Pretty Young Cowgirl

I’d been planning to go visit some of my relatives that live in a small town about three hours away because the town always has a celebration a few weeks before the Fourth of July. It was a good time last year, and this year there would be a very popular band playing out at the fair grounds, and unbeknownst to me, I’d have a chance to meet a very attractive young girl.

After getting there, I got settled in to one of the spare bedroom. No one was going to home this weekend, because they had all gone to a concert in a neighboring town. I hung out there for a little bit, but as the afternoon came around, I decided to headed out to where the celebration was taking place.

Most of the action was out at the fairgrounds, where they had booths set up, with different activities, and there was a band taking the stage in the main arena. It wasn’t the headliner, but I did venture over to check it out. People were milling around, and it was fun to watch people, especially all the young girls. I was looking forward to hearing the main band that was going to player later, they were the one everyone wanted to see.

As the afternoon waned and more and more people headed over to main arena, I too went over, trying to find a good place to watch and listen to the headline band. I set up on the arena floor, near the guys that controlled the lighting, and being they were kind of centered, I had a good view. At first, I just stood by the canopy that was set up for the control guys, so I could watch people coming in. It wasn’t dark yet when the band finally took the stage, but as everyone cheered, and the promoter announced them, they started playing.

It was a pretty good venue, and as I stood there watching, a young girl suddenly stood up a little ways in front of me. “Wow,” I thought, “she’s really pretty,” and yea she was very attractive, but looked very young.

Continuing to check her out, she looked to be a little heavy, but she had a really pretty face, steely blue eyes, and she had her blonde hair, French braided on each side, which I found really attractive. “Man,” I was really attracted to her, and even though she was obviously a lot younger than me, being I was in my early to mid 40s, but I immediately had thoughts of being with her.

I continued to check her out and as she stood there, looking around, I hoped we’d make eye contact. She was kind of short, but when I saw her chubby cheeks as she smiled, I couldn’t help but try to drink her in as much as I could, without being to obvious.

It looked like she was sitting with her parents, and when she happened to lean forward, resting her hands on her lawn chair, talking to them, I could see she was having a good time, laughing and gesturing.

She really didn’t seem to have a care In the world, which I really liked, so much so, that I wanted to be with her, if I could. She wasn’t very tall, and maybe a little overweight but as I continued to check her out, I tried to convince myself that she was 21, but feeling she was much younger than that, I hoped she was at least 18. Yea, I knew I was probably too old for her, but I tried to tell myself, “I do look much younger than my age,” but also thought, “Is it young enough?”

She was wearing a burnt orange sleeveless top that accentuated her small but full looking boobs, and tan chubby arms. It didn’t appear that she had on a bra, she probably didn’t really need one, and as she stood up, I was immediately drawn to a big western belt buckle a top her high waisted blue jeans.

It was obvious she was a cowgirl, or maybe it was that she just like dressing that way, and seeing she was wearing some dusty old cowboy boots, only helped confirm it. There was definitely an allure about her, and I’m sure it was because she was young and bubbly, and her smile was infectious too.

Continuing to soak her in, desperately tried to think of away to interact with her, she suddenly turn slightly. “My my my, I thought.

She really had a nice shape, especially seeing her big but nicely shaped butt and thighs packed in those blue jeans. I continued to fantasize about being with her, and when she suddenly turned back, looking my way, I figured she’d caught me staring. I was hoping we’d make eye contact, and seeing her smile, made me smile too, especially seeing her chubby little cheeks when she smiled and naively giggle.

However, we never did make eye contact, and when she sat down, I felt, “I’m too old,” figuring it was never going to be. Yea, she might have been a little chubby, but I also thought, “Maybe it was just because she was so young or maybe she just looked a little heavy being she was short.”

In either case, I couldn’t get enough of her and as I continued to strain to look at her, she stood up again, looking back. I again hoped she see me looking at her, but being she was having such a good time, she didn’t really see me. I was becoming more and more attracted to her as she stood there, continuing to talk with her parents. However, it now looked like they were sending her to go buy stuff over at the concession stands, and looking around myself, feeling this might be a chance to meet her, I tried to figure out which way she’d go.

