Part (4)- The Duplex (Jodi’s Suit & Punishing the Waif)

Sunday started like the day before… beautiful sunny morning and coffee. I walked down the front steps and grabbed the Sunday paper before most in the neighborhood were out and about. I walked out and sat on the front deck and sipped my coffee and surveyed the neighborhood.

All was quiet next door and at the blue house across the street.  Ron and Debbie’s house was awake and moving; I could see Debbie serving breakfast in their small breakfast nook by the kitchen.

The widower up the street was sitting on his front porch with his old Black Lab, reading the paper.

Debbie walked out on their porch to grab the paper, and waved at me when she saw me watching her.

About an hour or so passed before I moved much, but I finally put down the paper and headed down to the garage.

I actually got quite a lot done that morning before the distraction of the neighborhood stole my attention. I heard a door slam across the street and a big guy came out of the blue house. He was still buttoning-up his shirt as he walked out to his car. The brunette, Carly, was standing in the front room watching him leave. Typical guy for that house… long scruffy hair, unshaven, dressed in mostly black, and driving a piece of crap.

Denise was studying upstairs. I ran up to get another cup of coffee.

When I came back out some guy was trying to start his car next door. I looked over to see Cliff and the waif were standing out beside a ratty Toyota that refused to start.

I was pleased to see Jodi walking up the street to Melissa’s house. I waved and she walked over to talk with me. She was dressed much more conservatively than the last time I saw her, but it was Sunday, after all.

….. had Pam told her anything?

“Hi Jeff! Whatcha doing?” My heart picked up the pace just hearing her voice. “Well… Good morning Jodi! It’s nice to see you on this beautiful morning.”

..… I thought about the previous day when I accidentally ripped off her top

“Are you ready to go shopping for your new swimsuit?”

I meant to be joking with her, but I was surprised by her reply, “Cool! Right now? I would love to go shopping!”

I lowered my voice in case any windows were open upstairs. “Ummm.. Okay… I need to do some stuff first.”

I looked at my watch. “How about if I pick you up around 11:00?” I thought about the issues I needed to address to do this. I glanced back at our place and looked back at her, “Would it be okay if I pick you up at the 7-11?”

I was concerned she would be offended at the suggestion, but she quickly replied “Sure!”

I worked a little in the garage until the time was right, then headed inside and thought about what excuse I could make to go out shopping with Jodi. Nothing I could think of that included ‘I’m taking that cute young girl up the street out to buy her a new bathing suit because I ripped her old one off of her’ would fly with Denise.

When Denise noticed I had changed from my coveralls, I told her I needed to get some paint from the hardware store.

I headed out to the 7-11 about four blocks over. Jodi was hanging out in front when I pulled up. She ran over, all smiles, and jumped in the car. She acted really excited to go shopping with me, but I assumed it had more to do with the shopping than with me.

We headed up to the small strip mall the next neighborhood over from us. There were a few different clothing stores there, including a large chain store that had a big assortment of just about anything you could want. I asked Jodi if it would work, and she enthusiastically replied, “Yes! I love this place!” She looked over at me with that angelic face, “Thank you for doing this… I really appreciate it!”

“Happy to do it. I get to see you modeling swimsuits, so I would say I am getting the better part of the deal.” She smiled shyly, then jumped out of the car.

We headed into the store, and I started thinking of what I would say if we ran into anyone I knew. She’s my niece… this is my little sister… this is the underage girl up the street I want to fuck… Ha…

They had a pretty large ‘summer attire’ section, and I was relieved to see there was no one else shopping in it at the moment. Jodi knew exactly where she wanted to look, and eagerly started flipping through the swimsuit rack. I moved over to the men’s section and looked for something I liked in case Danny never returned the trunks I loaned him.

I looked over and Jodi already had a number of bikinis she pulled from the rack to try on. She caught my eye and flashed a wide smile, and headed into the dressing room. I wasn’t going to try any shorts on, but I quietly followed her in with the stuff I picked out, and sat down on a chair next to the tailor’s mirror.

