Night Shift at Eddies

Amy and Liz had the graveyard shift again. There was nothing fun about working from 8PM to 4 AM, but the two girls got along and since it was a Tuesday night they’d probably only get a couple of orders in the last half of their shift. Amy was a local girl, she was one of the pretty girls in high school but just cause you were pretty four years ago doesn’t mean you’re anything now. She was still attractive, at 5’2” and a hair over 100 pounds. However with her skinniness also came a lack of tits. Her perky A cups didn’t pull the guys like they used to. Liz on the other hand was a bit thicker, nobody would call her fat, but next to Amy she always got a little self-conscious, even though she knew that more guys were staring at her tits than at Amy’s skinny body. At 8PM when they took over there was still some guests in the dining area and a small line at the drive through. Amy and Liz were exchanging the regular pleasantries, talking about their weekend and such. By 10 they were getting a drive through every ten or so minutes.

By eleven things had slowed to a crawl and Amy in a fit of boredom turned to Liz, “Hey, want to make things a little more fun?” Liz shrugged and said sure. She was on her phone trying to line up a guy to hook up with this weekend. Liz wasn’t looking for anything serious, just a nice guy to throw her a hard bone. Amy grabbed two cups and filled them halfway with ice and cola. She then headed back into the breakroom. A couple minutes later she came back with the cups. Put the tops on them and inserted straws. When she was done she handed one to Liz who took it absentmindedly and took a big drink. “Oh damn, that’s mostly rum” Liz was caught off guard by how strong the drink was. Not that it would impair her in any way, but she didn’t normally drink or anything on the job since their branch manager was kinda a religious freak. A car pulled up and Amy took the order, they both assemble it and a minute later they were standing alone again. They exchanged more pleasantries as they sipped their drinks. They served another customer and fell into a bit of a silence. This time Liz decided to escalate things, “Truth or Dare?” Amy lit up and turned her full attention to Liz, “Truth.” Liz paused “How many guys have you fucked at this piece of ship joint?” Amy laughed, “Do you mean here in the Eddie’s or guys who work here?”

“Oh god, guys who work here.” Amy made a show of counting on her fingers, but it was four guys, which didn’t seem too crazy for this town. Amy took a sip of her drink, “Truth or Dare”. Liz thought for a minute and decided on Truth. “Ok, have you ever jilled off at work?” Liz blushed immediately, which she realized was just as good as yelling yes. In a quiet voice she replied “I have”. Liz took a big sip of her drink, “Truth or Dare?” Amy was quick with her response “Truth.” Liz wanted to find something this little slut would be embarrassed about, “What was your most embarrassing fuck? and be honest I’ll know if you’re lying!” Amy looked to the ground, she knew almost nothing she could make up would sound believable so she went with the truth. “I was caught by my mom fucking my cousin in his truck.” Liz could hardly believe what she heard, but a car pulled up.

The girls snapped to and got the order out. As they settled back in, Amy finally broke the silence, “Truth or Dare” Liz decided that the truth bit had gotten too real so she went with dare. Amy wanted to humiliate Liz a little. “The first dare, hmmm, how about you serve the next guy without a bra and you blouse unbuttoned four buttons” Liz always complained to Amy about how tough it was to button the fourth button cause it was the one right between her tits and her shirt was too tight. Amy tried not to hesitate as she turned around, unbuttoned her shirt, and removed her bra. She put the shirt back on and buttoned it to the required degree. Amy was amazed at how good Liz’s tits looked. You could even make out her pierced nipples through the polyester. Any knew she had these since they used the same locker room, but seeing them like this surprised her. Liz was blushing a little and took a sip from her drink, “And now we wait.” it wasn’t too long before another customer arrived. She approaches the window, there are two men in the front and both of them fixate on her tits as she opens the window. Liz cleared her throat, “That’ll be eleven thirty six please.” The driver handed her a twenty barely taking his eyes off her bosom. “Honey, keep the change.” She gave them a smile as she handed them their food and even squeezed her tits together a bit as she told them to have a nice night. Liz’s heart was racing as she returned to Amy.

