Paradise- Chapter 3

Alex sat at the head of a long banquet table, filled with fruits and vegetables, as well as some type of roasted meat that he couldn’t identify. He looked around the outdoor banquet area that had been set up, in his honor, he had been told, awkward and nervous as he watched the women setting the food out. He felt bad for not doing anything to help, but Natalie, who was seated to the right of him, told him to enjoy being served tonight.

She had also told him to get used to it, because, despite his protestations to the opposite, he would be the new leader of their village. He had insisted that he was going to find a way home, back to his old life, but she just laughed and directed the other women in where to set each dish.

Finally, Alex had no choice but to relax and watch the parade of naked women who were finishing up the preparations and taking their seats. As soon as all of the seats had been filled, one of the women at the other end of the table where Alex sat, stood up. She was older than most of the women, appearing to be in her forties, but her body looked just as beautiful and full of life as any of the younger women.

“As the island provides, so do we enjoy its gifts”, she said, her voice rich and full of authority. “One of those gifts is our newcomer, who sits in a place of honor.” Several of the women applauded at this, but the speaker continued. “The island gives us much and only asks that we live a simple life and not be bothered by what goes on in the outside world. So we have done for millenia and so we shall continue to do.”

As the woman finished her speech, she sat down and the feast began. Before he knew what was happening, Alex had a full plate of food set before him and a raven haired girl, probably around twenty, filled his cup with a strange liquid. The taste wasn’t entirely unpleasant and soon Alex found himself eating without reserve. Each time the food on his plate began to get low or his drink was nearly empty, they were replaced, so that he never lacked for sustenance.

In addition to the food, there were never less than two women standing beside his seat. When Alex pushed his plate away, signifying that he was finished eating, one of the girls beside him took his plate away. The other, who had amber colored hair with bright blue eyes, a full bodied figure with large breasts and large hips, crawled underneath the table and began stroking his cock.

As the women seated at the table continued eating, Alex could feel the warm mouth of the women under the table as it enveloped his stiff dick. He tried to stifle a moan and then, to his surprise, he heard a giggle. He looked over at Natalie, who was covering her mouth and trying to keep from laughing. “What’s so funny”, he asked, even as he fought back another moan.

“You”, Natalie said, smiling at him. “Why do you hide your pleasure? Surely Allison is doing a good job, if the look on your face is anything to judge by. Why don’t you let it be known how happy you are with her service?” Alex opened his mouth to answer, but the words escaped him. Why should he hide it, after all? This wasn’t the world he was used to and, as long as he was here, he may as well do things the way the locals do them.

As he felt Allison’s throat humming around his shaft, he didn’t hold back the moan. Several of the women seated closest to him clearly heard the noise and turned toward him, smiling knowingly. The knowledge emboldened Alex and he pushed his chair back from the table. Although he didn’t know where it came from, a sudden urge gripped him. He grabbed the back of Allison’s hair and started sliding her mouth up and down his shaft. Now it was less that she was sucking his dick and more that he was masturbating with her throat.

The women who had heard his moan now watched, with something that looked like lustful hunger, as he fully controlled Allison’s head. The audience watching him, as well as the feeling of power that seemed to be flowing through him, quickly brought him to the edge of orgasm. With a loud, primal grunt, he slammed Allison’s head all the way against his groin, even as he thrust his dick forward.

He erupted with a force that surprised him, shooting ropes of his cum down the girl’s throat. She swallowed every spurt of his seed, moaning lewdly as she did so. Just before his orgasm ended, Alex pulled back and sent the last burst of cum splashing against her face. The look on the girl’s face told Alex that she was in a state of ecstasy as he marked her.

Surprisingly, his dick was still rock hard and several of the women at the table stood and moved toward him. He gestured at a girl with skin that was as dark as her raven colored hair. Her C cup breasts, which had dark, puffy nipples protruding from them, bounced as the girl practically ran over to Alex. He patted his lap and she straddled him, slowly lowering her wet pussy onto his erect cock. He groaned as he watched his dick disappearing into the bright pink lips of her cunt.

Her pussy was very tight, almost to the point of pain, but to Alex it felt perfect. Her twat muscles squeezed his shaft as she lowered herself down, until she was fully impaled on his fat dick. She moaned loudly as she started bouncing on his dick and Alex, unable to stop himself, leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth. He suckled and flicked his tongue over the nipple, feeling it harden in his mouth.

