Part (12) – The Duplex (Debbie’s Plumbing ….continued )

Debbie stood up in front of me, dripping with sweat, oil, and sex- her hair was wet and tangled and stuck to the sides of her face. I was exhausted, sitting down on the floor in front of her, but she looked like she was ready for round two. The oil glistened off her tits and washboard tummy; a line of cum running down the inside of her muscular thighs. She reached out her hands to me, as if she was going to lift me up, “Come on, I’m not done with you.” She grabbed my hands when I raised them to her and easily pulled me to my feet. The strength of this tight little hard-body woman really shocked me.

She let go of my hands, and then grabbed my dick and pulled me towards the staircase to the upstairs. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” I followed her upstairs and into the bathroom off the master bedroom. When we walked into the bedroom I looked around and laughed a little, “This looks familiar.” She looked at me with a sly grin, then looked across the room out the window towards my duplex. “You have been peeking at me, haven’t you?”

I started to answer, but she turned on the shower and jumped in, pulling me in with her. We lathered each other up, exploring each other’s bodies as we cleaned. She paid extra attention to my cock and ass, then turned around and put her hands against the shower wall, arching her ass upwards allowing me to clean her intimately and without any modesty. Her ass was as tight and round as I had ever seen, and muscles stood out in her thighs… nothing was ‘soft’ on this woman’s body, except those low-hanging tits.

When we got out of the shower, Debbie grabbed a towel and dried me off, and even knelt down in front of me to gently dry off my dick and balls. She moved very close and examined every inch, running her fingers all over me, then abruptly stuffed my semi-hard cock in her mouth and sucked it deep until she gagged. “We’re going to have to work on that,” she repeated, and jumped up and ran over to the bed. She threw down the covers and ran back and grabbed my hand, “Come over here and relax. I am going to pamper you before I fuck your brains out.” I laughed, but followed her out and laid down on the bed. She fluffed up the pillows and made sure I was comfortable, then ran downstairs.

In a short while she came back up carrying a glass with ice and a bottle of Glenfiddich Scotch. “Do you like it neat, or on the rocks?”

….. how did she know I liked scotch?

“Wow! You really know how to pamper a guy. Rocks is fine.” She poured two fingers and set the bottle on the side table. She turned on some music, “I’m going to make something to eat. You just relax there and I’ll be back soon,” and headed back downstairs.

I took a sip of scotch and looked across the room at the windows facing the street. Although she had the sheer curtains pulled, the center was still partially open and I could see straight into our duplex and a little into Marie’s place as well. I wondered if Debbie had seen anything from Marie’s ‘Tupperware’ party just two nights before. I was still haunted by that wild scene at Marie’s. I felt so much more comfortable here on Debbie’s bed, and the scotch was quickly soothing my mind as well.

…………………………………. Tied down …………………………………..

The bed shook slightly as she sat down, and her soft voice woke me. “I brought you something.”

I opened my eyes to see her set a bed tray over my lap heaped with food. I tried to move myself more upright, but I was shocked to find my arms were locked above my head. “What the…”

Denise touched me lightly on the forehead and ran her fingers through my hair. “Just you relax. I’m taking care of you tonight.” I twisted to see my wrists were tied to the headboard with a satin scarf. My first thought was to rip them off the bed, or break the headboard, and Debbie read the shock on my face.

“Relax! Don’t you trust me?”

….. no, not really …especially now

“Well.. of course I trust you, I just wasn’t expecting that.”

She leaned over and kissed me, dropped her robe to the floor, then tore off a piece of bread and hand fed it to me, followed up with a sip of wine. She continued to hand feed me, bite by bite, including a few bites of cheese from her own mouth to mine.

“Just indulge me in a few fantasies… I’ll be good to you.”

The food was delicious, and her pampering was something I had never experienced. Never a fantasy of mine, but I was quickly warming to the idea.

