Navya, My Darling 2

Perhaps, the birds see their day opening at the dawn. But for a girl like me, that happiness day dawned on that midnight, when everything was closed/locked, my real world opened between my thighs and I was shown the excellent pleasure of this beautiful sex.

As I narrated earlier, I was lying on my back on the bed, fully exhausted with the first ever orgasm of my life over, tired and satisfied, my cunt still filled with my dad’s rocksteady cock. He was not actually lying on me, but resting on his hands, so that I did not feel his weight. My body was relaxed, my mind still dazed with the orgasm and entire nervous system slowing down after the recent hectic activity. I thought I would fall asleep, but could not, as his rod was still throbbing inside me, like a pendulam, more as a natural reflex of a erect cock. The rubbing inside the walls slowly started to stimulate me, and I could feel the sexual desire lifting its head inside my pussy, , and heat slowly started to spread its wings from my abdomen to other parts, like the milk getting boiled up. There inside me something warned me against my continuing this act, and urged me to leave immediately. But my body seemed to reject this, and though my mind was ordering me to get out, I felt my thighs moving as if disturbed, without my permission and were actually locked in tightly trying to squeeze his rod, and my breathing was becoming laboured.

My dad sensed the difference setting on in me, got out of me, leaving a sudden vacuum inside me and got out of the bed. I felt a stab of disappointment in me, but it was very shortlived. He lifted me, like a child (actually, I was his child only) and made me bent down and stand on my knees across the cot. He adjusted my position painstakingly, and soon I found me standing on an my knees, which were just at the edge of the cot, and my face bent down and resting on a pillow. My legs, beneath the knee, were dangling outside the cot.

He then parted my legs so that he could get in and stood behind me, his legs and hip touching my bottocks. As he neared my back, I felt the sweet tingling in my pussy at the prospect of getting it inside again, and my mouth dried up in desire. But my daddy had different idea.

Instead of his cock, it was his hands that came from behind, and they started playing with my buttocks. II felt his soothing fingers flow over my butts, and then suddenly going below encirling the thighs, and slowly sneaked between them and his fingers forming the shpe of “V”, pressed the outer rings of my pussy lips gently. A shock of pleasure erupted between my thighs and I could find my pussy lips eagerly waiting for his fingers to play with them. But they went further up, and making slight pass at my naval, came up to my back and rested on my anus hole. His little finger made a slight probing of my anus hole, and as I gasped at this unexpected attack, his fingers slightly moved away, and going up along the spinalcord, massaging all the way upto my shoulder blades. He must have been a massage expert in his earlier births. I enjoyed his massaging very much. When suddenly his hands glided down from the shoulders to my breasts and igniting fire on them, went straight to my abdomen, and playing around my pussy for a while, came up again to repeat the above play.

My entire body was slowly catching fire, as his hands played on me like an experienced tabla master. Now his fingers would press my pussy, the next movement on my breast, now treading on my back, now trying to penetrate my anus, now pressing my thighs ….. Oh, there was no regularity, but every time his fingers touched my pussy, his fingers were teasing it more, and one or two occasions, his thumb made an informal entry for a split of a second into my sweet hole. My body was writhing in pleasure, jerking, moving and shivering in ecstatic pleasure, with his every movement. I was panting like a dog after a heavy chase.

I became restless, with my lower lips wanting something hard and rough inside and I was freely oozing. He then stopped his finger-play, and gripping my right hip with his right hand, guided his enormous cock with his left hand to the rosy lips of my cunt. The tip of his big cock pressed into my pussy, sending a shiver in my whole body in expectation. Then leaving the tip tightly fitted into the opening, he gripped my hip with both of his hands, and tried to penetrate into my pussy, his hip lurching forward and drawing my hip toward him. I felt impaled over his mighty organ, and as my pussyt walls had shrunk after the first orgasm, I found it difficult for his rod to penetrate immediately. It was making slow and painful progress into my cunt walls, every penetration of a millimeter length adding pleasure to my veins.

My mind was very much on his cock, but still quite unrelatedly, my thinking wandered to what I heard in National Geo Chennal, which a few days back, shown a python swallowing a deer. The commentator narrated that though the mouth of the snake is smaller than its prey, it would enlarge its mouth size slowly and swallow in even bigger sized prey. I visualised my cunt as a big python, eagerly devouring even bigger cock of my dad.

After a few trying seconds, with a tearing force, his rod rammed into my hole, his tip charging into my womb walls. I don’t knowwy, but his filling up my cunt with his rod sobered me, and my hitherto hot body, and I felt satisfaction pervading my whole body, as if a hungry man got his full tasty and satisfying meal. I felt peace in my head, and my pussy was exulting at the hot rod inside it. It is strange that a hot rod should cool down my hot body.

My father then started his punishing my pussy. Still holding my hip by his hands, he thrust his hips forward, sending his entire length of his penis into my hapless hole – I got double pleasure – his tip thrust upon the innter walls bring in unmeasurable pleasure inside my pussy and his thigh bones charging my buttocks putting them on fire. My lower parts – buttocks, thighs, abdomen – all are in ecstasy. Every time, he charged, an ecstatic feeling gushed from my cunt, and spread all through my body, as would a wave in a pond moving from its centre to its shore. Again, I forgot everying in the world, and my whole attention and life rivetted on my little pussy, which was celebrating its second sex game quite unashamedly. He slowly increased his speed, his force increasing steadily, every charge ended with a sound “…hhhhmmf”. and my cunt and buttocks received relentless beating from this excellent man – and I wanted more and more thrashings, and with each thrust, I felt the pleasure level mounting up and up and escaping through my mouth in moans and gasps.