She gave Amy a victorious look and asked her “Truth or Dare?” Amy hesitated but she knew what she had to do. “Dare.” Liz looked around a minute and settled on what she wanted Amy to do. She went over to the fryer and grabbed one of the aprons. “You serve the next guy wearing only this.” Liz dropped the apron to the ground in-between them. Amy took a big swig of her drink and stared at Liz as she stripped naked. Liz could see why guys liked her, even if she was a twig she was a very pretty one, and her pussy was absolutely gorgeous. It was so smooth looking, and the lips were slight and perfect. Amy bent over and picked up the apron, she adjusted it till he perky little tits were almost popping out, which made even her little assets look inviting. She settled in and took another sip of her drink giving Liz a joking glare. The next guest was a middle-aged man in a reasonably nice truck. When Amy went to the window the guy did a double take. The truck was a bit higher than most cars so Amy knew he could see most of her. She made eye contact, “That’ll be eight seventy four.” She stuck out her hand and gave him some baby doll eyes. He took a breath in and handed her a twenty, “Now doll, if you were to maybe show me a little more, I always pay well for dinner and a show.” Amy backed away from the window a little and began to sway to the sides, showing off her almost nonexistent chest. The man dropped a five through the window, “Come on honey, a real show” Amy honestly could use the extra money and she liked showing up Liz and her juicy tits. Amy turned around and started showed off her bare ass. She looked back over her shoulder and saw him drop another five. She was over twenty dollars now but wanted to crush Liz’s tip. She turned back around to face the man. “How much would you pay to see it all?” Liz chuckled to herself and shook her head. The man took out another twenty but held it above the window. Amy untied the apron and let it drop to the floor. Naked as the day she was born she brought him his food, took the twenty and walked out of site. Satisfied the man pulled out. As soon as he was out of the lot Liz burst out “Holy fuck you little slut, that was amazing! At this rate you can skip a shift next week.” Amy walked back to her clothes and started putting them on, once her underwear and pants were back on she looked at Liz, “Truth or Dare?” Liz was worried but she was also feeling really hot. She couldn’t quite explain it but this was some of the best foreplay she’d ever engaged in. She was wet enough to take almost any dick life could throw at her. Standing tall with her tits almost bursting from her shirt and her panties wet, Liz responded, “Dare”. Amy smiled, “When the next guy comes I will tell him to park out back and that we’ll bring the food to him. You will go out the back door buck ass fucking naked and deliver it to him. I take that back, you should still wear your hat, makes you look official.” Liz couldn’t believe she was agreeing to it but she wanted this more than almost anything in her life. “Fine, just prop the door open so I can get back in.”

They had to wait a while, and Liz had started to cool down around 1AM, but eventually a nice looking sedan pulled in. Amy chirps through her headset, “Good Evening, may I take your order” The two girls wait for the response; they’re both relieved when a man’s voice responds “yeah, are you serving coffee yet? If so, just give me a large, no cream, no sugar” Amy quickly responded, “Sure, I’m sorry for the inconvenience but our window is broken, if you park behind the Eddie’s we will bring your order out to you.” There was a devastating pause, and then “Sure, whatever” Liz began stripping as Amy brewed a fresh pot of coffee. As soon as there was enough to fill a cup Amy pulled the pot and filled the order. Liz was breathing heavily as she approached the back door. She knew what her assets were and so she walked with the cup in front of her stomach and her shoulders back, showing off her ripe tits, large areolas and pierced nipples. She took one last deep breath and opened the door. She didn’t look back but she heard Amy slide the door stop into place. The sedan was nicer than most you’d see in town and in it was a guy who couldn’t have been much older than the two girls. He was clean cut and his handsome face was illuminated by his phone. The air was a little cold and Liz felt her nipples getting extra hard. Without looking at them she knew that it had been a good decision to wear her nice studs when she got dressed today.

She was about six feet from the car when he finally looked up. His eyes just about popped out of his sockets when he saw the luscious body approaching him. He opened his door as she approached and just stared at her. Liz broke the silence, “This’ll be 99 cents.” She offered him the coffee. He took it in a slight daze and put it in the car’s cup holder. He turned back to Liz, she held out her hand. He moved forward and pulled her body against his. “I’m sorry sir, I’m just here to deliver the coffee.” Liz started to get a little worried that this was a step too far. He took a half step back, but still held her. He cleared his throat, “I only have a hundred, you can keep the change.” He reached into his pocket and drew his wallet. Finally releasing his grip on her he pulled out a hundred dollar bill. Liz stepped forward and took the bill. She saw how much cash he had and she knew she could milk him for more. Better yet she’d let just about anybody fuck her at this point. She held eye contact and went in for a kiss. He grabbed her and kissed deeply. Liz felt her juices flowing despite the cold.