She took some money from her mom and as she headed off, I too moved toward the only entrance to the main arena, hoping to talk to her. The sun was just starting to go down, and as I casually walked toward the entrance I watched to see where she was going. She definitely walked like a cowgirl, or maybe it was the boots, but she carried herself confidently, appearing much older.

She continued to smile as she made her way through the crowd, which made me smile too, and again think, “I gotta see her.”

Making sure to time it so we would deliberately run into each other, right at the entrance, we looked at each other, and smiling, I excitedly said, “Hi!”

She smiled, but it seemed to surprise her, but she too said, “Hi,” as we went through the narrow entrance.

Trying to strike up a conversation, as we walked through the gate I asked, “What’s your name?”

Glancing over at me hesitantly as we continued out of the entrance, I saw she was smiling and as we got out toward where the concessions she said, “Melissa.”

Smiling, continuing to looked at each other, I reached out my hand, wanting to make contact by shaking hands. Introducing myself as she looked down at my hand, she eventually took it and after shaking hands she looked up at me. She really was pretty, had such a pretty smile, and even though she was young, and short, she seemed more mature.

Asking her, “Where are you going,” she again hesitated but smiling said, “My mom wants me to go get some stuff over at the convenience store.”

Immediately, I figured they had sent her, because it was close enough, and they knew the prices at the concessions were a little high. It made me smile and when I told her, “That’s smart,” she smiled too.

Hoping she might let me go with her, I innocently asked, “Can I walk with you?”

Again she hesitated, but then feeling it was an innocent request she said, “Sure.”

We continued to talk as we walked and after getting a bunch of snacks and drinks, we headed back to the fair grounds. Going back through the entrance I said, “It was nice talking to you.”

I didn’t want to bring any unnecessary attention to us, and she did seem a little confused, but when she happened to looked toward where her parents were sitting, and she realized we were getting close, we stopped for a moment. Smiling at each other, waiting for the other to say something, I spoke up, simply mentioning, “I’m sitting right behind you a few rows.”

This of course made her look over to where I gestured, and seeing her smile, I thought, “Man, I wanted this,” all the time hoping we’d somehow hook up again.

As we moved closer to where everyone was sitting she looked at me, smiled and after telling me, “It was nice to meet you too,” I nodded and smiling I casually backed away.

I’m sure she liked the attention, I liked it too, and after giving a simple nod and a smile I said, “Me too,” and continued by telling her, “Maybe I’ll see you again.”

I do think she was interested, and after another smile and a nod, she headed toward her folks, trying to inconspicuously watch to see where I went. Seeing that I was standing a few rows behind where they were sitting, she eventually handed the stuff to her folks, and looking back at me briefly, she smiled and then sat down.

She really seemed to be very happy, and I sensed her continually wanting to glance back, but not wanting to appear interested or attracted to me, she never turned around. I wanted to be with her, and even though she was so much younger, I tried to think, “How?”

Eventually, the concert was ending, and seeing people were starting to leave, I figured I might never see her again, but as I searched for a way to get her attention, she happened to stand and looking at me, we made eye contact. It did make her smile to see me, but then as her folks stood up to leave, she conveniently turned and bending over slightly, she inconspicuously folded her lawn chair.

Looking at her intently, hoping to again get her attention, she looked up, and seeing me looking her way, she smiled, and then shyly looked away.

Continuing to watch as they gathered up all their stuff, it seemed she was looking for a way to get to me, before they left. I too desperately searched for a way to interact with her and seeing they were now headed out, I tried to get to the entrance first, hoping something would present itself.

Quickly, leaving the arena, I stood outside the gate, and waited, hoping I’d see her. For what seemed like forever, I waited, and when I saw her and her folks coming through the entrance on there way out, I moved, trying to position myself so they’d passed me. Eventually, Melissa and I saw each other and seeing her smiling, I smiled too.

Following at a distance, as they continued to walk toward the parking area, I could see she was curiously looking back. I followed them at a distance and as they got to their car, Melissa must have said something to her parents, because she suddenly broke away and came over to me.

It was dark, but I could see her parents were watching where she went. Smiling at her as she came over to me, we shook hands, and after a few seconds she said, “Wait a minute, okay.”