Suddenly the girl squealed and jumped a little and Alex looked down to see Allison, unable to suck his dick anymore, spreading the darker girl’s ass cheeks and rimming her asshole. From the squeals of the girl on his lap, it was obvious to Alex that Allison was quite quite expert with her tongue, no matter if it was a girl or a guy that she was pleasuring.

He moaned as ebony beauty cried out as her pussy began to spasm, her juices gushing out around his dick. She remained sitting on his lap for several moments as waves of pleasure washed over her body, her cunt constantly contracting and squeezing his shaft. Finally, when she finished, he stood and positioned her on his chair so that she was on her knees, with her hands on the back of the chair.

Then he plunged his dick into her soaking wet twat, eliciting a scream from the girl as his shaft rammed deep inside her. He held her waist as he pounded her cunt, slamming his cock into her again and again. He could feel her pussy walls squeezing his dick as she experienced multiple orgasms while he fucked her hard, his balls slapping her clit with each forward thrust.

Soon he could feel his own orgasm building and he sped up his thrusts. He rammed his dick forward as hard as he could, burying his shaft deep in her womb, then he exploded. He let out a deep growl as he sent spurt after spurt of cum straight into her cervix, filling her pussy with his seed. He came hard, pumping out more jizz than he would have thought possible after feeding Allison a load just a little while ago.

Finally though, his body began to calm and he slid his dick out of the girl’s messy cunt. Allison immediately leapt forward and buried her face in the bright pink folds, eagerly devouring a second helping of cum. Another girl, a strawberry blonde, suddenly appeared before Alex and began sucking the mixture of juices from his shaft.

He could feel his dick responding to the oral stimulation, but he felt that he needed a break, at least a small one, so he gently pushed her away once his dick was clean. She pouted a little, but didn’t resist him. As he stepped away from her, Natalie asked him if he would like to bathe. Realizing that he didn’t remember the last time he had bathed, although it couldn’t have been more than a day or two, he nodded. She took his hand and led him away from the village, toward the jungle.

Smiling the whole while, she led him about a hundred feet into the trees and he was suddenly confronted with a beautiful sight. A waterfall, careening over a sheer cliff several feet in the air, filling a natural pool with clear, blue water. At one end of the pool, the water flowed away, in the direction of the ocean. “Come”, Natalie said and gently pulled him into the water.

It was cold, but not as cold as he’d expected. He allowed Natalie to pull him to the deepest part of the pool, where the water came to just above his waist, whereas it came almost to Natalie’s breasts. She let go of his hand and moved over to a rock that was near the waterfall and retrieved a small cloth. Bringing it over, she once again began to wash him. The experience was sensual, yet not sexual; for she was a beautiful, naked woman, cleaning every inch of his body with the cloth, yet she did nothing to stimulate or arouse him.

All in all, it was a strange sensation for Alex, yet it somehow felt as if it fit with his new life here. “Wait a minute”, he thought, shaking his head and feeling as if a fog were lifting. “I don’t have a new life here. I’m going to leave, just as soon as I figure out how to get off of this island.” For a moment or two, he maintained this thought, however it soon sank beneath the pure bliss of having Natalie wash him.

“This feels, well, very nice”, he said as Natalie moved behind him, moving the washcloth over his back. “The waters of this island are very good for cleansing, as well as rejuvenating a tired body”, she said, a coy smile passing her lips as she spoke the last part. Sure enough, Alex could feel his strength returning, along with a desire to fuck something, anything. He turned toward her with a fire in his eyes, but she shook her head.

“Not yet. Leah, one of the matriarchs of our village, wishes to pleasure you once you are done bathing. If I were you, I wouldn’t want to keep her waiting. She’s very adventurous in the bedroom.” “But you’re here now and I want you”, Alex said, but Natalie shook her head once more. “You will have me soon. But I can’t delay Leah’s wishes by enjoying that wonderful dick of yours right now. That will have to wait until tomorrow.” With a smile, she kissed his cheek and then looked into his eyes. “Trust me”, she said as she stepped out of the pool, shaking her ass at him, “I’ll make it worth the wait for you.”