Amy watched in astonishment as her co-worker starting kissing this stranger. She became glued to the security camera screen as Liz opened the door to the back seat of the sedan and laid down. In seconds the man’s pants we down. Amy undid her belt and unbuttoned her pants. She slid a finger down into her pussy, enjoying how moist it was. Using her natural lubricant she started working herself. In seconds the storm was building. She didn’t stop as the guy pulled off Liz and grabbed his wallet from the ground, handing her another bill as she started sucking his cock.

Liz knew how much guys liked eye contact during head. It didn’t bother her one bit as he started pulling on her hair, harder and harder. One hand was on his hip, steadying herself, while the other was working her clit more violently then she’d ever done before. All of a sudden he grabbed her head hard and held her face to his crotch, it was clear to her that he was trying not to cum just yet. Between the force on her head, the choking and her brutal rubbing, she began cumming hard. She’d have been screaming at the top of her lungs if it weren’t for the fact she couldn’t draw breath. As she started to black out he released he and she fell back onto the seat. She was still in a daze as she felt her legs brought up, exposing her fat ass. As he began slapping her ass she knew what was happening but was in too pleasurable of a place to care. Eventually he stopped and resumed fucking her sloppy pussy.

Amy was almost there, seeing Liz’s face fucked like an inanimate object had almost put her over but now she just wanted to know that this man had cum in her co-worker. When she couldn’t take it anymore she was relieved by the site of a couple final thrusts and the man stepping back. She cried allowed as she let the release hit her. She was going to need a new pair of panties since these ones were drenched. She got up and headed to the locker room. As she passed the counter she heard the ding notifying her that a customer had pulled up. She quickly grabbed the headset and took the order.

When Liz saw the headlights she thought she’d been caught. Her heart raced and she snapped back into reality. The guy quickly moved to block the open door and soon the car was pulling around the building. Liz edged out of the car. Once again she was standing naked in front of this stranger. Although this time she had two hundred bucks in her hand. She leaned up again and gave him a sloppy kiss. Without saying a word she turned and headed to the back door. He was just passing through this town but he knew he’d never forget that thick slut.