I wanted her to know I was in the room, and quietly said, “I want to see some swimsuit modeling!” She popped her head up and peered over the door on the dressing stall where she was changing. She was too short for me to see much of her face, but her eyes and nose showed she was smiling. I could also see her feet under the door.

Her head dropped out of view and I saw her pull off her shoes below the door. Her arms pulled off her top above, then her shorts dropped to the floor. I assumed she would leave on her panties when trying on the bikini, but was thrilled when her panties dropped around her feet. She stepped out of them and her hand reached down and picked them up.

She stepped into something she was trying on, then after a few moments, she opened the door to show me. The suit fit her pretty well, but the stripes looked weird and I thought it covered too much. Regardless, seeing her half naked like this increased my heart rate. I smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. She pulled the door closed and tried on the next suit.

When she opened the door this time my heart skipped a beat. It was a white string bikini that left very little to the imagination. The bottoms fit perfectly, but showed major camel toe and I could see her bush and the darker lines of her labia through the thin material. Same with the top; her large nipples showed prominently and you could see the outline and the faint color difference of her areolas.

My expression must have told the story, as she laughed a little and said, “No?”

I shook my head lightly and smiled, “Most definitely ‘YES’, but you couldn’t wear that out in public.”

Her smile dropped, “Really? I kinda liked this one.”

“So do I… a little bit too much,” and covered my eyes like I shouldn’t see her like this. She laughed and closed the door again.

I waited until I saw her step out of the white suit, then stood up and walked over to the door, “I was thinking…” She gasped and peeked over the door.

I stepped closer and continued, “I was thinking you might want to match your old suit, so your parents don’t ask you where you got this new one.”

“I thought about that. I was just going to say a friend from school outgrew it and gave it to me.”  I wasn’t really listening; my attention was focused on the reflection in the mirror behind her. The bikini top was unlaced, but she was holding the cups in place. She obviously didn’t realize her entire back side was exposed to the mirror.

….. Oh my God, what a perfect ass

Her little bubble-butt was entirely exposed; round, pale cheeks surrounded by tanned thighs and back. My dick instantly started growing at the sight. She suddenly realized why I was looking over her shoulder and let out a shriek. I quickly got back to my chair and sat down, in case anyone heard her.

Jodi started laughing, and peeked over the door again. “No fair! I’m getting you back for that one!”

A sales lady walked by and looked in, but kept walking.

After a few more moments, Jodi opened the door again wearing another suit. This yellow suit fit her perfectly, and was higher quality as well. The cups had padding so you couldn’t see her nipples, no lip lines, no camel toe. As much as I hated to admit it, this was the right one to buy her. I got up and walked over to her, “This one is perfect. It fits you well, and isn’t going to get you grounded if your dad sees you in it.”

She laughed and pulled the door closed. I walked up close and peeked over the door, “Hand me the yellow one and I’ll take it to the register while you’re getting dressed.” She turned around to look at her reflection, then looked back up at me and smiled. I kept staring at her butt in the mirror until she shooed me away. “Go! I’ll hand you the suit when I’m ready!” I rolled my eyes in mock disappointment and walked back to the chair. I watched her step out of her bottoms and throw them over the top of the door, then her top landed beside them.

“Now? Can I get them now?”

“NO! I’m not dressed yet!” She was laughing when she said it though. “I won’t look… I promise.” I walked over and grabbed them, the whole time looking at the floor.

Jodi was just coming out of the dressing room when I returned from the register, bag in hand. We headed out to the car, and I opened the door for her. Walking around to the driver’s side, I scanned the lot to see if anyone saw me. I thought to myself ‘this will be the death of me’.

We drove back to the 7-11, and I pulled into the far parking space. “I’m sorry to make you walk home like this. I just don’t think Denise or your dad would be thrilled seeing you getting out of my car.”

Jodi smiled, “No worries… I agree. That could be pretty awkward. Thank you so much for the suit! I know that one was pretty expensive.”

