Nikolai and Anya (Anne Marie)

Nikolai and Anya (Anne Marie)

Knocking on the door to what was supposed to be Nikolai’s apartment I waited anxiously for him to answer. After a few moments I heard a sexy, masculine voice saying just a moment in Russian. I hoped that it was Nikolai.
I would know as soon as I gave him the code phrase, and he responded with the completion of the scripture verse.
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,” I said quietly in Russian when he opened the door.
“For he has visited and redeemed his people.” He replied in Russian completing the verse. All of our conversations were in Russian, even though I knew English; I hadn’t spoken or even thought in the language for over 15 months.
I told him that I had a message from his parents and grandparents.
Opening the door wider he said, “Come in, please.”
As I stepped into the apartment I noticed that he was wearing a towel wrapped around his waist, and that his thick, wavy dark brown hair was wet, and his shoulders and torso, also, gleamed with sheen of water as though he had just stepped out of the shower. He must have turned the water off just before I knocked at the door, because I didn’t hear the sound of running water coming from the room. He was muscular, but not overly so. And his chest was as smooth as a baby’s bottom in appearance.
As soon as I was inside the apartment, he closed the door and helped me take my backpack off, which he then placed, on the floor next to the door.
“Come and sit next to me, and you can tell me about how my parents and grandparents are doing.”
After he said this he sat down on a small sofa, which was actually more of the size of what one would call a loveseat and invited me to sit down next to him. When I sat down next to him, we were so close that to be more comfortable he placed his left arm across the back of the seat behind my shoulders.
“They are concerned in that they have not heard from you for several months. They are fine though, and hope that you are well. But, I do have some bad news for you. On the way here I was asked to take a message to Chilovo, and the couple that I met there were your grandparents Afanasi and Filipa. Your grandmother is dying from cancer, and they would really appreciate it if you would come to visit and say goodbye. They do not know how long she has. She is in a lot of pain and has lost a lot of weight. I spent a week with them, and they were very kind and sweet to me.”
“May I ask how it is that you came to be in contact with my parents and grandparents?”
“Actually, I’m not a Soviet citizen, and in this country illegally. Your compatriots are helping me to get out of the country, even though technically I’m a Jew. I’ve agreed to deliver messages in exchange for safe places to stay as I travel through the country towards the Black Sea.”
“Do you know where your next stop will be after this?”
It was hard to concentrate and keep my mind on what I was supposed to tell him. I could feel the heat from his body combining with mine, and wondered if he was having the same problem with concentrating. It was all I could do to keep from reaching up and running my hands through his hair and over his body. I, also, wanted him to do the same to me.
“Excuse me, I asked if you knew where you’d be going to after you leave here.”
“Actually I don’t…unless there is someone in another town that you would like me to take a message to. “
“Well, I do have meeting with some fellow believers coming up, only thing is though the meeting is not for another couple of weeks.”
Lightly biting on my lower lip, I told him that I could leave and find a place to hide and return after two weeks. Plus I was getting so warm that I had to unbutton the top three buttons of the shirt that I was wearing. I didn’t know if that would do any good, as that the heat wasn’t of an external nature. Instead it was of an internal nature. Not only was I feeling extremely hot, but also I was starting to feel very moist in between my legs.
Looking at me through half-lidded eyes, he slowly lowered his arm and laid it across my shoulders. When he did this he, also, took and laid his other hand on my right leg just above the knee, and gently started to run his hand up my inner thigh. As he did this, I spread my legs just a little bit allowing him to be able to run his hand all the way up my leg.
“You don’t have to leave. I’ve got a nice comfy bed that I’d be glad to share with you.” He said as he moved his hand from my inner thigh and started unbuttoning my shirt.
Taking a deep breath, I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, and then moved my hands down onto his bare chest. As I slowly rubbed his chest, he finished unbuttoning the shirt that I was wearing, and gently pushing it back off my shoulders revealing that I was not wearing a bra.