Liz waited till the car had gone before walking back into the main floor. Amy was standing there with her drink, pants still unbuttoned. Liz stood in front of her with her hands on her hips, a little cum leaking from her pussy, “Truth or Dare.” Amy paused, “I think we should think about stopping soon, it’s almost two and you know how busy things get around four. We really shouldn’t take any chances.” Liz was surprised by this. She knew the facts as well as Amy, but trying to call it quits on your turn was complete bullshit. “No, no, no. Your last dare, and then we’re done. I won’t make you go outside or anything.” Amy was a little worried about the time but agreed, “Fine, dare. What are you going to have me do?” Liz smiled, she’d thought of this while she was bathing in a healthy glow and her pussy was still getting pounded. “I dare you to serve the next customer completely naked, and you have to do whatever he tells or suggests you do. Without you leaving the building or him coming in.” Amy thought on this and agreed. She even preemptively stripped naked, so that both the girls were standing there in their birthday suits. “The dare was for me, you can get dressed now.” Liz thought on this and decided she was feeling too good about her body to cover it up just yet. “I know, I’ll get dressed when I’m good and ready to.” Two thirty comes around and there were still no customers. Amy turned to Liz “My drinks empty.” They both looked at each other. Amy put her drink down and stepped in close to Liz “You know one thing I’ve never done in here?” Liz laughed, “Come on Amy, there’re no guys here for you to impress.” Amy didn’t stop though, and soon she was tracing the outlines of Liz’s breast with her small delicate hands. Liz could feel herself building up again and didn’t stop Amy as she began flicking her nipples with her tongue. She bit down on one of Liz’s pierced nipples and pulled back hard, making eye contact and still licking the tip. Amy released the tit and looked Liz in the eyes, “Do you want to taste me? I saw how long you stared at my pussy earlier.” Liz gulped, she didn’t really want to but the situation was making her flush and horny. She couldn’t bring herself to say it but she nodded. Amy put her hand on Liz’s shoulder and started to pull her down. Liz took the hint and slowly dropped to her knees. She didn’t know what was more uncomfortable, the fact that she was on the restaurant floor or that she was going to find out what her co-worker tasted like. Her pussy was adorable though. It made Liz jealous seeing something so cute, she knew it probably felt the same as hers but it still irked her. She could smell the soft musk, as she lowered her face to it. She opened her mouth a little and gave where she assumed her clit was a kiss. She didn’t taste anything, and she knew that she wasn’t really in there yet so she gave her a slightly deeper kiss. There still wasn’t any taste but at least Amy let out a squeak with her firmer kiss. Liz breathed in Any’s musk, opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue a bit and went in for a deep kiss. She went lower this time and made sure to get between Amy’s lips. The taste surprised Liz but it wasn’t unpleasant. Before she knew it she has gone from kissing her co-worker to licking her pussy from hole to clit. Amy took ahold of a clump of Liz’s hair and began grinding her hips ever so slightly into her face. Liz had begun to focus on Amy’s clit, getting excited by the little noises Amy was making. Suddenly they heard the ding signifying a customer had arrived. Amy fumbled for the headset as Liz increased the pressure with her tongue. Amy could barely squeak out, “Good morning, may I take your order?” As soon as she released the talk button she let out a moan. Amy hadn’t orgasmed yet but Liz slowly got up off the floor and stepped over to the prep station. Amy panted as a slightly slurred male voice responded, “Yeah babe, give me a second, guys what do you want again?” Amy was coming down from that brief high and was unsure how she felt about the number of guys that seemed to be in the car. She took down their order and the two women began preparing it. They were almost done when they started to hear cat calls from the window. When the order was done Amy collected it and walked to the window. There sat a sedan with three guys that couldn’t be more than twenty years old, all clearly drunk. Amy opened the service window, “Here you guys go, that’ll be twenty three, forty eight.” Amy held out her hand. The guys scrounged around between themselves and delivered twenty five bucks in mixed bills. “Hey, babe. How about you give a little twirl?” Amy saw that they were all clearly douche bags but ignored that as she gave them a twirl. “Aww, damn, how bought your friend what does she do?” Liz gave them the bird. Amy leaned forward toward the window, “If you guys have some more change I could do quite a bit more.” This sent the guys scrambling again, much to Amy’s surprise they came back with a lot more money, “What does a hundred and twenty buck get us? Can we get a go at that tight little snatch?” Amy was more pissed than anything that the kids were talking to her like this. Liz piped up though, “No can do fellas, but if there is anything you want to see us do to each other..” and she shrugged her shoulders, sending her tits wobbling. Amy passed Liz a slight glare. The guys pulled back and discussed amongst themselves. Finally the driver leaned back out, cash in hand “We want to see that little brunette eat out and fist you.” Now Liz was caught a little off guard. Amy smiled and reached out the window, snatching the cash. She stood to the side as Liz walked forward and sat her thick ass on the counter. Liz lifted one leg and propped her foot against the window, giving the boys a decent view of her snatch. Her lips were still puffy from the excitement earlier, and although Liz had never been fisted she was pretty sure she’d taken dicks bigger than Amy’s tiny hands. Liz quivered slightly as she held her milky thighs apart. She could still feel the load from earlier slowly leaking from her hole. Amy turned and faced the culmination of her dare. The counter was at a bit of a strange height, such that if Amy were on her knees she wouldn’t be able to really reach Liz’s juicy pussy. After an awkward shuffle as she found her bearings, Amy settled on just spreading her leg slightly and bending over at her hips. As she bent over and lowered her face to the used snatch she could smell Liz’s sex. The boys let out some cries of excitement as Amy began kissing Liz’s pale thighs, working her way slowly to her lips. It had been months since Liz had last been eaten out and although she wasn’t necessarily attracted to Amy the sight and sensation of the petite girl slowly kissing her way to her delicate opening was more than she was ready for. She began focusing on her breath since she didn’t want to cum too fast. Before Liz knew it though, Amy began sucking on one of her lips, pulling it back with just her mouth. Once she had it stretched her Liz’s thigh Amy held it with her fingers. She repeated the process fully exposing Liz’s pussy. “Oh shit! That slut is already soaking wet!” “Nah bro, that’s a fucking load. She’s going to eat a load out of her pussy!” Liz was so focused on her breathing and trying to ignore how good this attention felt that she barely comprehend what the guys were saying. Amy however was loving the fact that they could see the remainder of the load draining from her co-workers hole. She knew that if they had a better view of her slit they’d probably see how wet her own cunt was getting. Amy turned and stuck her tongue out at the boys, and then keeping her tongue out, returned to Liz’s hole and began lapping up the residual fluids. The taste wasn’t great but Amy had sucked dicks that were much fowler than Liz’s pussy. Amy knew she was on a bit of a time crunch but wanted to milk the situation for all it was worth. Once the cum was cleaned up, Amy tongued Liz’s hole a bit more. She was fairly loose, and Amy was pretty sure she’d be able to get her hand in when the time came. Amy could feel Liz twitch as she made her way to her clit. Amy realized Liz must not have cum in the car and still was a bit pent up. She decided it would be best to get her off quickly and then have her fun. They guys would get a better show from a relaxed Liz. Planting her lips on Liz’s clit, Amy began sucking. It was only a couple seconds before Liz began to yelp a little. Amy released the pressure and then started flicking Liz’s hood quickly and consistently with the tip of her tongue. Liz felt an inrush of passion when Amy had released her clit from her mouth, and now that she was flicking it, Liz could barely contain herself. Liz realized that she wasn’t going to be able to resist this and the more she tried to hold it in, the more she knew what was going to happen next.

