spot on F. It’s really nice. I grabbed her bags and we found a table in the corner. We talked about our flights, and the anticipation. She said I still can’t believe I am doing this. She had told her mom everywhere she would be and when. I certainly understood and said you are safe with me. I was just as nervous as you were, I told her. I had never done anything this crazy, I assured her as well. We kept kissing, touching. I apologized for my erection that kept showing itself. She said she was very happy that he was happy. We laughed and I got us a refill, after he went down.

We had about 2 hours before our flight so we snacked and just talked. It was like we knew each other forever. It was so easy to just talk about anything. We laughed and learned, we kissed and never once were we not touching skin. She had her hand on my legs, and mine on her thigh or around her shoulders. Then those kisses, those kisses, that today still haunt me. I didn’t know her then like I do now, but those kisses were like morse code to the history of her life and how she was supposed to be mine…… forever.

I thought crazy thoughts like the “soul mate love” people talk about. In more common thoughts I told myself to shut up and enjoy it. It’s brand new, and by the way you are a taken man.

We were kind of tired of sitting there, and figured since we would be on a plane for 9 hours we should probably walk around. So we did, holding hands we walked the concourse. She brought up the kiss in the room, and she had the same feeling I did. She said every thought and sense left the room but the kiss. It was electricity from her mouth, to her heart, to her pussy. I was taken aback with her direct rhetoric, but hell it isn’t like I could hide my similar reaction. Thankfully I didn’t pre cum or I would have been soaked. We found a corner of an unoccupied gate, she wanted to make out some more. This time without an audience we found it easier to explore. I groped her boobs, which were very sensitive and moved lower and grabbed her luscious ass. Her hands made their way around my neck to my chest, all the way to my cock. She explored its length and girth. She said I am not sure it is going to fit. I said Kayla please. I stuck a finger down her yoga/sweat pants and she was soaked. I licked it and told her she was so wet she could take a baseball bat. We laughed, and decided okay lets save this for later.

Before, we had previously talked about when we would have sex. We knew we were sharing a room, and had already traded pics and videos of us maasterbating to each other, it wasn’t like we weren’t going to. She said maybe we wait a day, one day to make us want it more. I looked at her and said I am willing to try. We talked about it again on the plane, now knowing what passion we had for each other. The lady behind thought we were newlyweds as we were always touching and kissing. She said it was a welcome sight to see two people in love. We just laughed knowing love was off limits, we thought anyway.

Kayla had never really been spoiled before. She was digging the lay flat seats, the movies, other entertainment, and the delicious food they serve. We held hands every chance except eating. Kisses here and there. We picked a movie and tried to time it so it was in sync for us. We got it close enough. I sleep on planes, so after the first movie, I told her I would probably not make all of the second. We kissed again, the lights were out so it was more private, a little touch here and there, and I went to sleep, my hand over the seat side between us, touching her arm. I made sure to grab her ass a couple times before I fell. It’s what I do. She held my hand until she hit the end, and was out. We slept soundly until ee woke up about 1 hour before landing for breakfast.

It’s one of the times you kiss, and even with morning breath it’s perfect. I was so happy to wake up next to her. I was still amazed at her beauty even in travel clothes and freshly waking up. She didn’t need makeup either. Such a young beautiful face. She made me feel old, even though our age difference was only 9 years. We ate, and then freshened up in the lavatories. They give you a toothbrush, paste, and mouthwash. Even a face cleaner and lotions.

We sat back down in preparation for our landing into Buenos Aires. Holding hands and kissing every now and then. Realizing we soon would be on the ground, going through customs together, and soon on our way to the hotel. Our landing time was about 7AM. I was supposed to go into the office around 1 or 2. They expected me to take a nap before work.

We touched down right on time. With a squeeze of hands and a kiss we were officially in South America. It took us about 45 minutes to clear customs and get her bags. I had arranged a car as in South America sometimes you never know. We had a decently long drive from the airport to the hotel. I had made this trip before. He loaded our bags in and off we went. She sat in the middle rear seat next to me. She was not going to let there be any space between us. I loved it, affection was my thing. We would kiss and could see the cab driver look in the mirror and smile. We would talk about the sites on the way. Not that there was a lot till you really get into the city, but it was still different. Holding hands and kisses till we got into the city and close to the hotel. She was marveled by the city, big buildings, and monuments.