She fed me more wine, and when a little spilled down my neck from the sides of the glass, she licked and sucked it off my skin. This treatment went on for about half an hour, with Debbie sharing the food and wine with me, even feeding me wine by pouring it on her breasts and having me suck it off her nipples. Finally she stood up and removed the tray from the bed, walked to the end of the bed and started massaging my feet. She suddenly stopped, “I know what we need,” then jumped off the bed and headed downstairs.

I lay there in bed, tied to the headboard, and stared out across the street through the gap in the curtains. The sun had set a little while ago and with Marie’s lights on I could now see a little into her side of the duplex. Debbie had turned on the bedroom lights and I was tied on the bed naked, on full display for Marie if she looked over. I thought of asking Debbie to pull the drapes closed, but…

When Debbie returned she was holding the bottle of grape seed oil I used on her earlier. She pulled the comforter down off the bed until I was only on the sheets. She popped the cap off the oil, “These sheets can be washed,” and poured a line of oil on my feet and legs and resumed the massage.

She concentrated on my feet for a few minutes before her hands ran up my legs, grabbing my ankles and spreading my legs further open. She crawled in between my legs and massaged the oil up my thighs and over my hips, then poured more oil over my stomach and covered my dick and balls.

I was hoping she was moving in to give me a blowjob, but now with all that oil I assumed a handjob was coming. Instead, she laid her naked body down on top of me and started sliding up and down my stomach, working the oil all over my chest with her tits.

….. her oiled-up body sliding over mine felt incredible… I desperately wanted to feel her with my hands, but…

Moving down lower on me she pushed her breasts together and slid them down over and around my dick. She slowly rode my cock like this, sliding her oiled tits up and down my cock and sucking the head into her mouth when it popped out the top.

“God, Debbie… that feels really good.”

She lifted her head up and smiled, “I’m just getting started”, then slid down between my legs and took my cock deep in her mouth until she choked. “Dammit! I’m sorry.”

“Good God, Debbie! Don’t apologize! I’m really enjoying…”

The doorbell interrupted my comment. Someone was at her front door… again.

She jumped off the bed and ran to the window, pulling the drapes aside to look out. She started laughing, grabbed her robe and ran downstairs to answer the door. I was pretty sure it wasn’t Ron.

I could hear a female voice and laughter, then the sound of the door closing. The voices continued, then more laughter. Whoever it was, Debbie had invited them inside.

The drapes were further open now, and I could see Marie standing in the window in her front room. The visitor must have caught her attention, but now she was looking up into the bedroom window. She was cupping her hands around her eyes to block out the reflection in the glass. I watched her turn around and leave the room for a moment, then walk back in with something in her hands. She stopped, turned around again, and walked over and turned off her lights. Her place was dark now, but I could still see her outline walk up against the glass again and hold something up to her eyes… binoculars, no doubt.

I tried to focus on Marie, but Debbie and her visitor were laughing and suddenly getting louder downstairs. No… they were getting closer. The sound of footsteps on the staircase… was she really bringing the visitor up to meet me? Their voices were getting clearer and I could make out more of what they were saying.

“…just wait!”

“What you show me? You be little crazy, you know…”

“Close your eyes.”

I looked to my left and saw Debbie walking into the room pulling a petite Asian lady in by the hand.

I didn’t even mean to say anything, but in my sudden embarrassment it just popped out. “Really?”

My voice shocked her friend to open her eyes and a quick shriek flew out from her when she saw a naked man with a hard-on tied down to Debbie’s bed.

“FUCK, DEB!!! You kidnap this guy?!!?”

Debbie burst out laughing, “God, Kimi- NO! This is the guy from across the street I told you about.”

Her friend was holding her hands over her mouth in shock and staring at my dick. She glanced up to my face briefly when I finally spoke. “Hi, I’m Jeff. I would stand, but your friend kinda made that difficult,” and nodded up to the headboard.

Kimiko glanced at the headboard and let out another little shriek before shooting a glance at Debbie.

“Fuck Deb!!” Then she laughed a little, “You rape this man?”