I laughed, “It was totally worth it from what I saw in the mirror.” She laughed and punched me in the arm.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this.”

“I won’t, I promise.” She opened the door and hesitated, then reached over and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. “Thank you again!”

I managed to get out “My pleasure!” before the door closed. She smiled and waved as she walked away.

….. yeah, I’m going to be pleasuring myself many times over the image of your young naked ass in the mirror

I drove home and parked on the street. I usually left the driveway open for Denise, and she was home today. When I got out of the car I noticed Cliff was siphoning gas out of his Buick into a plastic milk jug. The guy with the Toyota was helping him. The waif looked up, then quickly looked down when she saw me.

I walked all the way to the front stairs before I realized I was empty-handed from my trip to the hardware store. …shit!

Denise walked out to the deck, “Hey! What happened? I thought you were getting paint?”

“I thought so too. I went to three places, and none of them had the stuff I wanted. I’m gonna have to figure out another way to go.”

Denise was used to my OCD way of making sure everything is exactly the way I wanted when it came to the car.

I went inside and grabbed a beer, and walked down to the garage to fill the afternoon. After working for a bit, I grabbed another beer… and another after not too long. I was feeling a nice buzz, but started feeling guilty over lying to Denise, and everything else… I decided to wash her car to convince myself I was a good partner… a good roommate?


…………………………………………… Washing Her Car …………………………………………………

I grabbed the bucket and soap, and went around to the side of the duplex for the hose. When I got there, however, I found the hose had been cut in half. It took me about three seconds to realize why the waif avoided eye contact with me earlier. Those fuckers cut up my new hose to use it to siphon gas for their lowlife friend!

I don’t have a strong temper, but I quickly became quite furious… “GOD DAMMIT!” Those druggy assholes cut up my new hose… I just bought it last month, and it was the best one Home Depot offered.

I picked up a short section of the hose and stormed through the shrubs and over to the asshole’s house. Both the Toyota and the Buick were gone… I was swinging the hose in the air, absolutely losing it in my anger, and stormed around to the front of the house, swearing the whole way. I ran up the steps and pounded on the front door. Silence.


I pounded on the door again, and noticed the window was open. I leaned over and yelled inside, “I KNOW YOU’RE SELLING DRUGS OUTTA HERE- OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR OR I’M CALLING THE POLICE!”

The front door opened almost immediately, and the waif stood defiantly in the opening with a smart-ass look on her face. “What Is Your Problem?” A strong smell of ganja floated out the open door.

I whipped the hose against the wall and shoved the door wide open. This shocked the waif, and she stepped backwards with a sudden look of fear on her face.


“I’m sick of this shit! I’m calling the fucking police.”

“NO! Don’t call the police!” She was suddenly pleading with me, but I turned to head down the stairs.

“Please don’t call the cops… I’ll do anything you want!”

I stopped and turned back to her, “What the FUCK would I possibly want from you?!” I stormed forward into the doorway. “What the FUCK could you do that my girlfriend isn’t already giving me? CHRIST!”

She looked up at me and flashed a nervous smile, “Blowjob?”

I aggressively stepped closer, looming over her petite little frame, “A Fucking Blowjob? Like I’m not already getting head?!?”

….. actually I haven’t received head from Denise for over six months

“I bet she can’t give head like I can.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you can suck cock. I’m guessing that’s the way you pay your rent!”

“Can your girlfriend deep throat you?”

This caught me off guard, but I wasn’t in the mood. I leaned over her and glared down on her, “Fuck This! I’m calling the cops.” I turned around and headed out.

“You can stick it in my butt!”

I stopped short.  I haven’t had anal since… like forever.

….. this little titless bitch was gonna let me fuck her ass and deep throat my cock?

I turned around and pushed her inside. “Look, you little slut… I don’t trust you. You’re gonna deep-throat my cock and let me fuck you in the ass?”

The waif tried to look at me like she was in control, but a look of fear was in her eyes.

She pulled off her top, dropped to her knees and started unbuttoning my jeans. Her flat chest looked a lot better from this point of view. Her nipples were long and pointy, and poked out far from her flat chest. I was still furious, but my dick quickly pumped up to attention.