We were approaching the hotel, I had stayed before. A very nice, modern European style hotel. He stopped, opened my door which Kayla followed and got our bags. A bellhop took them for us and ushered us to the desk. It’s not uncommon in these countries to actually check in early in the morning. Our room was available and the desk clerk took my card, checked our ID’s and smiled at us. She could tell there was something going on. She asked me if I wanted Kayla’s name on the room so she could get whatever she wanted at the bar or bistros. Of course I said, and she just squeezed me again.

We went to the elevator, we were on the 19th floor. We made out in the elevator like teenagers. It came to our floor and we got out. I was nervous as fuck. Our room was at the end of the hallway (wonder if this was on purpose), but close to the stairs. I looked at her, and she was already looking in my eyes. I gave her a kiss before I inserted the card. We walked in, the room was nice, medium size with a huge king bed. We didn’t make it past the foyer before she pulled me in and we were making out. It was the kind of kiss that everything else around us stopped as I dropped my backpack and grabbed her with both arms, pulling her closer to me. The kisses picked up intensity. I thought we were going to wait, she slid down my body and got on her knees. I said baby, I thought we were going to wait a day. Kayla giggled and said we’ve been in an airport or on a plane ride almost a day (which she was right), I want to feel you now. Inside all of me.

She unbuttoned my shorts, and let them fall. I wasn’t wearing underwear, and she grabbed my man hood with both hands. She kissed it softly then put it in her mouth. This was heaven, not just because of the feeling of her warm mouth, but I could feel how much she wanted it. She wanted to please me. She went on for about 5 minutes and I pulled her up. My first time cumming was not going to be in her mouth. I kissed her, and began to remove her clothes. As we were removing her clothes we tiptoed to the bed, as to not fall. We got to the bed which was a mere 6 feet where we were making out and she went down on me. I layed her back and kissed her body starting at her neck. My hands were under her back and ass. I couldn’t squeeze it enough. Kayla was moaning and squirming. She loved the kisses and attention now I was giving to her breast and nipples. They were just perfect. The right color and so sensitive. It was driving electricity through her body and down to her clit. My hands move from her back to one on her tit, and the other on her clit. I stopped kissing and just touched. Looking in her eyes, I rolled her clit, she jumped so much my finger slid inside her. She really jumped then. My cock was rock hard. I suddenly remembered she told me I better lick pussy good. I made a motion to move down further and she stopped me.

This time in her life, she wasn’t having it. She was ready to be taken. She pulled me on the bed with her fully and I was on top of her. Our bodies pushed together, and my cock inches away from entering her. She said take me. I want you inside me now. She was soaked, so I pushed the head to her opening. As much as she wanted me, she was not ready for my girth. She yelled out oh baby, fuck. I paused and she adjusted her hips, her eyes big and wide on mine. She was feeling her pussy begin to stretch. Maybe she has had bigger cocks before, but it hadn’t been stretched like this in a long while. I eased into her more, and she said oh David, yes, God your cock is stretching me. I again stopped, this time kissing her passionately, and feeling her buck underneath me. In a very long chemical kiss, I pushed inside her, she arched her back, put her head back and slightly screamed oh god baby, yes David,. She was quite verbal. She then met my lips, and we were bucking together. I was almost all the way inside her. After a few more minutes of just enjoying our bodies I pulled up off her chest and thrusted all the way in. This time she didn’t say anything, or couldn’t at least. She just stared at me, with a look of so much passion and lust.

I began to pick up the pace. Hell my own inner sexual clock was ticking very fast. I normally last a long time, but I began to think this time chemistry would take over. She was saying yes baby, please yes, oh my god David. It was encouragement for more. She began to get louder, her moans went to words, loud words. Fuck me, make love to me, just keep giving me that big cock. She then shouted out oh my god what is happening… I didn’t stop, and I knew I was going to cum soon. She creamed my cock with a burst of her own cum, she just pulled me into her and couldn’t speak. I pulled back and looked in her eyes to tell her I am going to cum. We never talked about birth control or anything. She didn’t give me permission, I was cumming inside her. She wanted it. I didn’t say a word, I just stared into her eyes, and entered her as deep as I could. She could feel me pulse, several times as rope after rope hit her cervix. I think this drove her to another orgassm. I could feel her pussy milking me. Pulling my cum into her cervix. I fell on her, kissed her ever so slowly. She grabbed my face and said I have never made love like that. She said that’s what I always imagined it to be.