Melissa immediately hurried back over to where their car was, and after a few minutes she returned. She was smiling excitedly and as she came up to me, I saw her folks were driving off. Seeing this, I looked at her and smiling I casually asked, “What’s going on?”

It was just meant to start a conversation but taking me literally she said, “I told them you’re going to walk me home.”

Hearing this, I couldn’t help but smile and then immediately asked, “And they’re okay with that?

Pausing, she smiled and said, “No, but …” and without finishing, she again paused, which made me nervously think to myself, “Oh my god.”

Continuing to look at each other, searching for a way to keep this going, I suggested, “Do you want to get something to eat,” and without hesitation I continued by saying, “We can talk.”

This made her smile, and then nodding excitedly, she seemed to agree it was a good idea. Smiling, I took her hand, leading us out toward the parking lot. She was obviously nervous, I knew that, but at the restaurant, we did end up having a good time, talking and getting to know each other. It was going well, but as our conversation paused, she suddenly asked, “How old are you?”

I worried it was all over, but smiling I asked, “How old do you think I am?”

Again, there was a pause, but smiling she asked questioningly, “25?”

It made me smile and hoping she’d be okay with that, I said, “That’s pretty close,” which again made her smile.

I knew I couldn’t tell her how old I really was and when she again asked, “So, how old,” I asked her, “How old are you?”

This made her again smile, and then she asked, “How old do you think I am?”

It too made me smile and looking at her inquisitively, I suggested, “21, right?”

She hesitated but smiling she started to say, “No,” and then pausing said, ‘Not exactly.”

I didn’t want to lead her on too much, but if was going to get anywhere, I knew I’d probably have to do something. Smiling I said, “Well, I’m actually 28,” and continued by asking, “I hope that’s okay.”

It made her smile and she seemed to be okay with me being older, almost excited. I didn’t press her on her age, but I knew she wasn’t 21, or even 18 and as we sat there, I started to become anxious, wanting to see if I could get her to go with me back to my relative’s house.

Melissa however, suddenly blurted out, “Where do you live?”

I was taken aback, but relieved she asked, I smiled and said, “Well, …” but, before I could answer she asked, “Can we go over to your place?”

Continuing to smile, hoping she’d be receptive, I continued by telling her, “I don’t live here,” and then explained, “I’m visiting relatives.”

She seemed a little apprehensive, and not wanting to lose the opportunity, I continued by say, “But we can go over there.”

Melissa still looked concerned, but when I explained that there wasn’t anyone home, and told her they went to a concert in a nearby town, she smiled cautiously, but after a few seconds she excitedly said, “Okay.”

Like I said, they had gone to a different concert in the neighboring town that was big enough to get bigger name bands, and being I had decided to come up at the last minute, I didn’t have a ticket, or I’d probably have gone, but right now, I was glad I didn’t go.

Getting in my car, we made our way over to my cousin’s house, and then hurrying inside, we ended up sitting in the living room. I was nervous, but so excited too; I wanted this to go well and as we sat on the sofa looking at each other I asked, “Do you want anything to drink?”

Melissa smiled and then as I stood up she asked, “What do have?”

Immediately, I went into the kitchen, and not really knowing what to expect as I opened the refrigerator, I was relieved to see they had some beer and soda. Smiling to myself, I yelled out, “There’s beer and soda and water, what do you want?”

She was hesitant but then asked, “What are you gonna have?”

Grabbing a couple beers, I headed back to the living room, and smiling, I opened hers, and handing it to her, I sat down. Opening mine, I casually slipped off my shoes, and after pushing them aside, I could see her watching. Seeing her smiling as I looked over at her, I innocently suggested, “You can take off your boots if you wanta.”

Melissa smiled, and after setting down her beer, she stood up, quickly kicking them off. “Oh my gosh,” I thought, “she’s bare foot,” as she briefly rubbed her feet together.

Sitting back down, she grabbed her beer off the table, and looking at each other, I continually told myself, “Man, she’s pretty.”

We continued to talk, getting to know each other, and after having a couple beers, continuing to make small talk, we eventually started to get very friendly, pushing and bumping against each other. I think we both started to feel more comfortable, and then as we looked at each other, I leaned toward her. She had a concerned looked, but as I went in for a kiss, she smiled.