She worked on the buttons of my jeans. I reached back and slammed the door closed behind me. She finally got all the buttons undone and tried to pull off my jeans, but was having a difficult time. I pushed her head back and pushed my jeans down to my knees… my cock slapped her in the face when I pulled down my boxers.

She reacted to the size of my cock in her face with a smile and a look of surprise, but I could sense a little fear as well. She had already committed to deep-throating me and letting me fuck her ass, but that was before she saw my dick. The waif was used to abuse from her 5” boyfriend.. let’s see how she enjoys something a bit larger.

I was still very angry and wanted to hate-fuck this little cunt, and she knew it.

I grabbed her hair with my left hand and started slapping my cock on her face with my right. It quickly hardened to full length, and I stuffed it in her mouth.

….. let’s see you deep throat this, you nasty little bitch

I grabbed her hair with both hands and forced her mouth down onto my cock. I kept pushing until it hit the back of her throat, and she gagged and coughed, so I pulled it back for a moment. I pumped my cock back into her mouth, pulling her hair and ramming the back of her throat again and again, but as good as it felt, the head never popped into her throat. I had only deep-throated one girl, a number of years ago, and it was unbelievable. This wasn’t happening.

I looked around the kitchen and saw a piece of toast on the counter, an open jar of jelly, and a cube of butter. The waif had just been making her lunch.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her over by the counter, and pushed her down to the floor onto her hands and knees. Reaching underneath her, I unbuttoned her cutoffs and ripped them down off her ass.

I pushed down on her shoulders and pulled her ass up facing me. “Spread your cheeks for me… show me your asshole.” She dropped her titless chest to the floor, reached back and spread her ass wide with both hands.

She was so exposed, with her skinny little ass in the air like that. She was much tinier than I thought. She looked like a child now, spreading her ass for me.

I grabbed a chunk from the cube of butter and slapped it against her butthole. I smeared it all over her ass, and pushed some of the butter into her little brown hole.

….. Her ass felt really good …the heat …it felt like her tight little ring was sucking on my finger

I pushed my finger in, and pulled it out, then pushed it deep into her ass. She moaned a little but didn’t complain… I pulled it out, then stuffed two fingers into her ass. The waif let out a muffled squeal, so I slapped her ass “Dammit! I don’t want to hear a squeak out of you!”

I fucked her ass with my fingers, then grabbed the cube of butter and pushed it against her spread butthole. After grinding it against her, I pushed more butter inside her ass. I grabbed my cock and slapped it against her little puckered hole. My right hand was greasy from the butter, so I stroked my cock with it a few times to lube it up.

…. she was so fucking tiny …90 pounds at most …I was going to make sure she remembered this day

“Spread your ass open!”

I pushed the head of my cock against her little greasy asshole, and pulled her back by her hair.  She squealed when the head popped in, so I held it there for a bit before pushing further.

“OH FUCK! Be gentle! Your cock is… I’m not… my boyfriend’s dick is a lot smaller…”

….. Jesus …the feeling …her ass felt so hot …she was so fucking tight …Good God 

I ran my hands up and down her skinny ribcage, and grabbed her hips to pull her little body back further onto my dick.

I pushed my cock further into her ass and started slowly pumping in and out of her. Her ass was so small it was actually hurting my dick a little, but it felt so fucking good I couldn’t stop.

This skinny little girl getting skewered on my thick cock… from my view it looked absolutely obscene… it looked like I was ass-fucking a child. It was dirty and perverse… and my mind was exploding with lust. The waif was still spreading her ass for me, and she was grunting and moaning loudly. 

I watched my cock sliding in and out of her tiny body… the tight ring of her asshole stretched outwards as I pulled my thick shaft out of her, then puckered inwards as I pushed it back in. It looked like I was ripping her in half.

I pulled hard on her hair and slowly forced my cock deeper into her ass until my balls slapped her pussy.

