Obey!..the priest and the whore.

“I’m sorry to spring this on you, but I didn’t see any other way to talk to you undisturbed. I also don’t want us to be seen together for the time being.” „Yes, walking through the village hand in hand with a priest would probably not go down well here.“ „That’s not what I mean.” … Read more

love your neighbour

Charlie adjusted his outside microphones. Their main purpose was to pick up bird song from his back yard but they were sensitive enough to hear whatever was going on in his young neighbour’s bedroom. Not much recently he’d noted. If only he was forty odd years younger he’d teach Jenny a thing or two. Ian … Read more

The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales – The Experimenters Part 1

“Hey, Leah, look what finally came in the mail!” Zoey exclaimed, holding up her new F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray. The petite, studious redhead glanced up at her curvy roommate distractedly, before her eyes widened in shock at what she was holding in her hands. “Wait, is that the fetish gun thing they were talking about on the … Read more

Counting Hitler’s Balls

“Good morning everyone, This is the BBC Foreign service, This morning we are bringing you a broadcast from the Games, that is the 1938 Olympic games, held here in Munich Germany, I am Mr Chomondley – Warrinder and this is my assistant Greystone. This morning we have the rifle shooting. The contestants are here just … Read more

Vengeance 26

Vengeance 26 I returned to find Ellie trembling and sweating while the vibrator, though slipping, continues to hammer away at her pussy. It was evident that she’d had several orgasms as she just about dripped with wetness. I graciously relieved her of the spreader bar and the nipple clamps that still hung from her body. … Read more

Will’s new old home: Preview

Though the summer was young, the Reed family, along with Brook, had gone to Tucson for the majority of the summer. They kept in touch with all of their friends from Nevada, but for the most part, they wished to remain close to Maggie, Clair, and Sam for the summer especially to recover from the … Read more

Jack’s Tale (Part I)

Walking through the woods is often relaxing and most enjoyable for me. The rolling hills of the country near me give me much to appreciate. The wind blows softly, creating echoing sounds as it pushes through the large trees and bushes. The squirrels scurry about, oft times seeking nuts, running rapidly around me and up … Read more

Best Friends_(4)

Mom had a date so we ordered pizza and had the house to ourselves by 7. We watched Love Actually in the living room with the big screen and stereo. Very sweet flick even the second time. I love the part with the porn flick couple that starts dating – that’s so sweet! LOL Anyway … Read more

Uhs! (Wizard of Oz)

I work at a club, who gives a fuck? I drink, I fuck, I strip. You know what? Even my dog eats my out. His name is ToTo. I know! So cute. Anyways, my name is Dorothy, I strip and Kan’s Ass club. Today was windy, like really. I look out the window and see … Read more


April 11 Dear Diary, Wow, you should have been with us last week!!! Mr. Foxx took me along with him to San Francisco on business!!! Talk about a wild place, diary, I actually saw two men fucking out in the open in the park and nobody even gave it a second look!!! Mr. Foxx gave … Read more

Welcome Home_(3)

Corporal Jeff McAdams threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the Afghan village of Zaranj, towards the Huey waiting for him. He lowered his head as he tossed his bag into the chopper and climbed in after it. As the chopper lifted off, he looked down on the place he had … Read more

College Sex Chronicles: Sister Hazing

None of the seasoned sorority sisters thought the shy, mousy pledge girl would have the guts to get through the intensive period of hazing. Jenny, the pledge, had a very quiet, timid voice. She was petite with a very slender frame standing no more than 5ft tall. All the sisters thought her clothes to be … Read more

Halloween with Kym

My first ever story based on a fantasy that will most likely never happen… (All characters of are Adult age). I am a cross-dresser, who while I had custody of my Daughter Kym, stopped dressing. The characters are real, (names have been changed to protect the innocent), the locations are real. Only the events are … Read more

Tiffany – Ch. 2

The next few days were agonizing for me. I was on pins and needles, waiting (and hoping) Chris would finally call me. I felt so stupid, checking my cell phone every chance I got, or keeping my cordless home phone with me at all times while I was at home. I didn’t dare leave the … Read more


I love my boyfriend; the dark chest hair that sprawls easy across his chest. His hands, enormous and bronzed on the back side. He is a man’s man. Unemotional and logic based. Good with his hands, short with his words, yet over time I have come to appreciate that he is also very sweet spirited … Read more

My Afternoon

I’m sitting in my living room reading, some movie on TV. When there’s a knock at my kitchen door. It’s him. Now before I go further let me tell you about me. I’m Aimee. Your standard goth, nerdy teenager. 5’10”,Short reddish brown hair, b-cup tits. And slightly wider hips/waist but still looking pretty good. And … Read more