Giving her a subtle little kiss I thought, “Oh yea,” and as we looked at each other, there was a pause.

It really was nice, and seeing her pretty blue eyes, and her chubby little cheeks looking back at me, as she smiled, I hoped we’d keep going. Kissing her again, I boldly reached my hand up to feel on her one boob. I ended up stopping right under her boob, cupping it, and feeling Melissa gasp, our lips parted.

She was now looking down at my hand on her chest, she didn’t stop me, but I do think it made her a little self-conscious about her body, being she was so young. Kissing her again, and trying to push my tongue into her mouth, she hesitated, but then opening her mouth, our tongues touched and twisted. I couldn’t help but smile as we kissed, and when I casually slid my hand around to her back, and I didn’t feel a bra strap, it excited me.

Moving my hand down and turning her a little, I gave her a kiss. Pulling her closer, I unintentionally felt a few slight fat rolls through her top. I hoped it didn’t embarrass her and when we stopped kissing, Melissa leaned against my shoulder.

Holding her, I casually moved my hand to her stomach, and as I did, Melissa instinctively sucked in her stomach. I liked feeling on her and wanting more, I moved my hand down to her thigh, and giving it a squeeze, we again kissed.

I think she was maybe a little tipsy, I knew I was, and feeling on her firm thigh, I slipped my hand between her legs. Moving my hand up toward her crotch, she inadvertently spread her legs. Again, we ended up looking at each other briefly and seeing a sly little smile, I stood up and took her hand.

She continued to smile, unsure about what we were doing but then as I had her stand up, I smiled and told her, “Come on.”

Looking up at me, she smiled and when I got her to her feet and i started to lead us, moving us toward the spare bedroom, she hesitantly asked, “Where are we going?”

Not saying anything, I instead just smiled, and when we went through the bedroom door, and I turn to face her, I could see her nervously looking around. It really wasn’t very dark, more muted, being the light from the living room was still able to sneak in, I decided to leave the lights off.

Moving us over toward the bed, I pulled the cover down a little and then as I leaned down to kiss her, she smiled and raising up on her tip toes, we kissed. Smiling as our lips met, I immediately tried to lift her top up, but she stopped me. As we stopped kissing, I could see she was hesitant, and smiling, I moved my hands up to feel on her small but full feeling tits through her top.

Melissa instinctively put her hands on mine, and looking at each other she smiled. I smiled too, I felt I needed to go slow, but when Melissa now tried to lift my shirt up, I smiled enthusiastically and the. helping her get it off, I dropped it to the floor. I wanted to keep things going, and again tried to take off her top. She was still hesitant, but wanting to see just how far I can go, I unbuttoned my shorts, letting them fall to the floor.

Melissa watched intently, obviously wanting to see my cock, however as I kicked my shorts aside, she looked up. I was hard, and I’m sure she could see it bulging out and when I intentionally reached down to adjust it through my boxers, she again looked down. I made sure to grab it so she could see the outline and as I rubbed through my boxers and Melissa realized what I was doing, she immediately looked up, catching herself.

Seeing me smiling at her, she looked away shyly, and then as I grabbed her by the waist, she looked up at me. Leaning down to kiss her, I subtly moved her over, backing her up against the bed, continuing to slyly smile as we kissed. Melissa was smiling too and when I reached down and trying to get that western belt buckle in hooked, I struggled. We eventually stopped kissing, and looking down, Melissa quickly got it unhooked, and then after pulling the belt out of the loops, she dropped it to the floor with a heavy clank.

Looking at each other, I quickly reached down and tried to unbutton her jeans. She again helped and then as I got them unzipped, I immediately tried to pull them down. They were definitely tight, and after getting them only off her hips slightly, Melissa reached her hands down to again help. Wiggling, as she inch them down, they finally made there way to the floor.

She was definitely apprehensive, but immediately she leaned up so we could kiss. “My god,” I thought, she was so pretty and seeing the lacy pink thong bikini panties she was wearing, I smiled excitedly, thinking, “Mmmm.”

Looking at her, I grabbed her by the waist and then lifting her up, sitting her on the edge of the bed, I kissed her as I casually moving between her legs. It made her smile and when I again leaned forward to kiss her, she leaned back, resting on her elbows.