We were usually very sarcastic, so I said, I thought I had to eat you out good first? She just laughed, which I could feel on my still hard cock inside her. I told her, one of my favorite naughty things to do is go down and eat pussy with my cum in it. She said really, no one has ever done that to me before. I slid out of her, and slid down her body, kissing both nipples and her navel. I took a look at the mess, our cum was mixed together, I could definitely taste mine. I began kissing just above her clit, and told her to relax, and close her eyes. I began to kiss her clit, and the surrounding areas of her soaked pussy. She began to move her body subtly. I went back to her clit, and found her spot. Just barely above the nob. I focused on this. She was now squirming and holding my bald head. She was breathing heavily, and saying oh baby (that was her goto phrase) oh baby, oh David, yes. I picked up even more intensity, touching her tits, she pushed my head hard and said I am cumming, please don’t stop baby. She came with a fury. Fluids came out of her, I am sure from the convulsions of her uterus pushing out cum out. She tried to slow her breathing, her clit too sensitive for any more touching.

I just stood there in pure satisfaction, I made her cum vaginally for the first time, maybe twice even. Proudly I also made her cum orally in less than a minute. She wanted me to join her back on the bed. She looked at me, and I said well, can I eat pussy good enough. She laughed, smiled at me, and deeply looked at me and said you’re perfect. You make me feel like a woman, I came for the first time having sex. You made me cum so fast orally, you knew exactly my spot. This is almost too much to think about, how did you do that? I told her honestly, I think our bodies just took over. I told her, however, I do know how to eat pussy. She said yes you do baby. Oh My God yes you do. I can’t wait for you to do it again.

It was that cliche, where we made for each other? Or was it first time lust? She moved in for a kiss, and now she was tasting both of us. She stopped and said mmm, I like that. I loved you went down on me, full of our cum. I said I wanted to so badly (It is my thing). She told me again no one would do that to her. I didn’t say anything, I just kept kissing her. I did stop after about 30 seconds of kissing and say I guess it’s too late, but I did cum in you, matter of fact I flooded your cervix. She just said, it will be okay. We didn’t want to take away from the moment and kept kissing.

She climbed on me, kissing me. She reached back to check on my cock, it was still raging hard. She said does he ever go down? I told her not if we are going to keep this up. She held my cock and slid it in her. When we had talked about sex before our trip, she mentioned she didnt really feel comfortable on top. She was somewhat self conscious about it. Which I thought was strange because well she was a stripper. That’s the majority of their moves.

As she slid down on me, she had that look in her eyes of oh god, this is big. She slid down all the way on it, we were still lubed up with cum. She rocked back and forth, she so sweetly touched my face.. She leaned down and kissed me as she slowed down and focused on the kiss. My arms went behind her. She kept kissing me, and I instinctively thrusted in her. She gasped and said oh David, I love how you feel inside me. She said Let me fuck you now. She sat up, put her arms on my chest and rocked back and forth. I had just enough clearance to put my hand on her clit. She swayed further back to give me more room. I began slowly flicking her clit with my finger, and as she picked up pace so did I. She got to going so fast, I couldn’t keep up and just held it there. She started to scream; David, yes. I think I am going to cum again. I tried to match her rocking with my thrust. She was saying oh baby, oh baby, oh baby, I am cumming again. I told her I am too baby, keep fucking me, cum with me. She did, and I think she got both a clitorial and a vaginal orgasm at the same time. I obviously didn’t cum as much, but I was deep enough in her, I felt it splash off her cervix.

She flat out collapsed on me. Rubbing my head, and just breathing, trying to slow it down. I just rubbed her ass and back and whispered in her ear that it was amazing. She pulled up and she was in tears. She just wanted me to hold her. Emotion took over her body. She was limp. I just kept rubbing her back, her hair, and kissing her where I could. She wasn’t weeping, it was just emotional tears.