“Oh, hell yes!” Debbie laughed at the comment, “Jeff, this is Kimiko, a close friend from work. Kimi, this is Jeff. We have him until tomorrow”

….. “we” have him?

“Oh! Fuck, Deb… THAT why you call me over?”

This shocked me, “What? You called her over here?

“Well, she was here earlier, and I didn’t think you would mind. Kimiko has kinda been in the same situation I’ve been in for the past few years. I thought you might be able to help her like you’re helping me.”

Kimiko shot a look over at Debbie, then laughed. “Not REALLY same… but kinda same, I guess.” She finally looked me in the face, then covered hers in embarrassment. “This really fucking weird, Deb.”

“Just go with it, Kimi. You have to admit, he’s got a great body.” Debbie waved her hand towards me to direct Kimiko’s attention to my dick, which was still thick but had lost its erection from the embarrassing situation.

Kimiko laughed again. “That why you yell so loud when I stop earlier? I thought maybe Ron beating you!”

“You’ve GOT to be kidding me. I could kick that little dickless ass into the ground.”

….. this talk was not helping my erection

Kimiko ignored Debbie’s comment and waked over to the side of the bed. She noticed the bottle of scotch on the table and grabbed it. “Can I have sip?” When Debbie nodded ‘yes’ Kimiko took a big swig straight out of the bottle.

“You can use my glass if you want”

She didn’t reply or even look at me, she just stared at my dick.

“Sir, you got really big cock. I never see one like this. My husband have little short one. He only fuck short time… I never enjoy.” She looked over at Debbie, “You abusing this man? You sometimes be real demanding bitch!”

This brought a little ‘huff’ out of Debbie. “Jeff, have I been abusing you?”

“Not too much, but the night’s still young. You can abuse me anyway you want.”

A big smile swept over Debbie’s face, “Anything we want?”

I laughed, “I will do anything you want… I’m your freak slave for the night. Anything you can imagine.”

She stepped up to the foot of the bed, “Are you sure? I can imagine some pretty freaky shit!” She grabbed my ankles and yanked my legs apart. “What about you, Kimi? Anything you might want to do with this fine meat?”

“Fuck, Deb… this fucking crazy…”

Kimiko seemed hesitant at first, but then she stepped closer to the left side of the bed and stared at my cock. I was starting to regain my erection, so I flexed it to see her reaction. She jumped at the sight, then laughed. “Fuck! Nice cock… Okay, maybe this pretty hot.”

Kimiko started to reach out to touch my dick, but Debbie interrupted her, “You can’t touch that with your clothes on like that!” Then she dropped her robe to the floor. Kimiko looked at her in surprise, but quickly smiled and started unbuttoning her blouse.

Kimiko was a lot smaller than Debbie, not muscular at all. She looked younger, but I couldn’t really tell her age. She had flawless light olive skin and a thick head of straight black hair that fell down past her shoulders. Her hair was beautiful, smooth as silk, and so black it was almost blue. She was pretty, but somewhat plain without makeup. She was wearing a thin patterned blouse and a black skirt that went down almost to her knees.

I stared lustfully at this petite little woman as she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it out of the waistband of her skirt.

“I like where this is going!”

Kimiko glanced up at me, then unzipped her skirt and let it fall down around her legs to the floor. She had a simple white bra on under the blouse and some plain white panties. All pretty boring stuff, but watching this stranger stripping down in front of me was hot as hell.

I looked back at Debbie and she was rubbing herself as she watched her friend disrobe.

….. there was a lot that I didn’t know about this woman

Kimiko stopped at her underwear and looked up at Debbie. “Everything?” She didn’t seem surprised that Debbie was rubbing herself.

“Of course everything! It looks like Jeff is enjoying what you are doing so far.” She gave another yank on my ankles, pulling my arms tight from the headboard and spreading my legs further apart. My cock was fully erect now and it bobbed around when she pulled on me.

Kimiko’s mouth dropped open when she saw this. I could see by the expression on her face and her wide eyes that she was suddenly very excited. She quickly unsnapped her bra, pulled it off her arms, stepped out of her panties, glanced at me, then over to Debbie, then back to my cock with a look of lust in her eyes.