“Oh my god,” she really had such a pretty face and seeing those blue eyes, I leaned forward to kiss her. I couldn’t believe what I was doing and even though I knew she was really very young, I didn’t want to stop.

She had closed her eyes, as we kissed, and when I reached around her and again tried to quickly take off her top, she again stooped me. Looking at each other, I said, “Don’t worry,” trying to signal it was okay, and when I again tried to lift it up over her head, she smiled and lifted her arms.

Quickly, pulling it up over her head, I tossed it aside, and as we looked t each other, Melissa shyly reached up, holding her hands on her boobs, covering her chest. She was so self conscious about her body, and looking at me nervously, I said, “You’re beautiful,” in an attempt to reassure her.

She really was, and when she smiled, and looked down at her hands, making sure they covered her tits, she looked back at me smiling. I smiled too, and then as I casually reached up to feel on them, I think took her by surprise. They weren’t big but definitely full and when I slipped my hands up under hers, taking their place, she looked up at me. Giving them a gently squeeze, smiling, she eventually relented, and as we kissed, she dropped her hands.

Melissa was still a little nervous, but I moved down to suck her neck, and she tilted her head, I teased her small little nipples, with my fingers. She really was flat chested, definitely underdeveloped, but her little tits were full feeling, and as my eyes immediately shifted up, all in could think was, “Oh my god,” as stopped kissing and we looked at each other.

Melissa naïvely smiled, and as our lips again met, I told her, “Don’t worry.”

Nodding, we hugged and as I laid her back again, I said, ”Tell me if you want me to stop.”

It was really just meant as a polite gesture, and seeing Melissa now cautiously smile, I really didn’t want to stop. Scooting her up on the bed more, so her legs weren’t dangling off the edge, I stood back, admiring her tan little body.

Again, I couldn’t believe what I was doing, but smiling, I reached down to rub on my hard cock through my boxers. Melissa was watching intently, and when I subtly grabbed the waist band of my boxers, peeling them down, I looked to see her reaction as my cock flopped out.

I don’t want the say that I think she was shocked to see it, but then as she looked up at me, and I saw her nervously smiling, I think it changed to one of curiousity. Moving closer to the bed again, I reached out and when I again felt and rubbed her full little mound through her panties, she continued to watch intently.

Looking at her, massaging her pussy, I eventually pressed my finger into her slit, creasing her panties. She immediately pulled away, but I could see she was smiling. Melissa then taking a deep breath, and as she again laid back, I slid my hands to the sides of her panties, and as I quickly trying to pull down the sides, she stopped me, placing her hands on mine.

Again, not wanting to stop, I reached up, and as I slid my hands up her stomach, they eventually found their way to her flat but full little boobs. Smiling, I climbed on the bed with her, and as we kissed, continuing to feel on her tits, I again made sure to press my cock against her thigh.

I was trying to tell her, in no uncertain words what I was wanting to do and without hesitation, I again reached my hand down, feeling on her pussy. Lifting myself up off her, I smiled and then as I slid back off the bed and stood at the end, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

Nothing was wrong, and after giving her a sly little smile, continuing to feel on her firm meaty thighs, Melissa smiled too. Continuing to rub her thighs, I leaned forward, letting my hands slide my up to her crotch. This made her smile more apprehensively and when I went down, kissing her stomach, she pulled back a little. Looking up at her, I smiled, and then moved down, wanting to mouth her pussy through her panties.

She had leaned up on her elbows to watch me and after kissing her stomach, I moved down, and closing my eyes, I kissed her panties, eventually mouthing her pussy. She again pulled away a little, but when I reached up to steady her, I said, “Don’t worry.”

I could see her smiling and after a deep breath, she again laid back as I mouthed her pussy again. It was warm and I could smell her perfume, or maybe it was her body spray, and when I again fingered her pussy through her panties, Melissa arching her back slightly, and timidly reached down.

She didn’t stop me, instead Melissa simply rested her hands on her thighs, but when I subtly started tying to pull her panties off her hips, she did reach over. Again she didn’t stop me, and looking up at her, and seeing she still had her eyes closed, I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down at her pussy.

