Oh no it might be heredity

Ok, ok, OK! Totally over the top, deviant and …probably deserve any of the consequences.

No excuses but will lay out the groundwork.

Have…I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at it’s greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed.

Could have been because of the demands two babies put on our relationship, but most likely it was our realization that we were getting bored with each other. Cannot say which of us was the first to step out of our marital commitment, and to be honest, it was probably me.

Heck, by the time I first found out about my husband’s infidelities from my best friend, I broke into a hysterical laugh.

My confused friend was beside herself…she did not expect that reaction. Especially since she was confessing. She said that her and Bill, my husband, had gotten a little carried away, too much to drink, and the opportunity…and well…they ended up fucking.

Told her that all was forgiven…and that at least Bill wasn’t gay. Even told her to be my guest…as I was too busy playing my own field. Shocked the hell out of her.

The thing was, at the time of our conversation, I had her husband’s sperm sloshing around in my cunt…he had just gone out the back door as Eve came in the front!

Did not tell her that though.

As the kids grew up my opportunities were limited and my liaisons became further and further apart. Unfortunately, my sexual hunger seemed to get stronger and stronger.

Which made me take risks that I normally would not have done…and culminated in my getting caught by Bill, fucking his younger brother.

Bill used it as an excuse to file for divorce. Knew it was an excuse because I also knew he was fucking his brothers wife. Thing is, I did not care.

But…it sure changed our children. Guess we both did a good job of hiding our feelings because our son Sam and our daughter Sara were completely devastated.

So much so, they drew tighter to each other as if their very existence revolved around just them.

The first six months of the divorce went by in a flash, too much to do and too little time did not allow for much extracurricular activities. Had just three dates and one spontaneous encounter.

That spontaneous encounter is key though to what eventually happened.

Sam was in the final semester of High School and I was researching a college in the next town over. Decided to go on one of their sponsored tours.

Since I could not make the scheduled tour, the college made arrangements for a private tour.

My tour guide was a handsome young man, a student…

He showed me the campus and I enjoyed his company…and for whatever reason, I felt the need to flirt. I got a positive response, which encouraged me.

He asked if I would like to see what the dorms looked like…if he did not know what my intent was…he would soon.

By the time I was done with him…I realized a few things. Young, hard men…err, boys turn me on, they have fantastic repeatability, and…I wanted more.

In fact, as I drove home, his cum from multiple orgasms still filled my vagina, I was getting an insatiable desire for more. I almost lost control of the car with an unintended orgasm stimulated by just a fantasy of a young hard cock!

The feeling just would not go away.

My intent was to get home, shower and masturbate the feeling out of me.

Unfortunately my mad dash to my room was stopped by some pressing need of my daughter.

To make matters worse…Sam walked in the room and instinctively I found myself assessing my son. Not as my son…but as a hard, young man in need of a good fucking.

At almost eighteen, Sam was already over six feet tall, very athletic, and the bulge in the front of his jeans led me to think he was well endowed too.

Against my best efforts to shake off my illicit thoughts, I could feel the juices flow within my cummy cunt.

Twenty minutes later, in the shower, I exploded with a violent orgasm as my vibrator touched sensitive spots…but my brain was filled with a vision of a young, hard man…my son!

As I slowly came down from my indulgence a feeling of guilt crept into my consciousness.

That guilt permeated my thoughts well into the night…until, I woke up in the throws of another orgasm. I was dreaming about fucking Sam.

The next morning it was all I could do to herd Sam and Sara out the door for school so I could get on line to try and get Sam out of my consciousness.

I am an occasional user of a social network…uhmm…well, let’s just say it is a site that allows anonymous sexual play via web cam.

It worked for a while…but time was flying and needed to get to work. Thought I shut the computer down…but found out later I some how disconnected from the web, but kept the camera on. This turned out to be fortuitous or contentious depending on how you look at it.

Work was a bitch that day and ended up having to work well into the evening. So much later, Sam and Sara had already gone to bed by the time I got home.

Thought about just grabbing a book and going to bed when I noticed that the computer was still on and the camera light was blinking.

Shit…forgot to turn it off this morning.

Before turning it off, thought better make sure that nothing embarrassing was still on it.

Thankfully, the feed had been turned off and all that was recorded was of me standing up and turning away from it this morning…maybe one of my tits flashed, but other than that, we were ok.

Went to clear the memory…but for whatever reason, maybe curiosity, or whatever fast forwarded until the kids came home from school.

A warm feeling enveloped me as I watched the door open and Sara, then Sam enter. They made it home safe.

Sara dropped her backpack on the floor and turned towards Sam, “Mom texted and said she won’t be home until late.”