She was quite thin and petite, the lines of her ribcage and hip bones showed, but she was nowhere near as skinny as the waif. Her small breasts peaked with long dark nipples on top of areolas that were barely larger than her nipples. A dark, coarse-haired bush sat above her wide thigh-gap. Her legs were thin but toned, like her arms and tummy.

Debbie crawled up on the bed between my legs and started rubbing her hands up the inside of my thighs. She pointed to the side table, “Kimi, hand me that oil.” Kimiko grabbed the oil, and poured a bunch on my chest before handing it to Debbie. “Oil massage.. this I do good. My husband want me do all the time.” She rubbed the oil into my chest and started massaging me with her petite hands. Debbie poured more on my legs and continued up my thighs. Debbie’s hands were much stronger than Kimiko’s, and her massage was much more aggressive. Kimiko worked her way down my chest to my stomach, but avoided touching my cock, although her eyes were constantly locked on it. Debbie worked her hands up my thighs and up around my balls and the base of my cock, then wrapped her hands around my balls and pulled them towards her, lifting my cock straight up.

Kimiko suddenly pulled her hands back, staring at it. “Fuck… you got nice cock. Can I touch?”

“You can do anything you want!” I was almost pleading with her. Having these two hot women play with me, but not being able to touch them, was driving me crazy.

Kimiko grabbed my cock with both hands and squeezed the shaft. “Fuck! One hand cover Ping whole cock! I need three!”

Debbie laughed at her comment, “Kimi was a virgin when she married Ping, back in Shanghai before they moved to America a few years ago. She never even saw him naked until their wedding night.”

Kimiko felt all over my cock and giggled when she squeezed it and precum came out. “You fuck this cock? I no think it fit… I too small.”

Debbie just laughed, “We will just have to see. We have all night,” then leaned down and licked the precum off the tip of my cock. My body shuddered at the light touch of her tongue. I was having a difficult time dealing with all of this while being restrained. I stared at Kimiko’s dark nipples… they stuck out from her small areolas about 1/2”, like nothing I had ever seen before. I longed to suck on them… pull on them… feel them in my mouth…

Kimiko pulled her hands back and Debbie suddenly thrust her head down on my dick. She bobbed up and down a few times, then slowly pushed downwards, licking the underside of the shaft as she took it deeper and deeper in her mouth until she gagged when it hit the back of her throat.

Kimiko started laughing, “You choke on that big cock! Give me try… I show you how it go.”

Kimiko crawled up on the bed as Debbie pulled her head back. She grabbed my cock again and dropped her head down, wrapping her mouth around the head and sucking on me. Her long hair dropped forward, hiding my view and getting grease in her hair from the oil on my stomach.

Debbie jumped off the bed and grabbed a hair band from her side table, then came up behind Kimiko and tied her hair back. She stayed there for a moment before pouring some oil on Kimiko’s back and rubbing it in. The look on her face became more and more intense as she rubbed her friend’s back, reaching down over her ass and finally around her sides and over her small breasts. Kimiko just kept on gently sucking on my cock. Debbie moved up close behind Kimiko and rubbed her oily breasts on her back as she played with her nipples.

….. this looked so fucking hot …I was craving to feel Kimiko’s ass and stick my fingers into her pussy but I couldn’t move

Debbie was sliding her breasts up and down Kimiko’s back when I noticed she was staring at me with a crazed look in her eyes. “So you are our slave tonight? You are okay with anything we want to do?”

I was so horny at this point, not being able to lick or fuck, or even touch either of these women, I just nodded ‘yes’.

A devilish smile spread across Debbie’s face, then she pulled back from Kimiko and stood up. She walked around the right side of the bed, crawled up opposite Kimiko and grabbed her hands.

“Kimi, stand up with me.”

Kimiko pulled her mouth off my cock and looked at her friend, “Why you stop me? I barely start!”