Getting her panties down over her feet, and dropping them off the edge, I became conflicted. I wanted to be in her, but as I looked at her fat little pussy, and knowing she was so young, I worried that she wouldn’t let me.

She wasn’t hairy at all, only having sparce light brown hair pubic hair that was neatly trimmed and seeing her tight clamshell little slit, and thinking about being in her I thought to myself, “Mmmm.”

Melissa had opened her eyes and seeing me looking, she again seemed to become self conscious, reaching down, stopping me. Looking up at her, I spread her legs, and then climbing back on top of her, making sure my cock pressed against her crotch, I gave her a kiss all the time thinking, “Please don’t stop me.”

Kissing her again, she smiled, and smiling too, I slid back down, wanting to taste her pussy. I knew I needed to go slow and so I stopped briefly, sucking and tonguing her little nipples, before continuing to kiss my way down to her pussy.

Again, I could smell her perfume and when I got down between her legs, wrapping my arms up under her thighs, spreading her little pussy lips, I immediately plunged my tongue into her. Closing my eyes, lapping at her slit and deliberately flicking her clit, I thought about trying to get her off. I was almost sure that Melissa had never had this done, and as I continued, I suddenly, felt her legs quivering a little. “Oh my god,” I thought, “don’t make me stop,” realizing she was probably going to cum.

Melissa had again reached done, and touching my head she asked me to stop. Smiling, I leaned up and after wiping my mouth, I kissed her. She was breathing hard and seeing her smiling, I reached down, taking hold of my cock. Sliding the head of my cock up and down her little slit I thought, “Oh yea,” and kissing her again, she smiled.

It was a tentative one and trying to give her a reassuring smile too, I casually asked, “Do you want me to use a condom?”

She was hesitant but then after a moment she excitedly told me, “I’m on the pill.”

I was stunned but smiling I suggested, “Maybe we still should.”

Not sure how to answer, Melissa again hesitated. I was almost positive that I didn’t have one, and I was sure she didn’t have one either, but as I started to get off her to look, hoping I might actually have a condom in my pocket or my wallet, she stopped me saying, “It’s okay.”

I could see she was worried, and after asking, “Are you sure,” she smiled and nodded.

Kissing her, I leaned up, and reaching down, grabbing my cock, I immediately trying to push into her. I hoped it would go in, and yea, she was wet, but so tight, and the thought of being in her little fat pussy, made me desperately want to push into her more. Melissa kept her eyes closed and seeing her grabbing the covers, I started to worry.

I didn’t want it to hurt, but I wanted to be in her, and when I tried to gradually move my dick in and out, I hoped she’d loosen up enough. Pushing into her a little more, I thought, “Oh yea,” as my cock eventually went in a little more.

I was in her, but only part way, and seeing it wasn’t very comfortable for her, I again leaned up, and giving her a kiss I asked, “Are you okay?”

Melissa did smile, but kept her eyes closed, and seeing her simply nod, I kissed her and deliberately pushed hard into her. I couldn’t believe how tight she was, and when I slowly tried to fuck her, she reached up, and pushing on my chest, she hastily told me, “Stop!”

It was obvious that it hurt, and seeing that Melissa had opened her eyes, I stopped, and pulled out a little. She did smile and when she took a deep breath, I asked, “Do you want to stop?”

Of course, I didn’t want to stop, and after a brief pause, she shook her head slightly. Smiling, I gave her a kiss and then told her, “Try to relax.”

Giving a subtle nod, she took another deep breath, and as we kissed, I tried to push into her. I knew it hurt and when she again tried to pull away, I continued to hold her, as we kissed. Melissa again asked me to stop, and looking at each other, I again told her, “Try relax.”

Melissa now pushing on my chest, I knew she wanted me to stop, but realizing I needed to just keep going, I slowly started moving my cock in and out, trying to fuck her. She had moved her hand down and grabbing my sides, it felt as though she went limp. It did worry me, but feeling that she had actually loosened up a little, I knew she was just trying to relax.

Looping my hands under her arms, and kissing her, I pulled her close, trying to concentrate. I wanted to cum and knowing she had never done this before, I tried to hurry before she again stopped me. It really felt good, and almost immediately I was close, but Melissa again reached up and pushing on me, she asked me to stop in an out of breath voice. I tried to keep going, I didn’t want to stop, but when she seemed to tense up, I eventually did.