“Ah, no bra, and I’ll bet that you are not wearing any underpants either.” He commented as he unzipped the pants that I had on.
Of course it was true. My underwear had worn out, and they were always the hardest articles of clothing to replace. When he had finished unzipping my pants, he slipped his hand inside and very quickly found that special spot that made me start to squirm. Within a few seconds I had also slipped my hand under the towel and was gently sliding it up and down his masculine appendage feeling it grow hard under my hand.
“Yeah, I was right. No underwear at all.” He said as he slipped his finger into me for a few seconds, and then removed his hand.
“Nikolai, don’t stop.”
He slowly lowered his head until our lips met in a passionate kiss. It was the kind of kiss that takes one breath away. When that first kiss was over with he stood up, letting the towel fall to the floor revealing his hard cock. Taking my hands in his, he slowly pulled me to my feet. Once I was on my feet, he slowly slid my pants off. I had already taken my shoes off earlier in order to relax my feet.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” He said as gently pulled me in that direction.
“That sounds perfect.” I quietly said, as I let him show me the way.
Leaving everything behind, we went to the bedroom. The room was small, but did not feel crowded. The bed was double-sized, and one side was set against the wall opposite the door. It was covered with a thick coverlet, which was a deep maroon in colour. Several matching pillows were at the head and along the side next to the wall. To the left was a large dresser, and to the right was a desk, with several books and papers on it.
On the desk was an old phonograph, and stacked next to it were a bunch of 45’s. As we entered the room, Nikolai let go of my hand and went over to the desk. Looking through the stack of records, he selected some and put them on to play. I was unfamiliar with the song, but it was a romantic love song. Walking back over to me, he took me in his arms and we danced naked around the room.
When the song ended, we were right next to the bed. After Nikolai folded the covers back, we both climbed into the bed. It was soft, but not too soft. At first he just held me in his arms, while the next record that he had put on played. He had actually put a stack of five records on the spindle. When one record was done playing, the next one would drop down and start playing.
As the records played one after another, we caressed and explored each other’s body. Slowly he brought me not to one, but several climaxes, practically one after the other. With the last climax, my body was shaking as he finally reached his own climax. Collapsing into each other’s arms we drifted off to sleep.
Several days passed while waiting for him to meet with others from his group. Each day he went off to his work at a local factory. When he returned home I would have dinner waiting for him. While I was putting the last touches on the meal, he would wash up just enough so that the food would still be hot.
After dinner he would take a shower. But half way through it, he would call for me to join him in the shower. Once I was in the shower, he would knell down on the floor and place his hands on my thighs. When he did that I would move my feet apart and he would put his head between my legs. He would slowly start licking my pussy circling and gently sucking on my clit. After a while he would fuck me with his tongue until I would cum.
After he finished fucking me with his, he would turn the water off and we would dry each other off. While I would dry him off, I would play with his cock and slide my hand up and down getting it hard. After we were dry, we would go to the bed where he would once again fuck me with his tongue until I would beg him to fuck me with his cock.
Some nights we would fuck almost all night long and he would get a couple hours of sleep.
After he had met with others in his group, he brought me two messages to deliver to contacts in two other locations. I stayed for an additional week, memorising the messages and the identifying scriptures. He apologised that the places were so far away. The first one that I was going to was Divoye, which was located 200 kilometres away and the second one, Stavropol’, was 150 kilometres beyond that. At least those were the distances if one travelled in a straight line.
The time passed by quickly as we learned more and more about what would bring each other full and total pleasure and enjoyment. At the end of our time together, I did not want to leave. But, I knew that to remain would and could lead to problems. One problem was that I was losing myself; I was becoming Anya Mikelovna, instead of Anne Marie.
The day finally arrived that I had to say good-bye. Nikolai actually took that day off from work, so that we could spend my last few hours together fucking. He made me promise that I would never forget about him or the time that we had together, and of how special it was for both of us.