Debbie pulled up on her hands, “Just trust me,” and stood up on the bed, dragging Kimiko to her feet on my other side. She grabbed Kimiko by the waist and pushed her to the left, making her step over my chest so she was straddling me. I was staring straight up between her legs at her ass. Debbie stepped between my legs and guided Kimiko downwards on to her knees until she was squatting directly over my face.

I had never been with an Asian woman before, and this lewd introduction was hot as hell. Her butt was quite small, especially compared to Debbie’s muscular ass, but her rather flat cheeks allowed full exposure of her asshole and pussy from this angle. Short, coarse pubic hair ran up the sides of her pussy, and curled around her little dark butthole as well. The hair was nearly straight and dark black, like the long hair on her head.

I felt Debbie grab my ankles and lift my legs. She pushed them up and back until my feet were in the air, and Kimiko tucked my legs under her arms. I was suddenly spread-eagle, with my ass exposed for whatever Debbie had in mind. A quick feeling of vulnerability swept over me… and I couldn’t see what Debbie was doing.

….. I told them they could do anything they wanted to do, but my mind was racing now… straining to hear every sound… half expecting to hear the sound of a vibrator or something

Debbie pushed an arm under my butt and lifted me up, then shoved a pillow under my ass. NOW I was REALLY exposed, especially my ass.

….. was Marie still watching from across the street?

Kimiko leaned forward and started sucking on my cock again, then wiggled her ass down on my face. Her little dark pussy was so different… the straight black hair felt strange on my tongue. I was used to lighter, curly hair, trimmed very short around the lips. Her hair was covering her clit, which I was having a difficult time licking because of it.

Kimiko raised her ass off my face, reached back with both hands and spread her lips wide, then sat back down on my face. Now her open pussy covered my mouth, my tongue directly on her clit and my nose pressed against the cleft between her vagina and her little butthole. My eyes were staring right at her asshole, so close I could barely focus.

I could feel Debbie running her hands all over my thighs and my ass, then her mouth sucking lightly on my balls. The feeling was getting intense with Kimiko grinding against my mouth and sucking my cock, while Debbie was playing with my balls, now using her hands as she licked around the base towards my taint.

She kept licking up to my ballsack, then down over my taint, further downwards each time until her tongue ran around my asshole.

….. I thought about the shower earlier …was this what she was planning?

Debbie put her hands on each side of my ass and spread it wide, then I felt her tongue lick directly on my asshole. I clenched it at first, then relaxed and let her explore deeper with her tongue. The feeling was a bit crazy, but the sensations I felt from her tongue probing my ass and Kimiko’s mouth sucking on my cock were making my head spin. I tried to focus on Kimiko’s ass and suddenly had a strong urge to lick her little butthole. Bent in half like this, her tiny puckered ring stood out a bit from her flat butt. Wet licks of dark hair encircled her asshole, the darker brown opening tightly closed, with no pink showing. I breathed heavily, drinking in the sweet scent of her pussy mixed with a slight musty smell of her ass.

Kimiko pulled her head up off my cock when she noticed what Debbie was doing, “You nasty, Deb! Ping like me finger his butthole but I never lick!”

Debbie pulled back to say, “He told us we could do anything we could imagine to him, remember? …freak slave for the night?” then went back to licking my ass, shoving her tongue deeper inside me. I heard Kimiko laugh, then she lifted up off my face and looked down at me between her legs. I thought she was going to say something to me, but she just inched forward a bit, reached back and spread her ass with both hands, then sat back down. Her asshole landed right on top of my mouth. I was kinda shocked but I was just wishing for this a moment before… I pushed my tongue against her butthole. I could feel the little ring open a bit on my tongue, then a bit more as I pushed it into her. She held her ass against my mouth as I probed her, so I started roughly tongue-fucking her little butthole.

….. this was fucking crazy …it was obscene and nasty …a feeling amplified by being tied to the bed with my legs spread …my ass exposed and getting violated

Kimiko started sucking my cock again, not as gently as before, and ground her ass against my mouth in sync with my tongue. The harder she pushed down against my mouth, the deeper my tongue explored her ass, and the further her mouth went down on my cock until she finally gagged.