She looked me dead in the eye and said I love you. You’ve made me feel so amazing since the first time our eyes met. Now you’ve taken my body to another level, something I never knew I could do. I said baby, it’s our first time, and first times are NEVER supposed to be like this. She said no it’s more, you made me cum. I made you cum by riding on top of you. None of that has happened before.

My mind raced that either she was just in some shitty relationships, abused, or just a special unique case of not being truly loved. She didn’t want or expect an answer back from me. However, I couldn’t help myself by telling her, Kayla, that was the most intense first time I have ever had. That was the probably the most intense sex I have ever had period. We have something I can’t explain. I couldn’t explain it that day at the club, when you walked out and your eyes struck my like lightning. I wanted to process it all. I couldn’t do that, what we just did together, if there wasn’t something deeper then probably love. That was Chemistry, full blown passionate chemistry that I can’t even fathom.

She rolled off me, still in my arms. She said she knew it too and kissed me. I thought to myself, I have this whole other world she may suspect, but she doesn’t know about in detail. For the first time my cock went limp, a tad bit of guilt struck me, as she traced the hairs on my chest. She broke my thoughts by saying how she loved my body. She said never liked bean poles. I was average, and she liked the soft skin and couldn’t wait to cuddle and sleep. I said well baby we can nap, it was a long day. She said no, I want to still cherish what we did, it’s still sinking in. She rubbed more of my body, and kissed my neck. That got my cock stirred up. She smiled and said already? I said baby, he will never turn you down.

In a very matter of fact voice she said I want you to take me from behind. I know you love my ass, let me stick it up and you fill my pussy with that cock. She went from a full blown sentimental moment to give it to me like a slut in 2.2 seconds. I kissed her and said, I am not going to take it easy on you. Your new lover is going to pound you. She said secretly I have been waiting for this. Doggie was her favorite, she had told me. So she got on her knees and elbows, and put her ass up. I mean we lined up perfectly. My Cock has a very fat head, and bends up and to the left. I had to adjust just a tad, and move her down. I said baby, hang on. I entered her still soaked pussy, and she screamed out David. I went all the way in and all she could say was oh fuck. I could feel my fat head with my upward bend now against her cervix, and what I suspect is her g spot. She pulled back a little, said baby maybe ease into me. I had full access to her now. I am not the longest cock, about 8 inches, but insanely thick. When giving that full access, it goes deep. She wasn’t ready at least at his angle yet. So I picked the pace but only gave her half of my length.

Kayla was saying her oh baby, oh god routine words. Then she asked for more, she was ready. I began to pound her to the hilt. That awesome smacking noise. She was even pulling her ass further apart to get more. I was now nailing her g spot. She began to shake, scream my name, telling me I had to stop. I said are you okay baby? She said I feel like I am going to pee on you. I smirked, and didn’t say a word. I picked up the pace, and she said David please. I said baby you do what you have to do. Don’t think about it, let your body take over. I kept fucking her hard, hell I was going to cum myself. She screamed oh my god David, I love you, oh my God, what are you doing to me? All of a sudden she flooded the bed… and me for that matter. That slightly more viscosity of squirt while fucking her fast and deep, through me over and I came a ton inside her. I felt like I actually came inside her cervix.

I was spent, I fell to the side and grabbed her, spooning her. She was still trembling, breathing heavy, and we both were fucking soaked. The bed was too, I pulled us to a dry spot. She took her arm across my body that was behind her and just rubbed me wherever she could. She asked me what I was hitting. I said baby, that was your G spot, and you came, ejaculated like a man all over the place. She said I heard other girls at the club talk about that, but to me it felt like pee. I said well it’s kinda the same muscle, same body parts, but not pee. I told her it really doesn’t have a taste and is an amazing lube. I said we could do Anal right now, and she slapped me. She laughed and said you are not sticking that in my ass.

Oh boy though, she had not only the perfect ass, but her hole was gorgeous. Just perfect. Anal wasn’t really my thing, but I would do it in the past if asked. We laughed some more, and she asked if I had done it, and I told her yes, and I had had it done to me (playfully with fingers). She said really, again some of the girls at the club love it. She had tried it once and it wasn’t for her. I told her, sometimes it is taboo/kinky/in the moment kind of thing. I said maybe one day you will want to try it if you are really horny or curious. I thought to myself being in South America, I knew I could turn on porn and they would be doing Anal, for sure.