Realizing that she was indeed denying him, which already felt strange after having so many women ready and eager to pleasure him, Alex frowned. “But I have no reason to think she has to have sex with me, just because I want it”, he suddenly thought, feeling the fog lift from his mind again. He stepped from the pool, his eyes hungrily taking in every inch of Natalie’s sexy backside. “Well then, if Leah is waiting, then take me to her”, he said and Natalie nodded.

She led him back through the trees and into the village, where Alex saw that remains of the dinner were being removed. As he walked, he suddenly realized that he hadn’t seen Charles, Natalie’s father, since he had spoken with the man early that morning. “Where is your father”, he asked as they approached a hut that was larger than the one he had slept in the previous night, yet not as large as the house on top of the hill. Natalie stiffened for a moment, but then her usual smile resumed it’s place on her visage. “He felt tired, so he went to bed early. You’ll see him tomorrow”, she said, reaching the hut and knocking on the doorframe.

A woman, the same woman who had made the speech at the dinner earlier, pulled pulled curtain aside. At that moment, Natalie turned and walked away, joining a group of girls who were giggling and looking in Alex’s direction. “Welcome to my humble home”, said the woman, who Alex assumed was Leah. She stood about 5’4, had shoulder length red hair and violet colored eyes. Her breasts, which showed barely any signs of sagging, had to be at least an F cup, possibly bigger; her stomach was a little rounder than most of the girls that Alex had seen on the island, but he chocked that up to age; a triangle of slightly darker red curls rested just above her pussy.

“Does my body appeal to you”, she asked as she turned and led him into her home. His eyes were immediately drawn to her ass, which was large and round, but had several bruises which were nearly healed. “Yes”, he finally managed to say, “your body is definitely appealing. But what are those bruises?” She blushed a little, obvious even from the light of the lantern that set on a small table next to her bed.

“Charles enjoys, well, spanking me”, she said, leading Alex to the bed and helping him to sit on the edge of the thin mattress. “Do you enjoy being spanked”, he asked and she suddenly nodded vigorously. “Well then, let’s see if I can bring you some enjoyment”, he said and her eyes lit up. “What would you like to use”, she asked and indicated a table that stood at the bottom of the bed.

On the table, Alex saw various tools; a cane that had been made from bamboo; a leather strap, about two feet in length; a whip that had been formed from vines; and a paddle that had several holes cut into it to decrease wind resistance. His eyes grew wide as he looked at the instruments. When Natalie had told him that Leah was adventurous, he hadn’t expected anything this kinky.

“Which is your favorite”, he asked and Leah walked over to the table and, without any hesitation, grabbed the bamboo cane. She brought it over and placed it in Alex’s hands, her eyes alight with pleasure and expectation. He held the object nervously as he looked up at the woman. “I’ve never spanked anyone before. What if I hurt you?” “Just aim for my ass, not my back”, she said, her tone calm and reassuring. “And, if you do accidentally hurt me, the Minerva fruit will heal my wounds.”

As she finished speaking, she walked over to the pole in the center of the room that stretched from ground to roof. At a place on the pole, about two feet above Leah’s head, Alex saw two leather cuffs nailed to the post. “They are to keep me from yanking away and hurting myself in the process”, Leah explained. “Alright then”, Alex said as he walked over and secured her wrists in the cuffs.

“Will you scream when I spank you”, he asked and Leah nodded her response. “How will I know when to stop”, he asked and Leah looked up at him. “I will trust you to make that decision. However, if it does become too much for me to bear, I will say ‘red’. That means that I can’t take any more.” “Red”, Alex repeated and moved behind the woman and to her left, so that he could swing the cane with his right arm.

Taking a breath, he held the cane against her plump derriere, causing her to moan in anticipation. Moving his wrist slowly, he took a few practice swings, in order to ensure his accuracy. Finally, sure that he would hit his mark, Alex looked at Leah, who was staring back at him. “Are you ready”, he asked and Leah nodded, clearly eager to begin.

Without another word, Alex swung the cane. With a crack, the bamboo impacted her flesh, eliciting a scream from the woman. Alex’s instincts caused him to look at her face, to see if she was hurt, but all he saw there was bliss, so he swung again. The second crack of the cane against her ass cheek seemed louder to his ears, as did her scream. And, to his surprise, he felt a sense of power rising in him. It was the same thing he had felt when fucking the twins on the beach.