She jerked her head back, “You right… this cock too fat to swallow… maybe I try fuck.”

She abruptly raised up off my face, my tongue sliding out from her ass just as I was getting it all the way in… her ass dilated and open, then closing shut as she got up.

She stood up on the bed facing away, straddling me with her feet on either side of my ass. My legs were no longer restrained, but I continued to hold them back to allow Debbie’s tongue full access to my ass. The deep probing with her tongue was a strange feeling, but the more she did it the more I enjoyed it. I watched the top Debbie’s head bobbing as she rammed her tongue inside me. Past this view, I noticed the open curtains beyond. The lights at Marie’s were still off.

….. I wonder if Marie is still watching …maybe holding the binoculars with one hand and masturbating with the other?

Debbie pulled her face back from my ass and looked up at Kimiko; her face and hair all greasy from the oil. Kimiko slowly squatted down over me, still balanced on her tiny feet, her open crotch hovering over my hard on.

Debbie grabbed my cock and pointed it straight up to the entrance of Kimiko’s pussy. Kimiko reached back around her ass cheeks and spread her pussy open, then squatted further down until the head of my cock pressed against her opening.

“Fuck! You cock so thick… I no think this work.”

Debbie raised up on her knees and cupped her other hand under Kimiko’s pussy and started rubbing her. Kimiko didn’t even flinch at her friend’s moves. I was getting the impression this wasn’t the first time these two had seen each other naked.

Kimiko squatted lower on my cock and gasped as it finally squeaked a couple inches into her tight little hole. “Oh FUCK!” She held herself there and rocked up until I could see the head of my cock pop out of her, then back down until it screeched to a halt. The ring of her butthole popped  out and opened slightly each time my cock stuck fast in her tiny pussy. She worked her skinny body up and down like this for a few minutes, the whole time spreading her cheeks with both hands and throwing her head back and forth.

“God, Kimiko… you are so tight… that feels good… Squat down harder…”

I could see Debbie grab the bottle of oil and pour a bunch in her left hand, then I felt her rub it all over my exposed ass.

.. I flashed back to the unknown woman fingering my ass at Marie’s party

She reached around Kimiko with her right hand and squirted a bunch of oil onto her back, then rubbed it all over her and down to her butt, feeling around until she found her butthole with her fingers. I watched her massage her asshole and felt her other fingers doing the exact same thing on my ass. The knuckle of her middle finger raised, then pushed forward, sliding into Kimiko’s ass right as I felt a finger from her left hand pop into mine. Kimiko gasped and raised up a little, trying to pull herself up off Debbie’s probing finger, then she relaxed and lowered herself back down, Debbie’s finger sliding deeper into her ass. I could feel her finger bumping against my dick in Kimiko’s pussy.

“Ah! FUCK!” Kimiko squealed as her little body squeaked a bit further down on my cock.

..… this was so nasty …I would have easily cum already if Debbie hadn’t fucked me dry earlier 

Kimiko lifted herself up again and back down on my cock, gasping as it stuck fast a few inches in her tight body. I could see the knuckle on Debbie’s middle finger pop back then thrust forward into Kimiko’s butt, then two knuckles came back and she worked two fingers into her asshole. Kimiko moved her hands from her ass and grabbed Debbie’s shoulders for support, her legs getting weak from squatting down on me.

Debbie recognized her fatigue, “Are your legs getting tired?” Kimiko just moaned and relaxed her legs more, then let out a little shriek when she inched a little further down onto my cock. Debbie’s arm flexed, “Let me help” and she lifted her up using her two fingers curled in her asshole, then relaxing her arm and letting Kimiko fall until she squeaked to a stop… another shreik…Debbie lifted her again, then dropped her down and this time my cock slid a couple inches further into her tiny body. Kimiko squealed loudly, “FUCK!! You so DEEP! You split me in two!“

….. Kimiko’s pussy squeezed my cock like a tight virgin’s …I could feel every inch of her little cunt stretching bit by bit as she forced herself down on me 

Debbie lifted her up again, then slammed her down… again and again until my cock was bottoming out and her ass, with Debbie’s fingers, was slapping against my stomach.