We had some more pillow talk, my arms around her body, playing with her nipples. She said I am so sore, but I want more. What you’re doing to my nipples is going straight to my clit. I was hard instantly, and in the spoon position, put my cock in her. She said baby, again? I pushed inside her all the way, this position not going as deep. She said you feel so good David, you stretch my pussy out. I think you might have broken it. I said do you want me to stop, she said fuck no. I didn’t go to town with her, however she was moving in sync with me. We just held each other and slowly fucked each other.

She said I want to try something. So she laid me back, got on top but facing away. MMM I got to look at her ass, I loved looking at that great ass. She put her legs over me and slid down on my cock. Moaning as she did. She was actually moaning, and moaning some more. Saying oh, oh, oh, not using baby or my name this time. I was wondering if it didn’t feel good. I said baby how does that feel?” She responded with an oh oh, it’s overwhelming in between moans. I Pushed up as far as I could in this position. It felt amazing feeling her inner clit bone, and her cervix every now and then. She picked up her speed, it slipped out a time or two from the wetness, she always eagerly put it back. Then she moved her legs more forward and was simply pounding me up and down. Between her breaths and moans I could tell something was about to happen. She screamed my name, said oh baby I’m going to cum all over your cock, fuck me, I love your cock, I am cumming, Fucking cum with me David. It was all she had to say. I felt my balls get drenched and I came just after that…. she slowed down but kept moving with some shutters and movements.

She finally slid off me and we laid side to side facing each other. She kissed me, and said I do love you. You don’t have to say a word, but I love you.

Hell, I didn’t know what to say. My heart was full, my balls were empty, and I didn’t want to let her go.

She kissed me, said she loved me again. She told me she knew she would, but didn’t know it would be like this. This much passion, chemistry, and the sex. She never thought much about us having sex the first time till our kiss in ATL. She knew then we would make love. She said however, I didn’t know it would be this good. She knew it would be good, but nothing like this. She continued to kiss me, and started to kiss my neck, which is my spot connected to my cock. She felt it grow against her. She said baby, I think you ripped me, but I want to suck your cock till you cum in my mouth. I said Kayla, I am not sure my balls have much more cum in them, but I can definitely have an orgasm.

Once again she turned me on my back, my ass definitely in the wet spot. She went straight to my cock and picked it up and started sucking it with her tongue on that spot under my head. I grew in her mouth immediately. I was engorged in about 60 seconds. She was stroking the base and sucking my top. Her ass was just to my right, and I played with her little pink hole and rubbed her ass. I didn’t want to mess with her pussy if she was ripped. She stroked and sucked, and within 5 minutes I was giving her the protein she wanted. She sucked it up like a pro, hell I am sure she has done that before I thought.

I was so turned on, I flipped her over, put her legs on my shoulder, and entered her. She was ripped and it did hurt. She was also so turned on by making me cum, and me being forceful she said fuck me, fuck me now. Make me cum, make me your woman. I needed no further warning, I put her legs on my shoulder and I went at it. She had an orgasm right away, I even thought I could feel her pussy torn up. She wanted more, she pulled me into her deeper, she said make me squirt. I put her legs high and rose off my knees to just my feet. She was getting every inch I had and I could feel her spot. She began bucking and cumming all over me…. I kept fucking her. I said you want my cum, you want my cum in your womb you slut? She said yes, please fuck give me your baby. That threw me over. I came and came and came again. I didn’t know my prostate and balls could do that much on the 5th or 6th orgasm.

I didn’t want to stop. I put her legs down, I kissed her, and said since it’s already broken, let’s make love nice and slow one more time. Zero hesitation from her, she reached behind my head pulling me down and offering her pussy at this new angle. It would be easier and less painful. We kissed, and kissed while I slowly stroked in and out of her, and she matched mine. We were becoming one soul and I slowly said out loud I love you, I want you now and forever. she said oh baby, yes, David yes, make me yours. I want to be everything to you. We stopped speaking and just kept at our pace and kissing till I pushed in as far as I could and came inside her. I don’t know if she came, I felt something when we were giving our bodies to each other, but she didn’t say anything.

