House Slut – The First Morning

Tegan awoke abruptly as she head the door to her room open and a swathe of light cut across her bed for a moment, disturbed as someone entered through the ajar door, then another click and the room was cast into darkness again. She could hear someone’s breathing other than her own, confirming if it … Read more

Lost Empire 28

Derrick was still in shock, what in the hell was going on? Reaching out again Derrick touched Mary’s arm, again snatching his hand back. Sitting there a minute Derrick’s face showed his confusion then a wide smile lit up his face. “Shelby, has anyone had access to access to my brain amplifier?” Derrick asked expecting … Read more


“None Richer than I”—the sequel to “The Third Richest Man in the World.” The story will be posted in three parts. I had so much fun writing “The Third Richest Man in the World” way back in the summer of 2014 that I thought it merited a sequel—what happened with my impish “wives” once our … Read more

Lost Empire 30

Derrick was sitting alone in his command chair, even solid Mary hadn’t attempted to move closer. After seeing the starving people, the rags for clothes, many people on the verge of collapse, Derrick had virtually lost it. He’d been deadly serious about leveling the palace the Duke was living in. Derrick hadn’t really cared whether … Read more

Three Granddaughters – part 2- Mickey ‘sdick

Three Granddaughters- Part 2-Mickey Dusty, the oldest of my three granddaughters, and her husband, Andy, lived in my small rent house across the street from me. Just before they married, Dusty had shared with me that she was already pregnant. Pregnancy made her life a continuous state of sexual desire. The same day she gave … Read more

Lost Empire 6

Derrick looked at the readings, pausing only a second, he pressed the start button, at first it wasn’t too bad. Suddenly it was like the full opening of a huge set of flood gates. Derrick opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out, reaching up he tried to pull the head set off, no … Read more

Have Hands–Will Travel_(0)

Have Hands –Will Travel The Early Years It was while in the Army I actually done something to really change my life. The times reflected the mood of the early 1970’s with the Vietnam War, Watergate , and Women’s Lib in the headlines.. I was stationed at Monterey, California at Ft. Ord . I was … Read more

Lost Empire 56

0001 – Tempro 0003 – Conner- Thomas 0097 – Ace – Zimmel 0098 – Lucy 0101 – Shelby (mother ship) – Derrick 0125 – Lars 0200 – Ellen 0301 – Rodrick 0403 – Johnathon 0667 – Marco – Brown 0778 – Jan 0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human) 0908 – Tara – Mara 0999 – … Read more

Awesome Mom Part 2

Awesome Mom Part 2 Thanksgiving had come and gone and so did mom and I. When our neighbor left our house, Dad watched a movie with us in the living room while mom cleaned up. When she was done she came into the living room and watched the end of the movie. When it was … Read more

An alien intervention (rewrote) what am

An Alien intervention Copyright 2015 This book is entirely fiction. Any names, dates, or places are completely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any way or form without the written consent of the author.   1. An unplanned alien meeting. It all started when I was seventeen. I was the five … Read more

Reunion Ch. 3_(2)

Chapter 3 Cindy left early the next morning to get home, and watch her siblings. I sat on the back porch with my coffee, and pulled out my phone. “Change of plans.” I texted Katherine. I wasn’t expecting her to reply. I didn’t know what her shooting schedule was, and was surprised when she called … Read more

Sam 4_(2)

Landing with a thud Sam looked at the I.P. troops that were moving his way with an almost murderous rage. “There it is!” He heard one of the troops yell. Several pointed there gas weapons at him as they started to advance. They were only twenty yards away when Sam held up his hand. “Unless … Read more

Lost Empire 19_(0)

Derrick kept watch over Kimison as Mary started his treatment. Derrick knew all too well what was needed to break the hold that all the fear and pain held on him. She was barely into the start of the procedure when Derrick felt him tense up; looking up a moment later she motioned me close. … Read more

Lost Empire 11

Derrick was about to go nuts, for several days he’d been restricted to the bio-bed. Now that it had released him, Shelby was always near him watching him like a hawk. Damn! He couldn’t even go to the bathroom without her being there watching every move that he made. Even though she wasn’t actually alive … Read more

Egg Ch. 4

Egg Chapter 4 Jacob woke up again for the third time in the night. Breathing heavily as sweat poured off of him, he tried to calm down. The nightmares of swirling darkness tormented him now without abating in its cryptic message. Sitting up, he looked over at the clock. “Damn,” he said out loud to … Read more