It looked like Debbie was sucking on Kimiko’s breasts, and when I looked at the reflection in the vanity mirror I could barely see she was latched onto one of her long nipples and pulling it with her teeth.

Kimiko started throwing her head back and screeching loudly, “FUCK!!! FUCK ME BIG COCK!!! I CUMMING!!”

Debbie shoved another finger in my ass and jammed them against my prostate, roughly finger-fucking my ass and triggering the beginning of a very strong climax. The waves grew from deep inside where Debbie’s fingers were ramming against me, and swelled up almost painfully through my whole body.

Kimiko convulsed violently on my cock, screaming “FUCK ME!! BANG DEEP!! …FILL ME YOU CUM!!”

Her tiny body bucked against me and ground hard on my cock as my head exploded in orgasm. I desperately tried to ram my cock deeper into her as I started to ejaculate, but could barely move… all tied down, bent in half, and Debbie’s fingers deep in my ass. My body just went into a spasm and I yelled with every spray of cum that her little cunt milked from me.

Kimiko kept riding me, grinding her tight little box on my cock long after I came, until it was almost painful. Debbie pulled her fingers out of her ass, and out of mine, and Kimiko finally laid back on me, my cock still pulsating inside her. I worked my legs out from under Kimiko’s and finally let them drop down in either side of Debbie.

I could now see Debbie’s face and she looked wild, with a lecherous grin and staring wide-eyed at Kimiko’s just-fucked pussy, with my cock still in it, like she was possessed. She ran her hands up the inside of Kimiko’s thighs and spread her pussy wide to look closer.

“God… that’s fucking hot…”

It looked like she was trying to inhale the scent from our fucking when I felt a trickle of cum seep out of Kimiko’s abused pussy and run down to my balls. Debbie’s eyes darted to it and she immediately thrust her face forward and licked it off before it disappeared.

She pulled back a bit, but still had a crazed look in her eyes. “Mmmmmmm… don’t mind if I do…”

Kimiko flinched when Debbie’s tongue hit her clit, “Fuck! Deb…” Her swollen pussy squeezed down on my cock as she reacted and it pushed my deflating dick a little ways out of her. Debbie grabbed it and pulled it all the way out, then pushed her face past it and started sucking on Kimiko’s dripping pussy. Kimiko flinched more and I could hear slurping sounds from Debbie sucking out the creampie. She pulled her head back and licked her lips, “A little protein for dessert never hurt anybody.”

….. this woman was naughty as hell …I loved it, but she was beginning to scare me

After a while Kimiko caught her breath and rolled off of me, laughing lightly, “You crazy girl, Deb.” She finally got up and started dressing. “I gotta go. Ping get mad I so late.”

“Kimiko, could you untie me? I need to use the restroom.”

….. I didn’t really need to, but I was concerned what Debbie might have in mind for me next

Debbie glared at me with her hands on her hips, looking a bit irritated, then back at Kimiko. “Kimi, don’t leave yet! Call Ping and tell him you’re helping me with something and you’ll be home late. We have Jeff until tomorrow morning!” She walked over and poured a healthy amount of scotch in my glass and handed it to Kimiko.

“Here… Fuck Ping! Enjoy yourself tonight!”

“That sound fun, but my pussy already real sore.”

Debbie huffed at this, “Well mine isn’t… I’m just getting warmed up.” She reached between her legs and lewdly spread her lips apart to show both of us how wet she was. Kimiko stopped dressing and stared at her friend.

“Maybe I stay little longer… Maybe I just watch? I kinda sore.”

….. neither Kimiko nor Debbie made a move to untie me …this may be a long night


>>>>>> next: Part (13): Debbie & Kimiko …continued