She continued to push on me, and feeling her squirm a little, I tried to hold her. She was still breathing hard, and looking at her, I asked, “Are you okay?”

It again made her smile, and seeing her blush as we looked at each other, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, I knew she was okay. Smiling, I kissed her, and pushing into her again, she gasped as I started to fuck her again. She was definitely wet now, but was still really tight, and wanting to cum, I tried to hurried, feeling she might make me stop.

I was going to cum, I was close, and when I kissed her, continuing to concentrate, Melissa wrapped her legs around mine, hugging me.

I didn’t say anything, instead I focused on wanting to cum, and after giving a few deliberate thrust, I pushed into her and holding her I said, “I’m gonna cum.”

Out of breath, I held her close and as my cock started jerking inside her, Melissa moved her hands down to my sides, and pushing on me she said, “Stop!”

She must have felt my cock pulsating faintly inside her, and realizing I had cum, she hastily tried to wiggle free. Trying to hold her still, telling her now to stop, I think shocked her, and as I started to again fuck her, moving my cock in and out, she seemed to become a little upset, but it was too late.

It really felt good to cum, and out of breath, I looked at her, and smiling, I gave her a kiss. She still seemed upset and when she didn’t reciprocate, I reached down, and pulling out, I grabbed my cock, squeezing the last little bit of cum out inside her.

Moving my hands to her sides, holding her, I slid down, and leaning back on my knees, I kissed her stomach. I could feel cum continuing to dribble out of me onto the sheets, and looking up at her I asked, “Are you okay?”

I could tell she was troubled about what had happened, and seeing her looking at me wide eyed, knowing that I had cum inside her, she seemed close to tears. Moving up, holding her, trying to console her, I told her, “Don’t worry.”

Giving me a subtle nod, she took a deep breath and as I leaned back kneeling, I looked down. I could see that cum was oozing out of her, and seeing that her pussy was kind of red and her inner lips were pulled out, I thought, “Oh my god.”

Rolling off her, patting her thigh, I again tried to put her mind at ease. Melissa still seemed scared and when I suggested, “Maybe you want to go use the bathroom,” she hesitated but eventually though got off the bed. Covering her crotch with one had, she hurried into the bathroom, and quickly closing the door behind her, I sat there, worrying.

She was in there for what seemed like forever, but eventually as the door opened, I watched her come out. She was wrapped in a towel and as she stepped back into the bedroom I asked, “Everything okay?”

Melissa still looked to be upset and when she said, “I think I need to get going,” I knew it was over.

Getting off the bed, I moved over to where she was standing and when I tried to hug her, she backed away. I didn’t want it to end this way, but realizing it was, I started to get dressed. Melissa in turn gathered up her clothes, and with the towel still wrapped around her, she took them back into the bathroom.

Without hesitation, I quickly finished getting dress and sitting there, I waited. Melissa eventually came out and standing I asked, “Do you wanta get going?”

I knew she did, I didn’t have to ask, but she smiled and nodding said, “Yea.”

Grabbing my keys, and heading out, I gave her some space, but in the car I reached over and touching her thigh I asked, “Where do we need to go?”

Looking down at my hand, she was hesitant but eventually gave me direction. It was dark now, and when I pulled down her street, she had me stop a little ways away. Putting the car in park, I looked over and before I could ask if I could call her, she immediately got out of the car and told me, “I’m going to walk by myself.”

“Oh man,” I thought, but smiling, I said, “Okay.”

She smiled too, and when she told me, “I had a good time,” I reached over, hoping she’d take mine before leaving, but she didn’t.

Staying in the car, she closed the door and as I watched her head up the street toward her house and I saw her head up the driveway, I did a u-turn, heading back to my relatives’ house. Being with Melissa, I felt was an awesome experience, but it was over shadowed by the ending. I hoped we might get together again, but realized it was probably never going to happen.

The next day, on my way home, I did drive by her house, hoping I might see her, but she wasn’t outside and there was no way I was going up to the door. I have continued to think about her, and really hope I’ll run into her again next time I’m up there, but right now all I have is the memory of the time I spent with her.