“Is that what you wanted? Are you feeling like we are even yet?”

In between the grunts I could hear the waif squeak out a muffled, “YES!… FUCK!” 

I started pumping in and out of her tight little ass… long, full strokes… out until the head almost popped out, then back in hard until her skinny ass hit my stomach. I quickly felt my orgasm building, and pulled her even harder against my cock. But I didn’t want to cum yet… I pulled my dick out of her ass and yanked her hair to spin her around. She looked up at me with a blank stare, then opened her mouth. I looked down and saw my cock was dirty from fucking her in the butt… the whole shaft was covered with a sloppy mixture of her ass and the butter. I stuffed it into her mouth and pulled hard on her hair. My dick slammed against the back of her throat. She pulled back and gagged, then she shoved her head forward again.

Her actions shocked me. I was trying to abuse her with my cock… to teach her a lesson… but she was enjoying it?


She pushed her head hard against my cock, but it hit the back of her throat and stopped. She grabbed my ass and pulled me hard against her… what the hell?

I reached forward and slid my right hand down over her tailbone and hooked two fingers in her ass, and pulled her hard against me. I pushed my cock hard against her throat, and worked another finger into her ass, and pulled hard. After several hard pumps deep against the back of her mouth, I felt my cock suddenly pop into her throat. She choked again and again until I pulled it out. She coughed and spit… she nearly threw up… then shoved her head hard down on my cock again.

This time I pulled so hard on her ass, my fingers went knuckle-deep, and my cock popped deeply into her throat until her nose hit my groin.  FUCK! This girl! This was fucking insane! 

I started pumping my cock deep into her throat… I turned into a rapist, cramming my cock again and again into this tiny girl… pulling hard with my fingers… stretching her asshole wide open. I started bucking against her face and then pushed it as far down her throat as I could. She choked and I could feel her trying to swallow… the constructions of her throat milking my cock. The intensity pushed me over the edge…

I nearly passed out when my cock exploded inside her. I held her head tightly against me, pumping ropes of cum down her throat… She couldn’t breathe, but both her hands were on my ass pulling me hard against her face; holding my cock inside her throat as she tried again and again to swallow.

I held her head tight against me, my cock deep down her throat, until she let go of my ass and started slapping my chest, pleading for air.

I slowly pulled my dick out of her throat, and my fingers out of her ass, and she coughed and gasped for air once she was free.

The waves of ecstasy from my intense climax subsided, and reality slowly crept back to me…

I realized Cliff and that other fucker could come back any moment. And Denise thought I was out washing her car.

I suddenly felt guilty for abusing this tiny girl. She has obviously lead a very sad life, and here I am making it worse. I looked down at her and saw a fragile little girl, who had been abused by everyone around her. Increasingly, I felt horrible for what I did.

I helped the waif to her feet. “Are you okay? I’m sorry for being so rough with you.”

She looked up at me and actually smiled. She reached out and caressed my cock, then bent down and gently sucked it clean again.

….. what could her life be like that she was okay with the way I just treated her?

“God… I’m sorry. I just got carried away. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Oh, shit…don’t worry about me… I’m fine.”

She was staring up at me… smiling. She somehow looked innocent and kinda pretty like this, in a trailer park sort of way. Her short brown hair was all tussled & greasy from the butter, she needed braces, but her teeth were clean and white. Feminine features… clear complexion…

….. I need to get outta here. What the fuck did I just do?!? I didn’t even wear a rubber… she could have given me half a dozen STDs! God Dammit!

I washed off my hands in the sink and pulled up my pants. I handed her the towel after drying my hands. “I have to go… I’m really sorry for being so rough.”

She reached out and grabbed my wrist, “Don’t be sorry… I kinda like it rough.”

I shook my head and rubbed my temples (un-fucking believable), then turned to leave.

“If I cut your hose again will you come back over?”

….. Fuck! This neighborhood is going to kill me

I didn’t respond… I grabbed the hose and ran down her front steps and back to the duplex. I stopped and thought about walking back into the place stinking like sex… stinking like dirty, sweaty, anal sex.