I rolled off her, but still beside her. We kissed, and I said I think we should give that thing a break. She agreed, but surprised me by saying, I want you to go down on me. Make me cum. I was almost there, and then I want to taste us.

I pulled her to the end of the bed, I got on my knees, and I went right for her spot. I flicked my tongue, and kissed it, sucking on it occasionally. She grabbed my head and I knew she was ready. Back to her spot with a very quick and forceful flickering of my tongue against the top of her nub. She was screaming my name, and pushing me into her. She came for about 60 seconds before it was too much to touch it. The Dominate man in me was going to show her, if she really is mine she will submit. So I kept going. She said baby, it tingles, oh my god it’s too much. I said lay there and let me make my slutty woman cum again. That must have registered something, all of a sudden she went limp and shook at the same time. She was cumming again to my licking. I kept doing it faster and faster, she kept cumming until I knew it was too much and she needed a break, it was too sensitive.

I stood up, hard cock and all, and said baby, I am as much yours as you are mine. She looked at me, and so sweetly said yes, I believe you are mine. Cock in hand I went to the bathroom, I don’t know what fluids were left in me but I had to go. We were so damn thirsty we killed the room offered bottled water. We met in the bathroom, she too needed to go, and neither feeling ashamed. She would pee right in front of me.

I had to shower and get ready for work. She joined me, and we lathered and cleaned each other. She cleaned my cock, and I dabbed at her pussy. It was indeed red and broken. The water hurt her. I said to Kayla I am sorry. We got carried away. She stopped me and said it was worth it, and she would do it 100 times over. She never felt so fulfilled, loved, and desired in her life. She said I would do it now, I stopped her. No, let it rest. Lets get some stuff for it.

I got out first, let her finish. I needed to shave my head for work, so I did that while she just sat in the shower and relaxed.

She got out and I was already dry and getting dressed. I said baby take your time, you can lay down or do whatever. There was a drug store at the corner of our hotel, she mentioned she would walk with me and we could get some cream. Then she said, look we are both adults. We know we just took 6 or 7 chances of doing something very irresponsible. Do you think they have plan B here? All of a sudden in my mind, I was like shit, yeah I have a family at home, and even if things don’t work out, that’s not how I want it to go down.

I said I am sure they have Plan B down here. Lets go look for an A&D like application and a Plan B. At least we would be protected the rest of the trip I thought. So I waited for her to throw on some yoga pants and a shirt, and she was ready to go. She didn’t need makeup. She was so incredibly beautiful and natural. I would have been lying if I said I couldn’t wait to see her dolled up when we went out to dinner later.

We walked down, and stepped in the shop. It was much like a drug store in the US. Except Plan B doesn’t require you to get it from the pharmacy. We got that, some more water, the A&D, and smartly some lube. She said I think this will be very useful. I said yeah, but baby we can take a break. It’s not about being inside you, I really enjoy just being with you. She said baby yes, that was so sweet, but I am going to have to have the cock in me somewhere.

We parted, I went to the office, and she to the hotel. She worked out, swam, and tooka nice nap. She got up and did some local sightseeing. We didn’t do lunch since we basically played longer than I was really supposed to. I got to work, they treated me like most South Americans do, a hug and a kiss on each cheek. Even the men, which totally doesn’t bother me. I find it very friendly and a sign of respect and kindness. They asked how my flight was and I said good. Did you have a nap they asked, and I smiled and said not really. They wondered what was up with that. Would be my secret for now. I sat at my desk and called home, knowing full well what I had just done. I felt like a dog for a minute, till I was reminded that she didn’t really care. Didn’t ask about my flight, if I naped, or much of anything. It was a procedural call, and I started to forget the rejection and neglect at home, and re focused on Kayla. I got into my job till about 6. Kayla couldn’t text me unless she had wifi, so we exchanged just a few notes. I will never forget her text, saying “Hi Baby, I am out checking some interesting historical sites. I can’t stop thinking of you, and the history you just made, making the greatest love to me ever.”

How sweet I thought. When 6 o’clock came, we all adjourned our wrap up meeting and I headed to the door. The guys were like, are we having a team dinner, and I said no, I am tired tonight. I need some great Argentina wine and sleep. They hugged me and thanked me. Said they would see me in the morning. I was honestly spent, but looked forward to dinner with my new friend and lover.