Suddenly he began to feel the pleasure that can only come from having absolute power over someone else. It welled up inside him, spiking as he hit her ass again and again with the bamboo rod. After about the fifth or sixth strike of the cane, he noticed that a few bruises were beginning to spring up. After the ninth strike, he saw a welt forming on her right ass cheek, the cheek which had taken most of the hits. The sight stirred something deep within him and Alex dropped the cane, moving closer to the woman, who had tears in her eyes.

He roughly gripped her abused ass, causing her to cry out once more, and separated her ass cheeks. Not only did he see her puckered asshole, which was practically begging to be fucked, but he could clearly see her pussy lips. Her labia was soaked with juices, as if she had orgasmed while he spanked her. Without any warning, he lined his dick up with her sopping wet hole and slammed his shaft deep inside the woman.

Leah screamed into the night as he relentlessly pounded her cunt, slamming deep inside her hole. He was surprised by how tight she was, as if she were still a young maiden, but he definitely wasn’t complaining. Her impossibly tight twat gripped his shaft, squeezing and massaging his rod as if trying to milk his seed out of his balls. He moaned as he rammed his cock deeper and deeper into her cunt.

Finally, he felt his orgasm building and he thrust forward as hard as he could. With a loud groan, he exploded, pumping his seed deep inside the mature woman. She moaned loudly as her pussy convulsed, her back arching against the pole as her own orgasm overtook her. For the next minute, they were both lost in the rapturous ecstasy of exploding pleasure within their loins.

Finally, Alex slid his dick from Leah’s cunt, cum and pussy juice leaking from her used gash and running down her legs. He reached up and released her hands from their bonds, after which she promptly fell to the ground. He went to help her to her feet, but she stopped him with a gesture. Then she looked up at him, a question in her eyes. “Charles definitely never spanked me so hard, nor fucked me so vigorously afterward.”

“I’m not him”, Alex growled, feeling a strange swelling of ego and pride within himself. “This is my island now.” Even as he said the words, a small part of his mind cried out that the words were wrong, that he didn’t belong here. But, at this moment, he couldn’t hear the cries of his consciousness.

Instead, he grabbed the woman, on her knees by now, by her hair and dragged her closer to him. He shoved his dick down her throat and started roughly fucking her face, his balls pummeling her chin. He thrust his shaft into her mouth as hard and fast as he could, determined to prove that he was in charge, although he didn’t know why. He fucked her face like this for several minutes before another, somewhat smaller, orgasm erupted from his dick.

As he felt the explosion within himself, he pulled out of her mouth. He then proceeded to paint her face, hair, and massive tits with several ropes of hot, sticky cum. His seed splashed over her skin, marking her in a very degrading way. As his orgasm ended, he looked down to see the woman smiling. She leaned forward and licked his dickhead, cleaning the last few drops of jizz from his shaft.

He suddenly realized how tired he was and he made his way to the door, ready to head to his own hut and get some sleep. “Sleep here”, he heard Leah say and he saw her standing beside her bed. “There is room for two”, she continued, a coy smile on her lips. Too tired to argue, Alex nodded and made his way to the woman’s bed. Within moments of his head landing on the pillow, he was asleep.


An hour later, the curtain to Leah’s hut was drawn aside and two women entered. They were two of the women from the temple, Leah completing the trio. As they entered her home, Leah arose from her place laying next to Alex. “Is he ours”, asked the eldest woman and Leah nodded. “The fool struggles against the pull of the island, but it is a losing battle. He is already finding it harder not to give in to his more primitive urges.”

“So soon”, said the other woman, older than Leah, yet younger than the eldest. “Indeed, Miriam”, Leah answered. “His resistance is stronger than anticipated, yet it will not save him.” “Nothing will”, said the eldest woman, Anora. “He will give in and become one with the island before long.” As Anora spoke, she pulled a syringe from the sleeves of the strange robe she wore.

Leah took the syringe from her and approached Alex’s sleeping form. Removing the blanket from his left arm, she inserted the needle in the soft skin of his inner elbow and drew blood until the syringe could hold no more. Once that was complete, she returned the syringe to Anora. “Very good”, the elder woman said. “It is time.” As she spoke, she turned and left the hut followed by both Miriam and Leah. And Alex continued to sleep.

To be continued…