I jumped in the car and headed to Home Depot. I bought a kit to splice the hose back together, and hit their restroom and cleaned off my dick as best I could.

When I got back to the duplex I rushed down to the garage. Denise yelled to me “What’s wrong? Where did you go?”

I stopped on the stairs and yelled back, “It’s those fucking druggies next door. They cut up our hose.” I went down to the garage and fixed the hose with the splicing kit. After rolling up the hose at the side of the house, I went back inside.

“Those fuckers cut up our hose to siphon gas. I went over and argued with them, but of course they had nothing to do with it. I fixed it, but I’m still really fucking angry.”

Denise was shocked hearing this, “Don’t go over there! It’s not worth it! You could get shot!”

I grabbed a beer and went out to the front deck to ‘cool down’.

I was only about half-way done with my beer when Cliff pulled into their driveway. I watched the waif run out and help him carry in some bags from his car. She glanced up at our house a couple of times while she helped him carry in the bags.

. I don’t think she is going to say anything to him about my visit 

I headed back inside for dinner. I tried to push aside everything that happened that day and focus on the conversation. Regardless, Denise twice asked me if I was listening, as I drifted in and out of those thoughts.


……………………………… later ……………………………………

I poured myself a scotch and went out to the front deck. I sat down on the chaise and collected my thoughts. Today was a crazy day, and I put myself in a couple of very dangerous situations. I had to admit I had been masturbating over Jodi for weeks, and seeing her bare ass today was a dream come true, but she was too young, and the wild, dirty sex I had with the waif next door was totally unplanned and beyond dangerous for so many reasons.

I stood up and leaned against the pony wall at the front of the deck and lit a cigarette. I looked over at the waif’s house and they were on the couch, watching TV, as usual. The flash of my lighter must have caught the waif’s attention, and she looked up in my direction. I couldn’t imagine she could see me, but she stared for a while out the window.

The girls in the blue house were both home, and were walking around in their robes getting ready for bed.

Ron and Debbie’s bedroom light was on, but their drapes were pulled shut.

I sat back down a took a long draw from my drink.

I looked back at the waif’s house and thought about the obscene sex I had with her today. I had no respect for her… she was white trailer trash for sure, but I suddenly had a soft spot for her. And the sex was hot as hell.

She kept looking up in my direction.

She was skinny and unrefined. Probably never graduated from high school. Likely abused as a child. She was a sassy little bitch, but I felt sorry for her.

She was staring up at me. She pulled her robe to the side to expose her nipples… the whole time staring my way. Cliff just sat there watching the TV.

My dick started to get hard watching her. I tried to not pay any attention to her, but the thought of fucking that tiny ass kept breaking through.

She opened her robe further, spread her skinny legs apart, and reached down between her legs and started rubbing her pussy. She was staring up at me.  Cliff finally noticed her and pushed her legs closed.

He pushed her again, and it looked like he was yelling at her. She got up and walked out of the room. She was carrying a beer when she returned, and handed it to him. She plopped down in the couch beside him and pulled her robe tightly around her naked body.

She looked my way again with a blank look on her face.

The light went out at Ron and Debbie’s house.

The blinds on the windows on the front bedroom at the blue house were open enough that I could clearly see the blonde taking off her robe. I thought some guy was in her room with her, but as I focused it looked more it looked like Carly, her roommate. The brunette dropped her robe to the floor and crawled into the bed.

My dick jumped watching this scene. I looked back inside our house and all was dark; Denise had gone to bed some time ago. I opened my robe, pulled my dick out of my underwear and started rubbing it. It was still a little slimy with butter.

….. this is reality, Jeff, not fantasy. You went over the line today 

I mentally scolded myself for being such a sex-crazed pervert. If I had put as much time and passion into school as I did trying to fuck myself into disaster, I would have a fucking PHD by now.

I tucked my dick back into my underwear, pulled my robe together, and went to bed, ignoring the show going on at the blue house.


.. next: Part (5), Jodi’s Massage