RavagedMe Part Six

See the smile on Melinda face from her fantasy, “Christ look guys she’s smiling at the thought of us all fucking her at once!’ Aaron informs us of his choice “Damn look at that curve of her smile!” the look of lust covering his face “Damn I want to fuck my cock through that!”

”Great, that settles two places, cause I’m going back into her ass to finish what I started so Bill her pussy is all yours!” Mark tell them as he looks down at Melinda, thinking how he was going to fuck her ass with a large cock lodged in her pussy. “Bill, find where you want to lay down and we’ll set her upon your cock.

Picking a spot after taking the extra padding off the tabletop, BIll lays on his back rubbing his cock back hard. When it stood erect Mark and Aaron reach down , picking Melinda up by the armpits half carrying, half dragging her over to Bill. “Saddle up Melinda!’ lifting her high enough to settle her onto his cock. As she sinks onto her she gasps out when Aaron grabs her by the head pulling her down onto Bill’s chest, then pushes his cock into her face “Open wide Melinda, the red rocket wants into the depot!”

Mark just shakes his head at that ,before sinking to his knees, reaching out to spread her asscheeks looking at her hole still partially. Staring at it, then he pulled an Aaron moment, for some reason he tried to put his eye to it to look inside then tried for an echo effect “Hello!”

Aaron almost loses it as he watches Mark “What the hell are you doing? Did you fuck your brains out earlier. Coming back to the here and now Mark quickly mounts her ass, blushing at being caught doing that. Trying to get into sync with Bill, Mark waits then finally joins her complete fuck.

For twenty minutes they work their cocks in and out of Melinda. All the while they fucked her hard her mind drifted in fantasy of her dad and her in better times. He was telling her ‘At no time let anyone used you like a piece of meat honey’ Kissing her forehead then continuing “remember they can’t be with you 24/7, first chance you get report them to the authorities!’ The last five words repeating over and over in her head.

Aaron the first one to anoint her with his cum ome in her mouth the rest over her face and chest. Bill roars that not if that cum had better land on him making Aaron push back into her mouth to finish cumming. Then Bill tenses up and floods her well used pussy,draining himself deep into her. Mark at Last finishes her ordeal by cumming deep into her bowels. After they have all left their respective orifice, Melinda collapses in sexual exhaustion barely conscious.

So it a little after midnight why don’t we finish laying the carpet down and call it a night?” Bill asks, turning to look at Melinda “Doesn’t look like she up for any more tonight!” Smirking in her direction. “Let’s put her up in the kitchen, in her shape she not going to try to leave!” Aaron looks worried at that
“Besides we’ll keep her clothes here with us.
Mark and Aaron lifts her, carrying her up to the kitchen depositing her onto the linoleum flooring, watching as she curls up hugging her knees under her chin. Returning to the rec room, the three lay the carpet in under an hour. High fiving each other Aaron asks “So are we going to share the money for the rec room with Melinda?”

“Well she did let us get laid in the rec room so it’s only fair she get’s paid for that work don’t you think?” Mark comments then burst out laughing “ Got to admit we chose the right room to do her in didn’t we? She sure looked wrecked as Aaron and me carried her out of the rec room!” Bill and Aaron joins Mark laughing.

Going up to the kitchen, finding Melinda still curled up, slowly rocking back and forth staring into empty space Aaron breaks the news to her . “Hey Melinda! Just to show no hard feelings, me and the guys have decided to pay up for rec room!” In her mind the mantra “ Report them to the authority” still running in the background as she hears pay up. Trying to draw her knees in closer, just wanting to get out of here.
Mark sits down besides her “Hey Melinda hear that we’re paying you for the rec room!”. Lifting her head looking her in the eyes “You could at least say thank you!’ Letting her head drop back to her knees, getting up “How do you like that, she did none of the work but gets paid anyway, then not even a thanks, talk about ungrateful!” Walking into the living room motioning for Bill and Aaron to follow him.

As they join him “Can you believe her attitude, I’ve a good mind to go in there and make her work for her share!”

“Well I could use my cock sucked again!” Aaron pipes up Bill and Mark look at him, like he just found gold.

“Good idea Aaron let’s all get her to suck our cocks then call it a night. And I have just the way to get it from her.!” Bill says before running back to the rec room retrieving Melinda’s clothes, returning keeping her pants for himself, handing Aaron her top “Mark you get a blowjob for a ride home!” Going back into the kitchen

“Hey Melinda one more thing for you, want your clothes back and a ride home?” Smiling as she looks up, nodding her head “Then you have to blow us one more time each!’ Bill Informs her Popping his cock out as he steps in front of her. A Scared look in her eyes she obediently opens her mouth and accepts his hard member. Ten minutes later Bill ejaculates once more in her mouth before handing her pants back.

Then Aaron steps up to get his cock sucked from her before returning her top after unloading his cum. Looking to Mark, not here I’ve a better place in mind, for my payment from you Melinda!” Then ‘Get dressed and let’s get out of here!” She dresses and Mark drives everyone back home. Bill the first one dropped off, before going in her leans in to Melinda :Thanks for the great evening, we’ll have to do it again sometime Melinda!” then he goes in.
Aaron next one home. But before he leaves the car he has Melinda kiss him before he cops a fell of her breast, turning to Mark, turning to Mark “Thanks for the fantastic night,I’ll always treasure her ass!” Then he disappears into his place. Driving the rest of the way in silence, Mark gets her home where he walks her inside .

A note greets Melinda on a corkboard from her mom- ‘Called into the hospital early talk to you tomorrow afternoon. Mark reading it smiles “Payment due Melinda!” taking his cock out. Melinda sinks to her knees, opens her mouth and sucks his cock once again. After cumming in her face “See you tomorrow Melinda!” leaving her on her knees in her hallway crying .

Falling to the floor curling up, crying Melinda, drift offs, waking with a tart after a car backfires somewhere close. Seeing a clock on the wall 4:13 am she gets up and goes into the living room, the same five word still travelling around in her head ‘Report then to the authority!”
Reaching out, taking the phone off it’s charger pressing 911

<911 What Is your emergency>

Hesitating “I’ve been raped!” bursting into tears, sinking to the floor

<Is your rapists still there with you>


<Okay the police and ambulance is on their way! I’ll stay on the line with you until that arrive>

“Thank you!”