Amy could see Liz’s stomach shaking, so she released Liz’s lips and placed one hand on her stomach right above her clit. With her other hand she began probing her hole. Amy heard Liz make a cry and seize up, but she wasn’t ready for the solid stream that erupted from her coworker. In her surprise she stood back up, giving the guys in the car an excellent view of Liz squirting all over Amy’s little body. The guys were letting out hoots and hollers at this wonderful site. The moment the stream stopped Amy lowered her head back down. There were a couple minor squirts as she got back to work but Amy mostly ignored those as she got back to licking Liz’s clit. This time when she put her fingers down to Liz’s hole it was clear she could fist her then and there. Instead she gave Liz’s clit a few more flicks and straightened up. She adjusted her stance so the onlookers could see what was happening. She had her back to the window but was sure the guys didn’t mind the view.

Liz looked on in slight shock, trying to get a hold of her breathing again, as Amy ran her hand down into her pussy. Liz knew she was a little loose, but when Amy jammed four of her fingers into her pussy with ease she was shocked. Amy worked her fingers into Liz, keeping the heel of her hand up against Liz’s clit. Liz let out another moan, she had clearly given up on trying to control herself. Amy made the mistake of looking at the clock behind Liz and realized how close they were cutting it. She wanted to get another orgasm out of this cubby piece of ass but she didn’t have time. Amy dropped to a squat, almost disappearing from view for the guys, but this gave her a good angle to get her hand up into Liz’s sloppy hole. With relative ease, Amy made a fist and pressed it against Liz’s entrance. There was only a little give, but after rolling the first around in her juices a bit Amy tried again and got a little further. She pulled back and reapplied Liz’s fluids to her hand. The third time her little fist penetrated Liz fully. Amy had only shoved the first six inches of her arm into Liz when she pulled out. She turned her head back to the window. “There, I fisted her.” Almost immediately there were cries for Amy to fist fuck Liz. It just took a look from Amy and the guys miraculously produced more cash. Amy didn’t care to count it but as soon as it was dropped through the window her fist was shoved back into Liz’s pussy. With almost no remorse Amy pumped her arm in and out of her co-worker, she did begin working Liz’s clit with her free hand but she was more focused on how she was bottoming out with her whole forearm in Liz. Amy was relieved when she felt Liz start to orgasm again. As soon as she felt the shuddering of Liz’s pussy stop, Amy stood up and pulled her arm from the hole. It came out with a plop sound and the hole didn’t immediately close. “Thank you for coming to Eddie’s, we hope your visit was to your satisfaction.” Amy exclaimed as she gathered the cash and closed the window. Amy led a dazed Liz back to where their clothes were.

Liz stood by her clothes for a minute, still reeling from some aftershocks. Amy turned to her, “Hey, get dressed fast. I’m going to wash up but the morning rush will be here soon!” Amy grabbed her clothes from the floor and dashed to the breakroom to wipe Liz’s juices from her body. When Amy returned, Liz was dressed and taking an order. It was still clear that she was a bit dazed about getting fisted but she was functional enough to get through the rest of the shift. Amy helped clear the order and soon they two women were alone again. Amy noticed that Liz was blushing pretty hard, wanting to break the silence she offered “I guess you shouldn’t leave your dares up to chance like that, you never know what’ll happen.”

Liz had never been attracted to a woman and still didn’t really feel it but damn she wanted to do this again. Liz looked at Amy and shook her head, “You’re fucking insane. How much did we end up making?”

“We? That was my dare so I think that means it’s my tip.” Amy put her hands on her hips and tried to look intimidating. They both laughed as the chime signaled that they had another customer. They snapped to action and got the order out. A line had started to form and it was all business for the rest of the shift.