A smirk came across Sam’s face as Sara put her arms over Sam’s shoulders. “I know…”

I was floored…Sara’s lips met Sam’s and they embraced as if…as if…they were lovers!

It was as if my jaw completely fell from my skull as I watched MY SON slide his hand under MY DAUGHTER’s sweater, his hand obviously fondling her tit.

They broke their embrace as Sara pulled her sweater over her head.

Sara had really filled out in the last year or so, her breasts were barely contained in the cups of her bra. Which she subsequently discarded. Her firm, full tits appeared to be defying gravity.

Sam bent over as he lifted one of her tits, his mouth enveloping her taut nipple.

As shocking as this visual was to me…I could feel my own nipples tightening.

He kissed one, and then the other…Sara had tilted he head back closing her eyes. She was enjoying this. She opened her jeans with her hands and wiggled out of them panties and all.

My daughter was no longer a little girl; she had developed into a well-defined woman. She could have been a finely sculptured Roman goddess with exquisite curves, well-defined legs, firm buttocks, narrow waist, and those firm full tits. What pubic hair she had was shorn close into a small “V”.

A small pang of jealousy seared through me…and then, I thought…heck no…I have my assets too.

Sam had pulled his shirt off as Sara kicked her jeans out of the way. The sight of Sam’s muscular upper body sent a signal directly between my legs.

The thought of him being my son was just an afterthought…shit, I thought…have to be depraved as my anxiety built as he unbuckled his pants.

His cock popped out as he stretched his jeans down past his hips…it slapped against his hard abdomen.

Sara’s expression appeared to be one of greed…she reached out and grabbed the base of his cock. Her hand barely covered half.

Another pang of jealousy, this one much stronger, but for a different reason…my body wanted that cock!

Sara leaned into Sam, their bodies forming against each other as Sara still held his cock. They again embraced but with a different sense of urgency.

Even in my heightened sense, it passed my mind that what was about to happen was almost the top taboo of the civilized world. That illicit thought actually increased the flow of my cunt…not even realizing that somehow I had shed my own panties and had my fingers manipulating my cunt and clit. I was trying to hold myself back…

A kaleidoscope of images flooded my senses; mostly all based on a concept of lust but sprinkled in were sparks of morality fighting a losing battle.

That battle was lost as Sara leaned back onto the couch with Sam’s body being accommodated by Sara’s spreading of her thighs.

Could not stop myself from hitting the zoom and focusing in as the head of Sam’s young hard cock spread the swollen lips of Sara’s cunt.

Sara froze for an instant and Sam slightly pulled back, but at the end of that instant, Sara pulled Sam by his ass cheeks as he pushed with authority. Sam was completely imbedded in his sister…a small grunt emitted from her.

They immediately coordinated themselves into a rhythm, Sara’s hips oscillating upwards as Sam thrust into her.


The worst part about it…my hand was fucking my now soaking cunt and I could not stop.

I was so fucking turned on, that my only concern was holding my own orgasm off to possibly meet theirs.

It was not meant to be…I felt myself going over the top…my nipple in hypersensitivity being manipulated with my free hand…the other doing it’s best to emulate the thrusting of my son into my daughter.

I could not hold back…my eyes closed to the vision within myself…my breathing out of control…a moan stretched into my consciousness but seemingly from afar…then I peaked…my legs turning to rubber, my hand in my crotch getting doused from my unfettered orgasm…the nipple in my other hand dilating.

Son of a BITCH…did I have an orgasm. I could not restrain the scream that welled up deep within me and vomited from my throat.

In the first second of consciousness, I was able to recognize that both Sara and Sam had also yielded to their own mutually explosive orgasm. Sara arched her body up and Sam froze as best he could with uncontrollable spontaneous contractions of his testicles.

The sight of them caused a secondary orgasm of my own, not much less than my first.

It now took a minute or two to recognize the sound breaking through my cloud of euphoria…

Apparently my vocal exclamation due to my orgasm was heard up stairs and Sara yelled out to see if I was all right.

A thought streaked through my head, “Yeah, I am all right…just got carried away watching you fuck your own brother” but instead I just yelled back, “Yeah…I’m ok…just stubbed my toe”. Do not know why I felt like adding that.

Glanced back at the screen just in time to see Sam extract his still swollen cock from the person that I just responded to. His cock glistening from their mutual excreted juices…a string of his cum stretching from her gapping, sperm loaded cunt.

My brain would never be the same.

I quickly condensed the video and saved it into a lockable file. Felt guilty at first, but by the time I was ready for bed…my mind began to wander…hell if I did not masturbate myself to another orgasm…

Spent the rest of the night in an emotional battle with myself as to how I might address this whole situation…it would take longer than a night though.