Like a Steam Railway Engine, his rod was coming out and going inside my pussy, with regular rythm. and everytime he withdrew half his cock, my mouth would cry as “Aah, Aah, Aah” – in small breathes, but when he charged, I would sing a long “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah” as the excitement was unbearable. In addition to the sexy sounds that my mouth was making, my pussy lips, which were heavily salivating due to the action, was also making slurping noises like “gluck, chuck, chuck, blurp, blurp,” everytime he charged, which added not only music to our sex game, and also more sexual feeling to both us, heightening my pleasure.

All of a sudden, my dad grunted that I had never heard before, like a bull in full rage, and I felt his already swollen rod swell further, and his hips moving in lightning speed. I found it very difficult to breath, as the orgasm started to set in, and my cunt, which was no longer in my control, started moving on its own to face the excellent challenge from my dad’s cock, my hips charging backward, everytime my dad thrust forward, my pussy eating his cock more eagerly than ever. I started to shout like “more, more, yes, yes, etc.” and even as I wanted to continue, suddenly exploded into a hysterical orgasm, my little body shaking and receiving his thrusts. Like an Australian geyser, liquid spurt from my pussy, each spring bringing in unimaginable ecstay to my body, the entire world went spinning round and round, my entire nervous system doing overtime to pass the joy all over my body. It lasted for a time eternity, and at the end, when I was in the last throes of my orgasm, my dad strained and pressed his cock very deep nto me, I thought it would come out through my naval. He then cried out loud, shouting something like “Fuck u, Love you, aaaaah, fuck me…” etc, it was not really possible to hear them, as his tongue was not clear, and believed it, his so-far good and dominating little boy, pumped into my cunt a flood of hot sticky liquid in jet speed. He moved for a few seconds in lightning speed, as if the world was going to end, and I I was afraid that my cunt lips would be punctured at its ends by his force.

After some unimaginably forceful thrusts, he slowed down, pausing at each thrust and straining inside me, while his cock pumped in more liquid, and at the end, stopped charging, but his entire rod inside me, without any movement, and stood there like a statue. As my body’s adrenelin stopped pumping and my activities became normal, I found his pretty rough cock relaxing and shrinking fast. In less than 10 seconds, his prick reduced to a very small size, and unable to stay inside my cunt, due to the flood of liquid inside, slipped and came out of my holy hole.

He then lifted me off the bed, and kissing me on my eyes and forehead, hugged me lightly, until my legs found strength to stand on their own. Though it was pitch dark, he could sense that I had recovered fully, and kissed me again and suddenly withdrawing totally from the activity, went to the bathroom, and soon I heard him wash his semen-drenched cock, thights, legs, etc. I was sitting on the cot, and my mind slowly registering the events that happend so fast, and I was suddenly frightened at what had happened to me.

When he came back, I wanted him to take me in his hands, but he straight away went to the bed without even touching me. It was now my turn to clean up, and when I returned, he was completely asleep, snoring. I changed into a new nighty, and fell on the bed, carefully avoiding his nearness. Slowly, I dropped into a shaky slumber, and woke up with a start at about 5.00 in the morning. My mind was vacant in the beginning, but as it caught up with what happend in the night, I felt somewhat sad and shameful and frightened. My left hand slid down and touched my sweet mound, and it immediately throbbed. The initiation had happened and my pussy would never sleep in peace, I thought. I could not sleep any further, as I usually got up at 5.00 in the morning for studying. As I was thinking what to do next, a tap came on the door, and it was – who – my mom. She returned in the first bus, as her another sister came in to take charge from my mom.

I hugged my mom and my body shook as I wept unable to control myself, but my mom thought that it was out of love, for having missed her the whole night. She said some soothing words to me, cajoled me to control myself. I took her to the bed, and insisted that she lied with me for a few minutes. Seeing my face, she agreed, and lied beside me, and within minutes was asleep, as she must have suffered an ordeal the previous day. I waited for full 10 minutes, and got up, brushed and bathed, and made tea for all of us.

First I woke up my dad, and seeing me with a tea cup in hand, he blinked for a moment and then seeing mom on the bed, turned and smiled broadly at me. Exactly at that time, the paper boy called, and my dad took the tea and gone out to read the paper. Then I woke up my mom, and seeing me with tea, she kissed my forehead, calling me a good girl. She then went to the kitchen with tea cup in her hand, to attend to the morning chores. I stood watching both – my dad and mom – and I resolved two things then and there.

Firstly, I resolved never to allow myself to be alone with my dad – which I maintain till date, as I could not trust myself in his hands, and making him aware that what happened that night would never be repeated again. Secondly, I resolved to divert my full attention to my studies – as I was studying 9th standard at that time – to keep my mind fully occuped (as an idle mind is said to be workshop of devil). I studied hard like a possessed girl, and to everyone’s surprise, I got excellent marks, and presently I am studying in one of the first class medical colleges in the neighbouring state, Karnataka. Now I am a medico.

One of my hostel friends introduced me to the sexstories website, and when I saw so many teenagers like me got laid down by their elders – brothers, sisters, mom and dad, uncles, aunts, etc – I decided to share my experience and how I overcame it. If someone younger to me, who had gotten their cunt blown up even before they could differentiate a pee-hole from a pussy, like me, I suggest that they should come out of the trauma boldly like me, never allowing their mind to get sucked into this quicksand of sexual orgy, and concentrate on their studies. Older people, when they get their liquid pumped out, would forget about us, and will look for newer and smaller holes. Take care.

Now, I am staying in a hostel, and from my experience, I warn you that the girls’ hostel is the most dangerous place – for girls. How? I wil write, if time permits. Now it is exam time, and no time to indulge in story writing.

Bye, for the time being, and luv u all.